Thursday, July 31, 2014

6 months escape/prep 2 part 2


( Six Months To Escaping The Rat Race And Preparing For The Apocalypse Cash On The Barrelhead )


Budget, part 2

The best part of this plan, besides it being written by yours truly so you know it will go down in history as some swell drivel, is that it is pretty much attainable by all and sundry with probably a few exceptions like old crippled bitches but of course they get big bucks from Uncle Obammy because he hates white people ( he might be half white but it is the bottom half so he got a pretty raw deal and it makes for a very hostile individual ) and wants to take up all the good parking spots with handicap stalls so that their fat pasty asses have to roll into the McWoodShavings from their SUV’s from farther away, so they shouldn’t have to worry about working.  If you and your blushing bride both work minimum wage jobs- and Come On! How low do I have to lower the bar for you people? Anybody can do this.  If you can’t, I daresay you are definitely NOT the genetic material the post apoc world needs- in theory you are done, debt free, in six months.  Six months of effort and all your worldly troubles fade away to insignificance. Good God, Air Force pukes spend about that much time in basic and advanced training and I’m not sure anyone but a Girl Scout would find that time too taxing ( yes, Wingnuts, I’m dissing on you.  Course, mainly I envied you’all every time I stayed in a tent for a month in the winter ).  Of course I acknowledge that you might not be able to achieve that theoretical perfection of a time schedule in a manner you will care for.  You can’t discharge all your debts, nor will you care to live in such a primitive manner that saving 80% of your income will entail.  But remember, all problems have simple solutions.


I’m not going to pretend to be a bankruptcy lawyer or a specialist in mortgages or tell you I know the intricacies of any laws.  Hell, law professionals barely know the basics and pay folks to keep everyone updated in a manner to avoid the worst embarrassments.  You WILL need to pay someone for that.  Long gone are the days of a paralegal filling out some simple forms for you and a judge rubberstamping the procedure ( the big financial houses the taxpayers support and who are bloodletting the economy get that privilege, not a guy making twenty grand a year with a quarter million in medical bills ).  But I can tell you this.  You can liquidate all your crap that you have.  Don’t want to take pennies on the dollar?  Fine, take zero on the dollar after everyone else loses their job and is desperately trying to sell anything and everything.  The whole point here people, is to beat the rush and prep before the collapse.  Even without Peak Oil Scare Scenario #456 I love to splash on your screen, economic collapses alone will ruin your world.  Why anybody thinks we won’t collapse economically to the equivalent of a bottom listed Third World country confuses me.  We are only above water because of the Petro-Dollar monopoly and that is already plainly unraveling.  Our only remaining asset, crops, will be wiped out without oil imports.  And oil imports will be paid for how?  Even then you have to factor in soil infertility and aquifer depletion and worsening weather. 


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bike jacking


A flash of inspiration overwhelmed me today and I just had to share it with you.  The wave of the future, ladies and gentlemen- bike jacking.  Now, while I’m always humorous even when I’m reporting my own near brushes with dumbassness and stupidity- actually, especially then- some things must be taken seriously.  Peak Oil ( although, you can laugh uproariously at those who refuse to even contemplate the In-The-Rearview-Mirror-Event ), my hair and the availability and price of coffee are all things one simply does NOT poke fun at.  We might have to add Bike Jacking to that list of deadly serious issues.  In fact, I’m thinking I might need to trademark this phrase and charge each time it is used by the media in the future.  I don’t think there have been any reported cases so far, so I might have a shot.  Look, we all know and fear bicycle thieves.  Those crack smoking lower than wale crap mother humpers steal a brothers bike when it is obviously the only transportation they have- I mean, it’s a Huffy or whatever, not some tricked out five grand bike shop peacock feather status symbol a Yuppie bastard uses to troll for bulimic mates near Gold’s Gym.  If you are biking on a China-Mart bike, you got financial issues.  You would think others would respect your needs.  Alas, no.  That is not how the world works.  Bitches be stealing anything they can, from an asthmatics oxygen tank to a chemo patients pain pills to a  gimps prosthetic leg.  Hell, the original Salvation Army bell ringers were there to keep the pennies for the poor from being stolen. 


So, you buy a good lock and always use it.  So, what are desperate thieves going to do?  Bike jacking is the answer.  Soon, very soon, most of us will be a-biking.  All a thief needs is a sock full of nickels or a piece of pipe and they run up behind you at a natural obstacle like a curve where you have to slow down, knock you on the head, you crash and burn and either unconscious or stunned and the guy hops on your bike and takes off.  Come a sudden demand, bikes will be in short supply and hence much more valuable.  There are a few precautions you can take.  Situational awareness, obviously.  And always wear a helmet.  Not only will it perhaps help deflect or absorb a blow, you can put a mirror on either side to keep an eye out behind you.  And, yes, I realize Rawles had an episode in one of his novels where the character had thugs shove a branch in between the spokes to send him ass over teakettle and stop him.  If I remember correctly, however, that was an attempt at the stuff the guy was carrying.  If you want to just take the bike because of its value, that is a very poor tactic.  Now you are aware- and you are welcome.


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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

bias's 2


Inflation bias is a neat one. It can work either way- either ignoring inflation, or giving it too much weight. If you ever are really bored of all the twenty-three different Dance And Sing And Cook shows on all at the same time on broadcast TV, tune in to Antique’s Roadshow on PBS. Here, dillholes drag their junk to appraisers and hope their African Carving Of The Fertility God As Represented By Something I’m So Sure Was Never Ever A Dildo is worth Humongous Big Bucks. Here are dressers made from trees never more seen, in great shape, weighing more than the teams of oxen who drug it around town century after century, worth like $800, and then some idiot painter who smoked dope made a painting which looks like a psychedelic clown wiped his ass with it is estimated to be worth forty grand. The shows I like are the fifteen year comparisons. A clip is shown from 1999, and the value is given. Then, the 2014 value is shown next to it and you get to see the difference. Yet, it doesn’t take into account inflation, does it? You say it held its appraised value? How many cheeseburgers could you buy then, compared to now, with that amount? Same with houses. Are you pricing them in dollars, or years of salary? And did you take into account the lower interest rate? Does it justify the higher price ( higher even after the bubble popped )?


And what if you know ALLLLL about inflation? You think you are one smart cookie, don’t you? You track the drop in wages in adjusted dollars, chart housing in adjusted dollars, counter-chart gold values, all of that. Guess what-you are still operating under an inflation bias. The prices of wages and good no longer is just a result of credit creation and printing press inflation. Now, it is affected by energy decline- something not seen in five hundred years. Let’s look at Citizen First Class bias. You think the Constitution is still valid and you have rights accordingly. You look at the Chief House Negro, and using your Racism Isn’t Cool bias you think nothing of when he nonchalantly informs everyone that they can be detained without warrant indefinitely. To me, with my Kill A Commie For Mommy bias, that looks like the actions of a little place called Soviet Russia. To you, he just means terrorists and such because, you know, you got RIGHTS! Take it to your shallow grave, homie. Last, Surplus bias. You think because there always was more, there always will be. You blame oil companies or Big Government or tree huggers. More IS there, by gum. You think you’ve found a way around “infinite growth on a finite planet”? We use Russian missiles to get to space, people. The LAST thing you will ever see is mining the asteroids or the moon. Even if you don’t know details, you know since we’ve yet to be living in caves wearing rat skins we must have discovered some solution. Why do these kind of people even read this damn thing?


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Bias’s are, besides funny looking on paper as a word, pretty funny in life. For instance, you are biased toward your children. And all the rest of us are snickering behind our hands pretending to cough or yawn because, lady, that snot slinger is about the homeliest most retarded spawn to ever roam the earth off of his knuckles. You are biased towards certain explanations such as the Illuminati ruling the world. And, given an extra two seconds of thought, ANYBODY would conclude Little Green Men from Roswell are controlling the mind of the President because JFK forgot to wear his tinfoil hat one day because he was meeting Marilyn for some seriously hot Monkey Love and the hat messed up his hair and from then on the secret was lost to his predecessors because he was ordered to purge all files and then he had that minion lackey in the Army in MI write the “super expose” about “what REALLY happened” which was just National Enquirer level crap because the Nazi’s were controlled by the aliens nemesis who would never have voluntarily given up the secret of anti-gravity to Hitler who was financed by Ford anyway since the Lend-Lease Program gave a heck of a lot of cars to Soviet Russia at taxpayer expense-none of the ingrate bastard were even buying cars at all whining and caterwauling about joblessness and such.


So, yes, your kid is ugly and retarded and so are your conspiracy theories. Your bias’s are funny as hell to us all. And don’t get me started on normalcy bias. You are so blinded by the need for things to stay normal, a nuclear bomb could detonate in the Long Beach port, with the only piece of shrapnel surviving having a ChiCom flag on it, and amongst the uproar you would still be petitioning your city counsel to sue the homeless under the bridges because they were depressing your property values. But other bias’s are even better. Gold Plated Hoo-Hoo bias is endemic here in Elko, Nevada. All the fat and ugly bitches think their gold plated girl parts are wearing a tiara and glittering with diamonds, only to be opened for a high income mine worker. They actually think their crap is special. Oh, some jog and diet, but those are after the executive class types. Most are just hogs waiting at a trough for Mr. Fat Wallet to buy then another Subway Ten Foot Long. But enough about my problems ( I have Funny M-F’er Bias ). Let’s cover other bias’s. Inflation bias. Citizen First Class bias. And Surplus bias. Oh, sorry-what’s that sound? Our time is up. Continued next post.


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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

6 months escape/prep 2


( Six Months To Escaping The Rat Race And Preparing For The Apocalypse Cash On The Barrelhead )


Your Budget

Okay, your life sucks.  I get that.  But if I could live and buy land and prep on minimum wage while paying child support, if a coworker, a single mom-and she had so many kids I never got an accurate count, could pay off land AND an RV and a four by truck to get through mud to her off grid land while on minimum wage, if a buddy can sleep in his truck cab ( yes, the rural myth of everyone owning a truck is largely true ) through the week as he does odd and sparsely spaced jobs, waiting for his Social Security to start so he can settle down, I don’t see how this thing is as impossible as you imagine.  I understand we all can’t quit our city slicker jobs and declare bankruptcy and drop ALL bills and obligations.  A LOT of you suckers have non-dischargeable student loans.  Not your fault- the “go to college to better your career prospects” paradigm had worked for a few generations ( and we imagined it could have worked more except everyone was working in factories before then ).  I detest debt of any kind ( through some hard knocks, not some ideological pure notions ), I hated school when it was compulsory and had no interest in getting more of it, most military jobs don’t translate into civilian ones because every swinging dingus out there thinks class training beats experience, I’m paranoid as hell, AND despite all that I didn’t see the current mess coming as far as the college debt crisis with school hyper-inflation (  I didn’t see medical hyper-inflation coming either ) and the sudden dramatic drying up of jobs.  That is one of the problems with seeing the forest only and rarely bothering with the trees ( being a specialist is worse than being a generalist, however- you pound every square peg into your one round hole ).  My point is, if I didn’t see it coming, I’m sure most didn’t either.


Okay, you can’t discharge college debt, the ex-wife is killing you financially out of vengeance ( she is working after you sent her to school- lucky bitch found a job out of college ) rather than necessity, and you might have other problems like living in a state that DOESN’T allow you to walk away from a home that is underwater.  On that last one, I’m sure I wouldn’t know what to do.  I know there are now lawyer firms specializing in getting you out of that trap specifically.  That might take all of your savings, retirement, assets you liquidate AND the note on your first born child.  But it is worth it.  The economic collapse is NOT getting better but worse.  Just the national deficit ALONE-forget all other problems- will ensure that we never recover from the 2008 meltdown.  But even if that wasn’t the case, keep in mind that all the financial players that almost went bankrupt themselves have stayed alive and profited tremendously not really because the government bailed them out ( although of course they did ) but more so because they took the derivatives that started the mess and doubled down on those bets.  The fundamentals- before, assets were leveraged an insane 30 to 1 ( meaning three percent failure rates bankrupted the whole company ), are WORSE as banks have been allowed to fictionalize new assets into existence.  The next hiccup financially will see the global derivatives market implode.  And your STILL overvalued ( even underwater, it is still overvalued ) home won’t be worth spit.  Now, add in the fact that without a job, and soon without a functioning grid, how much is that piece of crap worth? Really.

( Budget continued next time )

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PODA weapons devolution 2



Whenever some silly fellow doesn’t immediately read my wisdom, fall to his knees and keen loudly that they are no longer worthy, when they dare not agree with me as I impugn semi-automatic weapons, I use the analogy “wow, makes you wonder why fast action short range bows never triumphed over single shot muzzle loading long range rifles.” Of course, that isn’t entirely correct as I’ll cover in a minute. But I’m hoping that suitable sarcasm wins our little tiff. Slinging projectiles down range in mass volleys did win the Mongols a hell of an empire. And that was the only way smoothbore muskets could carry the field ( although artillery was the main casualty inducer ). But not all missiles are equal. For one thing, the Mongols had composite bows that had a heck of a bite at short range. They were a superior missile weapon because they didn’t use up their energy covering distance. And it was the horsemen clearing the field to allow siege weapons to proceed to city walls that won the day. The Mongols used state of the art weapons using mass and velocity- fast moving horse delivering a wall of missiles close range. For another thing, there is a world of difference between an arrow and a lead bullet.


A lead bullet is, simplistically, actually a shock weapon, not a range weapon, insofar as effectiveness at the point of impact. Okay, to a degree. A .22 rimfire bullet, having lost most of its energy from distance and layered clothing penetration, will act more like an arrow with low shock value and relying on impact point and repeated impacts to be effective. As will lower powered pistol bullets like anemic .380 rounds or some such. But by and large, for the most part, a bullet will be a shock weapon. Now, you add in the range part to the shock, trauma inducing part, and you have a superior weapon in all ways compared to an archery weapon ( there is no contest between crossbow bolts and bullets. Any crossbow big enough to have enough range takes too long to load. Crossbows were best used from fortifications were the reloading process was safer ). You can fire clouds of arrows all day long and in the end most of your shots were not in range. You could send in mounted archers, but bullets take horses down nicely. And if the two groups somehow clashed head on, a swarm of bullets decimates while arrows only somewhat incapacitates. Against bullets, arrows fall back to guerilla weapons only. And then, they are used to gain the superior weapons ( assuming ammo wasn’t an issue ). In the end, arrows are still arrows with mainly harassment value and bullets are shock weapons on the tip of an arrow.


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Monday, July 28, 2014

we are fiddlers


Rome burns, we excitedly bunch together to discuss it a few hours a day, then go back to playing our fiddles. Most of our discussion is unwittingly perverted by free ad based publications, so even as we pat ourselves on the back for being some of the very few who are smarter than the average bear and more disciplined and in general the height of evolutionary development, we go right along with supporting and condoning the reigning paradigm that is causing all our problems in the first place. Of course, that isn’t really an issue because while we might condone the group activity that dooms us all, we only do so for our own survival. The species thrived on group greed and it will persevere because of individual greed ( as long as there are more than, I believe I’m remembering the figure correctly, one thousand breeding pairs left after a cataclysmic die-off then the species survives and repopulates ). No, feeding the machine is okay as long as we remember to take the activity with a grain of salt. The bigger issue is that we might lose site of the goal of survival just waiting for the need to transpire. Sometimes the musical instruments melody intoxicates us.


You can’t wish upon a star and will into existence more than a certain amount of extra energy. You aren’t even creating more, but merely focusing some wasted amounts. Those silly humpers who teach we should all devote eight hours a day to training for the Apocalypse must have cubical desk jobs that allow the physical levels required to do just that- treating training as their daily workout. The rest of us, non-upper middle class types that actually expend calories at work, haven’t the surplus energy to do so. Calories out need to first be calories in. The normal prepper/survivalist has a very limited amount of energy/calories left over to do anything at all Apocalypse related. Which is the only reason homesteading makes any sense ( it makes zero sense financially if the experience comes along with a thirty year bank note )- you are Collapse Training as a daily requirement to regular living/working. You get a “two-fer”. But those NOT on a working retreat, most of us, can’t help but doing a 90/10% focus on Oil Age living. The ten percent is only possible by intense focus/discipline. By limited available energy, we are forced to STILL use 90% to everyday living. We know better but have little choice in devoting most of our lives to just existing in today’s world. And as more and more of our income is devoted to food, the less energy surplus we shall see. The days of $1 a pound beef and 15 cents pound of flour are fifteen years in the rear view mirror. Now you have an excuse for why you never prepped properly.


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PODA weapons devolution 1



Prior to gunpowder, there were two battlefield weapons classes. Shock weapons and range weapons. Range weapons allowed a fellow to stand back a long distance and hurl missiles at the enemy. The shooter was relatively safe, all things considered. Oh, he could be breathed on by a squad mate and get some nasty plague and later die, but back in the day most adults had survived varied and numerous childhood diseases and if he actually made it to breeding age he was usually a pretty hearty and stout lad, microbe wise. But as far as the battlefield went he was pretty much out of harms way unless the other side also launched missiles at him. Which was why the English longbow was a superior weapons class. The missilemen were out of harms way of the other shorter range bowmen and hence a very valuable highly trained corps had impunity. There being no free lunch however, nothing is ever easy and those guys did not come cheap. They needed a lifetime of training. The other class of weapons was shock weapons. These were your maces and swords and hammers and spears and what not. These were much more effective weapons but the disadvantage lie in the fact that you had to wade in there face to face and bludgeon the enemy, so close you could smell his putrid breath and so he either had you within range of his weapon, or you got the plague from him, or both.


A missile weapon did not kill you immediately. Most of the time you didn’t hit an artery and the only thing you could do was wait for him to bleed out, if he did, or take multiple hits to keep reintroducing enough shocks to his system to kill him. The most likely outcome, his wound getting infected enough to kill him, took way too long to be tactically effective. But missiles DID reduce the effectiveness of an enemy, even with minor wounds. And it did eliminate SOME threats entirely, if not a large number. That is why shock troops encumbered themselves with large and fatigue inducing shields and armor. If you could mostly reduce the threat of missiles, then if you furthermore had superior organization your shock formation would triumph. The armor certainly helped in close in combat, but it was mostly for missiles. Once missiles were no longer the threat, the shock weapons-weapons which induces massive trauma which instantly incapacitates, usually with a single blow- carried the day. If a force was fighting a guerrilla action, just using missiles could eventually produce some results. Otherwise, combined forces of infantry, artillery and cavalry were all required to win a battle. Range weapons were an attrition, horse troops opened formations and shock troop weapons were more immediately deadly.


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Sunday, July 27, 2014

6 months escape/prep #1


( Six Months To Escaping The Rat Race And Preparing For The Apocalypse Cash On The Barrelhead )


Your Goal

If you tapped your heals together three times and wished upon a falling star and promised Lucifer the eternal soul of both the ex-wife and Obammy, you would really pretty please love to accomplish three goals.  No debt, no rent or mortgage and oh by the way for when the oil runs out which despite the idiotic blathering’s of Beck and other eternally optimistic brain flatliners ( Optimist: my glass is half full. Pessimist: my glass is half empty.  Realist: who pissed in my glass? ) fracking oil has a shelf life in years equating to the sales volume of this booklet and will be in terminal decline before we get out of the teens ( that is, 2000’s, not 2001’s ) and civilization will take a big old squishy crap which will make Germany in the Thirty Years War with countryside decimation and famine and plague look like Hurricane Katrina so it would be super swell to have five years of supplies stocked up for the family to weather that storm as well.  Most of the time, anyone hearing you spouting such nonsense would scoff at your sad and pathetic Walter Mitty loose grasp on reality and slap you upside the head with whatever blunt instrument was handy and patiently explain to you that you needed to have a combined income of a hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year, a rich uncle that had died and a state lottery winning ticket to ever hope of having the suburban house, the three cars, the super concrete mountaintop Fortress Of Doom  and the Impenetrable Armored Escape Pod all paid off without debt.  But I’m a super swell guy and I’d like to see a few more rednecks survive the collapse so that I’m not surrounded by rich asswhores sipping sherry and fondling their semi-automatic carbines as their wives scurry about looking for their oracle in the wilderness to lead them to the post-apocalypse hairdressers using alternate energy and herbal elixirs.


You CAN do anything ( and not just if you are the Lizard King ) but the reason most folks won’t is that it always has a price.  And EVERY problem has an easy solution, but most folks lard that up with excuses because they think the solution is worse than the problem.  They can’t see why they, the most important person in the whole wide world, needs to give up one iota of creature comfort or surrender one bauble of peacock feather status symbol.  To contemplate such is an outrage!  Well, humans have evolved into a very adaptable fellow, surviving-sudden-catastrophes wise.  If you truly, honestly believe a civilization collapse is coming and you aren’t just playing at this thing as a hobby, you need to adapt the new set of tools for an unprecedented set of circumstances ALREADY unfolding about you.  I wish I could believe that we will just see another fake collapse like the 1970’s- but then, that was an economic collapse, not a civilization collapse.  Once you discount the magical Forever Fracking Myth, there is absolutely nothing that will feed the global population ( to say nothing of powering it ) and we WILL collapse as easy as the Greek or Roman empires did as their grain imports failed.  The primary tool you will need is frugality and a new attitude to do what it takes, not what you desire to do.


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Saturday, July 26, 2014

greatness ahead


Note: Most wonderful Gottdamn Yankee Minion, your generous donation, as promised and proclaimed, has arrived!  Thanks and adulations!


Well, I simply cannot believe the things that people say ( or in our case, as we are pretending to have a conversation in the modern equivalent of having a club meeting, write-which if you think about it was the natural evolution seeing as how between our cars and our cubicles we don’t expose ourselves to the big and dangerous world much.  Hell, why do you think drive-tru meals are so popular?  Convenience?  Hommie doesn’t think so.  You pick up a Big Beef Flavored Wood Chip Sandwich from your car and you’ve just saved yourself interaction with gross people in the supermarket, PLUS any dark hued minorities who might accost and rob you AND in a certain poetic justice those dark hued thugs have a cousin who is the one serving you your food behind said window so you get to congratulate yourself on being smart enough to be a car owner who never has to get too far away from its safe metal cocoon.   Which I guess is why car-jacking is such a frightful prospect, shattering ones illusions and what not.  Hey, how does moving out to the boonies sound about now? ).  Eluding to the fact that I’m not just a little slice of perfection.  And not even praising my hair!  Minions like that endanger the commenting privileges of all.  Way to go.  To once again prove how wonderful and just I am, I’d like to whet your appetite with my coming attractions.  I know, I know, you are already giddy enough at the simple prospect of just paying $50 a month for low to middlin speed Internet access so you can spend a whole five minutes twice every weekday tuning in to be pleasantly surprised at my new antics and endeavors as it is.  To get you all hot and bothered about something even more exciting than usual is just too much!!  I’m here to serve- tell all your friends.


I was going to publish new booklets once I got three 5,000 word mini-booklets completed.  It didn’t seem fair to charge $3 for anything less ( when I tried knocking down the price of all Kindle books to a $1, it actually seemed that sales declined to an even more horrid number.  I hate admitting we are such gullible and easily manipulated consumers, but I now bow to the previously given advice to price high ).  I still don’t want to rip anyone off, so I’m staying with that minimum.  But I’m most likely going to go with a new series of $1 Kindles- said 5k word booklets.  So, once I get some time I’ll have the bug out book and the survival divorce book available.  But this isn’t the exciting news.  I’d like to share with my special minions the upcoming attractions.  And I don’t want to hear anything other than delight and wonderment.  You get to read them here first and then don’t have to buy the book ( no one is absolved from buying through the Amazon links, however ).  I’m Honest Injun going to start on the Bike Diet this time.  I was waiting a bit because I covered the bike topics in the bug out book.  The article I just did on Six Months To Escaping The Rat Race And Preparing For The Apocalypse Cash On The Barrelhead will become a book.  And, very exciting to me, I’ve finally prepped sufficiently to attempt one on the subject of Weapons Devolution ( macro perspective on how the weapons society has available moves backwards technologically ).  That one will be closer to 10k words rather than 5k.  And there you have it.  How exciting!  Tipples tingling.

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Friday, July 25, 2014

cameron condition


James Cameron is not solely responsible for the stereotypical kick-ass super ninja fem warrior, but he didn’t help matters overly much with the Latino Marine in Aliens, Linda Hamilton in the Terminators and a mixture of the two somewhat in the Blue Dudes movie.  I’ve talked about this before, as well as the Zena Princess Warrior and the Conon The Barbarian spin off of Red Sonya.  And now, as if the Hollywood universe of Girl Power ( complete with Tank Girl and all the 80’s girl bands such as Pat Benetar ) is not complete enough, even shaving Demi Moore’s head to get the point across, we have The Walking Dead- a kick ass post Apocalypse series by any definition, at least the TV series- going one step further than simple “bitches is as good of warriors as guys” and postulating that in a mass die-off, such concerns as repopulating the human race are no where near as important as keeping Women’s Lib alive and well.  I won’t go into too much detail, just enough to bring up to speed readers who have not viewed the series, but besides an accidental pregnancy in the opening days of the Zombie Apocalypse, there is absolutely no breeding going on ( although plenty of practicing ) except something like one in fifty ( one shown in the town of near eighty total, added to the main characters tribe ).  And, the pregnancy itself of course ends in the mothers death, as if to highlight the real desirability of Modern Super Women to never do something as foolish as procreate.


But its okay to be kicking zombie butt from dawn to dusk.  Being “soft” targets and all ( especially the tops of their skulls which devolve into newborn-like pliable ).  The problem comes about when the living humans turn on each other.  Then all the women are pretty much mowed down like cannon fodder.  Which kind of leaves your whole species survival in question- which is where my contention lays.  Before, I’ve argued that men evolved for arduous physical tasks like combat, having both superior upper body strength and being naturally aggressive.  And we’ve talked about the surplus of sperm and the limited number of eggs.  You can have one male survive and the women still all get impregnated.  But for every female that dies in battle, a serious dent is made in the tribes reproductive capacity.  Females have a high enough death rate as it is, with famine and disease and childbirth.  Add in battlefield casualties and the tribe begins to approach terminal decline.  And that is NOT how a species survives.  And nature, knowing you simply cannot leave it up to the individual, has deep programmed us to copulate and reproduce like crazy in disaster situations ( even something as simple as an overseas modern war sees the trend afterwards as an extra wave of births happen regardless of the fathers casualty figures ).  Females may arm and be the last ditch defenders, but they certainly don’t go on the offensive.  Hollywood is a terrible education outlet.

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survival divorce 10


You’re at a new place in life.  Living a lot lower down the food chain, but living at peace with yourself- no more pointless chasing of empty dreams, of swimming atop a vast pile of gold coins in McScrooge Duck style.  You don’t have the finest things in life but most likely you sleep better at night knowing there is less left to be looted by the ocean of greedy lazy whores out there, and you certainly don’t miss the ex-bitch chewing on your ear to provide ever more for her insatiable desires that are evenly matched with her ever widening cellulite dimpled ass.  Life is good, if a bit different.  And now it is time to go chasing after another piece of tail because, while we act all macho and crude and rude and just tell each other we want to Get Some, most folks simply want to have someone around to share their otherwise sad and pathetic life with.  We are programmed to seek mates, and we are more rounded and happier when we do so ( not to mention the people around you are then happier too ).  You just can’t find the same one you did before.  Gals, your job is pretty simple.  You obviously want a guy that doesn’t drink too much, watches a moderate amount of football only and has enough gumption to make something out of his life.  But other than criteria, your job of snaring your catch is not difficult.  I won’t devolve into gruesome details.  Guys, your job sucks.  All the gals out there are going to play hard to get.  Modern women cherry pick Women’s Lib to their advantage.


You must acknowledge them as independent, capable of taking care of themselves, never treat them as sex objects ( but always strive to satisfy them after they snap their fingers ), yet fulfill ALL traditional Old School requirements before they will even consider you.  So, there is the whole Provide aspect.  Which usually means provide your paycheck for them to spend along with theirs.  But, since you are trading up, that is only a selecting criteria.  You’ll keep your cut later, but for now it is a peacock feather.  Debt doesn’t matter, it is the size of the wallet.  So, I’d expect zero advantage from being totally out of debt but working lower wages.  It is potential that is being judged.  Ability.  Of course, don’t discount status.  That can eliminate the money factor to a degree.  Starving artists are okay because you are demonstrating a higher mental condition which is a desirable attribute.  The catch is, you really have to be very creative, really good.  When going with your trade, status in your hierarchy is a better indicator than money is, within reason.  And of course there is always the Bad Boy thing.  It is okay to be almost non-wage, living in a cabin in the woods, if you are a Billy Bad Ass.  Some gals are attracted to that.  But notice the common thread.  In whatever station of live, you must be better than the others in some way.  Gals are looking for status position in a tribe.  You must earn more money, or be more talented, or be able to protect her against all others.  It ain’t rocket science, guys.  Now, go enjoy the start of your better life.


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Thursday, July 24, 2014

got wealth 2


Yuppie Scum also thought their superior intelligence was blinding the surrounding masses as they completely neglected history in favor of business degrees. Which, stripped of several years of putting lipstick on a pig and calling him pretty, consists of how to screw customers and employees to get a maximum stock price and quarterly bonus ( and, obviously, ensuring maximum Board Member profit ). Too bad, because the most elementary perusal of the past would yellow marker the dangers of central governments and empires to its own citizens after its fortunes fail. If you are wondering why the 80’s saw a gentle and permissive governance even during economic stagnation, even after the race riots and near overthrow in the 60’s and the widespread Alphabet Soup agency power growth in the 70’s, and then in the midst of plenty due to the oil glut from Russia the government turned on its citizens in the 90’s, the only explanation I can offer up is that even back then the Rand Corporation hand writing was on the wall for the elite with Peak Oil and the masses had to be reprogrammed to fear the Feds. The wealth extraction pump, soon to run dry globally ( Chinese military aggression was the cover story for Chinese economic ascendance ), had to soon be turned on the locals without fear of revolt or even too many harsh words.


The wealthy and powerful do NOT go gently into the good night. They turn on their fellow camper, both trying to outrun a hungry and aggravated grizzly, and shoot him in the leg to escape ( beware a fellow hiker in bear country carrying only a man stopping round ). The real estate bubble, huge compared to the Tech Bubble as far as elite wealth extraction, is tiny compared to the coming Derivatives Bubble ( or, possibly, the Petro-Dollar Bubble. Whichever comes first ), and will completely wipe out every last scrap of paper wealth available. Think Detroit, without anyone outside the city limits sending care packages in. What you need to do is look at any aspect of your life that is vulnerable. Even a hundred bucks in a checking account is subject to being frozen for a Bank Bail-In. Does your state prohibit rain catchment? I would beware massive taxes on water bills real soon. Remember how you used to pay 3% of your wages on property tax and now pay 30%? Don’t think that can’t happen with a local water monopoly and a desperate municipality. Same with electricity. You can still buy solar panels, but how about an ordinance prohibiting roof installation by an unlicensed, more importantly UNTAXED contractor? I don’t know how they will justify taxing solar watts, but they will figure out a way- possibly by justifying subsidized minority/Senior utilities. They can jack up license plates and registrations. Those can go as high as they desire, along with beer and cigarette taxes. $20 a pack for brand name smokes? It’s for the children. State EPA type taxes on ethanol? To compensate for disturbing wetlands, to pay for roads the Feds won’t help with, or whatever. Never mind it is mandated to be 10% of gasoline. A nifty way to double gasoline prices and fill local coffers. If you are dependent on it, it will be taxed to the stratosphere.


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got wealth?


I just had an epiphany, and for any minion having read me any length of time- say, more than six to eighteen months- that is your cue to run from the room in full panic mode screaming like a little girl. I believe that the encouragement to gain wealth is a deliberate ploy from our masters. From the lunatic ravings of Beck and Limbaugh that decadent wealth is the due of any red blooded hard working American ( lunatic because in the face of resource depletion-despite hot air bloviation from both to the contrary- growing populations simply cannot be equally gaining wealth. The growth engine is burned out and only looting, asset stripping and fighting over a shrinking pie is possible ), to the not so covert assertions of our favorite cults such as Mormons that God favors the wealthy, to the Horatio fable of rags to riches and to the bubble protection of the monied favorites and the de facto segregation of the ghettos through property taxes ( rich bastards, and their minions the middle classers both approve of higher taxes as a gate mechanism- partial compensation is achieved with some minority paid taxes ending up in the better neighborhood schools ), class in America has never been more blatant as when the USS Titanic has taken on water and is slowly listing. The sad part of it all is that the lower houses of wealth are just being set up by the very high elite consisting of just a privileged few. The upper middle classes, the middle class and, until recently decimated by home equity removal, the lower middle class are all targeted for wealth extraction. And they have no idea. And if they did, I wonder if they could change?


Property taxes are ten percent in some places, added to five percent state income tax added to thirty percent federal. Add in all those other pesky revenue enhancement measures and it is not so far from lack of exaggeration to claim the middle class pay half their wages in taxes. They thought they were some smart mother humpers, excluding the proletariat masses by protecting property values with every illegal trick in the book, and they cheered when their equity soared-alas, befouled poor cretins beneath me, I am rich beyond the conception of kings of old!- and then one day they woke up and they had no equity to use as credit and their taxes were going up locally as the boom years yielded government overspending and they were stuck with bubble apex property tax rates. Greed does come back to bite you on the ass and they get zero sympathy from me. Wallow in your phantasm wealth, Yuppie Scum. And yet, the government is not done extracting their wealth. Not by a long shot. Governments don’t cut back- they grow until they implode, their once smug and superior proponents either swinging from cheap inferior imported Chinese electrical wiring from the nearest lamppost or long departed at the head of the line of expatriates.

Continued Next Article


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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

clucking hens


I never miss an opportunity to poke fun of females, as when two or more congregate they immediately start clucking like a flock of hens, all gossip and all atwitter with mundane happenings unfathomable to the male species. Well, it seems there is a very important survival skill inherent in gossip. I’ve always admired the Machiavellian skills of females. They seem to be born for office politics and intrigue of an advanced nature, again, unfathomable to us mere males. The reason not so many of them are actual politicians must point to the fact that politicians are mere figureheads and the real movers and shakers are behind the scenes. In a tribal society, women are the real brains behind group cohesion. They can move mountains with mere glances and innuendo so subtle it is amazing. Males, on the other hand, generally await their orders to blunder about and hit someone with a big club. So never think I’m unimpressed or not totally in fear of the “weaker” sex. Now, gossip is just the least subtle of their maneuvers ( which is why we could even figure it out in the first place ). Gossip is the daily intelligence gathering for the tribe. Those members whose behavior is of an unacceptable nature are talked about. And usually if the gossip itself is unable to change that behavior ( “I’ve been discovered, I’d better change my ways” ), and don’t ask me how the intended target finds out-that is one of those girl power secrets, then it turns to a group consensus on how to punish that behavior.


From the very earliest age, twelve to eighteen months, we exhibit hardwired behavior to play by the rules and help other people out. We are also wired to seek out those not exhibiting fair play and rule acceptance. We are much higher evolutionarily speaking for group living than our direct ancestors chimps. They have the basics down but are more selfish as far as individual survival. We are more prone to seek survival strengths from the group than monkeys are. To such an extent that we don’t attempt to punish transgressors individually but seek a group solution. This is the gossip function. Proving we are not rogue individuals but group players. Which is why females are quite suited to corporate life, more so than males ( even alpha males ). Those Alpha’s are, again, the puppets put on display, just like politicians. And it is the reason that the recent social movements of “being different” or “being weird” or “do your own thing” are so stupid. They provide our elites with the tool to separate us from our protective herd, by ruining group consensus and social pressure and peer pressure. Whenever the powers that be give you a gift, like individual liberty with no responsibilities, beware of the hidden motivation. And try not to be so hard on gossipers. It serves a needed function.


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carbon knife update


As you are all aware, being in a state of perpetual awe of my drivel, the last time we talked about carbon steel knives advertised through BUDK company I told you I was going to acquire $100 in knives to start the process of moving from a collection of stainless steel to carbon, seeing as how the Chinese have made a mockery of stainless steel tools and all you get is the worst of both worlds- hard to keep an edge like stainless and prone to rust like carbon. There is still a place for stainless, such as in a high moisture environment or when there are long storage times, or simply for post-apocalypse trade and you want the cheapest you can find. I don’t mind having both but I’d prefer to not just have one. Now, I did advocate buying at BUDK, but mainly because you could not necessarily because you should. I ended up ordering through Amazon but only because I was in a hurry and had no time to go to BUDK and set up an account ( my last purchase from them was seven years ago or so-I’m sure I’m only on the catalog list since I spent so much money at Sportsman’s Guide- and that info and debit card info is all obsolete and my password long forgotten ). Churning out a blog is full of rushing about as if one had a life and was very important and busy.


I ended up spending $75 and I got a tomahawk, a Kukri and a Bowie, along with the nifty Smith brand key ring sharpener that has a carbide V for dull edges and a ceramic V for touch-ups and a rod for serrated edges. It was $23 for the Kukri, $20 each for the ax and bowie and around $8 for the sharpener with free shipping. Out of $75, I’m happy with $30 of my order. Not the greatest ratio. Granted, these were entry level carbon steel weapons. But I had expected a bit better none the less. The tomahawk was the brand Cold Steel, and the head is not well attached to the handle. I don’t know why I’d carry it around just to have it break the first use. It is nice and light weight, so as with a bowling ball of the same characteristics you can really get some velocity going with it. And the metal seemed well worked. But the attachment… The Bowie was made in Pakistan and the whole thing barely hangs on to the “acceptable” side of the scale. The fit seems all wrong, hand to grip. And the sheath is a befouled joke, likely to tear apart on the first snag ( the belt loop is weak and thin ). It will do in a pinch, barely. The Kukri was another story. It was rough, but very well made and balanced. The two itty bitty knives that come with are worthless, as they look like the retarded leper of an apprentice to the knife maker with digits falling off tried to craft something with no semblance to a cutting tool. Made in India, and the only one I’d recommend ( besides the sharpener ). Ironically, sold by BUDK through Amazon. My next payday mail order ( the last on was eyeglasses for my daughter ) is going to be a Corona grain mill ( I know I have two or three crap Chinese ones but I’m not sure if I have one or two Corona’s. Best to get another one or three just to make sure ), another Kukri and two more sharpeners.


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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

accidental empire 2


I’m not even going to get into the whole War Of Eastern Yankee Industrialist Imperialist Aggression in which the South was invaded after the elites failed to control “their” agricultural production colony by trying to bankrupt the region by bottling up its need to expand after mining fertile soil, making them into a direct military occupied colony which sent tribute back to the industrialists and bankers to privatize the profits of the war as the monetary and human costs were socialized. Instead, I’ll just skip to the part where the term “accidental empire” is used to cloud other issues. By claiming we never had an empire, by ignoring the Civil War, by ignoring the colonization of our sphere of influence after World War Two, by ignoring the Petro-Dollar protection racket with Saudi Arabia, it is claimed that we are still a Republic. A republic, as in a Constitutional Republic, as in the rule of law still prevails according to the ancient document. As in, the Constitution protects us by allowing for arrest without charges, as we are held indefinitely. Yep, that about sounds like the Constitution I know.


If we are a Constitutional Republic, then that implies everything Lincoln and Wilson and FDR and all those other foul trolls did was allowed by the Constitution. Now, I’m not a Constitutional lawyer, nor do I play one on TV, but I’m calling ‘bullspit” and I’ll bet you a donut you can’t prove me wrong. We are still a Republic as much as a 90 year old former actress is still a sex symbol. Only by going to a museum and looking at an artifact and imaging it to still be true. But far worse than that, oh yes, far worse, is the implied follow up notion of unlimited wealth still on tap. By pretending we were not an empire for 150 years, by thinking we are just now becoming one, one then might believe that there is still a century and a half on untapped, un-mined, unexploited wealth to still be seized. Which would save us from ourselves. Yet the sad and pathetic fact does remain that we have seized the reigns of the globe 70 years ago and we squeezed every last drop of energy and ore and old growth forest and gram of fertile soil and untapped aquifer water until there was little left and we are now in the possession of a mummied corpse with little left to sustain population numbers far greater than we could have imagined. We are not just now discovering we have just now become an accidental empire, we are just waking up to the fact our imperial tribute is drying out and from a reduced trickle decades ago it is now almost a dry faucet. That is why empires fall. Resource depletion. Welcome to the END, not the beginning, of our empire. George Friedman, you are either an ignorant bastard or an imperial toady.


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the accidental empire theme


I tried to read the book “The Next Decade” by George Friedman, both because I bought the damn thing and because it purported to be about geopolitics which is usually the buzzword that gets my wallet open and my nipples tingling. Alas, after getting through the new edition update and the introduction, I was told in no uncertain terms and in no uncertain puffed up pride that this was going to mainly be about how America needed to come to terms with its “accidental empire” and how that would sway events around the world. Now, pardon me for being a dick and not gracefully allowing a self proclaimed policy expert to enrich himself off the ignorance of over educated college attended twats, but every time I run across this overused blatantly false propaganda point I vomit bile and blood all over the page it is printed on and as you can imagine this ruins a perfectly good $15 book. I only make $8.25 an hour and that is only because I live in a state that slightly nudged up its minimum wage which is really swell of them considering that at the time they had the highest housing cost outside California and a few other equally toxic crapholes and was most likely done on the behest of the construction industry- at the time probably one of the more powerful even compared to mining or gaming- which needed more sucker/buyers, and so two hours of wages is considered to me to be a bit of an investment and even if the book is putrid offal it is still a physical embodiment of a chunk of my life force and hence not to be trifled with.


I used to hate, detest, loathe and be offended by the term “accidental empire” because it implied an insult to my intelligence. The author which used that term assumed I was ignorant of history to the point I had only retained public school cleaned up and sanitized state sponsored story telling where Lincoln was a hero and FDR was a savior and Teddy never embarked on empire stealing from Spain but was merely giving those dark skinned heathens a good skinning to atone for their rashness in sinking one of our ships. Is it because we have different definitions of Empire? Is an empire only an occupied subjected territory sending treasure back to the conquered? Because if it is, then those savages we decimated with smallpox were certainly not an imperial possession. Why, we had to send a few thousand of them preserved meat crawling with maggots and barrels of flour infested with weevils. That was money out of our very own pockets, certainly not tribute. And boy did we begrudge even that, as if millions of acres of farmland and forests and many pockets of precious metal ores were not worth even that small amount. So we’ll just go with the notion the continent was empty and we just stumbled in. And we won’t count Mexico. Just one big desert nobody could do anything with. Why, we did them a favor taking it and building it up. No empire there, either. We might have gotten more minerals than we knew what to do with, but we found and exploited them, right? No imperial tribute there. So what am I crying about?

Continued next time.


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