Saturday, July 17, 2021

July Article & E-Mail Subscriptions

 July Article & E-Mail Subscriptions

I am now accepting subscriptions by e-mail ( while still retaining the CD By Mail feature ).  My address is 

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Existing subscribers, please note.  The article below will be sent to you soon, so decide if you want to read it now or wait for it with the rest of the magazine. 



I’m yelling at you, these last few months ( well, years now, but I’ve increased my urgency these last few months ), that you need to drop everything and go Full Retard on food. And I’m not talking Full Retard like you should spend money on food as a priority and all your extra money goes to food. I’m talking about breaking into the saving account to buy food. I’m saying if I didn’t have enough food, I’d cash out my 401k to buy food ( and buy junk land, so the bank could never repo my home with all my food in it ).


Look, I’m not going to try to sell you on some new and unique disaster barreling down on us like Biden’s Handmaiden is going to go full commie retard, or that this is a Thousand Year Drought, or that we will run out of oil tomorrow. Those things CAN happen, but that is not why I’m concerned. I’m concerned that all the old disasters are repeating themselves ( economic, political, environmental. Don’t you worry none now, ya hear. I’ll be getting into those details ) and this time there is no way to stop them from completing their Going To Crap cycle. I’m increasing my food, and I have little money and really no need to do it, but that is how worried I am.


I really don’t have any extra room to put more food ( well, I have far more room than storage containers ), but somehow I managed to reorganize and repurpose and squeezed in another three hundred pounds of flour. And that is just THIS months panic buy. I have no idea how Wal-Mart can still offer flour for $5.18 for twenty-five pound sacks, but I’m taking advantage of their oversight. I am constantly adding to the regular grocery stockpile, always finding more ways to find extra room. And I started out before Corona with over fifteen man years of calories. I should be up very close to twenty, now, and yet is is NOT enough ( recall- me, NOL and three Coneheads ).


Honestly, if I had the containers, I’d put more savings into food than what I did my arsenal and precious metals combined ( don’t get excited. I ALWAYS prep cheap, so my “expensive” is probably not yours ). Why don’t I just bite the bullet and buy containers? Because while I have spent a quarter the price of food on containers, and at times even spent half, right now you are lucky to JUST spend half. Right now a Home Despot bucket costs $1.20 a gallon. Wheat is $1.25 a gallon. A Wal-Mart steel trash can is $2.50 a gallon, twice the price of the wheat.


I’m NOT spending the insane amounts on storage containers, because I don’t have to. I have food out the wazoo. I’m mostly spending the savings on everyday grocery items ( prioritizing climate control stored food over containers. The containers could go outside in sheds or the basement ). Because frankly, I see the Corona 2020 Bare Shelves coming again, but on steroids. And while I have wheat out the wazoo, I don’t have regular weekly shopping items in the quantities I desire. ONLY fifty packs of mac & cheese? ONLY fifteen cases of Top Ramen? ONLY four cases of pork and beans? ONLY fifteen pounds of instant rice? ONLY 25 pounds of pinto’s to make my own refried beans? These are the stockpile deficiencies I’m fixing ( to give perspective, each of the above we only eat once a week ).


That is just self stable dinner starches. I keep a rotating stock of fifty pounds of raw potatoes, and am drying more every day. I am comfortable at six months everyday food ( not including the apocalypse stock ) stocked, but REALLY am growing uncomfortable now and want to try to edge that up to a years worth ( as soon as the shelves emptied, I’d cut the meat portions in half, so to take my six months freezer meat and double that. Despite the danger of the social unrest probably taking out the grid soon after. Once that happens I have extra canning jars and propane ).


So, I’m NOT worried about starving. I fixed that soon after 2008. I’m worried about not having enough non-apocalypse food. And yes, you COULD call me a spoiled little Yuppie Scum bitch, but I don’t care. Because I went Full Frugal on all my apocalypse preps, and have more than I can use, I feel I deserve to spoil myself buying the regular food I eat every day ( I still eat one third my calories in whole wheat. But I treat myself to a regular dinner, for being a good boy and eating all that horse food ).


I’ve BEEN yelling at you to go all out on prepping food. Because I think ALL the food surplus is going to be ending soon. I’m just now adding, even if you got your several years of collapse food, now go crazy on everyday eating food. Because more disruptions ARE guaranteed. And why is this? Mainly, it is the economy, stupid. Look, nothing is new here. We had food shortages ( 2008 rice, 2020 everything ) already. We already had $150 oil that crushed the economy. We already had global droughts. We had economic collapses in 1929, 1971 and 2008. We are still in the 2008 Depression, and THAT is what worries me.


Because we never fixed the Depression. WWII fixed the first Depression. Turning on the credit and currency spigots “fixed” the 1970’s Depression. Which indirectly caused the 2008 Depression. And then, we ONLY doubled down on the Derivatives bets to “recover”, which made the 2019 collapse far worse than it should have been. The 1920’s Oil Glut caused the first Depression, the 1970’s domestic Peak Oil killed our global Industrial Age economy, and the 2005 global Peak CONVENTIONAL Oil caused the 2008 Depression. I know, I just gave you other causes previously. But lack of oil forces economic solutions to fail. As long as you have energy, you can cheat financially. Come energy decline, all those cheats kick you in the ass. The end of Fracking Oil in 2019 uncovered the global rotted financial shenanigans.


We were able to “cheat” with derivatives because of the fracking oil. But fracking oil can be as bad as a 1:2 net energy return. Our economy limps along on a return of 1:10. One unit invested to deliver two units is actually a loss, because we are drawing down infrastructure already created. So the ten years “recovery” using fracking oil was never a cure, only a Kick The Can. Don’t blame Trump or Biden. The cards were stacked against them. Blame every stupid ass, which probably includes you and I, who ever thought a finite resource was a good place to bet on.


What is that house purchase, what is the reliance on Social Security, what is an auto dependence, but a bet on Forever Oil? The chickens have come home to roost. I need you to think about 2019 and Corona this way. It was an economic collapse WHILE IN THE MIDDLE OF ANOTHER ECONOMIC COLLAPSE. Get it? We had an economic collapse caused by an energy contraction, we only papered it over by blatant central bank manipulations, and those finally went sour by another energy contraction AND the covering financial solutions going bad. Our only choice to buy a smidgen more time was to kill the 70% Consumer Economy.


And what we are looking at now is that time running out. Despite the bankers hiding all the indicators we used to detect the 2007/2008 collapse, it is getting hard to ignore the banking system, AGAIN, less than two years later, having another liquidity crisis ( look up Interest Rate Swaps if you want to hurt your brain. It is at a minimum a $300 TRILLION failing leverage bet ). The last one emptied the store shelves. Now, add in a minimum of 2,000% COMPLETE money supply creation last year, to the derivatives doubled down on. This is all happening now, several crisis simultaneously. Each one worse than the last. Because each derivatives failure since the 1980’s was an exponentially worse failure. The last one almost killed the global economy. Now, exponential that to this.


Now, because you think I’m exaggerating, ask yourself this. If I am wrong, why is the complete political organization of the western world going Full Retard? You can’t blame this just on Biden. Every western nation government is trying to keep administering coup de grace’s to the back of the head of their economy. It is allowing rampaging Muzzies free autonomy to kill and burn, or opening borders, or adding more debt after they couldn’t pay the old loans, or just adding more Corona lock downs. We have collectively lost our friggin minds. Why?


Don’t you think it is because they ARE aware of how bad things are? Perhaps they know that the lock down semi trucks were cannibalized for parts, and the next empty shelves will see a greatly reduced truck fleet unable to respond to increased demand. Perhaps they know that the grid keeps going down not because of “da weather” but because of computer chip failures. Perhaps they know the US oil supply is down 50% and tanks should start to go dry, soon.


Perhaps they know Saudi is completely in the Russia/China camp now and the western world is now down 10% in total supply, just from that one source. Perhaps they know there is no gold or silver in London to prop up the Paper Precious Metals, which gave the illusion of Dollar strength. Perhaps they know the economy of the western world is ALREADY freezing up. If we didn’t recover twelve years ago, and we are ten times worse off financially now, PLUS have a lot less oil, how does any of this have a happy ending?


And that is JUST economics and eneregy. Now consider your glorious leaders. They want you to fight each other, rather than string them up from a lamppost. If they know the center cannot hold, that the famines and diseases ( no Chinese meds, right? Partially staffed going bankrupt hospitals, remember? ) are guaranteed, how could they NOT turn us against each other? Do you think Diversity Hire Girl is so stupid she cannot guess she is Target #1 come collapse? She is dumber than a box of blondes, but she is cunning enough to know that much.


Joe, well, he has no idea what year it is, or what his name is, or who that strange women who keeps insisting she is a doctor is. Even if the crowds lynched him, I don’t think he’d know enough to be frightened. And that wouldn’t be very satisfactory for a blood crazed crowd, who WILL take out as many of the leaders who caused this mess as possible, before they themselves starve. So our glorious democratically elected officials WILL make sure we have a target besides themselves. It will be Red and Blues, and White and Black. And that is just the obvious enemies.


Remember, the Whites couldn’t beat the Reds in Russia, having no unifying goals other than Anyone But Lenin. And that was a battle for a resource rich country. Not only do neither side have real unity of the factions, there is nothing to win in the coming war. This is going to be a god awful mess, and over stocking food is JUST the first problem to be overcome. But NOT having too much food means you cannot solve any other problem. You can die for Das Homeland hungry, or you can die with a full belly. Your choice.


I told you all the end of 2019 that the economy was down, that we were repeating 2008. I had no idea the course of events, but I was right about the trigger. I knew it would be bad, but had no idea how bad it was going to get. Now, if I’m right again about generalities, but am once against UNDER betting on the severity, after you’ve read all of the above, can’t you guess perhaps it would behoove you to light your hair on fire and act accordingly? I’m NOT a prophet. I just don’t think obvious visible trend lines should be ignored or dismissed with a helping of optimism.


You don’t feed seven billion with oil, and still feed them as the oil supply contracts. It is as easy and simply as that. We are just arguing over the time line. This is nothing new, other than in its seemingly more obvious end of the line. Sure, I could be wrong. But I’m not telling you to spend the rent on food. I’m telling you to NOT burn any bridge, but to pay as much as you can because you should be panicking. Pay until it hurts, but not to the point it is a bet you cannot lose. I’d rather deplete my savings and be wrong and have to start saving again, than be right and without enough food.

( .Y. )



Malthus' Nightscape Is Nigh

Frugal Survivalism As If Prepping Is Time Sensitive


James M Dakin

181 West Bullion Road, Unit 12

Elko, Nevada 89801-4184


e-mail: ( that is three ZERO three )


$1.17 per issue, as many or as few as desired, domestic mail. All overseas readers, $1.97 per issue ( prices subject to change ). That is for a mailed CD, which will contain PDF and MOBI files, extra writing from me when available, and public domain books. This is my cost ( subject to change ), and all that you are required to pay. However, gratuity, tip, donation is encouraged and appreciated on top of the above price ( please specify which amount is which ).


You may subscribe via e-mail ( when communicating with me, please include your real name as well ). Everyone’s cost is $1 an issue ( with the same plea for extra donations ). You will ONLY receive a PDF file of the monthly magazine, no extra material. The e-mail subscription will only be available while I have access online ( our local library closed for a year, so Going Dark can happen ).


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Make checks out to James M Dakin. I'm happy to correspond but would appreciate a Self Addressed Stamped Envelop to help me with costs, as this writing income is my only retirement. Free sample with e-mail or through the mail with SASE and SD Card.  

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