Sunday, December 16, 2018

survival hermitage book 6

Most advice on forming survivalist tribes is scanty and/or unrealistic.  A few writers report back with the seemingly universal truth that no group stays together long enough to be viable.  This is no accident, and it is nobody’s fault past the asswhores who have social engineered our society for their own profit ( looking at you 1% humpers ).  We have been programmed to be individualistic.  It is as simple as that, but since I might one day get paid by the word I’ll stretch that out a bit more into a long ass article.
The last time we as a nation were a borg like hive mind was pre-Vietnam War.  Not coincidentally, that was also the last time we had the economic vitality to bribe the whole country into compliance. Even if this country had stayed lily white with no imported slaves, from the very beginning we were NOT a homogenous cultural entity.  Far too many warring factions were thrown together.  Your Puritans of New England were far different from your Scottish peasants who inhabited the Appalachians.  Who were far different from your English quasi-nobility who farmed the lowlands right next to them.
With a not very velvet covered mail fist killing all dissenters on one hand and the other offering abundant resources of a smallpox denuded continent, the vastly differing cultures were forced and bribed to play nice with each other.  But of course, that wasn’t enough for the elite.  They had to leave our domestic sandbox and start playing Mighty Emperor around the globe.  Culminating in the second world war which finally bought us half the globe to exploit.  Alas, that empire only lasted twenty years.  We used a large portion of our oil and ore wealth to purchase it and didn’t have enough to keep it.
We might not have topped out at oil production until a decade past the start of economic contraction and social implosion, but our global commitments dogpiled us faster than our resource extraction.  Our global oil empire returned wealth for twenty years, followed by ten years of turmoil as it unraveled ( losing the Vietnam War in and of itself was no big deal.  But that was what lost us the empire, which was a far bigger deal ) and has since been shrinking.  But more importantly for our discussion here, end empire was the beginning of domestic asset seizure.
Preppers and survivalists are busy looking to the horizon for the global American hegemony collapse.  It is in your rear view mirror.  Its implosion began in the Sixties due to economic contraction and ended as we were unable to fund the war in Vietnam, the military defeat of empire.  The only reason we didn’t follow England into Turd World Nation status then and there was Saudi Arabian oil.  That has allowed us up until a decade ago to finance kicking the can down the road.
Our Domestic Oil global empire lasted twenty years.  Our Saudi Oil global empire lasted a bit over thirty ( until Peak Oil 2005 ).  Since that time our wealth measured in net energy has fallen faster than any other time using carbon fuels.  Perhaps not coincidentally as we exponentially ramped up immigration.  But the whole time, the fifty plus years, through all the noise of the cultural war, one aspect we missed was the conquer by separation down to the lone individual.  It started out with FDR’s ruination of the generations cohesion through bribery, killing the family farm and implementing Social Security. 
The 60’s saw the Divide And Conquer as women were freed from the consequences of sex with the birth control pill and Bitches Power was born.  Encouraged, and fed by the 1%.  Women entering the workplace killed the Unions and halved the pay for men, ultimately.  But that wasn’t enough.  Immigration floodgates opened, and have only been widened over the years.  Yet even THAT wasn’t close to enough.  All cultural ties and support of group cohesion was destroyed.  We all became isolated islands, one at war with all.  White families were mostly eliminated and men fought men and women and immigrants for less jobs.
And because we have all grown up in the trend towards less group cohesion and more individual autonomy ( if that trend wasn’t already solidified before our birth ), no one, and I mean NO one, places their individual desires below that of any group.  Your loving wife?  She will throw you under the bus in a heartbeat.  Don’t believe me?  Stop working and get back to me real quick.  Your kids?  They love you by obligation and will prove this to you every day by placing their needs first.  This is why dogs are more popular than ever.
Not that you can blame anyone.  Responsibilities must be paired to rewards.  When the government pays you to be individualistic, in a fifty year economic decline, everyone will take the only payday and pledge allegiance to the paymaster, just in order to survive.  Follow the money.  The path is not in the least obscured.  And individualism leads to some particularly strange mental delusions.  Bitches be thinking they are strong and independent even as the government pays and protects them ( I’m trying not to be sexist-males mostly think the same way, they just are not as deluded as danger visits them first ). 
And most males think a bit too highly about their own abilities.  Not as in being conceited as a byproduct of seeking alpha status.  No, as in pure delusion.  With no power from a group, no social infrastructure to belong to, denial is a natural reaction.  Better to deny you are alone and vulnerable, to the point you think that this liability is an asset.  You think you are Billy Bad Ass, able to whip the world by yourself.  That is why every group member is screwed in the head, viewed from other members.
And why they themselves think only they are worthy of leading the group.  Think about what it would be like living in an insane asylum.  Everyone is in their own little fantasy world, completely unable to function together because no one’s reality matches.  Looking in from the outside, all autonomous units function completely on their own.  THAT is today’s modern world.  We are all Armies Of One ( much truer slogan than “One World Government”.  Brought to you in celebratory orgasmic delight after Bush Senior finally journeyed to the lowest depths of Hell ).
Social Media didn’t cause autonomy.  It is just the logical end of our several generation journey down that road.  For the little breeding that Whites do, all members of that supposed family unit are independent actors trying their mightiest to avoid and ignore these strangers in their house.  And you think forming a survival group has a snowballs chance in the very Hell Poppy inhabits of being successful?  You are so tuned into your individual reality that you ignore all that transpires outside your brain bucket.  When communicating with ANYONE-wife, kids, co workers, retail workers-both of you are talking past each other, two insane dudes from different planets.
That is what isolation does to individuals-it makes them literally insane.  You are already unable to communicate with anyone else ( which is why soul mates and true friends are so rare ), social isolation, so being a hermit isn’t REALLY that much of a stretch from current reality ( just go into town at least once a month to talk to others, to avoid talking to yourself ).  And trying to form a survival tribe is impossible since all members won’t usually abandon a lifetime practice of individuality.  And, no, I’m not judging.
We are ALL like this, unable to understand anyone else.  Why NOT just take it to its logical conclusion and be a hermit?  But if you do try to form a group, know that it will NEVER work.  Because we don’t “do” tribes anymore.  Not Whites ( a coming chapter will explore this ).  We are all autonomous.  If we are all our own tribe, how could we not all be Alphas when we try to form a tribe?  We can’t.  We are only forming tribes because we know that is better, but we don’t understand we have isolated ourselves by thinking as our own group.
( .Y. )
( today's related link here )
note: free books.  Skynet dystopia here.  Hunger Games rip-off here.  EMP here.  
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  1. Correct. I have studied and analyzed this trend and dynamics while going through adult life. I am as hermitted as possible within an urban and swirling mass. I use the posture as a self defense measure to insulate from the negative and dangerous interactions out there. I will spend free time or holidays alone. I have to be self sufficient and self reliant, getting myself out of jams as they arise. Although this may seem odd or sad to those bubble head social junkies, not at all really. That is the trade off for avoiding detrimental human dramas and failed relationship landmines. I only need to interact with others in a commercial trading or purchasing situation. This keeps things short, to the point, and then able to move on. The choices are the result of modern human environment, not of my doing, so it is an animal adaptation, for survival.

    1. Some demonic voice in my head the other day said, go to the library! They were having one of their random book sales-I got about 60 five cent paperbacks, with two bonus survival themed ones. No one else was there, so I only had to deal with one librarian. She was cute and nice, but almost talked WAYYY too much for my taste. Borderline Too Much Socializing. Had to go to Home Despot yesterday as the upstairs apartment toilet had a leak. Almost every isle had one person-Too Much Socializing! Family $ was okay-several isles between customers. Now I'm exhausted and hope to stay away from people for another month. A few people go a long way.

    2. I’m basically in the same position as the poster above, following being laid off from my job over 3 years ago now. Virtually all of my shopping is online now. I’m at the point now where I don’t know how I would be able to hold onto my sanity if I were all of suddenly thrust back into the workforce, or the mainstream of society. It seems that everyone is a liberal idiot these days, including the modern right.

      If I ever had to re-enter the workforce full time again, I’m not sure what I’d do. Maybe one of those dude’s that sits alone in the tower all summer watching for forest fires? :D

    3. Yes guys, I use biweekly shopping forays as a recon expedition. It confirms my own beliefs once I see the mouth breathers outside the wire. I think of those 'missions' as an expedition adventure to gather intel, resupply more to be independant of the system, tactically assess near range areas and people. Use those necessary but not particularly desirable trips and forays for own benefit and "enrichment". :-)

  2. Hermitage pros: your resources, food, sundries, etc. Better accounted for as you don't have "others" dipping into 'their community' property. No snoring in dwelling at night. No toilets flushing and doors slamming all day and night. Domestic partner not bringing an std disease (averages and probabilities is quite high numerically) home to share with you. Offspring kids not bringing homeys around to case your place and property. Your castle, your rules, your personal tranquility. Jeez, could be a whole articles worth. Not seeing much downside, not even an inconveinance.

  3. Yep-definately an a chapters worth. Thank you!

  4. I use each foray into the public as a chance to practice situational awareness,in other words might as well make the most of it.

    1. Sure, good attitude. Be careful with that thing :)

  5. After gassing up at Speedway I went inside for a cup o' mud. Noticed 2 new employees, never seen before. Both were early 20's, 1 male 1 female, both had multi-colored hair, the dood was a soiboi and the wench was pretending to be a lumberjack and both all the accompanying hardware.

    WTF is wrong with these people?
    Is Speedway THAT desperate for employees?

    I was tempted to send Speedway a scathing email then decided I didn't want to get SWATTED. One more place I am self banned from. Eventually I'll be going no where.

    1. I haven't been out enough, but I'd guess even management is filled with losers at this level-the deluded guy who gets to be in charge for an extra $1 an hour. So don't expect much from who they hire :)

    2. Managers and h.r. takes any warm bodies for front line non critical positions. The pay is at or near minimum wage, part time not enough hours to kinda live on, no benefits, drudgery work, turnover in workforce is an attritition rate like a Marine Corps beach landing. They will make soft targets for an easy take over of that shop during collapse. Loot the place as you step over the bodies, sell or trade the loot on the black market. See the positives in things so as to not go ape shit and snap too early before green light go time. Carry on.

    3. Love it! "Attrition rate like a MC beach landing".
