Sunday, December 30, 2018

future orientation 2 of 3 ( article 1 of 2 today )

( article 1 of 2 today )
I don’t discount that some groups have a much more honed sense of future orientation.  I just don’t think that is determined by race.  I do think races are like breeds, different hard wired programming for different groups of the same species.  That doesn’t make one color superior to the other, just different.  As one gentleman far more intelligent than I stated, men and women of the same cultural group have more differences than other colors of the same gender in  different groups.  Not better, just different.  As with the sexes so with the races or breeds.
So I don’t care for theories that try to “prove”, usually implicitly, how one race is superior to another.  To prove the theory what usually ends up happening is that after the exceptions are explained it usually boils down to the whole world verses the one group alone we hate. So, for instance, only Jews are greedy and evil but race can’t explain that yet Blacks because of their color are lazy and only care about instant gratification.  We are involved in roundabout ways of explaining hate.  But we should hate everyone, as they are OtherTribe.  It is needless convolution. 
Instead of saying, hey, as a legacy of slavery, we fear Blacks.  Because they hate us because of their minority status.  So we fear them because they hate us.  Amusingly, Southerners fear and hate Yankees, but that is wrong while it is okay for Blacks to hate everyone including themselves.  And while there is a legacy of racial hatred in the Spanish countries, closely tied to their class system, Brazil seems to have less issues with all their shades of brown and black.  Even though they were the last country to abolish slavery.  Why is one country effected by slavery but the other not?
I theorize that it is about industrialization and empire.  A largely agrarian country even now, Brazil is LESS divorced from tribalism as the US is.  Brazil is the Portuguese colony surrounded by Spanish ones, and to some degree more culturally uncontaminated for it.  They have a relatively more homogenous culture, even while mixed race.  The US was never homogenous.  At all.  Race differences just made the divisions that much worse.  Then, class differences AGAIN were aggravated by the Yankee Scum as they excelled at industrialism and tried ( successfully ) to colonize the rest of the country for raw materials.
Then when imperialism was expanded overseas, the classes were further agitated by the fight for the increased imported wealth ( the elite-the blue blood New England Puritan asswhores-were also squeezing the lower classes to become cannon fodder. So on top of not sharing in the spoils the poor had to die to enrich the Yankee Scum.  Socializing the costs are nothing new ).  The whole time from Reconstruction on, the elite pitted the races and the classes against each other for control.  In Brazil, everyone was poor and race didn’t matter.
But although racism here in ‘Murica is socially engineered, that isn’t my point.  Rather, it is that the further one is removed from tribalism the more future orientation is practiced.  And not for anyone’s benefit other than the kings.  It isn’t about climate.  All humans must be future orientated, just from the way our children must be raised ( yes, you can largely be absentee parents from low intelligence.  As long as the cultural infrastructure is in place for others to learn them young’uns ).  Males must refrain from humping every leg below the hemline of a skirt, and females must hold their wandering eye.
The Marxist FemiNazi’s would of course yell, Rape Culture, but without cultural programming bitches are just as promiscuous as males.  It is called cuckolding-look it up, ignorant sluts.  Both these monogamous behaviors are Future Orientating.  They sacrifice to properly raise the children for far over a decade.  This is behavior hardwired back in our hunter-gatherer evolution.  Which is very small groups.  Once agriculture hit, more destructive than an asteroid strike, the effects of centralizing power whilst expanding beyond the biological limit of successful group size gave us some very dysfunctional coping mechanisms.
It is a lot easier to be unfaithful in a large city of thousands compared to the tribe of twenty families, for instance.  Racism became a LOT more pronounced because you no longer know everyone by sight.  You are forced to take shortcuts in quickly identifying threats, such as only focusing on skin color.  In a small village you don’t care if Tobby is Black, if he is a hard worker and honest and helps others.  But some random Black dude getting off the bus in your rural town?  Of course you are going to identify him as a ghetto advanced recon scout.
And here is another aspect beyond unhealthy centralization.  It is easy to confuse lack of future orientation with military strategy.  Low country White gentlemen of proper breeding looked down their noses at the mountain village Celts, back in olden times in the South.  The language then was EXACTLY like the writing you see now against Blacks.  Lazy, no future orientation, drunkards ( although today it is “druggies” ), crude and living in filth.  The lower class mountainmen didn’t have proper generations long buildings and farms like those industrious Pennsylvania German descendent folk, but rather ramshackle disposable shelters.
The Germans, model citizens until WWI when Wilson, Lucifer’s Disciple, decided to villainize American-Germans to get us to hate the European Germans as they threatened the profits of JP Morgan, were hero’s for multi-generational planning and the dirty Irish ( once hated worse than Blacks since they were minority Papists ) were lazy slovenly lowlife’s unable to Future Orientate, content to live out of a jug of corn liquor.  Class hatred and propaganda go back a LONG ways.  But look at the Scots-Irish immigrants.  They settled in low fertile soil mountains, as it was the only free land.
They were hated for being poor, even if they worked seven years at back breaking labor as indentured servants to pay off their passage.  Folks born into wealth don’t care for the poor, for the very reason Blacks hate Whites.  The land was great for insular seclusion, and hiding from the tax collectors.  It wasn’t just Prohibition that made moonshining profitable.  That goes back to the end of the Revolutionary War and the Whiskey Rebellion.  Now, add corn for stills and poor thin mountain soil, and what do you get?  Folks on the move from the law and killing the soil fertility.
Moving means you don’t sink roots ( they might have been alcoholics but no more than the rich folks.  The smear was a cultural virtue signal in class warfare ).  You are nomadic.  Just like a lot of Africans.  Being hyper-tribal over there was largely a result of constant war over resources and climate change, just as our hillbillies were ultra violent over a denuded resource base.  More tribalism works against centralization.  And centralization requires more future orientation to benefit the State.  I continue and conclude tomorrow.
( .Y. )
( today's related link here )
note: many thanks to "R" in WI.  A paper copy of "48 Hours", before its publication date-how friggin awesome is that?  You da man!
note: if you are an economics nerd and have Amazon Prime, I'd recommend "Margin Call".  Two hours of guys sitting around and talking, and I thought it was awesome.
note: free books.  Zombies here.  
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  1. A good movie that deals with some of what you mentioned in today’s topic, is Far And Away (The Irish issue). It was also one of the few times that I didn’t want to slap Opie like a red headed stepchild :D Incidentally, one the biggest drunken convicts that I ever knew, was my Irish friend, Jimmy McDougall (name slightly modified to protect the innocent :D ) It’s always funny as hell when stereotypes prove themselves, isn’t it :D

    Homogenization (what liberals refer to as blind racist hatred) sexism, and “homophobia”; the things that liberals tell us are the most abhorrent of evils, and must be eradicated at any and all cost, are simply biologies way of reinforcing, and strengthening itself. That’s why in a normal society, normal folks would be put off by anti-nature philosophies, and would be disgusted at the thought of women behaving as men, or what gays do to one another behind closed doors. It’s also why sane societies don’t put the kid that rode the short bus to school, in charge of air traffic at places such as LAX :D

    But give enough time, a good propaganda campaign can convince practically anyone, that such ideologies are good and just. That’s why the average westerner today views those do not accept deviant behavior as normal, as the one’s with the problem, or “phobia” as it were. It’s also why modern conservatives accept and embrace feminism, whether or not they realize it ( Cue up affirmative action, feminist former fighter pilots, running under the republicrat ticket in states such as Arizona. Approved and endorsed by the faux news channel).

    1. It makes it easier that most of us needing to be forced to accept the paradigm are old, tired, broke and just don't give a crap anymore. It is a lot harder to fight it. Not that it matters if we do. We're dying off quickly or marginalized in pockets of extreme rural Deplorable areas. We like it that way, as do the big city types living in their reenvisioned utopia. As minions get poorer and the 9% use more of that treasure to insulate themselves from their unintended consequences, you'll all come around to my hatred of the rich.

    2. “We like it that way, as do the big city types living in their reenvisioned utopia.”

      True. Unfortunately, there are only a handful of states where you can go anymore to escape from it, and they’re the states that feature an Arctic climate. There are worse things I suppose, but plan on earth sheltered right off, as well as emptying the local thrift stores of warm clothing and blankets, if planning on relocating to such areas.

    3. And even those states aren't as free as advertised or soon will not be. That might be an article. Relocate or shelter in place, domestically. Not sure how well I've covered that before.

    4. That sounds like an interesting article to me. One could always shoot for the option of heading far enough off the beaten path, so that even in states that were formerly free, you have, for all practical purposes, dropped out of society enough that such stringent regulations are largely to be avoided. This was more or less the philosophy behind the homesteaders that settled in the Smoke Tree Valley (Commiefornia) in Phil Garlington’s Rancho Costa Nada. And I’m going to go out on a limb here, and surmise that the demented vet would not get on too well with the PC crowd :D

      “Conversations with the Demented Vet"

      "Do we put brainwashed broccoli-eating Moonies in prison?  But those felonious back-stabbing Benedict Arnold CEOs who trashed their stockholders and ripped off the help?  Enron’s pension plan? Wal-Mart greeter.  I say, the shortest way with the traitors, Phil.  That’s what I say.  But instead they’re holed up in their gated communities counting their millions.  Ha!  I know.  I’m in a gated community myself, if you count the hounds and the trip wire.  But I didn’t get here by selling my country down the river and fleecing the rubes who took my word for something. 
      "Okay. I know about the stock holders.  The greedy bastards deserved it.  Just like the greedy bastards who went down with the savings and loan.  But the Enron stiffs didn’t have a choice on the 401(k), Phil.  They weren’t even allowed to collect a whopping one point five in the money market.  They weren’t allowed to buy T-bills to finance the deficit being racked up by Rummy and Dummy  and Dicky and Conda-leezy.  
      "Hey, nobody is more willing than me to mess up the rag heads.  But not with this bunch.  Not with Howdy Doody as CINC.  There’s POTUS teeing off on the back nine when the bird colonel trots up with the football.  Sir, Dicky Boy wants you to mash the button.  “This one here?  There.  Let freedom ring.  Now watch this drive.”  A commander in chief with the resting heart rate of a hibernating toad.  Oh I know what you’re saying, you damned liberal.  None of those sniveling sumbitch Enron drones ever whined about accounting fraud when Enron and WorldCom went to the moon.  But don’t get me started on the deficit, Phil.  Traitors, Phil.  Do you think your kid will ever see a dime of Social Security?  Figure it out.  Count on your fingers.  It doesn’t take Howdy Doody with his Harvard MBA.

    5. You hit on it a bit Jim. Ragnar Benson had good book about urban survival. Many may be entrenched in place for many reasons, and have to make do there. Stick with what you know, as relocating may be more problematic or the unicorn grazing fields may not exist. If power and water stays on and not under seige, it is not any harder than some rough camping really.

    6. Rough camping, with rough hobo rape?

    7. 11:33-Demented Vet was the best. My kind of guy. Really made the book. Too bad Phil wasn't more enthusiastic of a writer ( I bought one of his books to put a nickel in his kitty-not bad at all ). But you have to appreciate his laziness.

    8. 11:33

      For the slow amongst us. WTF is that site? I mean, I'm going to be pouring all over it but I suspect I'm missing something basic that'd make the website make sense. Sorry for my poor English it's not my mother tongue.

    9. "Rancho Costo Nada" is a book on a guy living dirt cheap in the desert. On the header, click the bottom right link "Rancho Full Monty" for the complete book. Other pages are his other writing as a newspaper dude.

    10. Direct link to the book:

    11. Aww shucks, I enjoyed reading one of the links so much I ended up buying the kindle version of the book. It's going to give me a days entertainment

    12. I just finished reading it. Thanks for putting me onto it. Best $5 I've spent in a long time

  2. Well, these series are probably Jim's thought exercises using Minions as sounding boards. Responses gauged, ideas tweeked, etc. In the command bunker written on the Bison white board are the final formulas. Phrases like, "hermit kingdom, closed loop society, mandatory crusader attendance, women always property of the father and then of the husband",etc. It is all quite simple and really easy. Just follow an atypical corporate ad slogan. "Just do it, no matter the consequences".

    1. Well, more my theories sounded out to clarify my own thinking, but minion feedback always useful and always used.
