Friday, May 29, 2015

vilifying victim 2


Note: I'm going down to visit my folks, so I'll be out of touch Saturday through Monday.  I might get the comments first thing Saturday morning, perhaps late Monday, but I guarantee nothing.  My son is being shipped over to Afghanistan and this is my last change to visit him ( he will be there visiting the grandparents ) prior to that.  Here's hoping for a peaceful deployment.
The American Indians were the first Americans to be victimized under the pretext of being villains.  When Whites encroached on their lands and took something, the Indians fought back.  The casualties from that attack were used as justification for fighting back against the Indians and taking much more.  But the indigs have been cried over for generations now ( well, to be more accurate, there were tears shed, but nothing done to help them such as giving them back their good land ).  Time to move over to a much less understood victim.  Southerners.  Yankee owned propaganda vehicles paint them as villains.  Oh, evil slave owners ( even though very few southern Whites owned slaves, and even though New England companies got rich running slaves from Africa ), to even show a Confederate flag is to be a racist.   The FedGov was totally right to beshat the Constitution to end slavery ( did Lincoln forget the northern states wrote slavery into the Constitution? Reminds me of another lawyer defiling the document today ).  Yet, since the end of the war between the states, the northern states have occupied and colonized the South.  They are justifying their rapine.  How many Iraqis were killed so we could defend the PetroDollar?  Vilifying the victims, meaning those dirty raghead women haters deserved to die, even the children and women and old people.  Colonizing is always full of collateral damage ( you don’t think a significant number of civilians in the South didn’t die even after the war of famine and disease? ).


We debate why survivalists are villainized.  It is the favorite whipping boy of the media since the 80’s.  One guess is they are largely the smarter poor recognizing their future further victimization and preparing ( preppers are stupid rich trying to freeze their position and treasure.  Survivalists are smarter but poorer, as you can‘t worship Mammon if civilization collapse wipes out that deity ).  But regardless of reason ( to crush independence? To stymie rural outposts?  To corral the peasants into easier controlled urban centers ), remember the ultimate fate of the villainized.  They become victims.  As for males being villainized, remember the money racket that has produced.  Women have dibs on most future income to provide incentives for divorce, so evil males deserve to be left.  Women are deserving of leadership positions in the workplace due to lifetimes of household servitude, so more females are hired while fewer and fewer males are, leading to males “refusing” to provide for families which is yet another excuse for leaving them.  The poor are more actively being villainized, so you can certainly see the writing on the wall there.  They deserve to lose any public assistance, being cheats and lazy and incompetent.  The rich deserve welfare, since they work.  The poor do not.  Follow the money, yes?  Just more vilifying the victim.  Look behind every villain to see true victims.  Inner city Blacks, the Irish, Viet Cong, Ragheads, Huns, etc. 

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  1. Great words of wisdom Jim ! So very true....
    I reckon that almost all our nations ills have originated out of the northeast sector of our country. In fact even California was laid back and alright until the damn Yankees started pouring in bringing with them their asinine regulations.

    1. I love Reagan, best Prez besides Jackson and Jefferson, but I think he ushered in a worse California as governor.

  2. "My son is being shipped over to Afghanistan"

    Huh? So much for our drawing down in that region, and pulling our troops out?

    Well, I wish him the best James.

    1. Thanks, I think there is a big draw down, but still lots left. Kind of like Korea.

  3. I am not a villain . I am a citizen of the state of Alabama, an occupied territory of the federal government of the United States subjected to its demands by the loss in war !!! Sound about right?

  4. The south went to hades with advent of air conditioning. Yankees could only exist on the coasts where a nice sea breeze kept them from melting like the wicked witch. Then came ac and they have been flooding into Dixie ever since. I had to get married and leave home to get air conditioning and it's made me a lesser person ever since. Hope your son returns whole in every way. Nice hair!
