Tuesday, April 30, 2019

end is nigh 2

So, I’m walking this morning on my usual route past one of the cheaper gas stations in town, and see gasoline is $3.09, up ten percent in just several days.  Actually, I think it is more like 13%, but whatever.  The only thing I’m seeing is someone spouting off about the Iran sanctions and how they pump one million barrels a day.  Out of 85, globally.  And what happened to our surplus of fracking oil gasoline?  Just last month, they are running out of storage space for the stuff.  It didn’t make any sense to me.
And neither does “price increases for the summer”.  That hasn’t been a real factor for many years, as the trend is LESS gasoline used as wages fall.  It is always the Lamestream Media’s Go To answer, because most of the rubes just need their hair gently stroked as you tell them you love them ( right before you push them down the stairs ).  And “greedy oil companies” haven’t been a real reason, either, for a long time.  Most oil has been nationalized, and the privates are losing just as much money.  Update your assumptions.  It will make for a better conversation.
It doesn’t really matter what the answer is, anyway.  I’m just using this as an example of how we are being treated like mushrooms-kept in the dark and fed fertilizer.  Even the whistleblowers are only marginally useful.  Look at the Shadow Stats guy.  He is performing a great service, but all he is doing is using old government methodology.  The government says, hey, food can’t be counted in inflation.  Shadow Dude goes back to the 1990 way of figuring inflation when food was included.  Or, unemployment.  The same thing.  He is just using older criteria for calculation.
But that assumes the government wasn’t lying back then.  Of course it was.  You are exposing SOME of the lie, that is all.  We all know you can lie with statistics.  And all those little nerds in bowties and taped  together glasses compiling the numbers aren’t lying.  They are only using the method of calculation they are allowed.  So, methods are massaged.  Who is to say when they started.  When can you safely go back to?  And what about HOW the numbers are collected, let alone computed.  It is all lying with facts, the facts you choose to see.
The Plunge Protection Team was no secret in the late Eighties. They actually bragged about it to calm everyone down.  For every rule change of manipulation that is “for our own good”, how many are we unaware of?  How much overseas news, themselves partial or complete lies by those governments, how much do we even get to hear about?  I don’t think we hear but about one to five percent of the news, and then you don’t know what percentage of that is true or not.  At some point you need to question the validity of what you know.
They outright lie, they spread propaganda, they manipulate numbers and they hide news.  Almost everything you know is happy horsecrap.  If you are “staying informed to make a logical choice about the dangers I face”, you are NOT getting enough information to be informed about Hump All.  You think you are alert, informed, cynical and jaded, and you are STILL getting glittery unicorn sunshine pumped up your ass at high volume and velocity.  Which is not to suggest you ignore the news or stop pursuing understanding.  No, you just need to be aware that this is nowhere near enough.
The craziest homeless dude wrapped in tinfoil is probably not even close to being paranoid enough to understand how close we are to collapse, how screwed we are and how much worse it will get than we can ever imagine.  Hey, if things were as good as they claimed, there would be no reason to lie about everything.  Why can’t you tell us anything?  Because all the lies are connected.  Tell us ONE thing and you can burrow in towards others and expose them.  Why do you think conspiracy theories are the elites best friend?  It discredits investigation based on conjecture. 
I think all of the above is pretty basic and we can agree on it.  The point being, how much faith are you willing to place in your own ability to see behind the curtain?  Do you trust your lying eyes?  Or do you trust your gut?  The ONLY weapon you have right now in finding even the partial truth is to not add self-delusion to the lies and propaganda of others profiting off your ignorance.  Pompeii is smoking.  All the learned men tell you that is normal, happens all the time.  Do you trust you, or them?
Most people will trust Them.  That is a byproduct of being social monkeys.  We change our reality to fit in with the group hypnosis.  You might dismiss that, thinking you are too smart for an echo chamber, but most of us still “go along to get along” and before you know it you stop thinking independently.  Or at least, you stop acting on those independent thoughts.  And that is the dangerous part.  And most of us do it without even being aware.  Hey, it isn’t a BAD thing-only during the collapse, not day to day normal living.
Your whole life needs to be dedicated towards going against the crowd, now.  I’m not sure why any one of you reading this would disagree with that.  Nobody who JUST wants to prep for a three week blackout ( remember when they used to be three DAYS? ) or an earthquake need read my unstable blatherings here.  I don’t care about short term disaster survival, only surviving civilization collapse and die-off.  I can only assume almost every one of you agrees with my assessment.  That, or I must be “Jim The Entertainer”.  I guess the flailings of the unhinged can be rather amusing.
I assume, rightly or wrongly, that every time I dust off a historical fun fact bolstering my distrust and paranoia, you get a bit more clear of the signs yourself that All Is NOT Well.  Things are far worse than even I can imagine, only because I too am trying to just live my life as normal as possible.  Normal being subjective of course.  The only thing keeping me sane?  Already being ready.  I still worry.  It just doesn’t become crippling.  Remember, the truth is out there.  You just won’t be allowed to find it.
( .Y. )
( today's related Amazon link click here )
note: free for today books.  EMP here 
Please support Bison by buying through the Amazon links here ( or from http://bisonprepper.com/2.html or www.bisonbulk.blogspot.com ). Or PayPal www.paypal.me/jimd303 

*** Unless you are in extreme poverty, spend a buck a month here, by the above donation methods ( I get 4% of the Amazon sale, so you need to buy $25 worth for me to get my $1 ) or mail me some cash/check/money order or buy a book ( web site for free books, Amazon to pay just as a donation vehicle ).
*** My e-mail is: jimd303@reagan.com  My address is: James M Dakin, 181 W Bullion Rd #12, Elko NV 89801-4184 ***E-Mail me if you want your name added to the weekly e-newsletter subscriber list.
*** Pay your author-no one works for free.  I’m nice enough to publish for barely above Mere Book Money, so do your part.*** junk land under a grand *  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio*   my web site is www.bisonprepper.com *** Wal-Mart wheat***Amazon Author Page
* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there

Monday, April 29, 2019

end is nigh

Hilary Clinton paid her dues to the CIA with Arkansas drug running.  Since 1963, intelligence agencies assumed all the power and government control of the old Soviet KGB.  Play ball with our new masters, which means you NEVER question ( shades of Federal Reserve Bank status ), and always help.  Then they help you.  Such as getting rich with cattle futures.  Or, pulling your girlie nuts out of the fire of Russiagate.  She was never going to be President, though, because she never could have gotten the Deplorables to continue supporting the current system.  So, she is of no use to anyone anymore.
Forrest Trump is the perfect President, as far as the powers that be are concerned ( central bank, intelligence services and PC corporations ).  He has all of fly-over country licking his red stained MAGA ballsack.  Yeah, if this is the kind of gun rights we can expect from the Republicans, give me Obammy back!  Anyway, since you get far more flies with honey than you do with vinegar, of COURSE we are going to get a President that seemingly is not screwing us, even as he brazenly does.  Shrub gives us the Patriot Act, and we howl when White House Negro takes over.
The elites are like a spouse abuser.  It is okay to keep beating the crap out of us, as we continue to “accidentally fall down the stairs”, as long as most of the time he strokes our hair and tells us he loves us ( for any of you uptight arseholes that are thinking, “that isn’t funny!  Abuse is no laughing matter!”, well, hump you.  All bitches can escape as there are plenty of resources out there to do just that.  And if you don’t have a male relative to save you, thank your feminist utopia ).
I trust I have pissed off all Trump supporters?  Good, because while he certainly is better than Hilary, Charlie Manson would have been also ( he was anti-fascist and racist, after all ).  You have to be careful of whoever saves you from the devil, as his price for doing so might be even higher.  My whole point here is that Trump is a false prophet, an inside operator ( gee, do ya think that Israeli rimjob might have been a clue?  And for all of you who support that country, out of some biblical misinterpretation, or whatever your motivation is, how can you have duel loyalty? ).
Did I piss off all the Christian fundamentalists?  Good, because Israel, who you know we gave nuclear weapons to to defend themselves, have certainly been no friend to America since a little thing called the USS Liberty ( if not sooner than that ).  Those are not the actions of a friend, not even a friend that accidentally made a boo-boo on purpose.  So, while I don’t hate you for being misinformed, I still say, screw you!  If you can show your work, I’ll gladly admit being wrong.
( PS-you can’t excuse Israel by giving examples of what the US did wrong.  Your own tribe NEVER does wrong.  We are far too long removed from tribal affiliations, if you cannot remember and relate to that.  And it is okay for Americans to criticize their own country, as long as you stand up to others who might think it is okay to do so.  Do you get it on the issue with duel loyalties, now?  I understand your confusion, with the state of our educational system.  I’ll wait while you think about it ) 
Now, I don’t REALLY care that Trump is taking the Rothschild’s pieces of silver, supporting their boys in Tel Aviv, and screwing Americans.  I expect no less from ALL Presidents, because it isn’t a system that tolerates competition.  I honestly have no comprehension how anyone bought into the “drain the swamp” fever dream.  You don’t get rich in this country without screwing people, and you don’t get to keep that money unless those in power permit you to.  Which means you will never help out a poor brother, regardless of what you promise.  And please spare me the “we voted AGAINST the elites”.
You know, that really is a good theory.  The Deplorables weren’t voting for Trump, they were voting for “No More Of The Same”.  So, tell me how that works.  You vote for an insider, because he tells you he supports you, even though you know he won’t, and that is a vote against the system?  Huh?  Call me all un-edumacated, but that don’t make a lick of sense.  I tell you what.  How about NOT voting, as a way to convey you don’t support the system?  Fine, whatever.  To each his own.
That is just a philosophical difference.  My far bigger problem with all of this isn’t our loss of control.  I’ve had my whole life to get used to that.  I drank many a beer, back in my drinking days, lamenting our even then obvious loss, beer I had just paid federal tax on, supporting that system.  No, it isn’t about loss.  It is about the lack of information.  We are now in a situation where we are completely blind.  We have no way of foreknowledge.  It is like NASA having the only view of space, and there is no one else to warn us of the asteroid.
The recent rabid turn of the media is nothing new. They have hated right wingers, red-staters, Republicans and individualists, Constitutionalists and Bill Of Righters for a hundred and fifty years.  The problem is, they no longer allow competition.  Before, their bias was just as bad.  But there were always other voices.  Now, they are killing all other voices.  It is about money, killing competition, but the effect is to blind us to the danger.  No one can tell us exactly HOW much danger we are in.  The information flow is too restricted.
I’ll continue in this same vein tomorrow, but I am working towards the point that it is more important than ever to be Prepped Yesterday because of this lack of information.
( .Y. )
( today's related Amazon link click here )
Please support Bison by buying through the Amazon links here ( or from http://bisonprepper.com/2.html or www.bisonbulk.blogspot.com ). Or PayPal www.paypal.me/jimd303 

*** Unless you are in extreme poverty, spend a buck a month here, by the above donation methods ( I get 4% of the Amazon sale, so you need to buy $25 worth for me to get my $1 ) or mail me some cash/check/money order or buy a book ( web site for free books, Amazon to pay just as a donation vehicle ).
*** My e-mail is: jimd303@reagan.com  My address is: James M Dakin, 181 W Bullion Rd #12, Elko NV 89801-4184 ***E-Mail me if you want your name added to the weekly e-newsletter subscriber list.
*** Pay your author-no one works for free.  I’m nice enough to publish for barely above Mere Book Money, so do your part.*** junk land under a grand *  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio*   my web site is www.bisonprepper.com *** Wal-Mart wheat***Amazon Author Page
* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there

Sunday, April 28, 2019

apocalypse shopping

I normally keep everyone appraised of my apocalypse shopping.  Usually, though, it is in the comments section, or used as another point of information without detail.  For instance, I’d say “I bought more ammo, about 10% increase in my total”.  Or I’ll say I got another $120 in 303 British as it was on sale for forty-five cents a round.  I don’t get too much into detail, not because I’m secretive but because I’m hazy on them after twenty years of shopping and moving them time and again, in effect hiding what I have from myself. 
This is good of course, because the more I have hidden and forgotten, the more I buy replacements.  “I know I have that damn rifle bore sighter in here, where the heck is it?  Screw it, I’ll just buy another one”.  In the Hippie Van I know I have coffee.  I bought them on sale at $3.50 a can in 2004 ( ish ).  Since wheat buckets and other heavy items have buried them under the bed frame, I have no idea how many.  Well, I better just double up on what I think I need.  I THINK there is a broken shell extractor under there too, but I’m not positive.  Better buy another!
You anal compulsive list makers and organizers are cheating yourself out of duplicates.  Disorganization can be your bestest buddy.  Today, just for something different, I’m going to go over my saved receipt from my last prepper shopping trip.  Then, I’ll throw away the list, bury the items under other crap, and forget I have them.  Then probably buying more, if I have time.  The “time” aspect is of course slightly worrying by this point.  Crap just feelz like its going to get real, yo.  I’ll expound on that.
The primary reason for going to Wally was that I felt I needed more dry ingredients for home-made laundry soap.  I feel like Wal-Mart might be hiding something, what with its store closings and its ( in my view ) desperate foray into Grocery Pick Up Service.  I don’t just pick up onesiers and twosies there, I like getting $40 or $60 at a time ( invest and forget ).  And I know everyone else sells the Borax and Baking Soda Powder, but it is at a much larger mark-up. So I’m stocking up before bankruptcy.
One thing.  Buy the Baking Soda NOW.  They were marked down to about half price, to $2.48.  Usually that means they are discontinuing that size and replacing it.  Usually with a smaller size.  I usually wait until I can afford both powders and all the soap bars at the same time.  So, for each Borax and Soda I also buy the seven bars of Zote.  Almost $20 per set.  Now, you might want to JUST buy the Soda powder, since this looks like a clearance item, then play catch up on the other ingredients.  The Zote soap already increased by 14% in one foul swoop. 
So, $10 in soda, $18 in Borax and $28 in soap bars.  $56 so far.  Another $4 into the Antacid Stockpile.  Usually I buy The 400 tablets for almost $7, but they have been having empty shelves there.  Purple Pills, too.  At least half the time, if you have heartburn and go to Wally, expect MORE heartburn as they are wiped out.  But now I think they are just raising prices on the generic Tums.  This is the fifth visit without my regular, so I’m thinking the 90 for $2 will be the new normal. 
Another buck in toothpaste.  I use the paste, then dip in a box of baking soda to get a much better and cheaper toothpaste than the Crest Pro-Health I used to buy for gingivitis.  I never let my stockpile get down, even by one tube.  $61 so far.  Next up was another ( quart ) case of canning jars for $10.  Right now, after over ninety cans of butter, I’m taking it easy and just stocking the jars a little at a time so I’m ready for whatever I decide to do next.  It will be a little less sticker shock.
Next, very important.  I got another pair of slippies.  I swear by the one piece plastic shoes.  More slipper than flip-flop, also known as “soccer slides”.  I’m doing almost everything but bike riding in them.  After thirty years walking on concrete at work, they are comfortable as can be.  Plus, they last longer and are cheaper than all other shoes.  If I have to replace them yearly, I’m ahead of most other shoes or boots that cost $50-$100 and last six months.  And I don’t have to replace them yearly.  I’ve stocked up while I can.
Any day now, the price shoots up and they start using a really crappy replacement plastic.  I have about six pairs of the slides and six of the Croc types.  The generic Crocs I wear in winter with wool socks, the sliders in the summer.  I bought another winter pair for $10, as I also use them on my exercise walks and the arch is getting thin.  Since I’ll be taking from my stockpile, this is a replacement.  First in first out, just in case they won’t store forever.  This brings us to $81.  Next up is Band-Aids.
I had a blister walking last week.  On my feet for over twenty years at work.  Biking and breaking down and walking into town, up to two hours walking.  Never one blister.  I must have had the hole in my sock slip over my toe just right, rubbing the inside.  I didn’t know I was in trouble until right before the house, and damn, was it a huge nasty wound.  I had to stuff a wad of TP between my toes to separate them and hobble around.  I also finished off the week doubling up on the exercise bike instead of walking once a day, as it healed. 
I’m sure I’ll hear “moleskin”, but seriously, I thought I had no need for it.  I thought my feet were bulletproof.  Let that be a lesson.  But, I knew I needed to start replacing generic with brand name Band-Aids.  When you need to add scotch tape to keep the bandage on, it is near worthless.  Another $6, total $87.  Sugar to stash, $3.  Cheating, I bought a bag of whole wheat flour on my Prepper Benjamin.  And then tax on most of it, to round out the $100.  That went fast!
This is the very UN-sexy side of preps.  Everyday items, hundreds of them, you must stockpile, that if taken away from essentials would buy multiples of very sexy semi-auto battle rifles, or FLIR scopes or freeze fried mystery meat cans.  But as I said before, I’d rather have $60 in soap, 150 gallons of liquid soap, than two bottles of antibiotics ( I’d rather have both, but insofar as prioritizing purchases on a limited budget ).  Prevention is the best cure.  And shoes are no laughing manner.  You want hookworm from the warm and wet feces infused soil from the idiots surrounding you?
You want a stash of toothbrushes and toothpaste, or some tooth pliers?  Again, you’ll want both. Thank you, China, for cheap tools.  But start with prevention.  $20 in nail clippers sounds like a waste of money, like it prevents you from buying another box of ammo.  It also keeps you from getting sick after running out of toilet paper and water wiping your ass.  Trimmed finger nails makes sure no solids are missed in your post-BM hand washing.  And in case you do get worms, make sure to have food grade diatomaceous earth.  Yeah, less fun and sexy than gun gear.  Reality blows.
( .Y. )
( today's related Amazon link click here )
note: free for today book.  Zombie humorous here.  
Please support Bison by buying through the Amazon links here ( or from http://bisonprepper.com/2.html or www.bisonbulk.blogspot.com ). Or PayPal www.paypal.me/jimd303 

*** Unless you are in extreme poverty, spend a buck a month here, by the above donation methods ( I get 4% of the Amazon sale, so you need to buy $25 worth for me to get my $1 ) or mail me some cash/check/money order or buy a book ( web site for free books, Amazon to pay just as a donation vehicle ).
*** My e-mail is: jimd303@reagan.com  My address is: James M Dakin, 181 W Bullion Rd #12, Elko NV 89801-4184 ***E-Mail me if you want your name added to the weekly e-newsletter subscriber list.
*** Pay your author-no one works for free.  I’m nice enough to publish for barely above Mere Book Money, so do your part.*** junk land under a grand *  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio*   my web site is www.bisonprepper.com *** Wal-Mart wheat***Amazon Author Page
* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there

Saturday, April 27, 2019

evil and lazy 3

We talked a bit already on self-defense in this country. No matter how justified you are when shooting someone, no matter how iron-glad the laws helping you seem, political hacks will try to screw you.  The District Attorney is a lawyer wanting to be a politician and you are a stepping stone to his success.  Your shanked AIDS ridden corpse on the floor of a jail cells means zero to this parasite.  Who thinks he alone is responsible for peace and tranquility and keeping the tide of anarchy at bay. You can’t change his mind, unless it is splatted on the wall.
You can’t sell people on your theory that they are evil, unless they are so afraid of you they change their profession.  The Hero Arc that all good fiction uses?  People don’t change.  But doing so makes a great story.  Stories aren’t real life.  People only change through pain, not choice.  When it becomes too painful to continue on one course of action, FORCE changes that person.  Their brain software is reprogrammed, without consent.  If people change it is only through beating them, and that is not due to them seeing the error of their ways.
It is just done to avoid future pain.  Do you think a War Bride falls in love with her captor by choice?  Of course not.  That is evolutionary programming, to help the species procreate.  No one thinks they are wrong.  Nor evil.  It is dangerous for you to think they are evil, because you then think they can discover this on their own and stop it.  If they are doing good, why would they change?  All you are doing is pissing them off more, and they double down on behavior.  That DA? 
He is keeping the citizens safe, and you spouting off about your rights and the Constitution just pisses him off, as he knows you are lying to justify unlawful behavior ( what HE interprets the law to be, not you ).  Use another example.  Those against the Second Amendment.  You say, evil leftists want my guns to cattle car me.  Those leftists don’t think they are evil or wrong, they think less guns mean less crime.  Which, honestly, it does.  Because people are lazy, remember.  Guns make it easier for those only marginally interested in crime to indulge.  Make it harder and SOME folks won’t be violent.
Now, don’t fly off the handle.  I still think everyone needs to be armed.  The only difference between me and anti-gunners is that we see a different consequence.  We both agree that less guns equal less crime.  We both see more government control being necessary in that equation.  The Statists see that as a good thing, whereas I see that the government doesn’t stop at Law And Order, but continues which Dissenter Elimination.  We don’t disagree on guns, we disagree on how the government will respond after I’m disarmed.  And you can’t change a Leftists mind the government will be evil.
We argue over guns, but the real reason no one changes their mind is because the argument is about government itself.  That is why logic does ZERO to change an Anti’s mind.  You are arguing about the wrong thing.  You are asking them to deny that man is good.  They can’t do that, because then they won’t feel safe.  They can only live amidst crime and criminals by pretending they don’t exist.  You are asking them to be frightened.  If man is capable of evil, instead of just guns, they are no longer safe from anyone.
Both sides are asking each other to be LESS safe.  Don’t even bother trying to do so.  It wastes everyone’s time.  And don’t even bother explaining to Statists that the government actually wants you to have guns.  They want the most populated areas to be gun free, but that is because the larger body count of citizens gives them more power at control, which they don’t use because they want the cities to have a healthy drug trade.  Drugs make everyone money, but mostly the government.  Another area you cannot use logic with.  Legal drugs is loss of revenue.
Big city gun control equates to a higher body count, which fuels citizen fear.  Which drives gun sales.  When you use that gun in self-defense, you will be screwed.  Which stops no one from using that gun.  “Better judged by twelve than carried by six”.  That is actually a point of pride, that slogan, by gun owners.  And not every defense shooting results in jail, not even in California.  The point is to keep the shooting down to a reasonable level, and to control both citizens and criminals.  The body count is actually lower.
The government doesn’t want to completely discourage defense shootings, or no one would arm themselves.  And they don’t want the criminals completely paralyzed from attacking citizens.  Everyone stays in conflict.  Citizens stay afraid of criminals, and ignore the government threat.  Criminals continue making the government money, but cannot get to the point of usurping the government control of the area.  Armed citizens are actually performing a militia role against criminals threatening to take over sovereignty in certain areas.  Yet, the threat of going to jail keeps the militia itself from assuming power.  See the balancing act?  No one can join together as a threat to government.
The government doesn’t care if you are armed.  You cannot threaten them.  Not without the wide support of the population, and you will NOT get that.  Everyone is turned against everyone else, all people fighting for shrinking purchasing power.  Even inflation and unemployment aid the government.  We all fight each other, not the Powers.  You are a chump, a dupe, a tool, and you cannot help or stop that.  I know a fantasy of an AR and combat load of 300 rounds makes you think you are invincible, but you ain’t much against the government. 
Only those the government sets against you.  And the gov likes when you fight those others.  It will be the same in a guerrilla war, as there will be multiple sides.  And no matter who you fight, it will help another of your enemies.  Sure you want to die to enrich others?  Better to retreat and be out of the way, unattractive as your area has no strategic or logistical treasure.  Or, Hell, go ahead and stay in that big city.  That should work out good for you.
( .Y. )
( today's related Amazon link click here )
note: scroll down to the second picture.  Priceless.  click here 
note: TEF, got your PayPal donation-many thanks.  Your generosity is appreciated. 
Please support Bison by buying through the Amazon links here ( or from http://bisonprepper.com/2.html or www.bisonbulk.blogspot.com ). Or PayPal www.paypal.me/jimd303 

*** Unless you are in extreme poverty, spend a buck a month here, by the above donation methods ( I get 4% of the Amazon sale, so you need to buy $25 worth for me to get my $1 ) or mail me some cash/check/money order or buy a book ( web site for free books, Amazon to pay just as a donation vehicle ).
*** My e-mail is: jimd303@reagan.com  My address is: James M Dakin, 181 W Bullion Rd #12, Elko NV 89801-4184 ***E-Mail me if you want your name added to the weekly e-newsletter subscriber list.
*** Pay your author-no one works for free.  I’m nice enough to publish for barely above Mere Book Money, so do your part.*** junk land under a grand *  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio*   my web site is www.bisonprepper.com *** Wal-Mart wheat***Amazon Author Page
* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there

Friday, April 26, 2019

evil and lazy 2

Okay, we left off at the Orlov/Saker interview.  I love those Saker articles, despite his bias, because few others call out the USA/NSA Fake Empire News as the bullcrap that it is as well as he does.  I’ll gladly take a bit of Russian Bias as the price to pay for that.  Orlov isn’t as accessible, hiding behind the paywall for some time ( I bought his books, but felt his free articles were just keeping me interested until the next one appeared.  And I don’t like Patreon, so I won’t pre-pay for his book of articles ).
As you might imagine, the comments section at the Unz site on this article were the typical binary response.  Yes, we are all going to die.  Or, no, you are a commie liar and the US is the exceptional empire and will live forever, thanks to Fracking and ObamaCare.  Or something.  I usually don’t care to read the comments of a Saker article.  Too much denial and hubris for me to handle.  I might as well be at a football game where the flag or failing to stand for the anthem cause riots.  Both are equally unhelpful.
But for some reason, I did read the comments at the Western Rifle Dudes site that linked to the Saker article.  I don’t know why-I generally don’t bother with those either.  While Unz comments are too heavily “Jews Are A Conspiracy”, Rifle Dude comments are way too “wave the flag, buy an AR, kill a commie for mommy”.  I understand that the Brown Shirts must remain stirred up so they can  become the cannon fodder of our new overlords, but it does become tiresome.  And sure enough, someone just had to bring up “they got the numbers but we got the guns”.
Does no one read history anymore?  I know it sucked in public school.  The same people making fun of the post office think a public institution would have actually done the job on the masthead?  Some government entities actually do their job.  Firemen.  The police ( if you are not silly enough to live in a big city ).  Libraries ( as much as they have surrendered the mandate, they haven’t become worthless yet ).  The post office does actually deliver mail relatively cheap ( it was the political managers who accepted the Bezos Tax ).
But schools?  Schools know how to teach, at least at the younger ages.  They just teach you because they want to indoctrinate you for the good of the elite.  It would be preferable if they didn’t do their job.  Yeah, if you don’t live in a home school state, and insist the wife stay home, you are part of the problem ( don’t feel bad, so was I ).  You can learn real history, even if you have to do so at the library rather than school.  YouTube even helps.  But never mind.  I won’t go off on this tangent any longer.
Forget about not understanding that an armed insurrection doesn’t actually mean we can control infrastructure ( how hard would it be for the government to malware the grid?  Come on! ).  The comment I got interested in was that someone stumbled over a nugget of wisdom.  To paraphrase, their response to the citizenry being armed was “sure they have all the guns, they just use them against each other”.  Hah!  Friggin classic.  So true.  We are now distracted by literally fighting each other to the death.  Going Postal is a perfect example.  Why kill the bearer of bad news?
Which is exactly what happens.  Your companies CEO didn’t send all the jobs over to China.  The politicians could have protected all of them with tariffs.  That is what they did for centuries, protecting American firms by shutting out foreign ones.  So why are you going to kill the manager of the day at the plant?  His job is just as endangered as yours, if not more so since he earns more.  He controls nothing.  Why?  Because you are a lazy hump.  You strike out at the closest target, like a petulant child.  Why didn’t you Suicide By Cop in Washington DC?
People are naturally lazy, remember?  It is a survival mechanism, to conserve calories.  Believe it or not, we didn’t always have petroleum farmed food coming out of our asses.  The stuff could get real scarce as the kings lapdogs encouraged everyone to be fruitful and multiply.  Overpopulation helps those in power.  Of course, to be fair, it kept your meek peasant ass alive as the other king tried to kill all of you.  Agriculture has been a crappy Faustian bargain.  Almost always, the 90% get screwed even as they are being helped.  Does Wal-Mart ring a bell?
The same schools that gently discouraged you from learning history so you remained blind ( bless the ones I had, as they actually cared about the subject, but I imagine I was lucky beyond belief ) were busy keeping you learning how to hate the wrong targets.  Even the curriculum that old farts love to nostalgically wax on about did the exact same thing.  Mighty was the hate on communism, so you might fail to note your own fascist government trying to exploit and kill you.  Central banks were good!  Because, capitalism!  Consume!  Duck and cover!
Orlov was correct about the Soviet Union failing to be an empire, as they did such a piss poor job at the Wealth Pump.  The invaded and occupied countries mostly just cost more money than they delivered.  And it was a defensive empire, creating a buffer state against American interests.  And they ended up being correct, in their paranoia, as the US Color Revolution’ed them and tried to exploit all the wealth out.  I’m not complaining, thank you Siberian Oil wealth effect.  But it does prove the intention of the US the whole time.  Ours was conquest, not theirs.
Being greedy and lazy, as is natural, we wanted it all, then got it, then it wasn’t enough.  The story of empire.  As is the story of divide and conquer.  Make no mistake, if you were in power you would do the exact same thing.  Don’t believe me?  Follow the Militia Porn people some time.  All that flowery rhetoric about patriotism and the Constitution, how are they planning to restore that?  By killing as many as their enemies as they can.  Is that wrong?  No.  But once they get the power back, they will keep the defeated impotent.
Sure, those commie bastards, those traitors, those Open Border whores deserve to die.  Then they deserve to be in prison.  Then they deserve to be disenfranchised.  See where I’m going with this?  That is exactly the same thing our Statist enemies think about us.  It doesn’t mean one side is right or wrong, it means both sides are greedy, lazy, and they self-justify.  Today, we want freedom, justifiably.  But tomorrow, our choice of government means we must take away the freedom of others.  Might makes right, and violence is survival.  And we lie to ourselves about it. 
I probably don’t need to continue tomorrow, but I’ll focus on the “armed to fight each other” aspect a bit more.  Yeah, sorry, if there aren’t enough enemies to keep you focused away from our overlords, they will create them anyway.  Til then.
( .Y. )
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*** My e-mail is: jimd303@reagan.com  My address is: James M Dakin, 181 W Bullion Rd #12, Elko NV 89801-4184 ***E-Mail me if you want your name added to the weekly e-newsletter subscriber list.
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* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there

Thursday, April 25, 2019

evil and lazy

People, and hence families and tribes and nations, are pretty damn easy to figure out.  You don’t think so, because it is not in anyone’s interest to tell you this.  A LOT of iron rice bowls would be cracked if explanations were logical and simple.  This is what you pay me for.  Yeah, I still screw you like everyone else, but I’m a lot cheaper and at least I make you laugh at yourself.  And, you can always be a Free Rider if you so choose, reading me for free and letting some other poor schmuck donate and foot the bill. 
For much of the Agricultural Age, priests and all their flunkies were the Yes Men of the kings, and it was their job to confuse and complicate.  Recently, scientists got into that game, becoming the weavers of confusion.  Anyone wondering how those nice little dudes in white lab coats could ever be anything other than rigid adherents to the truth might want to consider the guy who “invented” chemotherapy.  I can’t recall his name off hand so to avoid embarrassing me and my memory and his descendent family plus the ENTIRE medical community, we call him Science Dude.
Science Dude was a doctor in the service of the government assigned to the colonies.  In this case, Puerto Rico.  He certainly had NO desire to be there, as you might recall over a hundred years ago, neat crap like malaria was still a danger and these were literally craphole countries.  Hating the island, naturally he also hated the Little Brown People there.  He actually wrote to a colleague back in the US how he had maliciously experimented on the natives and killed several.  This got out and to say the islanders were not happy was an understatement.
Did anything happen to the doc?  Hell, no.  He placed some weak ass spin on the letter, went back to the mainland and was promoted.  Soon thereafter, he was placed in charge of cancer research and he started experimenting on patients here.  Since they were terminal, he gladly had consent for experimental drugs.  Given Science Dudes less than empathetic ways, one can just imagine the painful deaths of many, until he quite by accident happened upon the chemicals used in chemotherapy.  Since SOME actually lived through the chemistry experiment, it was degreed a CURE.  Then made mandatory. 
If you are a doctor, try offering anything other than surgery, radiation or chemotherapy to cure cancer, and see how long you keep your license.  No other “cures” are approved.  The same “scientific method” which saw bleeding, electroshock, eugenics ( AMERICAN, not German ), ADD diagnosis, drilling holes in ones skull trying to cure insanity, and other highlights of man’s daring intellectual progress.  When scientists are not busy with medical quackery, they are busily “proving” Gore Warming.  You can use the excuse, “what other alternative except witch doctors”, but I wonder how different the two practices are.
Under the guise of science, many population management tools have been perfected.  Look at sociology and anthropology, little more than the earliest Political Correctness indoctrination studies.  For a hundred years, these fields have rarely been anything other than propaganda and indoctrination rather than enlightenment.  They differ not at all from the apologists of racism ( not Southern Jim Crow, but colonialists excusing poor behavior of non-White overseas natives.  Did you know that the Alaskan islands invaded by Japan saw the residents that got back to the territories US controlled area placed in internment camps?  Lacking the will to give up resources, we just cattle car’ed them ).
Mostly giving up on overseas colonies ( sticking with sparsely populated islands, with a few exceptions such as Guam, or bases in foreign countries where we are not responsible to the population ), racism was no longer needed as a control mechanism since we no longer had a threatening HALF of the population non-White ( most of the numbers were from the Philippines ).  The same social engineers excusing then forbidding racism were also busy with the next social division of the early proto-political correctness, the social studies very early on propagated by these idiots.
Yeah, all this is your revered “impartial science dude”.  They are about as impartial as my bunghole is to my daily fiber intake.  Scientists are people, and ALL people no matter how they spin their own goodness are both lazy humpers, greedy humpers and some noble in their own mind mother humpers.  All people are the same, being, you know, people, and being a politician makes you no worse.  Being a scientist makes you no better.  The only difference in people is the cultural differences, and they are only subjective.  At core, lazy and greedy and self-justifying.
All the good that people do?  It is conditional.  It is only applicable to a certain class of people and if it is not done on demand they are punished.  It has nothing to do with being good rather than evil, being better than other groups, being perfect or not.  If a politician is evil, it is because he isn’t screwing other people for your benefit.  If a scientist is smart and logical and impartial, it is only because he was preaching to your choir.  Look at the propaganda war, pro-US and pro-Russian.  Both sides are right.  And wrong.
I love the Western Rifle Dudes and the site Unz, both being the most consistently helpful, to me, daily.  Orlov was recently interviewed by Saker, both strongly pro-Russian.  And I think that is a good thing.  Take their biased bullspit propaganda, contrast that to the paid for biased propaganda pro-American Empire media, and where the view is in between the two is probably pretty close to reality.  Both sides aren’t even spewing propaganda.  They see it as the truth.  The ONLY truly effective propagandist is someone who indoctrinated himself and is a True Believer.  The Kool-Aid drinkers.
Keep this Orlov/Saker article in mind, as it is important as we continue tomorrow.
( .Y. )
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*** My e-mail is: jimd303@reagan.com  My address is: James M Dakin, 181 W Bullion Rd #12, Elko NV 89801-4184 ***E-Mail me if you want your name added to the weekly e-newsletter subscriber list.
*** Pay your author-no one works for free.  I’m nice enough to publish for barely above Mere Book Money, so do your part.*** junk land under a grand *  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio*   my web site is www.bisonprepper.com *** Wal-Mart wheat***Amazon Author Page
* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there