Friday, May 31, 2019

lazy bug out cache 2

Okay, you are reasonably safe from millions of displaced urban scum, Blue State Swine that have been busy earning their pieces of silver by supporting politically correct globalism.  You are all hunkered down in your farm in the hills, buried AR’s awaiting the Revenuers.  You were paranoid enough to get there years in advance, and reasonable sure that the family in the holler next door would most likely be after your supplies not even half way through the first winter ( they were crackhead White Trash, on da well-fares ).  What do you do about them and theirs raiding?
Me, personally?  I’d shoot them all, first.  But that isn’t the kind of discussion we are having today.  How do you set up stashed supplies and a bug-out camp for when raiders do show up?  Can you dig a septic tank hole?  If you don’t need that large of a container, fine.  Ignore my advice to have five years of grain.  Just bury your buckets.  But if you have enough people, and enough grain, a septic tank might be just the thing ( I have no idea about condensation, whether you need to first go with Mylar bags, placing them in the tank ).
If you don’t have your own back-hoe, and are worried about op-sec, you’ll need to convince folks it will actually be a septic tank.  You might have to pay for the leech line digging, or get a permit, or similar subterfuge.  And if you are worried they will have read Lucifer’s Hammer, I don’t think anyone is doing to go deep turd diving for How To books.  Most preppers have that on e-files anyway.  That should take care of your bulk food stores.  Difficult to get to is good.
This leaves your In The Hills location a much simpler affair than the Mobile Caching Scheme.  You don’t need long term supplies.  You DO need everything there, but on a smaller scale.  You need to plan as if you were taking a growly in the outhouse and raiders showed up, the patrols missing them and Billy Bob the retard asleep at the church bell warning detail, and you had to go running into the woods empty handed.  Raiders are NOT going to be all Road Warrior and arrive with engines revving and speeches made.  They are going to try to ambush you.
Count on being empty handed.  I mean, I wouldn’t ever plan on not having a gun belt with me at all times, but just off the top of my head I can think of two scenarios.  What if you are skinny dipping and a raider shows up on shore, right where your clothes and weapon is.  You’d swim to the opposite shore and book into the hills, naked.  What if you were in the woods partaking in carnal activities ( perhaps not of your spousal variety, hence the clandestine location ) and were surprised.  Off you run, with no supplies.
Unlikely or low probability?  Sure.  So is everything we are doing, at least to some degree.  Being paranoid means you plan for all possibilities regardless of the math.  Well, I mean, not ALL possibilities.  You don’t need to go to bed wearing a butt plug, thinking you’ll get anal probed by UFO aliens.  I’m not saying that is a bad idea, just that some things are so improbable you can probably safely ignore them.  But those are few and far between.  But as our good buddy ‘Ol Remus says, plan as if you are escaping a Soviet Gulag. 
That means, surprised without supplies.  It isn’t because you’ll actually BE surprised without supplies, although you could, but because that covers so many other possibilities.  It is a one shop stop for prepping, like prepping for nuclear war used to be.  You know, from “better two years early than two seconds late” to “if you are ready for nuclear war, you are ready for anything”.  Yes, I know you could quibble with that one, and I have, but it is a good Rule O Da Thumb.  Like “stay away from crowds”.  We could quibble about numbers and distance but that isn’t the point.
What should you have up in your hill BOL?  Remember, you have to be close enough for the women and children ( old humpers might be out of luck.  “Shuffle FASTER, grandpa!” ) to get there, but not so easy for raiders to follow.  If in a valley, you have the camp up in the hills.  If in a clearing in the hills, perhaps a steep ravine you escape down deters horsemen.  If hilly prairie, you’ll need to set up retreating defenses so hopefully they lose interest in dying when the supplies are back there, safely. 
The BOL is designed for short term shelter and supply, and to resupply.  Worse-case scenario, you cannot retake the village and so must move on to a more permanent place you have deep larder supplied.  So, original farm/village.  A reasonable distance for the kids to get to short term shelter location, secondly.  And third, a permanent relocation spot with long term food supplies and other basics.  This should also be your plan if you are a single hermit.  A quick hide and resupply point to retake the main structure, and a back-up permanent structure far away.
What if circumstances don’t allow a third retreat?  Say, you never get around to it.  Or, the area is simply too built up ( not hard to do in some areas, where everyone is arsehole to elbow ).  This is where the “lazy” part can come in.  You can get away with just a rendezvous point.  Folks might have to go hungry for a few days, perhaps be cold ( back in the day, those “ignorant” peasants weren’t so foolish to be without warm clothing.  They didn’t wear flip-flops and shorts in March in Detroit, like our pampered petroleum punks do ). 
They will be alive.  Plans and drills should include retaking your settlement, if the raiders were too stupid to take that into account and go down the road some to partake in their looted goods.  There are going to be some complications.  What if someone was too slow and got caught, then tortured for the location of the big cache of food?  Generally, a raider takes the month’s supply of food obviously present and departs satisfied.  But what if they needed to make this permanent?  Would you have to negotiate a peaceful return?  Accepting a new governing body?
Nothing can be easy, right?  Right now, these things seen easy.  Everybody is armed with firearms, and an equalizer to strength, gender and age.  You’d better plan on that staying the case, or the paradigm of the strong destroying all those weaker returns.  Do I need to repeat, don’t waste ammo?  Not in your tactics.  And logistically, plan on far more than you’ll think you need.  Just like that food.  The easiest fight to win is one you aren’t in.  Plan on escaping and evading.  Simple caching for short time escaping.
( .Y. )
( today's related Amazon link click here )
note: SF, got your PayPal donation.  Love ya, bro!
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*** Unless you are in extreme poverty, spend a buck a month here, by the above donation methods ( I get 4% of the Amazon sale, so you need to buy $25 worth for me to get my $1 ) or mail me some cash/check/money order or buy a book ( web site for free books, Amazon to pay just as a donation vehicle ).
*** My e-mail is:  My address is: James M Dakin, 181 W Bullion Rd #12, Elko NV 89801-4184 ***E-Mail me if you want your name added to the weekly e-newsletter subscriber list.
*** Pay your author-no one works for free.  I’m nice enough to publish for barely above Mere Book Money, so do your part.*** junk land under a grand *  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio*   my web site is *** Wal-Mart wheat***Amazon Author Page
* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there

Thursday, May 30, 2019

lazy bug out cache

We just talked about the simplicity of prepping if you went with a mobile cache system.  Not that this is anyone’s favorite method of prepping.  I’m sure many of you were in the military and can vividly remember spending weeks in the field.  Unless you were a squid or wingnut, and the only problem you had is putting up with officers even more retarded than the ground pounding ones ( as if that should even be possible ). Camping that long is no fun.  The food is crap, you can’t bath and you are living in your clothes. 
So, most of us choose to live in a set location, a homestead.  This is great, comfort and luxury wise.  Tactically, it blows rabid monkey testicles.  The Indians would have kicked our asses, if we didn’t have a unlimited resupply of immigrants over in Europe and mechanized farming to feed all of them.  They were mobile ( at least the plains Indians, but those are the ones we all think about anyway. The east coast Indians knew their vulnerabilities, which is why almost all of them sided with the French in the mid 1700’s ) and we were defending fixed positions.
Yes, mobility has its vulnerabilities just as fixed defensive does.  But big picture, you are usually worse off waiting for the enemy to attack you.  Which is why you patrol, but that has its own set of problems.  And granted, mobiles can be vulnerable at its water source.  But while food must stay in place in a field, sometimes you have more than one site for water.  All things being equal, staying in one place sucks.  I understand you can’t ruck around with a FLIR scope and your arsenal of twenty-three semi-autos, so you must stay put.
It is normal to equate fields of food to security.  It has been a long ass time since hunting and gathering was feasible for the majority of people.  I constantly harp on how UN-secure farming is, but I’m not saying you shouldn’t farm.  I’m really just trying to counter the prevailing widespread notion that planting is the hard part and all else falls into place.  Actually, growing food is the easy part, and securing that food is the main problem.  After all, the plants do most of the work.  People just need to NOT screw up the plants job.
One of the unfortunate side effects of our recent infatuation with Libertarianism ( thanks bunches, Rand! I’m kidding.  We love ya, dude ) is that we too easily dismiss government as simple thugs and bandits.  Which they are, even if we miss the fact that we are also enjoying the surplus that allows them to be so predatory.  But the problem with those Libertardians is that, despite quoting Heinlein all the time, they actually DO think there is a free lunch.  They think security is more a matter of philosophy than just simple violence.  You want food?  You need to kill people.
It is as simple as that.  I hate to be too judgmental against all these sky-screamers who operate life on their feelings, because most of us were young and stupid once also.  But for you to get something, someone else must lose something.  Sorry, in an overpopulated world with decreasing resources, it MUST be a zero sum game.  You want land to grow food, somebody is going to get hurt.  Either someone who already had the land or somebody who wants yours.  That is what we pay government for, to be the Hard Man we don’t want to be, to kill those people.
( Yes, I’ve heard all the arguments.  I used to be a Libertarian, remember?  I’ll always be an anarchist philosophically, but realistically the only system that works in an agricultural society is a Strong Man paradigm.  To be more equalitarian,  you must be in a tribe where there are only two occupations-breeder or fighter.  Simply logic-only fighters bring enough value to the group to get a vote ).   Wrap your head around this.  You are either a serf, and support a protector, or you must kill to farm.  Someone always wants what you have.
So, as you gaze wistfully at a map, plotting where to live to grow food, factor in not how much you want that land, but how much other people want that land.  If you are on land that will feed an army, and is easy for an army to take, you will become a serf.  Or a corpse.  If an army cannot feed itself off the land getting to your farm, and absent most population, you should be fine.  You’ll probably only have to contend with raiders rather than armies.  You’ll need to have a BOL.
A bug out location is as old as agriculture.  Horsemen approach and it is a great idea to get the hell out of the fields and into the hills.  Once there, this not being Hawaii, you probably needed shelter.  As well as hidden food storage on a day-to-day basis, leaving a token amount for the invaders.  This is the alternative to remaining constantly mobile with caches.  Having both a fixed location AND a bug out location, but also, most of your supplies in a third spot.  Close enough to home to use/supply but not easily stolen.
This is NOT what most of us do.  We put all our supplies in our home or home retreat.  Most of us plan on bugging in.  Despite having historically cheap rodent and bug proof caching materials, we keep our supplies at home and use them as a security blanket.  And most of us have no place to go as a back-up location ( a bug out bag is worthless without caches ).  But having caches is not only a perfect frugal way of prepping ( if you don’t have a retreat ), it is the perfect tactical response to enemies coveting your supplies.
Not too long ago, we talked of stacking silver, as seen on the videos from “Truth Never Told”.  He said, just think like a pirate.  That’s it.  That is the distilled wisdom for keeping your wealth transfer vehicle safe.  NOT stashed in your home where you feel safer because it is accessible.  No, it is buried.  The back yard is fine for present day thieves ( if your middlin to large dog is able to guard it ), but does nothing to protect against today’s government or tomorrows raiders.  Sorry, but tales of “buried under a new subdivision” is no excuse to ignore this advice.
Firstly, suburban sprawl is largely dead as a paradigm.  We cannot maintain what we have, although that didn’t stop us before, except now, secondly, how hard is it to find a spot that WON’T be paved over?  And third, how hard is it to dig more than one hole?  Decentralize, dammit!  Two thousand years later, WITH power equipment, we are still digging up Roman era caches of precious metals.  They didn’t just bury the things when the barbarians were at the gates, but also to keep thieves away normally.  It can’t be THAT hard.
Continued tomorrow.
( .Y. )
( today's related Amazon link click here )
note: I've corresponded with Doug Bell for many years.  He was involved in the Survivalist Magazine ( here .  He wasn't involved at the level he could stop it from going to crap ).  He is also quite knowledgeable.  He taught me a LOT.  He is trying to start up another survivalist magazine, which, with him at the helm I'm sure can be a really great one.  What he is requesting is any advice on the business end of things ( he isn't quite sure of the format.  Paper?  Paid site access? ), and he wouldn't be adverse to any potential investors.  If you can be of any help, shoot me an e-mail and I will forward it to him, then he can get back to you directly.  At the beginning of the mail, put "forward to Doug Bell". 
note: I don't think I've ever seen this in my life.  Diesel CHEAPER than regular unleaded.  It could just be a fluck, business down as the town starts going into decline.  Some shopping centers are 40/50% unoccupied.   But the other two stations on my walking route were three and five cents over unleaded, compared to the one a nickel under, so who knows.
Please support Bison by buying through the Amazon links here ( or from or ). Or PayPal 

*** Unless you are in extreme poverty, spend a buck a month here, by the above donation methods ( I get 4% of the Amazon sale, so you need to buy $25 worth for me to get my $1 ) or mail me some cash/check/money order or buy a book ( web site for free books, Amazon to pay just as a donation vehicle ).
*** My e-mail is:  My address is: James M Dakin, 181 W Bullion Rd #12, Elko NV 89801-4184 ***E-Mail me if you want your name added to the weekly e-newsletter subscriber list.
*** Pay your author-no one works for free.  I’m nice enough to publish for barely above Mere Book Money, so do your part.*** junk land under a grand *  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio*   my web site is *** Wal-Mart wheat***Amazon Author Page
* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

what not to do in 2020 collapse 3

We’ve talked about why this might be the last economic collapse ( before things get real, like anarchy and civil war ).  And why you need to act like it is rather than just acting like you hope this isn’t.  So, now, what is going to happen if you do nothing.  First off, shelter.  Look at all the idiots now, setting up tents and being homeless.  I’ve made fun of tents before, pointing out they won’t slow down bears very well.  And I’ve told you to beware Hobo Rape.  Hey, these guys are pretty damn nasty-do you REALLY want their junk in the wrong place?
And that isn’t factoring in Ebola.  Now, I don’t know if Ebola is the Next Smallpox Epidemic Of 1493.  It could be, or not.  However, even if it turns out to be a minor scare, I can tell you for sure that if it isn’t we are screwed.  Only five airports test for it, and those tests are probably laughable.  And the border?  Even if Forrest Trump gets off his orange ass and gets serious, the problem isn’t going to get fixed anytime soon.  And there are reports of Africans crossing the southern border.
Granted, those are more akin to Alex Jones types of rumors.  Fear porn dialed to 11.  That could be BS.  But it is simply too easy to get into a Sanctuary State here, by whatever means.  Nancy Polosi never met an illegal voter she didn’t like.  And she is just a nasty wrinkled whore to the bankers ( I think I’d rather get Hobo Raped than see her naked, but a whore she is nonetheless ).  Everyone loves immigration, except those already living here.  If you think a collapse is impossible, just look at our elite.
Anyway, I wouldn’t even be surprised if Ebola was used intentionally.  I won’t even go off on a rant about that one.  But one of the first places you can bet it would show up is amongst the homeless.  If I look hard enough, I can see the good in anybody.  The problem is, they can barely see it themselves and quickly revert to mega stupid behavior.  No matter how nice a bum is, he is still Patient Zero.  Those humpers are just plain gross, a petri dish that enjoys an adult libation around the clock.  Avoid as you would a leper colony. 
And the tent cities WILL spread.  Right now, the majority of bums are just worthless cankers, too much of a pussy to kill their miserable selves and try to do it with booze and drugs, irritating the rest of us in the process.  Come economic collapse, the “real”, “normal” people currently living in cars won’t even be able to do that ( plus, all the newly minted poor will join them ) and be forced into tents.  And the “normies” don’t want to live in the already established Bum Towns with that scum and villainy. 
I can see a father with kids not wanting to be anywhere close to junkies defecating on the sidewalk.  So he goes much further out to find a squat spot ( bums are incredibly lazy and hate to walk, so they get as close to resupply as possible ).  I can see tent cities with legions of bicycle commuters, assigned caregivers staying behind.  You MIGHT find sanctuary there, but I wouldn’t count on it.  The police won’t harass OtherColor Financially Disadvantaged homeless, but they most likely will raid and harass Normal People Encampments. 
Or, the bums will raid the camps for nicer stuff to steal ( the bum camps only offer fecal stained used clothing and vodka bottles ).  I know I said they are lazy humpers, but they will be just like crackheads today.  Either way, it is probably too much of a target.  Wouldn’t you rather plan ahead now and have a piece of junk land with a ferrocement hut with locks, and a fence around it containing a dog?  And don’t forget logistics if you are homeless.  Camping supplies and bicycles will first disappear ( just-in-time-inventory ), then shoot up in price.
What I’m trying to say is that the homeless population will explode, drastically.  And you do NOT want to be in that stampede.  You cannot wait until then to buy junk land, either.  There simply isn’t enough to go around if it becomes at all popular.  And you can bet that as soon as it does, scams will abound ( it isn’t too bad at all right now, in that aspect ).  You may or may not get lucky with RV’s ( motor attached ).  As things get worse, those unable to imagine building something themselves will be paying too much for pull trailers. 
But when the next “$147 a barrel” moment happens, motorized RV’s might lose all luster.  MIGHT.  I wouldn’t want to bet on it, but if the majority of prospective buyers envision driving from spot to spot, they won’t want a gas guzzler.  Unless they will be parking in a relatives driveway.  Which is why it might go either way.  Don’t depend on it being mobile, yourself, however.  Happy Motoring WILL end.  You all just think it will be later.  But what if it is sooner?  Saudi Arabia losing its pumping/refining capacity isn’t as catastrophic as it once was, but other issues abound.
I won’t get into all that.  Just don’t count on affordable fuel as a cheap lifestyle alternative.  Car/van/RV living is great, now, the cost of even California fuel a bargain compared to rent in almost all places.  But the whole reason we are in the economic mess we are is because of the Peak Oil 2005 ushering in way too much Fake Fuel drastically crushing EROI, net energy, and there being less energy for all other industries ( such as suburban sprawl, the defacto economic engine between the Tech Wreck and the Housing Bubble Derivatives meltdown ). 
The Oil Age isn’t going to end sometime, it is already in the process.  It isn’t a future scare.  Just like an economic collapse.  It has already started, we are just waiting for things to go from “getting worse” to “completely over with”.  This is the danger of thinking the collapse is a stairstep.  You think things will keep normalizing after every setback.  If you look at it as a waterfall collapse, you know after freefall there is only death.  By giving up a middle class petroleum heavy lifestyle now, voluntarily, while you can still invest in the dystopian future, you’ve found portage around the falls instead of heading over them.
( .Y. )
( today's related Amazon link click here )
note: free for today books.  PA here.  Not sure on this one-the recovery after the collapse.  Yet, if from a low tech point it might be interesting here
note: if you are bored and want a survival-ish movie, Amazon Prime has "Eden".  Plane crash on a island and the survivors have little water or food.  Not great, a little PC ( see gentle moral Black save everyone from evil Whitey ), just good enough to watch it all the way through.  I liked the clash between the characters who knew what had to be done and those too weak to do so ( of course, you know the side message movie is going to pick ).  Pay attention to the Jap skeleton.  That was NOT their issue rifle.
Please support Bison by buying through the Amazon links here ( or from or ). Or PayPal 

*** Unless you are in extreme poverty, spend a buck a month here, by the above donation methods ( I get 4% of the Amazon sale, so you need to buy $25 worth for me to get my $1 ) or mail me some cash/check/money order or buy a book ( web site for free books, Amazon to pay just as a donation vehicle ).
*** My e-mail is:  My address is: James M Dakin, 181 W Bullion Rd #12, Elko NV 89801-4184 ***E-Mail me if you want your name added to the weekly e-newsletter subscriber list.
*** Pay your author-no one works for free.  I’m nice enough to publish for barely above Mere Book Money, so do your part.*** junk land under a grand *  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio*   my web site is *** Wal-Mart wheat***Amazon Author Page
* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

what not to do in 2020 collapse 2

First things first, you probably don’t want to live in the city.  But I get it.  I honestly do.  When I moved to Florida to be near my kids ( with the secondary motivation of avoiding cold winters when Y2K hit ), there was no way I WASN’T going to be living in the city.  The tropics have nasty crap in them like poisonous bugs and huge snakes.  I enjoyed the tress and all, but I wasn’t getting out of sight of concrete.  And coming soon-malaria!  How groovy.  Seriously, budgetary constraints and mosquito spraying-do the math.
Right now, I choose to live in town.  If I wasn’t, I could live far enough away to be safe ( the hermitage location, not the old B-POD location which was merely safer, but not completely safe ).  But I can’t deny I choose to stay in town even knowing it is stupid.  Not completely retarded, as I’m playing the odds the place severely depopulates prior to true collapse, but I understand the appeal of living in town.  There are always good, valid reasons.  Just have a back-up plan, because you are going to need it.  Soon.
The next time you get a pink slip, here is what you don’t do.  You don’t stay there.  You take that as your final warning to get the freak out ( remember, I said this article was premised on your agreement with me on the severity of this economic collapse.  Obviously, if you think I’m full of crap none of this advice is very smart ).  The pink slip is your warning that this time, This Suckers Going Down.  You do NOT keeping paying your mortgage.  You do NOT look for another job.  You do NOT embrace BAU.
Business As Usual is your enemy.  That is how everyone is going to end up being stuck in the city without a house and without money to make the car payment ( and their car is their new apartment.  Beware the po-po fining you for that, as revenue enhancement ).  They spent it all because This Time Is No Different.  They thought it was just another recession rather than what we all know it most likely will be-The End My Beautiful Friend.  They took their bug out savings and used it to stay bugging in.
I’m going to make the assumption that almost all of you are living in the city for a good reason.  That is where your money is, and that is the only place it is.  If you could have, you’d already be further out in the country.  Or, this job pays so darn well, it would be retarded to not be there for it.  Okay.  I’m not judging.  Frugal living is not everyone’s cup of tea.  So, you being all talented and in high demand, if you DO lose your job I assume that is it.  There won’t be another.  It means there aren’t any more of those jobs to be had.
So you don’t waste your time trying to find one.  You don’t use up all your savings in a futile gesture, trying to hold on to a wife that hates you anyway or to assuage your fragile ego since bald and fat and out of shape, the job is all you have going for you.  Time to face reality.  This portion of your life is toast.  It is going to suck giving up the Yuppie Scum lifestyle.  But you will emerge on the other side much better off.  And you can laugh at the idiots who didn’t follow your lead.
So, immediately, even if it is the next day, don’t make your next mortgage payment.  Don’t make your next car payment.  If you are paying rent you have at least a week or two before an eviction notice.  Do not pay one single bill.  Nuke your credit score, as you won’t be renting again.  Obviously, you can’t just walk away from some bills.  You’ll have to file bankruptcy.  But you take my meaning.  Stay legal, but get the hell away from all the money suckers.  If you don’t have an apocalypse worthy spouse, dump them.
If you REALLY Honest Injun think that this next economic downturn is going to be worse than 2008, you have no choice.  In our Just In Time Inventory world, the tiniest slightest most minute problems cascade and snowball.  Remember how quick local governments ran out of money last time?  Remember how quick taxes went up?  Remember how quick the unemployment ballooned?  It will be WORSE!  You have to be preemptive before you have competition.  And there will be competition.  If there are any jobs left, if there are any consumer goods customers left, they will be overrun.
So you need to sell all your crap.  That is what it is now.  It is crap that no one else wants.  Not at the prices you think you should get.  Usually you can’t even get a thrift store to come pick it up, and it will cost you to throw it away.  Find out what everyone else is selling an item for, then sell it for half price.  Moving to Nevada from Florida, I put a classified ad in for both of my 45’s, at below jobber price, including mags and ammo.  It literally wasn’t two or three hours and they were sold.
Sure, I could have gotten more.  But I knew what price would get people unable to resist.  Even if they couldn’t afford it, they were going to buy it.  And I was tired of trying to afford every mag or box of ammo for it anyway.  It was a Yuppie Scum tool.  I was moving and leaving behind my attempts at middle class.  This is exactly what you need to do also.  Time to reprioritize.  Middle class living isn’t even possible on $100k in some places, with rent and medical being what they are.
Should you keep trying to live that life?  Or is it time to stop being a schmuck?  A stooge?  A debt slave?  Now, this doesn’t have to be applicable to your situation.  You could have the resources to play their game until the very end.  You could already have junk land and a second income stream through mail order, but choose to stay in the city to stack more silver and cases of ammo.  Hey, if your whole life has been this kind of work, and you enjoy it, I don’t blame you for holding on.
Not everyone want to go sit on the porch all day listening to the crickets.  This advice is more for those poor lost souls who are part of the half of the population that is one paycheck away from insolvency.  And that isn’t a shameful thing.  You could have been left out high and dry after a divorce, just lost everything to identity theft, went a little too long between jobs and are just now starting to save again, whatever.  Everyone is fighting the Beast.  It is hard to escape its greedy and sucking maw.  Everyone is getting hosed.
Okay, enough for today.  Continued tomorrow. 
( .Y. )
( today's related Amazon link click here )
Please support Bison by buying through the Amazon links here ( or from or ). Or PayPal 

*** Unless you are in extreme poverty, spend a buck a month here, by the above donation methods ( I get 4% of the Amazon sale, so you need to buy $25 worth for me to get my $1 ) or mail me some cash/check/money order or buy a book ( web site for free books, Amazon to pay just as a donation vehicle ).
*** My e-mail is:  My address is: James M Dakin, 181 W Bullion Rd #12, Elko NV 89801-4184 ***E-Mail me if you want your name added to the weekly e-newsletter subscriber list.
*** Pay your author-no one works for free.  I’m nice enough to publish for barely above Mere Book Money, so do your part.*** junk land under a grand *  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio*   my web site is *** Wal-Mart wheat***Amazon Author Page
* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there

Monday, May 27, 2019

what not to do in 2020 collapse

As we just discussed, I’m betting that we are already in the next economic collapse.  Not as in, we’ve been in an economic collapse for fifty years.  As in, Big Stuff happens like in 2008.  Just as in 2007 when the collapse started, we might not see huge indicators until next year but it has already started.  Don’t take this to mean you have a year and a half to prep.  I’m just guessing that it won’t be until next year when banks crash and everyone is out of work and etcetera.  I know you don’t want to believe me.
Last time, mostly due to the oil price spike but picking up steam after that with unemployment exploding, global trade tanked.  Yet, we are already right now at worse volumes of global trade than we were then.  Last time, unemployment numbers grew AFTER the housing bubble crashed.  This time, even discounting my own paranoid unemployment guesstimate, the numbers are at 1929 Great Depression levels, already.  Last time, the housing bubble derivatives bubble was almost a quadrillion.  Now it is almost three times that much.  Depending on your math.  But even “just” twice is scary enough.
Last time, we had half the national debt.  Last time, we only had a housing bubble.  Now we have the Everything Bubble, and houses are at levels close to those bubble highs now.  Last time, we had weather disasters affecting crops after the crash.  This time, they already started.  Last time we had just started fracking.  This time, most fracking areas are played out.  Last time, companies could borrow to stay in business.  This time, those companies cannot even pay the last loans.  Last time we only had to bail out some banks.  This time, every institution needs bailing out.
If you aren’t scared, you are an eternal optimist and cannot be cured.  For the rest of you, let’s talk about how you can get ready, your timeline and what NOT to do.  As for a timeline, I cannot time the collapse.  You cannot time the collapse.  Ross Perot cannot time the collapse ( and Warren Buffet is clearly under the thumb of the “R” bankers and is doing stupid crap just to give the illusion of calmness, so we can’t rely on him ).  Assume the collapse is tomorrow.  Seriously.  I could be way off on the obvious indicators waiting until next year.
What can you do?  In all seriousness, panic early and avoid the rush ( thank you for that one, Greer.  You were a Optimistic Ollie delusional puke, placating the masses with permaculture unicorn gardens, but you got a lot of things right ).  You could be excused for not seeing the severity of the 2008 crash.  You have ZERO excuse this time.  Take the 2008 collapse, add the Great Depression, the millions percent inflation of Zimbabwe, the Cold War nuclear threat, the Black Plague, the New World smallpox 90% die-off, an EMP and perhaps, maybe, you’ll sort of get how bad it is going to get this time.
Okay, a bit of hyperbole.  But at least economically, we have no experience in this country.  It won’t be Really Bad But I’m Prepared.  It will be worse.  And it is going to be so much worse for one simple reason.  There are paradigms that must be destroyed.  Ultimately, our War Of Northern Puritan New England Blue Blood Banker Whores Subjugation Of The Southern Sovereign States was fought to turn our country into an industrial empire.  You can’t vote that kind of thing in.
Rather, you had to utterly destroy the agricultural economy that had too much political power.   With them in power, necessary resources were not available for centralization.  At the same token, you can’t peacefully colonize half the globe to continue with free commodities to supply captive consumers with your industrial goods.  We had to destroy all our competitors.  Our allies and our enemies.  England had to be reduced to the economic level of Detroit 2005 so we could rule most of the planet ( we finally got China, but by then we couldn’t control them ).
Political and economic orders are always carried out as corpses.  They are never peaceful transactions.  Not only do we have a federated country that must be balkanized, we have an empire that must be dissolved.  And we have an Oil Age that must be destroyed to get back to a saner form of human existence.  Which means we need a die-off to accomplish that.  It might not even stop there as we’ll need a Dark Age to replenish the land ( the conservative farming movement is a great idea.  And it is ultimately doomed to failure from its reliance on the Oil/Industrial Age continuing ).
( The “conservative farming” idea is employing methods that are flexible, and immediately save money to pay for its implementation.  No plowing, with cover crops and rotation.  Some also throw in short durations of intense grazing followed by a year rest.  They are great ideas.  You also still need some machinery and some fertilizers/pesticides.  Although far less than currently.  The big failure with the system is outside its control, the centralized transportation heavy distribution system.  Without tearing up the suburbs and decentralizing farming, it is due to fail.  And we don’t have resources to relocate )
Not to say the 2019/2020 collapse will be the end game of all that constitutes daily life.  Perhaps it won’t be.  But I’d say that the odds are good that it will be the last economic collapse we see in our current set-up as imperial central bank run industrialized society.  But just in case, of course, you aren’t per se burning bridges in the sense of going to jail if the current régime survives.  You are just opting out economically, not politically.  But keep in mind that all the advice to follow assumes you agree with me that this is the final phase of our current system.
Just economically.  Social disintegration is a step removed.  This is just the immediate responses and work-arounds for severe economic contraction.  It is a tutorial on what to do and what not to do as the economic collapse commences.  You’ll still see-most likely-full government control, rationing, higher crime rates and all the rest ( the 1970’s revisited ).  We discuss steps to take to soften that blow, to reduce the consequences of staying within this current failing system.  Continued tomorrow.
( .Y. )
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*** My e-mail is:  My address is: James M Dakin, 181 W Bullion Rd #12, Elko NV 89801-4184 ***E-Mail me if you want your name added to the weekly e-newsletter subscriber list.
*** Pay your author-no one works for free.  I’m nice enough to publish for barely above Mere Book Money, so do your part.*** junk land under a grand *  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio*   my web site is *** Wal-Mart wheat***Amazon Author Page
* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there

Sunday, May 26, 2019

bah humbug

As the old joke goes, “How do you know a food is healthy for you?  It tastes like crap!”  Jokes are funny because there are kernels of eternal truth to them ( or, just funny because other people got hurt.  Either way works, and they do say laughter is the best medicine ).  I’m not saying you cannot enjoy and even crave healthy food.  Of course you can.  I do.  It just takes a re-training period for your brain to get off the junk food crack addiction.  You backslide, less and less every year, and Good Food Good is reiterated through pain.
Just like alcohol.  Your body needs it, after an addictive period, until you go through the pain of getting over the addiction.  Why do you think bankers and CEO’s keep destroying nature, cultures and countries?  They are weak creatures from lack of trial by discomfort and they are addicted to hookers and cocaine.  No act too vile to continue getting their Gerbil To Anal ( GTA ) or snorting their blow, all the time.  Twats.  You can train yourself to be weak, or you can train yourself to be strong.  Reinforcement, good or bad, and your monkey brain meekly follows.
You can become addicted to healthy food and exercise.  You can be Arnold, pumping iron to such a degree you have a puke bucket nearby ( which was followed later with that same bucket after he was married to Maria Shriver-badump! ).  Most folks see the entry in the dictionary of “moderation” and think it is some foreign Greek word.  They are ‘Murican’s, dammit, and they will not moderate their Yuppie Scum lifestyle until it is pried from their cold dead fingers ( yeah, Spanky, I’m being literal rather than hyperbolic here.  Amusing times ).
I’m no saint, nor a super stud ninja survivalist.  Most of my good prepper habits come from other less admirable traits.  I’m just a cheap humper, so it was easy to never get addicted to eating out at fast food.  When it used to taste good, it was a seldom indulged treat.  Now that it tastes like rancid swill I can act all high and mighty about not eating any of it.  But I was until recently never very good about not eating the at home variety of crap food.  Only in financial austere times did I clean up my addiction. 
But you train yourself and move in the right direction.  So, following the food joke theme, let’s make another humorous observation.  “How do you know you are prepping correctly?  Nothing you do is any fun”.  If you are enjoying prepping, you are probably doing it wrong.  Seriously ( kind of ).  At first, doing what needs to be done is going to suck all the mule members you can fit into a giant box.  Only later, after retraining your monkey mind, will you begin to enjoy it.  Surely you can admit, most prepping advice/activity is rather juvenile. 
Not to disparage the AR-15 too much ( I know it has its place-I’m no longer just hating on it as a religious stance as I used to.  I really need to publish the next Bison Book Batch with the battle rifle title ), but isn’t the whole platform called the “Barbie Rifle” ( so called for its fun accessories ) for a reason?  Isn’t most prepping just shopping, as if every day of the year was Happy Festivus?  Now, I know that isn’t the whole story.  I understand most aspects of the hobby, believe me.
I’m just asking, how many preppers do the Hard Things?  How many roll the dice financially and move out of the city?  How many try to reduce their dependency on the automobile?  How many don’t have enough food because they insist on only freeze dried ( when you are broke, Fancy Food should be a White People Problem not of your universe.  Obviously, get what you can eat every day, not what your favorite Prepper Guru advises, because, duh, Food First.  Then triple that because none of us can guess actually how bad it will get )?   
( Just as with guns, you only get what you can have multiples of, not what is best or what is approved.  And yes, I understand the AR is the cheapest to get multiples of.  For now.  As soon as it isn’t, you can bet a jelly filled donut I’ll return to heaping scorn and ridicule ).  My point here is that most of us, most of the time, choose Fun over Hard.  Sometimes in life, sometimes in prepping.  If this does not apply to you, congratulations.  But there is a very good reason why prepping is mostly about guns.  Because they are fun.
You can have your fun.  But it is called Delayed Gratification.  You earn it, then you get to enjoy it.  You can eat junk food, as long as it is a treat and a reward rather than a menu.  You can do all the fun stuff.  But you also have to ask yourself, every day, was that necessary, or was that just fun?  Saving money is no fun.  Giving up luxuries is no fun.  Living like a bare ass savage is no fun ( at least not at first.  Eventually, after it is no longer painful, it can be fun, or at least enjoyable or rewarding ).
Do you think daily exercise is fun?  If you do, you are humped in the head.  The feeling AFTER you exercise is enjoyable, as your energy level is elevated and you don’t feel like a turd mixed in molasses on a cold tin roof.  Fun?  No.  I exercise six days a week and then rest on the seventh.  On that seventh day, I feel like crap for not exercising but I know I need to rest the muscles.  Not feeling like I’ll have a heart attack during sex, that is a nice feeling.  But fun?  No. 
We do un-fun crap because we have to.  Do I enjoy, some days anyway, forcing myself to eat that last platter of wet cardboard whole wheat bread?  Negative.  But I feel WORSE if I don’t, as my blood sugar lowers and I’m feeling actual weakness rather than just hunger.  I have to do it, I enjoy the feeling AFTER I do it, but no one can mistake it for fun.  That should be YOU, and your prepping.  Delayed gratification, and in this case you should feel gratified if you never have to be grateful for prepping.
( .Y. )
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*** Unless you are in extreme poverty, spend a buck a month here, by the above donation methods ( I get 4% of the Amazon sale, so you need to buy $25 worth for me to get my $1 ) or mail me some cash/check/money order or buy a book ( web site for free books, Amazon to pay just as a donation vehicle ).
*** My e-mail is:  My address is: James M Dakin, 181 W Bullion Rd #12, Elko NV 89801-4184 ***E-Mail me if you want your name added to the weekly e-newsletter subscriber list.
*** Pay your author-no one works for free.  I’m nice enough to publish for barely above Mere Book Money, so do your part.*** junk land under a grand *  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio*   my web site is *** Wal-Mart wheat***Amazon Author Page
* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there