Tuesday, August 2, 2016

past future 2 of 5

note: more for Kindle Unlimited.  Anything by E.A. Lake is a short but well done read.  The urban sniping book "Fry The Brain".
The idiots amongst us buy multiple AR-15’s ( because, you know, all that material in gun and ammo high tech is so easy to duplicate ) and stack cases of MRE’s ( because, you know, the more something costs the better it is ) and live in a big city ( because, you know, none of them are high cost of living so all those higher wages ALL go into preps ) and call themselves preppers.  The semi-intelligent amongst us minimize dependency on our Oil Age in as many ways as possible ( like, say, for instance, not having a friggin chainsaw and two cars and a five gazillion megawatt generator ) but still have a nagging feeling they just aren’t doing enough.  They call themselves survivalists but they might end up just being a less moronic prepper.  Those few of us that are truly intelligent ( and I don’t necessarily include myself in this category ) realize that stockpiling and preparing are only the start rather than the end of getting ready for the truly epic fecal storm that is almost upon us.


You can wish away that knowledge.  You can put a big sloppy unicorn glittery fart spin on it and push back Peak Oil by three decades to give yourself more time to prep, or convince yourself that a decrease in the increase in population means we are all saved.  Or think that since we have all muddled through this long that we always will.  I can’t cure optimism.  I shan’t try to turn you to the Dark Side, but if you follow the Crash Course and the Olduvai Theory I can’t see how you think any of this ends well for anybody.  So here is my advice to all of you, who I’ll just assume share my pessimism.  Besides supplies, you need an attitude change.  I’ve said before, on more than one occasion, that you need to stop wallowing in luxury and decadence and start disciplining yourself.  That is just the start, however.  What you need is to embrace the past as the future.  Which isn’t about Old Timey skills like archery or leather working or what have you.  You might need those skills to replace your dwindling supplies, sure, but here I’m talking about becoming a happy misogynist, xenophobic, racist, tribalist, traditionalist intolerant bigot.  Archie Bunker, without the soft side.  Because the first tribe that completely rejects all of today’s modern PC bullspit has a survival advantage.  I’m talking about soundly rejecting nationalism, feminism, religious tolerance, everything. 


Now, you don’t have to be a prick about it.  No need to torture your enemies, for instance.  You can sell the conquered tribe into slavery so they live and are fed, rather than kill them during the attack.  You can stop fighting your sworn enemies for a season, join in a temporary alliance and go smite a wandering hoard of cannibals, or other temporary acts of relative niceness.  But you have got to stop being a pussy about everything.  Stop waving the flag of the DC Occupiers.  Stop trying to make your girlfriend your combat buddy.  Girls are required to defend the home during a last ditch desperate action, NOT be cannon fodder.  Stop thinking a melting pot is a good thing ( look how well that worked for the Ottoman Empire ).  Stop thinking you can repeal the laws of physics ( Forever Energy ) or biology ( girl power! ) or economics ( once the global hegemon currency is rejected, EVERY paper promise is null and void ).  God, stop with your head up your ass!


You have got to start fearing your government rather than relying on it ( no harm in taking as much Free Stuff as you can and using it to your advantage-think of it as supplying yourself from the occupation forces.  But recognize it for what it is and how it can disappear instantly ).  The first step towards tribalism is rejecting the love and dependence of the State ( which includes its military ).  The first step towards returning to a traditional gender role household is to spit on ALL aspects of feminism ( to include acting like a pussy, dammit! ).  The first step in the journey towards being a warrior is to reject the niceties of civilized, nation state imposed codes of conduct ( one prime example for us survivalists is the Mr. Nice Guy Who Only Defends His Domain, the Civilized Christian Militia ).  I’m sorry if it offends you to think of herders and nomads always being on the offensive, stealing what they want and need.  You just want to grow asparagus and be left alone, right?  Because that defensive thinking is for feminized soldiers, for pussies, you will end up being a serf farming for a lord.  Not only must you think like a Viking, you must always act like one also ( not that you can easily do so now-that isn‘t the world we‘re allowed to live in-but you need to do what you can now and be ready to switch, which is no small feat I know ).


In an energy scarcity world, the strong survive.  There is very few places a pacifistic defense only strategy will be successful.  If you aren’t strong, you are cattle.  Again, that doesn’t mean you must be a dingus.  Yes, the other tribe is sub-human and unworthy.  But just as I wouldn’t torture a cat, I also wouldn’t do the same to an enemy tribesman.  That child, he is an enemy also.  Nits do in fact make lice ( as the cavalryman said after massacring Indian children ).  But there is no need to kill them to lance a future boil of aggression.   No need to kill an enemy breeder so as to forego the creation of more future enemy warriors.  That would actually be the less cruel thing to do, rather than to force them into homelessness where they perish from the elements, but you can choose to not be that guy and still be an effective combat unit.  But you must choose to do one of the two, rather than choose to never attack in the first place.  The tribe that wins is the tribe that attacks and obliterates PRIOR to running low on resources. 


I know right about now a lot of my readers with bleeding hearts are formulating arguments against this Mandatory Offensive Warfare Plan.  I’d wager most are girls, or girly-men.  Nothing wrong with being a girl.  They are pretty irreplaceable.  But they don’t belong in a war council,  now do they?  They don’t have the hardwiring for this kind of thing.  Nothing wrong with that, either.  Which is where kicking feminism’s ass comes in.  More tomorrow.


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  1. If an Opportunity presents itself your tribe must take it - including an advantageous raid on an opponent (and yes almost every other tribe in reach is an opponent and competition for resources). But a continual policy of aggression just increases the number of firefights/combats your tribe engages in and thus increases the risks to the tribe.
    There has to be a balancing act between these things - keeping your eyes peeled (scouts exploring/patrolling) for opportunities to gain advantage (new brides, servants and, handmaidens for the warriors and their households, more livestock, grain, ammo, etc., etc.) at low cost (poorly defended). But being on constant attack means you will run into traps, ambushes and places that are NOT poorly defended costing you too many of your own warriors to defend against the opportunist tribe you thought was all asparagus farming feminized peaceniks.

    1. You must think like an animal predator. Fight and attack only when it is safe. Retreat otherwise. Always being aggressive is more an attitude than a tactic.

  2. Jim's on fire today! Expect a lot of comments on this one. The truth ain't pretty folks, but better to recognize it as it is before it's too late.

    Off topic, but I've got a question that hopefully someone here can answer? I've been looking at wool blankets, and I've noticed that most of the more affordable surplus blankets are not 100% wool. And it seems that the hardcore outdoor's types recommend 100% wool, but so far I haven't come across a definitive answer as to why? Is there a point at which once you reach a certain percentage of wool that it no longer matters, and practically speaking it's just as good as a 100% wool blanket?

    I just picked up two used Hudson Bay wool blankets at Ebay for just over a $100. But at that price you won't be stocking too many wool blankets, so I'm wondering if anyone has found a suitable compromise? Best I can tell, the thick orange french blankets are the best bargain right now?

    1. Darn good question on the wool percentage.

    2. Girl here. I have my opinions about women in battle. My opinion is basically we're more valuable as spies and saboteurs than as infantry. That could also be true of the elderly and children. But do not lump us in with the Nice Christian Preppers and think we are only good for defending the home.

      Since demographics is destiny, the society whose women are willing and able to have babies and raise them, will be the one that wins. This also depends on the dads sticking around, since Uncle Sugar will eventually be unable to foot the bill for the baby mamas out there.

      Now about the blankets: Less than 100% wool won't be as warm. But 100% wool will wear out faster than, say, 75% wool 25% polyester. It being a blanket, there's not much wear and tear that happens, but I've noticed this with socks.

      I made a 100% wool blanket by buying a bunch of used wool sweaters at the thrift store, shrinking them in the wash/dryer on hot, which felts them, and cutting them up and sewing them together to make a blanket. It's rather stretchy so I thought I would put a polyester backing on it and tie it (a quilting technique where you just tack it every 6 inches or so rather than sewing through it in lines). But I never got around to either that or even finishing the seams yet, because summer. Come fall I will finish this project.

    3. I collect free wool and wool blend skirts, shirts and jackets that people are getting rid of. I cut them into 5 inch squares and sew them together. Add some batting and a flat bed sheet (from a second hand store, of course) for a back. Use yarn to tie at every corner (every 5 inches). They make warm, rustic, country-style quilts.

      Idaho Homesteader

    4. Women in quasi-combat roles also erodes the gender specifics needed to rear a family properly. It is best avoided for that reason rather than "ability". While some individuals have a higher aptitude than others, it is about what is gender specific in general. Males that didn't make good warriors didn't pass on their genes. So we get the worse of the deal.

    5. @8:42; thanks for the input on the wool percentages, that's pretty much the exact answer that I was looking for. I've got two of the Hudson Bay blankets on the way, and I'm sure they'll be great, but at the used price even, you won't be stocking too many of these. So I can choose between quality or quantity if I wish to gather more. As of now, the used 100% wool blankets are still semi-affordable, but if the same trend with the Italian surplus blankets (They've more than quadrupled in price, and are going for $150 now) follows, that's not going to be true too much longer. I'm actually considering taking up knitting or quilting, or what ever the heck it's officially called, for this very reason.

      @pdxr13; yes, I'm aware of the thick 100% wool blankets that were kept close by fireplaces to squelch out runaway fires, but apparently you can no longer find them, or at least find them cheaply. I'm talking about blankets that are probably no more than 20% nylon, and the rest wool. But you have to be careful, because some of the blankets being sold now have way less than that at 55% wool content.

  3. If you want to maintain the moral high ground (and you should since you'll eventually answer for all your actions, here, or in the hereafter), you should only take action against those who are threatening you, not those otherwise living in peace with you in the area. Raiders eventually get "taken care of" by one means or another. The Vikings were converted to Christianity by Christian slaves they captured and brought back with them. Their raids ceased by 1066 AD because they had mostly all become Christians.

    Would this be a good summary of your opinion on chainsaws? If you NEED a chainsaw, there's no substitute, such as when a tree falls across your driveway, or is creating a hazard for your residence and needs to be felled. If you NEED a chainsaw in order to survive (keep from freezing to death), your plan is non-viable and you won't survive. Accurate?
    Peace out

    1. Papists were just as vicious of warriors as pagan Vikings. The only difference was that first the church had to give them permission. Vikings didn't have that centralized control ( remember, Papists were an empire in all but name ). Agree on chainsaw, except for pre-collapse it is still more a want and desire than need. I believe its only real necessity would be for firefighters when time is actually critical ( getting the car to go to work, not nearly so much ). Is that it? Are chainsaw advocates trying to channel their inner-fireman?

    2. Everyone will be their own firedepartment, EMT, and other first responder as the collapse accelerates. If you can get a really good deal that you can afford on a usable power tool, and don't have that as the only arrow in your quiver, you should certainly consider getting the proper power tools - but that is an affordability issue too - the opportunity costs of buying another bucket of calories vs. the cost of having a tool to reduce your calorie expenditure...

    3. More money now to reduce calories later. But a power tool isn't always the answer, as you can reduce ENERGY calories later. ie, building underground so you need less heat, less wood, NO chainsaw

    4. Okay, I reread and I ignored the firefighter equation. I'd pay someone in lumber to cut down any trees that would be a fire danger later. Free lumber for your home, no fire danger, no chainsaw.

  4. I would be most concerned about the blanket burning near a fire. With a high enough plastic content, a "wool" blanket might support fire instead of snuffing a spark like 100% wool will.

    Synthetic blankets, clothing, and sleeping bags do not work near fire, unless they are expensive Aramid (firefighting surplus tech).


    1. While forced bug out is unavoidable, ideally you'd be in a permanent position and open fires would not be used to save on fuel, plus candles would not be needed yet. Fire danger should be minimized over the lifespan of synthetics, then we'd return to all natural anyway.

    2. There is a sweet spot of getting almost all of the benefits of 100% wool with the hard physical-wearing of nylon (bugs don't like synthetics) which is likely around 85% wool. This would matter in garments and less in blankets.
      I do repairs using nylon upholstery thread (Coats & Clark tan 150 yds Art. S964 ~$2.00) that is "extra strong" meaning that if you pull it it cuts your flesh well before breaking or stretching. The next step up in strength for thread this size is Kevlar (much much more $$$), then Japanese synthetic spider-silk (almost unobtainable).

      If you think like a pioneer, the first thing, after finding a good defendable spot, is to build a shelter for the wimmin and kids. If you are educated a little, you copy the fireplace design of N.European high-mass stoves or Russian Grubka, then you cut less wood for the rest of your life. Living for long in a thin nylon tent is lame, even in Portland with homeless tax-free sleep-anywhere privileges.


    3. Having lived too long in an RV, I wouldn't go back to that, let alone a tent.

    4. Town is attractive, for many reasons. We are social critters, not least.

      RV is many things to many people, from house+land-level cost with house-level power/money inputs, to $3000 hogged-out shell to hang a hammock in ("runs great, current tags") while you street-squat in a city with $1200+ studio apartments and $300/day (cash, natch') 12 hour shift jobs to build a nest egg.

      Tent/tarp is either intentional or ultralight post-apocalypse pedestrian shelter. Like house cats, people don't mostly survive to be old when left outside. Good to have the skill but... temporary until you can build/share/rent winter quarters or gtfo.

