Friday, August 9, 2019

darwin and malthus list 2

I simply adore those books about an EMP, where, shockingly!, half the people are dead in the first six months. Half? Oh, you silly incurable optimist. Get out your atlas. Look at the country. One third is chockablock full of people, the other as dry as the crotch of a purple haired cat lady. In the middle between those is a thin strip which grows most of the calorie foods ( except for potatoes, vegetables are zero calories vitamin pills ). Grown with imported oil type products. You if can't see a 99% die-off, you are in the wrong hobby group.
Granted, not every village or group is going to see that percentage fatality rate. After all, you prep to get that down to zero if possible ( until the combat fatalities start piling up ). If nine villages sees 100% die-off, the tenth can see a 9% survival rate, and you still get your 99% total. When people say, “The Black Plague killed 35% of Europe”, what they mean is the first year 90% of folks died off, and in year twenty only 10% fatalities occurred. Averages hide initial numbers.
In this case, Oil Age Die Off, the initial numbers are going to be very bad, but not quite as bad at first, due to industrial agriculture centralization ( your typical grain silo surrounded by few people ) and a lot of fresh meat for the cannibals, but the numbers are going to keep getting worse, as the Oil Surplus dwindles. Eventually, you are going to be a casualty if you are on The Masters list. Yesterday I covered old people and ugly bitches. Who else is on the list? Remember, this list is referred to as resources run out.
It doesn't matter how important you were or think you are. If there isn't food for you, IMMEDIATE considerations override long term ones. Say you are a master chemist. Not only do you know how to use industry supplied bulk chemicals, you know how to make your own out of naturally supplied materials. You are invaluable militarily. Alas, nobody is getting enough food. You cannot fight, and the group cannot even get to the area needed for supplying your chemicals. What good are you, really? That is what I mean by immediate needs. What does the group need with old people?
Old people today are worthless, as the only wisdom they can hand down is about an oil abundant society. Your skills as a gardener, if necessitated on Miracle Grow and city water, are not skills at all. You are just another miner tapping the oil barrel. So, all old people are out. So what if you have supplies? The younger and stronger just take them from you. You have supplies and think you can buy a younger bride? Dumb ass. She will go find a young hotty and have him kill you. So, non breeding ugly bitches, weak men and old people are on the list.
Let me expand on the “weak men”. Colonel Colt did indeed make all men equal. Then the stupid hump made women equal. Damn it, man! Thanks a lot. Eugene Stoner is indirectly responsible for our military full of Diversity hires. You realize that, right? Actually it was the guys who perfected the M1 Carbine, but you see my point. At this point in time, we have a small window where brute force and hormones are not paramount on the battle field. So, let me ask you, do you feel lucky, punk? Do you feel like you have enough ammo?
For the longest time I resisted steel case ammo. I still do, for myself. I can reload for my Enfield, because my ammo load is thirty rounds rather than three hundred. Those relying on mass fire, despite my pleas to the contrary? You had better stock deep right this second on your steel case carbine ammo. Twenty cents a round? That is soon to seem a miracle on par with one and a half cent rimfire. You cannot have enough, as there are battles to be fought in the civil war, THEN the die-off and THEN, the ability to defend yourself even against your own tribe, in between brigand attacks.
Without ammo you are just an old man with no redeeming values. Even if you are young, without ammo you are just the next greasy road smear. And he who runs out of ammo last, wins. As the Left adds to their publicly declared Enemies List, and the legal system shields them, I keep revising my Minimum Ammo Count upwards. I used to think two thousand rounds for a bolt action was enough. Then, I didn't relax until I got up to ten grand. I don't think twenty thousand rounds MIMIMUM is unreasonable for a heavy trigger finger on a semi.
No, smart ass, I don't think you'll live long enough to use it all. But if you don't have it, your odds go down even further. Ammo equals strength and youth ( or, if you are female, exponential increases in same ). Another variable is disease resistance. When all those old timey diseases reappear, the survivors of those will probably get an extra Get Out Of Jail Free card. Your attractiveness as a breeder will increase, even if other factors such as age or Less Beauty work against you. So, that is good news.
What about kids? Yeah, sorry, but the most common form of birth control used to be Sudden Crib Death. If there was enough food to carry the fetus to term, but then that changes and there are too many kids, mom might “accidentally” roll over and smother the new kid. By “accident”, I mean she chose to subconsciously. For the older kids, the most sickly got less food, giving the stronger ones a higher odd of surviving. Then, disease killed the weaker kid, not mom. And before you say, “I could never do that”, you are a liar. You'll do what needs to be done, or die yourself.
Why do you think people live such poor choice lifestyles. Nobody REALLY thinks it is a good idea to live on 110% of your income, every year. Or live next to the ghetto. Or stay with a miserable spouse. They do it because they don't think they have any other choice. That is what your choices will be post apocalypse. Slim to none. You'll do whatever the least worst choice is. Choosing which kid gets enough food. Kicking out grandma. Not sharing food with post-menopausal women. Giving the weaker warriors inferior weapons and using them as the first wave assault. Choosing which injured are treated ( which is a good analogy. All this is just social triage ).
Good times.
( .Y. )
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  1. Exactly. If one is not packing the gear and capable of carrying the load and then some, they will be like the skinny dork with taped eyeglasses being the last non pick for dodge ball teams. Then quickly picked off first as an easy meat sacrificial lamb. Best be on your A game from the start of collapsey times and 24/7/365 forever there after.

    Spicy times be coming, thus:

    Stay Frosty.

    1. Most folks A game is clipping a coupon for McDonald's.

    2. Limp wrists can't power a scissors. Use e coupons from borg handheld device. They are not gonna make it.

  2. "Say you are a master chemist. Not only do you know how to use industry supplied bulk chemicals, you know how to make your own out of naturally supplied materials.”

    Yeah, gonna go out on a limb here and suggest that such a chemist graduating from a school today, would be about as likely as Todd Chrisley being an anal virgin :D There’s probably not a heck of a lot of Alexander Fleming’s out there anymore, and if you questioned a modern chemistry graduate on extracting compounds from raw nature, they’d probably give you a deer in the headlights look. Now the exception would be the one dude that took it upon himself to study this subject on his own. But I seriously doubt that this is taught to modern chemistry students, though it might be briefly touched on. As with everything today, the best and the brightest are purposely dissuaded in favor of the “right demographic”, which is why the west is so utterly humped. So if you have to go in for a risky and life saving surgery, who do you pick? The white dude that you know had to score high on his medical school entrance exam, in order to get in, or the affirmative action chick from Zimbabwe with the bone through her nose :D

    Ditto on the ammo. You cannot have enough. We might have the guns, but they definitely have the numbers, and our re-education system is cranking these little marxist bastards out by the thousands with each passing year. You would have to be very remote, or you’re going to die; lots of ammo or not.

    The EMP taking out the grid topic, comes up a lot at the late night radio show coast to coast am. They give a 90% die off estimate within the first year, so that’s pretty close to what you suggest.

    1. My problem is with the phrase, "within the first years". It implies a lot of folks survive almost that long. I don't even know if I'd add the plural "s" to "month".

    2. I'm thinking ya use up most of that short term ammo stock, the first month. After that it's just ones and two's here and there.
      Make it beyond that first month of really hungry folks and you might make long term...

    3. I think that is a fair assessment

  3. "Social triage",beautiful turn of phrase Lord Bison. You just keep getting better and better at your craft sir. The country would be a better place if that social triage were started immediately, post haste! The vast majority simply aren't worth value added, just worthless meat puppets consuming resources with no consideration to ROI...

    1. Careful what you wish for. Almost all of us think very highly of ourselves but the truth is a lot sadder :)

    2. M'eh... I never expected, or frankly wanted, to make it to 30 and now Im 51, so I figure I've had a good run ;-)
      But seriously, Ive spent the last 20+ years "managing" people and projects and it seems like every year the people I'm surrounded by get lazier, more self centered and entitled. Hell, in my own extended family Ive got close to a dozen that have never done a day's work, honest or otherwise, in their lives. Welfare leeches, perpetual "victims", scammers and flim-flam men. The best thing any of them will ever accomplish is turning into fertilizer. And I suspect there are likely a few million more just like them in our country. Why we waste resources, be it time, money, food, energy or anything really, on "people" that contribute nothing worthwhile is beyond me... It's not that I think so highly of myself, Ive got more than my share of "issues", I just think most other people suck even worse!

    3. Okay, "I suck but you all suck worse" is a pretty darn good way to put it! Missed out on the Jim Morrison retirement plan, hmmm? :)

  4. Do you think it would be better for those living in very rural areas if a pandemic killed a large percent of people in all parts of the country?

    Meaning, if a hermit or near hermit can avoid the plague, there would be less people around who would want to kill the hermit...

    1. I cannot conceive of any scenario except extraterrestrial invasion where losing oodles and gobs of people would be a bad thing. Overpopulation only ever benefits the elite.

  5. Yesterday and today are spot on... you are absolutely right. And, breaking the "rules" here... even though I agree with you... I still take the opportunity to praise your hair !

    1. No, no-perfectly all right to voluntarily praise my hair at any time. It is required/mandatory just when disagreeing.

  6. There's a direct correlation between ammo needed and proximity to society. I'd like to do less shooting, if you catch my drift.

    If you bust a cap now you have a problem that must be dealt with. You can't just let it lay there. If it's diseased and animals eat it now you've got an even bigger problem. If you successfully manage to thwart and destroy a whole squad (12 swingin dix) you've got an even bigger problem.

    Best to just try to stay a long way away from all that nonsense.

    1. Hmm. Yes, one does tend to forget about the corpse disposal.

    2. If there are any new sub-divisions being built nearby you (and where ISN'T that true these days?) then there are plenty of large, already excavated holes (for pouring the foundations) just waiting for a second purpose...

    3. In a word, pigs.

      Many tribes' solution was "sky burial" which meant putting a body up on a sort of trellis so the buzzards etc could take care of it. Seems a bit flashy, but it has a lot of good points: Buzzards etc range over a huge territory, so their poop is also. Buzzard-to-people diseases are rare to none. People don't eat buzzards so there's no danger you're eating your Uncle Ernie even if by proxy, as it might be with pigs.

      Easiest I suppose is if you're on a shore area with an offshore breeze. Just build a flimsy canoe or something with a little sail, load what you want to get rid of in there, and let it go. It'll sink eventually.

    4. 955-right, a shame not to get a "two-fer" out of the heavy machine work.

    5. Alex, and that's why you always boil your water. People think water is a sewage system. Probably starts as a young-un in the tub, seeing if those turds float.

  7. Bison,
    Based on my experience living and working all over this particular planet, I agree with The Social Triage® extravaganza... mostly.

    By acquiring and maintaining an abundance of skills, does my value increase? Medical and mechanical, SCUBA and pilot and weather forecasting, farmer and large animal handler. Cook, listener.

    And I'm known to be a pretty good judge of character at >600-yards.

    The downside to being the geezer? Folks realize I remember where the bodies are buried.

    * * * * *

    Seconded on The 'Voted-Out' Stash©. Stands to reason. Prior to a community vote, I think a self-vote for exile increases my odds. And I see taking some other geezers with me as a way of hastening the collapse of the younger self-centered voters.

    But hardly any Managers and Administrators are invited to join us. Standards and all.

    1. Sorry, no, relying on skills as barter in an extreme die-off/shortage is still a bad idea. You could be the President of the US, Stephen King ( before his stroke. Him and Ginsburg are both still active as in, their brains in a jar hooked up to HAL ), who held the secrets of room temperature fusion ( although, that needed rare earth metals from China ), and if there wasn't food, there simply wasn't any food. Killing off folks rich in skills but without supplies is like eating seed corn. Silly, but if you have no choice... ).

    2. "Sorry, no, relying on skills as barter in an extreme die-off/shortage is still a bad idea."

      I'd have to Dispute that completely. Skills (and Tools) go a lot further than just "Supplies" in any sort of 'collapse' scenario possible. Large Marge seems to have a valuable Skill Set, and People who can PRODUCE things like Food, Ammo, Fuels, etc. are going to be the ones who Survive, after the Non-Productive have eaten the last can of Cat Food. Thus, there is No Logic whatsoever in saying that "Killing off folks rich in skills but without supplies" is just ridiculous.

    3. If you can produce food to feed yourself, that is one thing. Expecting folks to keep you supplied, through a winter, when there is not enough for everyone, so they can "harvest" your skills in six months, ain't going to happen.

    4. "If you can produce food to feed yourself, that is one thing."
      Food Production in any Quantity requires cooperative Work and Specialized Skills. If you expect to Leverage the abilities of Individuals in a Group, you are going to have to realize that Not Everybody is going to be Poking Holes in the Ground with a Stick and planting Seeds. Unless you are Isolated so far from anyone that there are enough Woodchucks and Squirrels to sustain one person who lives in a Cave...

  8. More ammo? I'll have to reinforce the floors.

    Challenge accepted!
