Monday, June 3, 2019

democracy danger

Democracy has its fans.  Notably, people getting what they want at the time and the politicians giving it to them.  Most of us, however, are a bit more aware than Wendy Welfare and realize democracy is nothing except Mob Rule.  The perfect example being South Africa where the OtherColors are voting to, literally, legally genocide Whites.  So, we have that to look forward to, as the Democrats here get all soft and gooey over The Popular Vote deciding elections.  Let me be clear on this.  They have publically stated they want to kill us, not merely disenfranchise us.
Yes, a lot of the idiots are just that, screeching aimlessly as they virtual signal to all and sundry.  They are indeed the children that the revolution will eat.  And yes, Deplorables have a lot of guns.  That your Orange Man Savior is trying to take away with Red Flag Laws ( but we’ll pretend that will end up only as dangerous as spousal abuse gun bans ). And there is the issue of the US losing global power and possibly radically shrinking economically.  Will Political Correctness be needed while Globalism recedes?  Will College Marxism survive the closures of colleges?
Is democracy as big of a danger as we think it is, or is it another overblown hyped up piece of Doom Porn?  Take a quick look at YouTube and we have one guy telling you the 2020 elections will go to the Republicans since Democrats ignored some states ( this assumes the Popular Vote scheme succeeds ) last time, and another guy telling you one of the One Percenter wackadoodle Dems will impose total gun control when voted in ( or, if not, the Dems go total meltdown protest over their not winning again ).  I’d say emotions are rather high here.
We need to keep a few things in mind.  As much as you would all love to believe it, your vote doesn’t matter.  When it does matter, it still doesn’t matter.  You might recall back when California wasn’t quite so bat crap crazy, and the voters, through referendum ( which is in theory allowing them to bypass political or corporate strangleholds ), voted against all the illegal immigration.  The state declared their choice unacceptable, and just kept doing what they wanted to do, not a care in the world about this pesky voting thing. 
I don’t completely discount voting, as we talked about recently.  But your vote is subject to being overridden by money interests that control a lot of the system.  Do you think a 100% popular vote to abolish the Federal Reserve would actually work?  HahahahaHAHAH!!!  Oh, you are SOOooooo cute when you get emotionally invested!  The only thing that would abolish the Federal Reserve would be mobs with torches and pitchforks.  The only thing that will dismantle the military industrial complex will be losing all colonies and most funding.  Any popular vote MUST align with the desires of the elite.
Which means that if the elite want total gun control, they will get it.  Regardless of who is President and regardless of the will of the people.  Those fearing a coalition of states Popular Voting in a Democrat that takes your guns are forgetting this is possible now, under Trump, or later, under the Electoral Vote.  Fear of the popular vote are well grounded, but it still pays homage to the myth that Voting Matters.  That is all your national vote is, a myth.  The candidates are preselected and both Democrats and Republicans  belong to the Imperial Party.
Not to say that won’t change.  But when economic forces defund the Imperial Party, the country is going to Balkanize anyway.  Your vote doesn’t matter in another country, then.  This fear of the popular vote, or pure democracy, assumes the proles will be allowed a say at what is for dinner at the masters table.  Silly Deplorable, the slaves eat in their shacks, and your menu is always cornbread and beans, not leg of lamb with jelly sauce.  If your vote doesn’t matter, if only Party members are on the ballet, democracy and a Constitutional Republic are BOTH fantasies.
Fear of the popular vote assumes we have to worry about there being a remaining piece of the pie to fight over.  So, not only are you delusional about how far gone the power of the people is, you are equally deluded about how powerful and rich our empire is.  We can’t even control a little crapbird country like Venezuela anymore, people.  Come on!  An empire that is policed with Virtue Signaling military  OtherColors and OtherGenders officers and personnel in combat roles, as political appointees.  How well did a similar Soviet military do against the tiny country of Finland? 
( As an aside, I get all excited about PBS having a streaming service.  Hey, I remembered good things about several of their TV shows back in the day.  Their radio sold out to the check writers-and I don’t mean you and I sending in a donation-when they went from breaking news during the ’08 financial meltdown to a boring monotone “all is well.  Do not panic.  All is well”.  But I still had high hopes for shows like “Nova”.  Nope.  Total crap.  A show on ancient horse warriors, and there were FemiNinja’s riding in the war party.  Jesus weeps )
This stuff is NOT rocket surgery folks.  When you hit Peak Silver, eventually it WILL run out.  When you run an economy on debt as jobs disappear, should you REALLY be surprised when the mall gets boarded up?  When they started mining junk ore deposits twenty-five years ago, why are you shocked when the price of steel keeps rising?  When all the boreal forests are bulldozed, where do you think toilet paper is going to come from?  And when resources are all running out, how do you think this country will remain an empire? 
Surplus allows us to keep the immigrant floodgates open.  Which, I need to remind you, BOTH political parties collude on.  Immigrants do not add to the economy, they subtract from it.  More resources are used.  Now, shut off that surplus spigot, and what do you get?  Resource wars.  And that goes beyond the voting issue.  Look, I’m in Gold Mining Central here.  If I look to the past ( mining became the state economy ), and the present ( keep throwing fuel at the problem and you’ll always find SOME ore ), I might think this town will always be supported by mining.
But if I do the math, I realize that one day there won’t be the spare energy to mine such a diffuse supply of gold, no matter the selling price.  If I was to live in a prosperous state, oh, say, Texas, and I looked at the past ( oil for the last century ), and then the present ( fracking oil bonanza ), I might think the state will always have surplus.  But if I do the math, I realize Texas is about to crap the bed on energy extraction, with the economic consequences making the 80’s contraction look positively giddy. 
You CANNOT just look at history and the present and assume things.  You must extrapolate.  Which, yes, has gotten a bad rap lately.  But that is always used by the Pollyanna’s, the Optimistic Ollies.  The example they ALWAYS use is, look, England ran out of trees and then discovered coal.  Yeah, dumbasses, and then when they ran out of coal their economy went into the toilet and never recovered.  Do you know WHY political correctness is so out of control in England?  Their resource base is so depleted the fight for the shrunken pie is that much more vicious. 
Do you think the popular vote there matters?  That everyone WANTS Muzzies running around knifing them and getting away with White underage prostitution rings?  Of course not.  The elite there nullify the vote.  Because resource contraction ( they Peak Energy’ed a century before us ) gets the only vote, ultimately.  By pretending that the popular vote is to be feared, that is just another way we pretend that our energy supply isn’t contracting ( remember, it IS, in net terms ). 
( .Y. )
( today's related Amazon link click here )
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  1. Yes. The resources contracting will hit a tipping point when political conflicts act as a lit match for the collapse implosion. The gutters and streams will run red from the bloodletting parties. Die off? More apt term would be: "kill off". Food, and ammo.

    1. "Blood in the streets" sounded better when they was just financial casualties.

    2. True dat fellows. Being the ardent 2A pro guns for everybody, and a back up piece in the baby's bassinet kinda fellow, I think the uber industrial gluttony of guns in 'Merica will result in so many tight 360 free fire zone free for alls that the body counts will surpass simple starvation and disease deaths. The math numbers of the potential (guns×ammo×player1) must be calculated. Just saying. Stay frosty.

    3. And even all the really bad shots will have a hard time missing too many in large bodied riots of certain ethnic minorities.

  2. Okay, don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel :D

  3. This is one of your top ten, Jim. Excellent!

    Life is

    1. Thank you! I need my ego stroked once in awhile.
