Tuesday, June 11, 2019

casper and democrats 2

As I said yesterday, racism is NOT a survival trait.  For Whites.  It is, in the immediate, as the break-up of empire and continental nationalism turn everyone against all, as all fight to survive less resources, but you would be better off looking at population density BEFORE ethnicity.  Because at the end of the day, even as the OtherColors take over the place Whites will STILL be fighting Whites, even as they fight everyone else.  If you make the mistake of internal immigration to White areas, you have avoided some problems but not as many as you think. 
I can guar-an-damn-tee you that when this nation splits up, it won’t be along racial lines.  Because even at its smallest, most races number far too many individuals here to support that large of a nation.  There will be tribes, and perhaps they will be of one race, but that isn’t why they will survive.  It will be geographical and resource based.  But, you say, White Deplorables must group together to survive the attack by the OtherColors and OtherGenders.  Except Deplorables aren’t all White.  They are a culture, not a race.  You must avoid Blues, which is as racist as it gets.
It isn’t even about Green anymore ( money, as in Greenbacks, for my brightly colored currency foreign readers ).  It used to be.  If you had money, you or your family were eventually admitted to the country club.  The reason those of White skin, with money, are now being targeted is because they are the sacrificial lambs of the targeted class.  Whites being selected for, first, fleecing and then, extermination, is because they had the money.  Now the Blues appear to be race selecting, but that misses the point of the discrimination.
The Democrat Party is akin to Blacks in South Africa right now.  They will unite to overthrow Whites, but as soon as it is Mission Accomplished, they will fracture and turn on themselves ( which you can already see.  Once the White Males were disenfranchised, then all the White females became the next target.  After all, they were the class that enriched themselves first, from White Males [ divorce and child support racket, and job theft ] and are a juicy target.  For now, being a lesbian White female protects you, but that won’t last long ).
They are racist only as a strategy, but still tribal.  But of course, they are doomed, as they are merely the meat puppets of the globalists.  Who themselves are doomed, because their reach exceeds resources.  But for now, their desperation holding on to centralization actually helps another aspect of decentralization, the fracturing of American Empire.  And the counterpoint to globalization, even though a strategy of independence is to seek to join the globalists, is the formation of more countries all the time ( or, the seeking of nation formation, as in Barcelona, Scotland, Kurdistan and the like ). 
MORE countries is the opposite of globalization, which was never about trade but about colonialism by the US.  It is a trade and oil currency based system, but it isn’t free trade as practiced by an empire serving as a global police force, but by a failing empire trying to force trade advantageous only to itself.  Globalization is doomed just because America Empire is failing, but it would also fail as a philosophy just because it is a centralized ( high energy ) system.  At this point, the proliferation of countries as a trend is just a decentralizing trend.
But in the end, even national independence to avoid colonialism might not be enough to beat the energy decline.  Countries might further fragment.  Again, Africa is more aligned with the future, as even independence is insufficient to defeat tribalism.  Independence was a bi-product of the cold War, Africans using two dueling centralized powers against each other for their own game.  But that was still based along non-tribal lines on the map, which must eventually be completely erased.  Africans aren’t fighting, even after independence,  because they are savage monkeys, as a lot of otherwise intelligent folk seem to imply. 
They are fighting to revert to tribal groups.  Then they will continue to fight AFTER that, because that is what tribes do.  Nations only fight less because their wars are far more destructive and expensive, not because they are less savage.  Despite what Orlov stipulates, Russia is not better suited to collapse than America is.  Africa is better suited to collapse ( in the long term, post Oil Age ).  Because they are already tribal.  Which is the only reason to fear American Blacks.  Not because they are Black, but because they remain tribal as Casper is fragmented and weak.
And Casper is, because America as a nation is ALREADY balkanizing.  Nationalism is no longer a defense.  By aligning ourselves as Americans, rather than a tribe, we weaken ourselves.  If for no other reason than our nation is at war with us.  And being a Republican rather than a Democrat is ZERO defense in this war.  This is why I harp on the politics so much, as being dangerous.  Both Republicans and Democrats belong to the central bank and the globalists.  MAGA is merely MTGA ( make Trump great again ).  That boy publically slurps at the anus of the Rothschild’s and Zionists. 
Lucifer himself both fears and is less evil than Hilary Clinton, I grant you.  When Satanic child molesters in Hollywood perform rituals, they idolize Hilary.  The globalists got what they wanted, unleashing the Hildabeast and making us all fear her reign, so we gladly support Trump who is financed by the Banker Boys.  And I’m okay with that.  Just don’t think he is on your side.  He was JUST the lesser of evils.  And don’t worry, as sick as Hilary appears, there are either clones of her, or she is Evil Incarnate, and she will return to pull the same trick next time.
Continued Tomorrow.  Wheeeee.
( .Y. )
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  1. Anonymous Conservative readerJune 11, 2019 at 7:50 AM

    Do you ever read http://www.anonymousconservative.com/blog/ ?

    He believes Trump is one of the good guys and is trying to keep or make the United States a powerhouse again. Do you think Trump likes immigration?

    He also believes there is a worldwide,deep state, extremely high-tech surveillance operation that keeps information about everyone. What do you think?

    1. Trump loves immigration. He has hotels to staff, cheaply. Like all the 1%, he would rather see robots there, but Brown's will do for now. Worldwide state? Only insofar as the organization run by the Rothschild's.

    2. Hmm, Q Anons and all the related "musings" and commentary are just that. Until there is perp walk arrests and no bail detentions, followed by strict sentencings for all crimes of state, it is still going to be status quo. Only a night of broken glass and murderous purges will have an effect upon entrenched and immuned from influence powers. Food ammo hideouts, that is all of importance this late in things.

    3. True. Interesting contemplation's, but don't let it distract you. Wheat, ammo, junk land.

  2. Yes. If a balkanization results due to collapse of systems (AND) of course the loss or ineffectual federal power enforcement there will be new unimagined border lines on maps and strange bedfellows of alliances as a result. Those yuppie scum unicorn ranchers in the secret unnammed redoubt areas may or may not be situated in friendly territory, nor will those idyllic areas with "good schools" remain as an uncontested or unoccupied by force real estate. The states with the number prefixes on the license plates representing county of residence is a built in security checkpoint feature for the road guards that will be thrown up by bubba towns to secure "their" areas. Don't expect any happy motoring or free passage to your "redoubt" hermitage or hidey hole as things go hot. The new rules of the new tribes or power structures will not have patience for complaining and snivelling about the new way of doing things come post collapse. The lowest private on duty anywhere at that time will have some pretty simple and quite liberal 'use of deadly force' rules to use, and "when in doubt shoot it out" will apply broadly. Although we can't choose our family members, a caution to consider regarding sprung up type government entities as that kinda bad management (dictators, genocide, cleansings, payback vendettas) can be a fatal problem to be contending with, on top of everything else.

    1. Gotta be a population cleansing. Never pretty or fair

  3. Only thing that can make America great again is a 99% die off.
    Fer sure that'd be an awesome cleansing.
    The elites want it, and it will come. The fools think they can control it...
    It is the most foolish aspect of their thinkng. For even Darwin predicted along with Malthus it is an enevitable fact of nature.
    I got lots of popcorn stored too...

    1. Most of us suffer from delusion and hubris. The elite have it in spades. Measured exponentially. Stinking elites.

  4. No worries...
    I intend to go through your work quiet rapaciously, cutting and pasting a handbook of use, from the many posts. Quite a bargain to have actual data for use and a few laughs along the way...

  5. Fascinating thought.

    Or...depending on the type of collapse, it will be everybody against people who like Dancing With The Stars.

    That's my favorite type of collapse.

    1. And Maria said, let them eat Pez.

    2. In truth, I don't believe you're too far off the mark with the opposition John Wilder.
