Tuesday, November 21, 2017

white warrior porn 2

note: the best relocation map.  Population density by county.  Zooms in or out. HERE
All these deluded propaganda addled imperial stooges over at Western Riflemen loudly sing the need to fight the Muslims.  When it appears that they might be blowing the bankers trumpet a bit too vigorously, they can fall back on Fight The Liberals, Save The White Race or Support Our Brethren.  Nobody likes the LibTards, so that is an easy target.  It isn’t allowed to be expressed explicitly but if they had their way the pillow biting butt pirates and the Bitch Libbers and those in support of any government regulations that endanger the profits of corporations would all be Lamp Post Listed. 


And nobody acts racist, they just support being White.  Nothing wrong with that, since all the Blacks and Liberals hate Honkies.  We might as well love ourselves.  But please let’s face facts.  Even if tainted with Asian genes, the Slavs were pretty White as far as White Boys go and they were our enemy.  The evil Nazi’s were our enemy and they were pretty darn White.  The Irish and the Brits couldn’t get much Whiter and they hate each other.  Just using skin color as a tribal marker isn’t going to work.  Just like just being Black isn’t going to work, as any conflict in Africa would tell you.  Tooting the White horn as the new tribe is a suckers game to join.


When Support Our Troops doesn’t work because they are merely a colonial occupation force ( anyone new here, I was helping occupy Korea back in the day, and my son was stationed in Iraq, so don’t give me any crap for pointing all this out ), then you fall back on the Warrior Paradigm.  Which is blatant BS because nation state soldiers cannot be and never will be warriors.  Our Brothers In Arms.  A nice quaint notion, bombast celebrated just now during Veterans Day, but really not much more than a High School Reunion celebration.  Nothing wrong with pride in service, or acknowledging the fallen and those sacrifices made, but that cannot be merged with unthinking support of empire, as that merely cheapens the action.  It is wading through another’s blood to cash in a check, just as gun control advocates do after a massacre. 


In short, these White Warriors For The Cause De Jour are embarrassing themselves with all this nonsense.  They are just the New Militia twenty years later.  Part of their recruitment drive is to deride any of their readers who are overweight and unmanly, failing to “PT”!  If they were macho men they would be eating lean foods and jogging and lifting weights, and if they aren’t doing so they in effect want their White daughters and wives to be raped by Muslims.  And you thought I was bad telling you to save money on FLIR scopes or you would starve to death soon. 


Just like all their phobias and over the top jingoistic military bullcrap ( like two weight lifters in the gym blowing out their sphincter screaming at each other to “get some!” or “give me another one!”, vaguely homo don’t you think? ) mirroring their ill considered tribal dictates disguised as analytics or intelligence, this insistence on “Military Training, Sir!” is easily contradicted by facts.  Anyone can in fact work eight hour days with commuting for two and eating lunch for another, then come home and lift weights and practice their chop suey combat moves, but the vast majority do not.  They actually have a life just being providers.


What is the point of having a life with a family with you never spend time with them?  If the whole six hours left in your work day is spent Soldier Training, more than likely you will be saying goodbye to the wife who takes the kids, rather than eliciting any gratitude from her for training to protect her from The Evil Muslim Threat.


Not to mention that as we age, even with a vigorous physically active life, we can’t PT All Day Long, Nicky, like these idiots are advocating.  To answer that charge, they pull out some bio of a retired Army dude still running with a pack.  Ah, running, the militaries heart strengthening program that uses shot joints and arthritis as a future paycheck.  Sure, that makes lots of sense.  This doesn’t even factor in the fallacy of military training to fight warriors.  You know, different military doctrines.  The military advocates bring out Lind as somehow proof that we are training for forth generational war when all we are doing is training in the old second generation and calling it Forth by slapping on “counter” to “insurgency”.  While still centralizing command and control.


Jesus weeps.  What about our culture of non-violence codified into law.  How are you going to protect your White wife while in jail being butt humped by the predominant Black population?  If you are just training to be violent but avoid violence because you will be incarcerated ( a problem not shared by your Muslim buddies because if one goes to jail, the others in the tribe will protect and provide for you and yours.  A unity the Whites don’t have except in a few instances ), you are worthless in  a hypothetical fight against evil invaders.  It isn’t their training that makes them deadly, but their cultural organization that allows violence.  Whites don’t have that.  Your training is superficial, really usually no more than Toy Acquisition Rationales.


The guys the most adamant pushing this crap?  They are in effect being paid to do so.  Easy to PT and Train For The Fight when you are teaching others to do that with pay.  That is your job.  The problem surfaces when you have a real job instead.  And then must add on the training to be a White Warrior.  It just isn’t very realistic.  And need we even add the issue of decentralized combat cells?  If you join in the fight, you target yourself.  If you stay an Army Of One, no one knows and can’t turn you into the authorities.  If you do decide to fight Evil Invading Muslims ( and I’m NOT saying that isn’t a realistic worry ) or Liberals or Other Colors, do so all alone clandestinely.  Not with a group of buddies you trained with for the invasion.

END ( today's related link http://amzn.to/2if0v9q )
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  1. It's in the 30's here, wet, wind blowing, gray sky, and I sat out in the woods yesterday for 2 hours, just to see how it is. It hasn't changed in 40 years, it's just like it was when I was in the army. Miserable. I think I would have preferred snow over rain. As I sat there I envisioned a future where this might be my daily grind, perimeter guard. I took a small fold-up stool, about a foot square each way with a canvas seat and the legs sank right into the wet ground so I was basically sitting on the ground. This won't do. So I walked around, but not very far, just back and forth. Leaned against a tree, then walked some more. B o r i n g. I had my AR with me, wrapped in plastic, I mean, why get it wet and have to clean it up for nothing but an experiment? Also had my Beretta holstered on my side and Becker on the other side. No other equipment cept a canteen of water. Longest 2 hours I ever spent. And time drags on forever, had to keep looking at my phone to see what time it was. This isn't fun, but it gave me some perspective, and something to think about. I'm not really cut out for soldiering. But. If that's all that's left I guess it'll have to do.

    1. I know I'm weird, but once out of Basic I enjoyed guard duty. Get away from everyone being the prime attraction. But then, I live in my head too much so rather than bordom I'm at peace with my thoughts. And did I mention, away from all the other idiots?

  2. Well, when I think about the Muslims being brought in by Obama and his version of the Cuban boat lift the last 8 years, I think about Eddie Murphy and his famous line from 1 movie, I picture the Muslim men Saying it, "HEY where the white women at?!?"
    And what about all the blathering from the liberal snowflake Demo's / Homo's about "White Priviledge"?

    1. Almost sounds like the Blues Brothers movie, Your women, how much for your women?, as they paraded as Arab sheiks ( I think I'm recalling correctly-been about thirty years ).

    2. I think the line was from Blazing Saddles.... and it was Cleavon Little...

    3. Or, did Eddie steal it from Blazing Saddles?

  3. Off topic, but something that I’ve given a lot of thought to lately, and sort of goes along with your adherence to a simple way of living. The septic dude came out last night, and had to pump the tank, and add a new float to the engineered septic at my mother’s farm. The cost: $690. Last year her well pump went out on our 250’ deep well. The cost: $2300 (I paid $2200 for my junk land).

    In consideration of the above, junk land with low tech plumbing, sewage, and housing, seems awfully appealing, unless of course you enjoy being a wage slave. In a worse case scenario you might have to haul water and pay to dump your waste somewhere. But by keeping everything simple, the ability to earn an average income and not only get by, but to be able to get ahead becomes a real possibility for the average mope that isn’t particularly well connected in the business world.

    1. Consider methane tanks or solar sawdust toilet composter to eliminate hauling waste. Yeh, I would be questioning my assumptions also, when a simple pump costs two grand. Or a turd suction $700. At those prices, you have zero financial security when simple entropy conspire against you every day.

    2. anonymous,
      food for thought. thanks.

    3. I thought about the humanure composter, but something tells me that this probably wouldn’t fly with the county either. Then again, I‘m the PRK where nothing is legal. Some states will allow outhouses and composting toilets, not CA though. To be honest, I hadn’t planned on actually dumping the waste at an approved site. But I think that I might just do so at first, at least once a month, so that if the county comes snooping around, I can show them the dump receipt.

      @deborah harvey. I think that junk land with a nice, but slightly older RV, would be the ticket, even for older folks. You will still have all the comforts of home for a fraction of the cost of conventional housing. As long as you’re near an RV center where you can dump and replenish your waste and water tanks, you’re good to go. You can even buy auxiliary tanks for waste that are portable, so that you only have to drag them off to be dumped, rather than driving the entire RV down there. Water’s easy enough. Put a tank in the back of your vehicle, and transfer to the RV. One recommendation that I have with regards to RV’s is that you really want to get one with a slideout. If you don’t, it’s like you’re living in a hallway, and you will get claustrophobic really quick.

    4. When I was reading up on a Utah RV'er, they had some kind of motor that pumped from your RV dump tank and then up into a higher elevation ( like into your truck bed tank ). I think it even chopped it up so it is a slurry instead of lumps. I guess to make the transfers easier? I'm forgetting a lot, this article was a long time ago. Just a thought if that kind of thing helps.

    5. Yours sounds much better, but I had something simple and cheap in mind, like the one below.



    6. Those are called 'macerator pumps', mine was about $300, 10 yrs ago. Could chew up turds, etc, and send uphill through a 1" garden hose.

    7. Search "macerator pump".

    8. I'm not normally a fan of spending more money, but if you had to so as to comply with snoopy officials I just thought it might be something to know about. Thanks to everyone who remembered the name of the pump. Here is one through Amazon in case anyone needs one and you want to give me a commission.
      Not sure if one is really needed other than for convenience if off grid. Just have a ramp for a wheeled unit which then leads up a ramp into the truck. But, if old and feeble or in a park or something similar if would make your life easier. I'm just surprised there is such a market for them. Actually, a bit over $200 isn't bad considering I spent $100 for a wheeled disposal tank when the county was harassing me. And that thing stunk to high heaven just from transport-not even any long term storage.

  4. running- a few decades ago, when 'jogging' became a fad, a friend broke a bone while jogging.
    her orthopedic doc told her the same benefit could be obtained by walking, minus the knee injuries, wear on the feet, and the broken bones.

    1. Would that be "power walking"? I thought you had to get your heart rate up past a certain point for a cardio workout. Not sure, I just ride the bike as I know that works out well on a cost/benefit.

    2. don't know. it was 40 years ago so memory is slight. just told her to avoid the wear and tear.
      so if you are determined to soldier with a 60 pound pack, just walk the distance.

    3. Just something to research if it is a concern. Of course, at some point, walking is probably all that one can do anyway. Or shuffling :)

    4. My orthopedic surgeon strictly limited my pace to never more than 1.5 mph. Otherwise I may blow out parts heh heh.
      I have broken that rule occasionally, just to see if I can...if I must...or die.

    5. I look at doctors warnings as having a built in safety factor to cover their ass. So he probably meant 3mph. Going 2.5 is probably safe and 3 for short periods as well. Or, he could just totally be full of crap and have Clue Zero like a lot of doctors on a lot of things. Plenty of hero's, in traumatic surgery. Plenty of Zero's in preventive or diagnostic medicine.

    6. It's a matter of impact on bone structure for me. Kinda fragile with twenty seven screws and various plates holding my pelvis together lol.
      Any more, I really am careful about falling down...

    7. We can rebuild him. Stronger, faster, not so much :)

  5. Map of Population Distribution in the United States and Puerto Rico based on 2010 census: https://www.census.gov/geo/maps-data/maps/2010popdistribution.html

    The maps is a simulated night-time view of the US from orbit where every point of light represents 1,000 people. It gave me a better sense of where the population "centers of gravity" are located than the county map you suggested. I found that using both in tandem was better than either used alone.

  6. This is a powerful depiction of everything that is wrong in how many people address the current decline.

    I guess you won't make a lot of friends in survivalists circles with this, but it was an important statement to make.

    1. Hell, what are you talking about? I don't make many friends even amongst the Minions. :)

  7. WRSA is an interesting news aggregator. Cum grano salis, like all sites selling hardware and a point of view. You will get less trouble from other people looking over your shoulder with a text reader (unable to show stars and bars without a specific click).

    1. Hey, wait a minute! I'm selling a point of view! :)
      ( I had to look up Cum grano salis. With A Grain Of Salt )
