Friday, December 5, 2014

happy festivus, bitchez

My normal length daily article was posted earlier.  Scroll down.


Merry Friggin Christmas, Happy Humping Festivus and Krappy Kwanzaa, my loyal bitchez!  My gift to you, I’ve just made ALL my e-books free of charge.  For the very longest time, book sales were $10 to $15 a month.  Going from just selling at to adding Kindle version books didn’t change much of anything.  I’m not exactly sacrificing a heck of a lot by doing this.  In return, I’m hoping that I achieve several things.  First, I’d like to actually have a snowballs chance in Hell of selling more.  I saw this at another prep previewer where the e-version is free and the paper version is sold at a profit.  It seems like a good idea.  And even if it doesn’t work, we arrive at point two.  I absolutely loath wasting money on crappy books.  It is the cost of doing business, and we are in the business of hopefully getting smarter, so one bears it willingly if unhappily.  By doing this, you simply CAN’T waste money on any of my books ( for those that already have, I trust the years of free blogs somewhat makes up for this ).   You read it on the computer first and if you deem it library worthy then you order the paper version.  And by doing this, I hope to achieve karmic brownie points and loyal minion goodwill.  Be patient, it will take some time to get the paper versions out on the remaining books ( it is simple enough, I just don’t usually have longer lunches at work during Christmas season ) besides the three I already had.  In the meantime, go to and search under my name, James Dakin, and get your free books.  And send them to friends.  Let’s try to get a few more readers, eh. 



  1. Nice! Thank you! ( I think I bought most of them, but this will make it easier to share, and fill in any holes of your writings I might have missed ).

  2. So, there is a Santa Claus after all!

    Thank you, James, for your generous gift.

  3. The hair gods have shown upon us all.....

  4. Oh your Magnificence of the Mane, Truthsayer Extraordinaire, Bringer of Reads,

    Thanks be to you for the free reads. I have passed the article along to another, who shall be tempted to join your devoted cult in singing perpetual praise unto you.

    And that there's how 'ya say Thanks for such a great gift!

    1. Always recruiting to The Dark Side Of Malthus. I'm embarrassed I didn't think of it earlier.

  5. Eh! U going Canadian on us know. Ok Ok I will spread good cheer. Pinky promise to tell all about the Bison. Peace ( happy holidays)

    1. Also, spread the hair praise rule when criticizing.

  6. This is very generous of you. However, I was just about to recommend your e-books and I went to Amazon to get some links, and I could not find any of your e-books! I only found one old used paperback edition. Apparently Amazon doesn't share your generosity.

    1. You have to go to Lulu. Kindle only does free in certain circumstances.
