Monday, September 29, 2014

fair share


We all know the script for the coming collapse, should it stick with the Resource Depletion theme.  The US stops being the only winner in the game and due to her economy and next years ( or the year after, tops, more than likely ) frack oil supply crash, plus the end of the petro-dollar ( hard to time, anywhere from in the next minute to years from now- sorry, the flakes of snow accumulating to form an avalanche are rarely accommodating in their behavior ), serious war breaks out.  No, not the favorite of those lacking imagination, the WWII repeat.  That conflict was over control of an abundant resource.  The coming one will be conflict over the scarce remaining resources.  In a resource depleted atmosphere, you can’t mobilize an economy to fight a Total War ( the last one we attempted was Vietnam and that plus our local Peak Oil killed our industrial economy.  In Russia, their local peak plus Afghanistan killed their empire ).  There will be NO repeats.  I can’t guess how the major economies fight the last Oil War, but I think a safe bet is some kind of nuclear exchange.  Add that radiation to the coming meltdown of 400 reactors after Grid Down and there is your species Bottleneck Event ( hat tip to McPherson on that worry ), potentially.  But I shan’t digress on that subject.  The point today is that the coming conflict, so far clandestine and monetary rather than a hot military outbreak, is really going to intensify.  Because nobody is fighting for “their fair share”.  They are fighting for the Whole Enchilada ( hmmm, enchiladas.  Now I’m hungry ).


Today, we are all pretty satisfied with the status quo, and resources are roughly divided according to the winners of the game played over the last several decades.  The US keeps its quarter of global oil production.  China is allowed to be the worlds factory.  Nobody pays much mind to Japan anymore, a zombie nation both from irradiation and an economy in non-stop depression ( their situation is better than when they first became the US Asian aircraft carrier, but not for much longer ).  Everyone, even if they don’t like it, is used to their Fair Share.  They are surviving on it and their elite are thriving on it ( those of us here in America are NOT going to join the elite, the 1%, and we are already living in a Third World Country despite the freshly painted stucco look.  No need to look for a tropical country to expatriate to, New Orleans or  Florida will do ).  But when the conflict heats up over resources, suddenly the game board gets overturned and every player will be trying to steal everything for themselves.  They won’t be sharing this time, as they do now, to minimize conflict.  It is winner take all, musical chairs time.  The fighting will be for survival, not profit.  Expect the conflict to reflect that.


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  1. Article was spot on today.

    Just finished a pretty decent kindle book. Might want to check it out.

    Collapse: Book One in The Yellow Flag Series [Kindle Edition]
    TK Carter (Author),

    Idaho Homesteader

    1. I don't know cultivated your taste is, seeing as how you like my fiction, but since you recommended I'll check it out. I canceled Kindle Unlimited. I couldn't stand one more hideous book that took too long to find.

  2. It has been musical chairs for a while now. The USA used to have lots of chairs- maybe even letting its allies get some. But our fat behinds will soon no longer fit in the chairs we have - and the last country to try and steal one out from under our descending rear is going to get squashed, and the US is probably going to get poked hard in the hinny or if the thief is big enough a poke in the snoot.

    1. Its smart to stay away from fat people. They can't breath, can't waddle, but if they land on you...

  3. Don't know if you caught Kunstler's article today James, but it touches on the long term implications of the effects of the marginalization of young men in society today.
