Monday, August 5, 2019

kumbaya mother humper

I don't think I've ever held back my disgust and disappointment with Michael Snyder. And I grant you, I am prejudiced after I spent good money on his paper book and was cheated. I mean, seriously people, a Batman hidden vehicle entrance to his cave retreat? I get better realism out of zombie novels. If I hadn't been living off-grid at the time, perhaps I would have bought it on Kindle and wouldn't have felt so financially violated. But I didn't, and I was, and hence I know I look at his work with a far more jaundiced eye than most people.
But, I need not have worried about being unfair. Here is his latest hunk of crap disguised as writing ( HERE ). In case you already know what a piece of work this guy is ( doom porn star, former lawyer, aspiring politician ) and don't wish to have to clean out your eyes with strong acid after actually reading the article, basically he screams out in pain that nobody understands how politically correct he is and how it is his life mission to eradicate Eviel Racism and can't we all just get along and save the country by loving each other?
You think I'm being a dingus, unfairly exaggerating. I assure you, if anything, I'm being kind. When they were handing out tickets to the short bus, this freak of nature was kneeling behind it sucking on the exhaust pipe, and it backed over his head. And I know you don't think so, but I actually try to find some redeeming qualities about anyone involved in the prepper community. With this guy, I cannot find one good thing to say. What, “he's a nice guy once you get to know him” is enough for you?
Sorry, not for me. I'm sure if I met Hilary Clinton in person, you know, a couple years back before she went completely Alzheimer's Annie and could carry on a conversation, she was probably a “nice person”. She is completely in the service of Lucifer ( which I grant you, is an insult to The Dark Lord [ sorry, your Highness. No offense! Please don't boil me in a lake of lava or some nonsense. I was sticking up for you ] and if I had a gun to my head and was forced to choose, I'd throw rocks at the Devil's head before I pissed off Clinton, as she scares me a LOT more ), but I'm sure her charm is usually on “11”.
Just because you are personable doesn't mean you get to be an idiot and give out extremely harmful advice. I'm sure Michael thinks Blacks are just innocent victims of Southern racism ( even those living in California or YankeeLand ) and they never would even dream of being racist themselves, 'cause Victimhood, but the simple fact of the matter is that ignoring biology or physics doesn't make them go away.
White Folk are NOT racist just because they know that nine out of ten Blacks, given the chance, will hurt them, and hence try to avoid any Blacks on that off chance. I don't care if Blacks are entitled to be violent because of past transgressions, or only strike back out of fear themselves, or any other reason. The fact is, they can be violent. I don't wish to go visit Europe and mingle with White Hooligans. I don't want to visit Morocco to see if Muzzies are all peaceful or not, and I have no wish to live next to a Black ghetto.
I'm not the worlds most perceptive guy, but I sure as heck know hatred when I feel it beamed at the back of my head when I mingle with hostile strangers. That is one very large reason I left the South and moved back West. My Lizard Brain knew what was in store for me, and he says, HUMP you, Michael. That boy is sure free with advice about loving those who hate you, as he is safely living up in Lily White Idaho. Oh, I'm sure his Hispanic gardener is a real nice fellow. Way to mingle with reality, dude.
If people hate you, you don't have to return the favor. I'll grant Michael SoyBoy that. That is a personal decision. But love them? Hell no. Hey, ex wife, thanks for taking my children away from me when they were only two and three, I LLLLOOOOVVVEEEE you! Really? There is no other rational response than Pure D Hate for the bitch. I'm going to love her about as much as I love an inflamed hemorrhoid. I don't hate her to the point I want to kill her, anymore, but I'll never forgive or forget, and certainly never love.
But Jim, Michael innocently asks as he fondles his junk at the thought of being violated by a group of Black men in a dark alley, your ex-wife actually hurt you. OtherColors never did anything to you, for you to hate them! I don't hate them because of their skin color, dude. I hate them for hating me for MY skin color, and wanting to hurt me. And they are ON RECORD about wanting to hurt me. Even if I didn't HATE them, I still fear them, and that means I can't love them.
I thought this stuff was kind of self evident. You stay in your urban ghetto, I'll stay in my rural hovel, and we don't ever have to see each other. Then, there need not be any hate unless YOU choose it. I'm good with that plan. But no. Instead, OtherColors and their voluntary White Bread traitors are actively working with politicians and with packing the courthouses with their plans on genocide against Whites. And you want me to LOVE those people that want to kill me? No friggin way is that going to happen.
If I hated those bastards, I would be fighting them. Trying to respond to their violence with my own. But instead, I just choose self segregation. I remove myself from the problem as much as I can. Here, Libtards, Commies, White Haters, take most of the country you want to control. I won't contest your ownership. Its yours. I just want to be left alone in my crappy little corner. But is that good enough for these people? No. They want me to be docile and meekly submit to those packing the trains to the reeducation camps. It is demanded that I fall to my knees, wail that I'm not worthy, and plead to be at the head of the line.
These Nazi's dressed in politically correct clothes want me to be a docile Jew, happy to get free room and board. Work Makes Us Free! Of course, they have to label us the Nazi's, deflecting their own evil. Why are we Nazi's? Not because we hate ( whether we do or not ), but just because we are White. For being born, we are called racist. And then it is demanded we love our accusers. Well, crap, I'm already racist for being born, so I guess I might as well ACT racist. I guess wanting to be segregated also makes me sound racist.
Hilary and her rabid followers insist that since we are evil for being born, we should kill ourselves like Vincent Foster, three shots to the back of the head. THAT kind of suicide. All the help you desire from her and her minions. Oh, how helpful they are! Does Michael form a pentagram with a statue of Hilary in the middle, praying for the end of Evil White Males? I don't know. He sure sounds like it though. Your homework assignment tonight is to go re-watch “Platoon” and enjoy the scene with Bunny. He knows the value of hate.
PS-I'm sure if Mikey “Can't We All Just Get Along” Snyder gets hold of this, one of my minions wildly jealous of my hair calling him up, he'll be a true sniveling lawyer and report me to the Hall Monitor ( Google ) for Wrong Think. If so, we'll see if the Blogger folks treat Black Hate Speech as protected but not White Rebuttal. Sorry, Mike, but you are a jag-off and I can't hold my tongue.
( .Y. )
( today's related Amazon link click HERE )
note: free for today book, zombies, HERE 
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  1. Yeah , for sure your days are numbered. Just got done listening to the Orange Shit Gibbon saying that all internet hate speech needs to be stopped immediately...
    Me thinks that his true colors are about to come out. I predict he will make a deal with the Dems on new gun laws , in order to get concessions with immigration reform.
    No matter how you see this issue , I believe Trump is about to sell us down the road. He is, and always has been a Liberal on gun possession. As in okay for me but not thee...

    We are about to see Big Brother step up in a biggley way.

    1. Damn you, but I think you might be right. Keep the anti-Trump faith, brother. Nice to see someone not lining up to give the guy a rimjob.

    2. I see Cheeto Benito as a sort of Ross Perot without the grace, class, or good hairstyle. I remember once Perot gave an interview to a newspaper, then the next day decided he didn't want it published after all, and wanted to buy the entire run of the paper to have it taken out of the newsstands.

      A guy who's used to getting things their way no matter how quirky, stupid, or despotic that "way" might be to a rational bystander.

    3. An even better nickname! I feel like I won the lotto today.

  2. re:
    today's free book

    I try to not judge. I really do.

    However, the author blurb boasts she is an unwed mother of four, and her grandchildren live with her. [sighs, shakes head]

    * * * * *

    best compliments

    "She's not a mean drunk..." [the ellipse leads one to surmise there may be more to the story...]

    "All her grandchildren live with her..."

    "She raised her four children alone, because the people she chose to be their parents... well, I'm sure it seemed like a good idea at the time..."

    "Do you notice his writing seemed less 'anxious' before he switched his diet to that 50# gunny-sack bagged bulk stuff from the feedstore... bless his heart..."

    1. Now, to be fair, do you know a lot of writers whose life isn't a hot mess ( I guess we have to include me there LOL )? But I honestly hear what you are saying. And I agree with your disapproval.

  3. “Oh, how helpful they are! Does Michael form a pentagram with a statue of Hilary in the middle, praying for the end of Evil White Males?”

    Yeah, it’s funny how the biggest proponents of the “diversity for thee, but not for me” crowd, are white leftists, living in white gated communities, in blue states :D

    Sounds like this dude would get along great with his fellow stater, the super survivalist guru, who actually had the balls to PC pretend that the Katrina looters were a “diverse” crowd of folks (If by diverse, he meant one or two brown or whites faces out of a sea of dark one’s. Then yes, it was a diverse crowd :D)

    Bit of trivia. It was right around this time (Circa 2008?) that someone in the comments section bashed you, and labeled you an “evil raciss”! Obviously, this piqued my curiosity, and I had to investigate for myself. I’ve been here ever since :D

    1. I think I remember the "no OtherColors to see here" re: Katrina. Not sure how anyone could have thought I was racist back then. I don't recall ever really touching the subject that long ago. But, hey, no bad publicity, right? :)

  4. I shop at the nearest town which has a population of 2,000. Most of the commercial buildings are not rented, and every year a storefront business goes out-of-business.

    Just this month 2 storefront businesses are closing that have been there for over 30 years.

    Trump claims that the economy is improving. I don't see that here...

    1. Trump claims he is young enough to bone his wife ( well, it is implied ). I don't see that either :) Our "adult toy" store closed here in town ( 16k population when I moved here, with gold mine employment it got to 20k, now down to 18k. I expect it to go far below 16, sooner rather than later ). It opened during the boom. Now, as miners lose their jobs, I guess not enough were coming in for their Wack Off DVD's. That mall it was in really went down hill after the book store closed. Now that the adult store closed, I see a 70% vacancy rate!!! Even the newer, nicer mall is at a 40% vacancy. Only the two malls at the highway exits are near full up. Even the "successful" casino is rarely seeing a half full parking lot.

    2. I'm in San Jose, California, ostensibly a wealthy city. Yet, we're losing tons of store fronts and can't seem to keep a Safeway, Walgreen's, Ross Dress For Less, McDonald's, movie theater, etc. open in our downtown. Occasionally a Tesla whispers by and there are tall shining towers in which work techies ostensibly making more than min. wage (having worked in tech, don't assume this though) but most of my reality is putt-putt cars, people scrounging metal and grannies pushing ice cream, er, palateria, carts, etc.

    3. I thought all the ( dot ) Indians getting work visas were to lower wages in tech. I imagine your town in just like mine-rents are far too high for most businesses to afford. And the bankers ain't gonna lower the profit on that cash cow.

    4. “Our "adult toy" store closed here in town”

      I think that between online porn, and the fact that you can literally have any “toy” (From dildo’s to love dolls) shipped from Amazon these days (Yes, Amazon) it’s tough for such places to make a go of it anymore. My cousin Francis gets all of his anal intruders from that joint, and that’s a butt load of business right there :D

    5. Well, the store did stay open around five years. And rents are pretty high here. I can't imagine how they competed with Amazon and free online porn all this time, without another factor being introduced.

  5. WOW! I love it when you really open up on a subject.
    I am going to miss your blog after your shut down in a few days. LOL
    Speak the truth and face the new American life style brought to you by your liberal white hate, loathing Democrats.
    And to put in a good word for Hillary, I watched a TV show called the 700 club, on it was a former secret service agent who had written a book about working the Clinton years and he related a story about 1 of her aides bringing a Bible into the Oval Office.
    Hillary was said to have yanked it out of the girl's hands and chased her and hit her in the head with it repeaditly.
    Screaming about God and such. I guess Satan does indeed hate the Bible up close.

    1. Ha! Most excellent Hilary story. Thank you-made my day.

    2. I too have heard some of the horror stories as related by the SS agents under the Clinton administration. There were reports that hitlery often laid into Bubba with every colorful word in the dictionary, loudly, and right in front of the staff. Even Dick Morris, who was Clinton’s chief advisor, has stated that to this day, he still likes Bubba, but he never liked the wife. He even wrote a book as a deterrent to prevent that evil bitch from ever holding the highest office in the land.

      I know that one of the female staffers went on to a career in porn. I suppose that Bubba stuffing those big Cubans into her backside, helped to open up some options for a career in that industry :D

    3. Funny, yes, but I call BS on that story. Dont get me wrong, I can't stand the Hag, but I believe that if she grabbed a bible either she or it would burst into flame! And can you imagine her chasing anything? Puh-leeze! The 700 Club exits for exactly on reason, which is to help relieve their "parishioners" of their wealth. That was a BS pandering story if I ever I heard one.

    4. 2:29-I wonder how well Clinton helped out the cigar industry
      JL-come on now, don't be too harsh. I think anyone can tell it was a tall tale. 700 Club, a blast from the Fundamentalist past. Geez, to have those problems today, right? :)

    5. The way I heard it, as the Clinton worker approached the Clinton headquarters, the bible disintegrated. Poof. Gone.

      According to witnesses, the poor girl's eyebrows were scorched and the tiny silver cross on her necklace got real hot, too.

      Then, later at home, she noticed the hay-sooz tattoo on her left boob turned from nicely rainbow-colored to Black™ and white... with no feasible explanation.

      [can we still say 'colored'?]

    6. Instead of colored ( don't ban me, Google! ), let us use "hued". "OtherHued" has a nice ring to it, I'll try to start using that. I keep forgetting how to spell "melanin" plus it sounds pretentious. ( as if that ever stopped me before )

  6. Speaking of authors and books, I was asked to flesh out a book on going off grid. It was his first effort and told him I'd gladly do it for him.
    Dunno if you follow his blog Jim...

    The book is " Outside Looking in: a guide to going off the grid. By Diogenes Hill

    While he isn't the master of frugality that you are. He does provide a bridge between you and the yuppie scum.
    It is pretty basic and only deals with the topics of power, house construction , water and sewer with a few tidbits of other knowledge useful. If anything it is real , because he just describes how he built his place off grid up in Kentucky. Giving helpful tips on frugal construction ideas. Yet does keep it real on what is required.
    He has been a part of my blog life pretty much as long as you have. A rarity, seeing how you and he are the only two originals from my blog list lol.
    Maybe if you contacted him, he'd be willing to send you an electronic version to peruse for review. Otherwise it is available I believe through Amazon.
    I have a hard proof copy here and found it to be something good for those just getting into the lifestyle , including info which is useful for even those experienced.

    1. I don't think I have run across him. If he has your seal of approval, I'm sure I'll enjoy. Thanks.

    2. I just looked it up on Amazon, and it is currently available on unlimited . It's not very long and a fairly quick read. His first attempt at a book.
      He kinda reminds me of myself in many ways on a technical level. Was glad to have an influence on his first try at writing.

    3. I'll buy his book here soon. I can gamble $3. Not sure if I care for his blog. I'll have to give it a bit more time.

  7. Never go full Snyder. Like you, I read him at first . . .

    (send me an email if you ever see me starting to drink that Kool-Aid)

    1. Full Snyder-friggin priceless! I was LOL'ing for a bit over that one.
