Wednesday, August 7, 2019

how far is too far? 2

Crackhead is as crackhead does. Crackheads are pretty damn stupid. Crackheads without money are even more stupid. Hell, look how stupid people without money are ( Depression era folks putting up with FDR's unConstitutional Soviet policies ). Now, add crack to that. Crackheads will risk getting shot, trespassing on rural land ( where a pissed off homeowner has the option of shooting and shoveling ), after busting up their old beater car on washboard roads, and using half their black market payday on gasoline going out there. My point being, right now even crackheads can get to your place.
Since they are desperate, and stupid, yes, they will drive 45 minutes to steal a couple of rusted propane tanks ( which are worth, at most, $20, the difference between a new tank, filled, and an exchange tank, filled. I got a few illegal valve type tanks over the years from the thrift store, then exchanged them for the new type, but others quickly caught on to that and the supply dried up ). Which goes to show you that $3 a gallon gas is the “new” one dollar gas poor people used to rely on to survive.
Compared to most other things, inflation hasn't been unkind to gasoline. Even if gasoline has matched everything else ( rent, food, wages ), most vehicles do get much better mileage ( how hard is it, really, to increase mileage, when you just make the car out of plastic? ), giving most folks a net increase in bang for their buck ( although, then you see a wash with vehicle and repair cost. But a real poor dude buying garbage used cars can negate that, and probably the insurance cost also ). Crackheads only operate in the “now”.
Of course, a lot of folks out of necessity also act as a crackhead, removing long term cost considerations, deferring maintenance on their home to pay the mortgage after their hours are cut, for instance. One would trust that you will not allow yourself to be placed in this position, being smarter than the average bear. Right, Boo-Boo? Not that you have any more resources than the average worker, but you do understand the concept of exponentially decreasing standards of living being a necessity. And budgeting to plan for exactly that. Sad Panda, but that includes your fuel use.
To me, this includes two important considerations. Transportation and home heat. You know how I got around that. Buying a lot closer to town ( so my bicycle commute was 45 minutes rather than over two hours, or even far better but still exhausting after a busy workday, the lot a bit over an hour away from town ), and digging down to get the Earth Battery effect. The hole was “free” to dig ( as it was dug manually ), and a 6x16 structure was only a grand in lumber and insulation ( not much point in the “hole” thing if you don't insulate the roof ).
What did I do prior to this? I bought lots of land I deemed too far away. That is how strong my conviction on Peak Oil is-I bought four pieces of land that I walked away from at a loss, because they needed carbon fuel transportation. Why did I buy them in the first place? Well, it isn't just Peak Oil, but also finances. By the grace of Baby Jesus, I filed for bankruptcy just months prior to the laws changing. And yes, even though I was only hurting the banks I did feel like a derelict doing it.
But even with that, 70% of my take home pay was going to child support. I knew I was a couple of paychecks away from homelessness. I bought the land in desperation, as a Better Than Nothing strategy. It sucked, the first lot. It was twenty miles away from surface water. I knew that wasn't going to cut it, but it gave me some peace of mind for unemployment. And it was only about $400. The next lot, I went from Arizona to Arkansas. Not because I wanted to move there, but because it was only twenty minutes from town. A town with no jobs, of course. In retrospect I probably should have kept that one.
Of course, at the time, I had seven more years to go on the support, so it was a job or jail. So I kept looking. The next property was only five miles from employment, with a smaller town right on the property line, but alas, Peak Oil would have been Peak Diversity Mobs from one hour up the road in Dallas, so no thank you. Resigned to the necessity, I figured Nevada was going to have to be it ( a large part of that was lower moving costs, 300 miles rather than 2k ). Meaning, I had to now factor in winter. The whole time I had been looking at just transportation by bicycle.
The Nevada lots were purchased in order, furthest to closest to town. Yes, normally you want to move further away. But I had to work. Even now, self employed, I have to factor in transportation. I have only been more and more convinced of Peak Oil, the more I read and the more time that passes underscores my conviction. THE primary question is ALWAYS, how do I survive without carbon fuels. Note that the question is not, how do I live without oil AFTER the collapse. It is, how do I survive as oil is too expensive to use as we are now.
Life won't be Business As Usually on Tuesday and on Wednesday you wake up and the apocalypse is underway, lawyers hanging from lampposts and rat BBQ'ed over the living room furniture wood fire. There is a transition time, and it starts with you losing your job. It doesn't preclude the banks or the cops or government occupation forces. First, you need to be close enough to your job, if the price of gas skyrockets. Then you must be able to keep your home if you lose that job. Then, it is nice not to freeze to death come winter. That is why that Colorado valley is such a crappy place to live poor now. Without a job, how do they get into town? Most of the lots now for sale are past bicycle range.
Winter heat is easy. You just need a cabin underground, or an Earth Tube ( ten foot down, a hundred foot long, 6 inch pipe-no smaller diameter!-to be effective enough for that above ground dwelling. It can even be a passive draw, for Forever Heat/Cooling at a nominal cost. Adding home insulation will help with the comfort level. And note, the pipe doesn't need to be straight if you don't have that length on the property ). In light of the aforementioned crackheads, I would advise that the two ends of the Earth Tube be metal rather than plastic, as the cretins will destroy stuff as well or in lieu of stealing.
I've had it happen to me. If there is nothing to steal, they get pissed off you wasted their time, effort and gasoline, and will start beating on stuff until tired. This is the kind of ass you are dealing with today. I wouldn't call it an Entitlement Mentality, as much as a Vandal Mentality ( as in the old timey tribe of barbarians. Or at least, the way the Romans viewed them, fairly or not ). Crackheads are a tribe, even if only a bunch of sad and pathetic Bush Bitches. Remember, tribes self-justify bad behavior by viewing non-tribe members as sub-human.
Now, the bright side of this is that as oil becomes unaffordable ( even if only because of unemployment ), the crackheads SHOULD, in theory, retire to the urban zone as they too lose transportation. Then your only danger is when you lock up your bike to go grocery shopping. I don't know if they make any lock better than the tools that defeat them. A ten to fifteen mile bike ride ( about the furthest I would suggest for an older minion using pedal power alone, for a once a week trip ) then turns into a three hour walk. But of course, this is all about Least Evil choices, isn't it?
This isn't as fun as AR's, FLIR scopes, freeze dried unicorn rectum or solar powered cement fortresses atop a mountain, is it? Yeah, this prepper crap is getting down right aggravating. And I'm just the guy to stir that bubbling pot of crap, aren't I? You are very welcome.
( .Y. )
( today's related Amazon link click HERE )
note: Archer Garrett is writing again.  I loved his work ( more militia porn than PA ).  HERE is his daily news site, which is always listed at my web page.  But more importantly for today's subject, HERE is his newest book.  Alas, we might differ in what we enjoy reading, so HERE is a free section of the first book in the series.  You can decide yourself. 
note: SR, I probably don't deserve your generosity.  Many, many thanks for the PayPal donation.
Please support Bison by buying through the Amazon links here ( or from or ). Or PayPal 

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* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there


  1. Solid piece Jim, your descriptive scribbling is near prophetic in clarity of truth and reality.

    I would posit that scrappy dogs that are territorial and hyper alert, set up and configured for, would help with hermitage or squat security. Takes 50% of the pressure off, worth their food.

    If a Minionite has land or zoning allowable, they should think of set up in anticipation for, or as a hobby now:, a horse or lower end transport, a burrow-mule. They would be low tech and live off the land sustainable. (And this from me an urbanite)

    Besides, the original O.G. gangster Jesus rolled into towne with his posse all big ballers like, riding steed on a really dope ride termed as a donkey. If that carpentering, phrase banterering, cool cat can pull it off in spades so too can you Minions.

    Stay Frosty.

    1. As long as you can get past the ass licking and accidents of dogs, yes, they can't be beat. And bonus, even the stupid ones are getting smarter than a lot of people.

    2. Yes, you could take a cue from the irascible JR of rancho costa nada fame, with his pack of semi-feral dogs on break away chains, (Always liked that line from the book reviews). Those folks out there didn’t mess around, and would shoot the crack-heads if they pulled any crap. The biggest problem that I see with dogs, is that they’re just another mouth to feed. If you could figure out some way to have a low tech security system, and that eliminates biological canine units, then that would be the way to go.

      Yes, it does appear that the average IQ is going down exponentially by the year. I read somewhere that the average high school graduate in the 1940’s and 50’s, was on par with a typical university graduate of today.

      If you ever feel up to it, check out an old time radio series by the name of “The Quiz Kids”. It was a 1940’s radio version of “are you smarter than a 5th grader”, but it was the real deal (I get the impression that the smarter than a 5th grader show is heavily faked). Real smart kids, in a pre-computer era, that couldn’t cheat by using the internet. You would be impressed. The 6 year old that was often featured (I forget his name) was listed as the smartest kid in America at the time. Yes, these kids were the exception, but you probably get the point that I’m making.

    3. Sorry, I'm of the mind that biologic units always beat out mechanical ones.

    4. Sure. Now how are you going to feed them during the collapse? How many hundreds of bags of dog food are you going to have to add to your preps? Liberal carcases? Well, that’s not a bad idea, but they will all be gone after the first month :D Anyhow, maybe you see my point. And they’d better be well trained too, or they will be more of a hindrance than an asset, and everyone will know right where you are for miles around. So you’d better summon up the dog whisperer now. Don’t worry, he works for peanuts (Well, really pinto beans, but you get the idea :D)

      Now let’s say that you had a watch falcon. It could patrol your compound and screech at the site of intruders, and would be self sufficient, and fend for itself (And no, don’t anyone take this example seriously. The point that I’m trying to make is that there is probably a more effective way to have security, but I don’t have the answer to it. It will require some thought) Guinea Fowl? I could see that as a potential option. They are also a free ranging chicken, and the surplus, along with the eggs, can be eaten. They are loud, but not as much of a give away as would be a dog, since to city folk, it would just sound like a wild squawking bird off in the distance.

      If you do have a tribe, the answer is an easy one. At least one person (Ideally two) is always on patrol, and they do not require a different type of food, beyond the basic wheat, beans, and rice, that you usually push for. Also, they don’t bark, or hump your leg, and that’s a big one. And if they do, you can shoot them without feeling bad about it :D

    5. Yeah, drawbacks to feeding dogs etc, but lets just list drawbacks of an atypical Merican wifey. Ha! Come again?

      Geese are hyper alert at night and are also early warning system compatible. Husbandry can replicate that stock to perpetuate out usefulness, and sell - barter off. Duh?

      We have to flush the oil age manners, habits, slothery film from the inside of our skulls to adapt to the new model.

      It will be a challenge for sure.

    6. Dogs attack better, although I wouldn't want to mess with geese. One kicked my little four year old ass.

    7. 5:30-you cook up gruel, adding a little meat. Not much different than commercial dog food.

  2. "I knew I was a couple of paychecks away from homelessness. I bought the land in desperation, as a Better Than Nothing strategy. It sucked, the first lot. It was twenty miles away from surface water. I knew that wasn't going to cut it, but it gave me some peace of mind for unemployment. And it was only about $400. The next lot, I went from Arizona to Arkansas. Not because I wanted to move there, but because it was only twenty minutes from town. A town with no jobs, of course. In retrospect I probably should have kept that one." - Lord Bison

    Owning the land 1st is important. As you've pointed out in the past, they can't kick you off your own land if you HAVE to camp indefinitely. But you will have to keep it protected from others dumping trash / refuse on it. Renting it out to a small rancher might be possible, but that requires water (unless he does't object to hauling water out there).

    1. In SOME areas they can't kick you off for camping. Before the zoning.

    2. That is the crux, non zoning counties are cool for that as long as they don't spring valley gentrify steamroll codes on your squat. The example I note is that of Crescent Valley, Nv that was all manner of camper squating hovels. But the area is so off the path no one cares. It depends on location, location, location. Recon and score sheet it all up.

    3. Crescent Valley would have been a preferred location, but, had to work. It helps the county is so broke.

  3. I am very interested in your homemade freeze-drying experiment that you mentioned in one of your recent newsletter emails.

    One website said that the Incas used to freeze-dry food in the winter. So that's a good idea if you no longer have electricity or want to save money now.

    Does anyone have experience with freeze-drying?

    1. I could see that being an issue in most places in all but, say, January. Still, a nice thought to explore further. It will be probably a month before I know anything from my own experiment. First of the month it comes out, then I'll place in plastic at room temps for about three days. Everyone says it works, by I'm feeling like a Missourian about it. Too much to invest in, just in meat, to take chances.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. The laundry line pipe might open some nice possibilities.

  5. I agree crackheads are such stupid shits ... one time a guy I know had his minivan broken into, they tore the dashboard up to steal the crappy stock radio, while they left his much more expensive ham radio, which was under some clothes, alone.

    Another time more recently, a lady had her car broken into right in front of the FedEx here. Fairly large shopping center, nice looking area, well-lit, supermarket next door has guys walking by to get carts from the other side of the FedEx ... didn't matter. They stole her diaper bag and left a bag full of thousands of $'s worth of tech stuff alone. Hope the dirty diapers were worth it!

    And yes, for you and for many of us, the time has past when use of gasoline etc is in the budget. Except for a rare rental or loaner, we're long past using any kind of motorized vehicle. Yet the crackheads are still finding ways to keep rolling, even on $3 and $4 gas.

    1. I love when a minion "comes out of the closet" on NOT owning a vehicle. Owning a car as a benchmark peacock feather should have died long ago. Like a gal who is too fat, there is such a thing as too much leisure. A lot of times, "needing" a car is more a want. Silly Yuppie Scum.

  6. But freeze dried unicorn rectum goes so well with wheat, wheat, wheat, and wheat. You're right though, unicorn is a rookie move. Need to go with their golden hooves.

    1. Article soon on freezing drying at home. Surprisingly, I'm not opposed.
