Sunday, May 5, 2019

wang election 2

Okay, so I have to vote.  That sucks.  Being California will suck, worse.  A lot.  We get the taxes, the gun control, the Kill Whitey culture, but we don’t get the decent weather and the higher wages.  Which brings me to the whole reason I started the part one article but never got around to.  The Democrat Yang ( get the title?  Yang, Wang, same, same ) running on the Free Crap platform.  The Stupids, that Latino bartender from New York and that Muzzy bitch, they are ONLY offering free medical care.  Who cares!  Christ, offer them something better!
If you offered college loan forgiveness, most of the population would vote for you. Alas, that would be money out of the bankers pockets, and even the world’s biggest dumb ass Democrat knows better than that.  JFK got the first warning, too late.  His brother SHOULD have known better, but, you know, he was a politician.  How smart are most of them?  He didn’t catch a clue from being warned off with Marilyn Monroe, or his brother.  He had to go.  Then JFK’s son got into the standard “accidental” plane crash.  So the message SHOULD have gotten through to the dimmest bulbs.
You NEVER be late for the Don’s weekly pay-off, and you NEVER hump with the bankers money.  Free Stuff must come from inflation.  That is how the money is made ( more money supply is more loans is more payments to the bankers ).  Taking away loan payments is Verboten!  Nein!  But what is really nice is if you start giving everyone a Universal Basic Income.  That needs to come from more gov debt, and is used by all the unemployed to pay their debts like student loans.  Or car payments.  Or rent on banker owned apartments/homes. 
Now, at first I was all excited about the Universal Basic Income ( BUI ).  I could triple/quadruple my take home pay, and ShaaaWing!, more prepping supplies.  After all, the government screwed us giving the economy to the bankers.  The least they could do was give us the tool to insure against some of the consequences of that.  I was all ready, Show Me Da Money!  Then it dawned on me.  This is how they are going to fund the illegals, now that the jobs are disappearing.  I mean, if it happens, okay, I’ll benefit.
Perhaps.  Or perhaps, the deal will go something like this.  White Deplorables will be denied the benefit is they have ANY assets.  Paid for house, paid for junk land, paid for car.  AND, the condition of issuance will be they must consent to random inspections to assure no guns, no food stores ( counted as assets ) and etcetera.  Yet, illegals?  Nothing will count against them.  Their check will be guaranteed to be in the mail, just as they can get ID, welfare and Social Security and all the other goodies already.  Illegals can get a bank account, but not gun owners.
Don’t be fooled into buying Yang’s book, where he articulately sells his not unreasonable vision.  No matter how pure his motives, true or not, in the end his fellow party members will pervert his vision to suit their needs.  And they needs them more voters, to Californicate the rest of the country.  I have ZERO problem with welfare, believe me.  And that is with me being an Anarchist.  To me, the rich screw the poor and the poor need a better safety net than just being able to work in unsafe conditions for low pay.
However, given the current trends, I have a hard time believing the BUI will be better.  Odds are it will be worse.  If it replaces Social Security, if it replaces all welfare ( granted, I don’t have any details.  It is all just propaganda, so why waste my time with studying it? ), will it be inflation adjusted?  Will it come with stipulations like a Red Flag Law ( he voted Republican.  Automatic Crazy! )? Will you then have zero retirement?  But worse than that, the big one, will it incentivize far, far more illegals to stay, or come here? 
I don’t care what details are attached.  The main concern is, what will our population skyrocket to?  Forget preserving Whiteness.  Your only chance is to flee to rural like-colored counties.  Which is a way to draw Deplorables into voting for this, as there are no jobs out there.  But “Out There” is a heck of a lot safer than being near a Sanctuary City.  This almost gets to be a Dilemma rather than a Problem ( because remember, problems can be solved but dilemmas can only be endured ).  If you vote for BUI, you screw yourself.  If you don’t, there is no escape.
I have no illusions anyone is going to act in their groups best interests.  It is every man for themselves out there.  It is, truly, too late to vote ourselves out of this mess.  The only thing voting does, if that, is slightly delay Bad Things.  I’m under no illusions over that, either.  Voting might just be wasting my damn time and effort.  But if we are going to vote, we still have to decide what is best.  Even if only for ourselves.  Is the BUI a good idea?  Even if there are no White Deplorable bias built into it? 
It is a choice for the lesser evil.  By the time this is passed, the economy WILL be that bad that it is needed.  If for nothing else than to keep the wheels on the economy just a little while longer.  To keep consumption up.  Most of you will already have lost your job ( IF this is passed to save the economy, it will NOT be biased against Deplorables.  If it IS biased, then it is simply to increase immigration and Californicate the nation ).  This might be your only option.
If you think you are above accepting welfare, you might be in for a rude surprise.  You might have to, just as you crawl like a worm at your corporate job.  I mainly bring this up to give dimension to the now fringe idea of the BUI.  I don’t think any of us will be voting for it, but we might end up living with it, regardless.  Assuming, of course, that our system stays together long enough for this to be a concern.  We might be better off with an economic collapse.  Illegals won’t come here without a bribe.
( .Y. )
( today's related Amazon link click here )
note: want to watch a darn good movie? "Dragged Across Concrete" with Mel Gibson.  NOT an action flick.  A heist movie that takes its time and does it right.  You'll need the attention span of almost three hours.  This is how movies should be done. click here 
Please support Bison by buying through the Amazon links here ( or from or ). Or PayPal 

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  1. Jim, I am aligned with the voting is akin to a hold thy nose endevour. One should do so though as a matter of having skin in the game. The voting will act as an impetus for us Minionite preppers to be thinking and involved, instead of all opioded out and glazing at entertainment just awaiting expiration dates of their own life cycles. It would actually be an incentive for system overlords to "ENSURE" and make it happen, that deploralists get their 'cut' of stipends so they stay on the porch and not upset the apple carts of society by being shut out of "gibs" that others are granted. Just as it is 'cheaper' in the macro sense to pay off the outliers in other situations to gain cooperation. (Done now, all the time as a matter of customs) the hundred million out of the workforce currently are carried now by similar safety net type systems (family support, grouping up roomates, disability stipends, direct and indirect welfare, etc) this is to keep things from flaming up like europe or other nations. Since it is no longer possible to be all capitalist, pull up own bootstraps, american dream chasing stoic citizens, it is not a shameful circumstance to be on such benefits or 'earned' stipends, when an entire system and various supporting elements are corrupted and criminally run to begin with. So go vote: Wang 2020!, and apply, make noises, and fight for as much crumbs as possible during this slow slide while you can. You would be called the "dummy" by most others for not doing such. Get with the program my fellow comrade Minions. :)!

    1. Hear, hear. Well said. Corporate welfare amounts put any Welfare Queen to shame.

    2. Yep, this guy is freaking actually correct contrary to our outdated and no longer applicable dogma training received in the government indoctrination centers (school) or via newspeak vid screens. Roll with it, just saying.

    3. The gov doesn't think your programming is outdated.

  2. "Odds are it will be worse."

    Right. Everything this rotten assed gov't does is always worse.

    Every now and then I like to stick a needle in my eye. I'm funny that way. It brings me back to reality. Saw mention of the new Jeep Goliath truck and went to the site and "built my own" cause I was feeling especially self abusive. So you choose package 1 on the exterior and then on the next step you choose package 2 on the interior but it won't let you cause it conflicts with package 1 on the exterior. So you have to choose your poison, do you want package 1 or 2? You can't have both and you have to play by their insane rules. Your choice.

    You look at politician A and every thing seems OK except for the part about expanding taxation. You look at politician B and everything looks OK except she wants to start a war on the other side of the globe. Politicians C-Z are the same way - they all have faults you can't live with. You don't get to pick individual things, you have to take the whole package, good and bad.

    In the old days you could order a new ride with any or all options available and end up with a vehicle that would be worth some serious coin in the future cause it was one of a kind. Politicians of oldt used to flip flop on major ideas as it was revealed to them what the voters wanted. Now, the politicians do as they please and if you don't like it, pound sand. The pols know most people think, "Well, you gotta vote for somebody, you just GOTTA!, So I just hold my nose and pull the handle." These same people drive 10 miles under in the left lane, throw cig butts and gum on the sidewalk, call the law when your grass is too tall, and act like general assholes all the time. Parasitic shitstains on society and have more value dead than alive.

    I'll never again buy a new vehicle and I'll never choose a person to rule over me. Like I said, I'm funny that way.

    FWIW, I started taking a high blood pressure medication this week and immediately it dropped from the 190-220 range (top number) to the 160-180 range, and no noticeable negative side effects so far. Last night was the first time in over a decade that I got more than 2 hours of continuous sleep and my appetite has dropped off drastically. Here it is 5pm on Sun and I haven't eaten a thing yet today and I'm not very hungry right now. But in "honor of sinkhole the mayo I'm making tacos for supper so maybe I'll perk up by then. Believe it or not I have never seen "Two Mules for Sister Sara" from start to finish and yes, I know, I need to be horse whipped for that embarrassing confession.

    1. Glad to hear about the blood pressure. Yes, in ten years it will be "discovered" that it eats away your liver until you crap it out, but hey, you can live with it until then. I think most meds are similar. You'll gladly pay them Wednesday for a hamburger today.

    2. re:
      high blood pressure

      [SmartyPants nutritionist here, mouthing off again.]

      High blood pressure can be a result of clogged arteries.
      Often, arteries get clogged from cholesterol patches.
      Cholesterol patches form as a result of artery damage.
      Artery damage comes from inflammation.
      Inflammation comes from diet choices such as grains and Omega 6 oils == soy, sunflower, safflower.
      Inflammation also comes from consuming pesticides and other petroleum-based chemicals used on crops.

      Some research indicates none of our modern diseases existed prior to agricultural. After three decades as a Physical Therapist, I'm inclined to agree.

      Until somebody can prove the SAD (StandardAmericanDiet) is healthy for my body, I will go with local seasonal organic. Paleo Primal.

      Allopaths are owned by pharmaceutical factories.
      Meds have a purpose; but every day for the rest of your life?

    3. How many folks are alive decades past pull date because of meds? Very profitable, keep the zombie labor contributing.

    4. Thanks for the info Marge. I've had high BP all of my life but since I have been mostly anti-doctor for the past 30-40 years nothing was ever done about it. A month ago, under the watchful eye of the VA medical coverage (better than obammycare and - FREE!) I was diagnosed with an aortic aneurysm starting up and they delved deeper. Was given a BP machine and after a couple weeks of tracking my BP they prescribed lisinopril. I will see a doctor the end of this month and I'm going to ask if I have to take this stuff for the rest of my life. If so, I'm not happy about it. They will also let me know the results of a sonogram on the aneurysm. I hate medical stuff, at least from the victim end. And I hate gettin old.

    5. lisinopril is usually the first BP medication prescribed. Watch for a mild dry cough, a common side effect. If you have an aortic aneurysm, they can kill in seconds if they rupture! the chronic high BP may have caused it.

    6. Yeah, that’s the one I’m on, the lisinopril. Interestingly, I was prescribed this medication about a month back, around the same time as GS. My bp wasn’t anywhere near as high as his, but high enough. It sounds like you need to have your meds adjusted GS, as the 160 to 180 is still quite high. I’m on 5mg, and I’m generally in the 120 over 80 range, except in the afternoon, or when I ingest things that I shouldn’t be ingesting. They’ve recently lowered the standards, and now the upper recommended limit (Systolic) is<130 and the lower (Diastolic) is <80. The doctor told me that if I followed a really strict diet, that I could probably avoid the meds. But that’s really hard to do, and you pretty much have to follow a diet like Euell Gibbons (Remember him? He had “hickory nuts” or as the old joke goes :D ). It sounds to me GS, that you have a serious enough case of hypertension, that you would probably be far better off with the meds for life, than without. But of course, I am not a medical expert.

    7. Everybody hates getting old,until u dont.

  3. Most of the political perversions in this country come from the sanctuary cities who look the other way, even encourage illegal alien voting and multiple-count voting from legal residents. I believe it is a moral imperative for a right-thinking person to vote, as a means to counteract as much as possible, the illegal votes and the voter-count manipulations. Not voting does not in any way remove your "consent" from being screwed.

    Universal basic income is a lure to finish off the conservative political parties and ensure everyone will vote socialist/communist in the future and bring us all down to third-world nation status (equality is best you know). It's also highly inflationary, and a form of quantitative easing. Say everyone gets $800 a month UBI. That doesn't mean you'll be able to buy $800 worth of preps. Everyone with extra mad money to spend will be highly inflationary.

    College loan forgiveness is theft, and therefore wrong. I do think it would be a good thing for most of the colleges in this country to go bankrupt, but not at the hands of leftist politicians, but because of right-thinking individuals declining to attend. There is so much leftist programming going on that I'm even hearing reports of ENGINEERING professors taking lecture time to address social inequality, LGBTQ issues, etc. Way off topic! I would want my money back for tuition at a real engineering school. The pubic schools (intentional misspelling) tell kids they have to go to college to get a good job. Here's what really happens. Go to college, pick up an STD or three, develop an unhealthy alcohol dependency and mental health issues, develop an unrealistic viewpoint on society that they owe you something because you're "special", accumulate a mortgage-level debt load with nothing to show for it, get married late, if at all, can't afford kids, you're 40 with the same net worth you had at age 18, and you die early from your poor health and lifestyle choices, end up in hell because your professor told you lies like "there is no God" and you weren't intelligent enough to do your own research. Depopulation of first-worlders through college attendance.
    That's all for now,
    Peace out

    1. I could be wrong, but I believe UBI is not for everyone, just those not working. If it replaced SS and Food Stamps, etc, it probably won't be inflationary. As far as college loan forgiveness being theft, negative. Do you call your morning coffee theft? It wasn't a fair price or much of a livable wage. It could have come about after we installed our puppet in that country. What about oil? Didn't we steal most of that? The Federal Reserve is not the sovereign USA, yet they have taken over and are stealing from us. Hence, we are stealing BACK, or, if you prefer, stealing from an enemy tribe. Things are only immoral if done WITHIN the tribe. Ill be covering this a week from today and tomorrow.

  4. Vote? Good grief.

    If anybody feels some need to vote, please do it alone. In a small room. Separated from decent folk by at least a curtain.

    And remember to worsh your hands after you finish.

    1. I know, it is a shame how we must debase ourselves.

  5. “want to watch a darn good movie? "Dragged Across Concrete" with Mel Gibson.”

    I’d recommend that you take a pass on the one starring James Byrd Jr though. It was a bloody mess, and a real drag as well (Apologies in advance, and if there is such a place as hell, I’ll probably be on a turbocharged elevator to said destination when the time comes :D )

    1. Okay, I had to look that one up. I agree, wrong, but funny ass pun anyway.
