Friday, June 30, 2017

a four letter word

note: this is interesting although I've only seen it from one source and that is the "Economist" which is such a Bankers/Elite cheerleader rag it is pathetic, so take it with a grain of salt.  The global winds are driven by the temperature difference between the poles and tropics.  So if the Artic is warming the winds slow down.  Which screws up the northern jet stream ( the ocean currents seem to effected by the sea temperatures ) which might explain the very odd weather at times.  I disbelieve Gore Warming the most when the elite approve of it for their own reasons, so this is just a "interesting if true" tidbit.
“Free” seems to be a four letter word.  Not just recently but pretty much throughout our history.  So when you see these semi simians getting all agitated over their God Given rights, when TrumpTards get all heated up over liberals trying to pack more towel heads on top of extra Latino’s, because evidently having so many idiots jammed into a country like India where people get to starve as a bonus of citizenship is a great idea to emulate,  you know that to join them is to invite trouble.  The population at large never cared about true freedom and it never will.  We already talked about how the only freedom you’ll ever be granted is via force, and today I’ll talk about how the history of this country guarantees that you will never receive support for freedom from the population.  Forget rebelling.  It is a suckers game.  The Hippies thought they had a shot at it, or at least the more radical elements such as the Black Panthers and Weathermen, but they were deluded.


Don’t be deluded.  You are already optimistically deluded about the collapse being softly manageable, don’t compound that by believing the people want freedom and will join you in quests of liberation.  They could give two craps about freedom as a concept by itself.  Economic freedom, that is a different story.  As long as people are free to try to screw over others for profit, that is all they give two craps about.  Immigrants don’t come over here to be free.  No rational person ( which excludes most native born idiots who believe the hogwash force fed them-no one sees the irony in being forced to go to school where they teach you that you are free ) looks at our police state and thinks, hey, I’ll be free if I go over there.  You still must pay bribes here, they are just institutionalized, and you can still be jailed by crooked cops.  If you don’t believe me travel with five grand in cash and then when they pull you over, get really lippy with them.  Talk about your rights.  I’ll wager you a jelly filled donut you’ll get some planted drugs placed in your trunk and be charged as a dealer.  I double dog dare you, you think we are free. 


Nor do immigrants come here because they believe some BS about working hard and moving up.  They know they can move up, marginally.  To management from grunt work.  If they are bilingual and drink the company Kool Aid they can earn almost twice the minimum wage!  Immigrants come here, despite the high price, because there is money here whereas there is none at home.  They don’t care if it is dangerous work, low paying work, drug dealing or welfare fraud.  At least there is something.  The alternative is living in a urban craphole and starving ( in American craphole cities, you don’t starve.  You might die from Black gangs, but you won’t starve.  For this, apparently, we are #1  ).  Back in the day, immigrants were willing to enter indentured servitude, up to seven years, and often working at Black Slave levels of danger, to come to this country ( now, you just worry about becoming a sex slave rather than working in a swamp chopping trees ).  Did they do it because they would be free?  Hardly.  The official regional churches had no problem micromanaging your life.  The immigrants came here to avoid starving.


Does the Potato Famine ring a bell?  How about the French Revolution ( part of the whole time of peasant starvation thing Europe had going on over there.  Also remember that America was hoped to be a prison colony like Oz became.  Do you think Les Miserables [ pardon my crappy French spelling ] was about some dude escaping unjust imprisonment?  Sure, perhaps.  It was also about peasants starving and the partial answer to overpopulation by the authorities ).  You immigrated, took a chance on dying on the trip, took a chance on dying during indenture, then took a chance on dying battling Indians so as to get your own plot of land.  Land wasn’t about partial freedom like it is now, it was about farming to feed yourself so you didn’t die in the city from lack of jobs and skyrocketing grain prices.  Get your head out of your well fed Oil Age ass and realize food surpluses started around 1850’s or so as we began mechanizing.  Before that, food security was everything, not some vague highfalutin notion of personal liberty.


Now, at one time, say during Stalin’s purges or Hitler’s pogroms, freedom from oppression might have been a selling point.  Immigrants gladly accepted becoming slave soldiers because they were trading assassination for fighting.  But that was just being less enslaved, less harassed.  Not really free.  Pre-Revolutionary War, citizens were not free.  Our churches were as unforgiving of personal choice as their churches.  And the States were theocracies.  After the Constitution replaces the articles of confederation, perhaps you were free from religious control, but the federal government still dictated your conduct.  You were a little less oppressed.  You went from local theocracy to state government.  God was replaced by government.  That isn’t freedom per se, but only by degree of rule.  Lincoln did away with any state sovereignty ( the fight being over economics, not freedom ), further enslaving Northerners as well as Southerners ( the South just had to live dirt poor as a colony for many generations.  They were less free than northerners, but Yankees still lost something in the process ).


Wilson further enslaved us to a central bank.  Prohibition, alcohol edition, began the war on guns.  Actually, New York led that fight, as always a bellwether for tyranny, but nationally it took another twenty years.  FDR took away the freedom  to own real money, only re-gifted to us after the next depression kept most citizens from being able to afford it ( not to mention the real estate bubble being soft sold as a better strategy against inflation ).  Now, obviously throughout all this, there was some agitation to stop changing events.  The Tories preferred British rule to local rule.  The main bone of contention seemingly over whether western expansion was advisable or not, with the new local winning elite ending up profiting from said expansion ( just another genocide for profit scheme, but with White Serf’s added to the death toll ).  The Civil War could have been a major blow to centralized government.  But because of wartime “emergency” rule, neither side would have emerged as free as they had started-as relative as that had been.  The point being, while history written by the winners portrayed all as accepting the new régime rule, there was never unanimous acceptance.  But there was enough to win the day, and so with some certainty I’ll state that by and large, lack of personal freedom was accepted in return for treasure.  And if not for treasure across all classes, then for the freedom from starvation.


Not always of course.  The Great Depression saw dangerous undercurrents emerge as famine in the form of severe malnutrition was unleashed by a swell Democrat that loved the Little People SOOOOOO much.  Ask anybody and they’ll tell you.  One of the elite ( Trump, anyone? ) who pretended to care so much he stole all the gold and gave it to the bankers and starved everyone, Stalin Style.  Just as Stalin starved the Ukrainians ( who want the Russians back in charge in exchange for-you guessed it-the freedom from freezing to death in the winter, because freedom doesn’t mean jack when you’re dying ), FDR starved the independent farmers out ( the smart ones returned the farm to the bank before their kids died from lack of money for the doctor ) through debt.  I guess if you are buying into the whole “FDR was a super stud” lie than that means you can never be starved out of your bank owned Homestead currently.  Oh, wait, what about that high property tax and unaffordable medical?  But the Depression starvation period was an aberration.  An ebb and flow throughout history.  Usually, in exchange for freedom from starvation, Americans have been nothing short of ecstatic to trade in any and all personal freedoms.  You’ll note that after the Great Depression, as we became fatter and fatter we have less and less freedoms.


 All these “patriots” falling all over themselves to blindly support any foreign military adventure ( ‘Murica, love it or leave it, you non-jackbooted thug worshiper! ), bleating unthinkingly the public school propaganda about how free we are and about how we die for other peoples freedom, are the last thing from freedom supporters.  They are the shock troops of the Propaganda Corps, gladly supporting our suppression.  With friends like those, who needs enemies?


Please support Bison by buying through the Amazon ad graphics at the top of the page. ***You can support me through Patreon ( go to )***You can make donations or book purchases through PayPal ( )

*** Unless you are in extreme poverty, spend a buck a month here, by the above donation methods or buy a book. If you don't do Kindle, send me a buck and I'll e-mail it to you.  Or, send an extra buck and I'll send you a CD ( the file is in PDF.  I’ll waive this fee if you order three or more books at one time ).  My e-mail is:  My address is: James M Dakin, 181 W Bullion Rd #12, Elko NV 89801-4184

*** Pay your author-no one works for free.  I’m nice enough to publish for barely above Mere Book Money, so do your part.***   Land In Elko*  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio*   my web site is *** Wal-Mart wheat***Amazon Author Page
* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there

Thursday, June 29, 2017

national food

note: perfection!  I ran across the ideal nickname for Trump, finally.  "Forrest Trump".  How perfect is that?  I'm just glad Hilary didn't get in, so I have nothing against Trump per se.  I don't hate him, but don't like him either.  He is neutral, which is probably a very good thing.  But you need to smirk and chuckle on the way to the slaughterhouse.
Five years back I wrote on a Rawles article giving the amount of food on hand until starvation at one to one and a half years.  Well, it wasn’t even really an article but more of a paragraph scoffing at the notion that we had anything more than at most six months.  But I didn’t go into all that many details.  One of the great things about only writing and not working for one of the worlds biggest moronic douchebags anymore, being semi-retired, is that my brain has time to relax and ponder and isn’t all clouded with stress and unmitigated dripping hatred.  Hell, I’m seeing eight hours sleep a night as the norm now, finally, after decompressing for a few months.  I used to be lucky to get six to seven.  I can even write now without coffee.  And I can take as long as I need to as I belabor a point.  No need to cram everything into a lunch hour for writing.  So let’s dissect yet another outrageous notion that our buddy put forth, back when he still actually contributed to his blog instead of just using it a rentier wealth scheme that has most likely seen a financial hit and has him panicking ( I’m not sure why, as he’s had since the mid 90’s to prep and the mortgage has to be paid off by now.  Unless he spend all his old profits on FLIR scopes ) about now.  I’m wild ass guessing about all this of course and could be wrong.  It is more supposition and conjecture.  Following the gut.


Rawles said something to the effect that all of the food on hand would be used up in a year or a year and a half and whoever wasn’t already self sufficient by that time would then starve.  It was kind of a heads up as to how long you had to go to ground before you could safely emerge from hiding, how long a die-off would last.  Not that those were his words.  No one ever accused the man of being Mr. Doomer ( again, I don’t hate the man, just his teachings.  I have respect for what he did for himself, early in the game.  I just don’t respect what he did prior to that, or after ).  You have to fill in the blanks yourself.  I can’t remember any of his reasoning behind his figures, but let me present mine so that you can decide for yourself.  First off, we know there is more than three days worth of food out there.  That is just what is on the shelves due to Just In Time ( JIT ) Inventory.  But there isn’t a years worth out there either.  The reason I say that is that there is a global trade in food.  It is a world wide JIT.  Here is the classic example given.


Some guy not quite right in the head ( hello!  Heard of Jaws? ) is out on the ocean fishing, gets his haul of junk fish ( a lot of the good stuff has been over fished ) and heads to port.  Because White Boys want too much in labor, the ingrates unwilling to work for a dime an hour for his benevolent corporate master who also wants to sell him a $100,000 mobile home to live in, the fish are quickly sent over to China where they are processed.  Well, by now it is probably sent to Vietnam or Myanmar since those ingrate Chinese bitches are agitating for sixty cents an hour-the Gott Damn nerve!-but it is some dank hole on the map of Asia, and then sent back to White Boy country where one of the 10%’ers ( the 1%’ers straw bosses ) who lives on fish, olive oil, organic veggies and tofu pays some ridiculous price for mercury, microscopic plastic and Fukishima radiation laden seafood to keep her ass tight and boyish for her rich husband who obviously has issues in the sack but what the heck, did we mention he was well off financially?


It isn’t that we are eating imported food.  We eat domestic food that is grown with imported oil, which is no better, but the point is that our domestic food is sometimes in transit to this country, not residing therein.  So while you can assume that we are food self-sufficient ( not in the long term, due to oil ), you can’t assume it is available at all times.  Let’s take as our start of a one year supply, between harvests, that perhaps 5% is value added food being processed and shipped.  Another 5% is due to Mexico being our new California as far as produce is concerned ( the long term trend in California is moving towards luxury crops like nuts rather than commodity produce like lettuce or broccoli, due to the water issues ).  Produce and frozen luxury fish isn’t a huge part of the market, so I low balled here.  If you go into a grocery store, the produce there is most like no more than 5% of the purchases anyway.  Or at least the calories.


Those tiny ass women ( hilariously labeled by Tom Wolfe in his fiction as “boys with boobs” by a long suffering hourglass figure older wife looking at her competition ) might survive on zero calorie vegetables and 100 calorie fish fillets, filling up her contracting belly with artificial sweetened water  guaranteed to kill off legions of lab rats in the valiant effort to appear as close to a German concentration camp victim as possible, but that is because of climate control and drugs.  Absent those, that kind of diet, vegetarian, does not work well for survival.  So we can discount vegetables as a calorie source , plus all those foods to be processed in transient and the few small amounts of actual imported food not yet in port.  So that accounts for ten percent of our yearly food supply as unavailable ( I also include in there our domestic foods such as wheat.  We have silos of grain but at the moment the bread factories and cereal factories [ look for a large cereal company such as Ralston Purena to have a processing facility near you.  They ship in rail cars of corn, rice and wheat, just a FYI ] have their contracts fulfilled and so the wheat is shipped over to Brazil or wherever.  In a months time, someone such as Argentina will ship over their wheat.  This way, global JIT, the food conglomerates don’t see inventory on shelves wasting profits.  You need to account for “our” wheat being on loan ), which I think is understating the amount.  By understating, I’m assuming the best case scenario. 


So, right there, ten percent of our food, in loans, in processing transit and in the form of highly fragile produce is taken off our years total inventory ( we don’t have any long term grain storage in a strategic reserve anymore.  And if my pea brain is recalling a minion comment correctly, fallow farmland is no longer subsidized by the government anymore.  Really, it is a year to year budget, period ).  But that isn’t the fun part.  Now we can go visit the bulk of our calories, the restaurant industry.  Forty percent of meals are eaten outside the home ( this is the reason that I cast my net for knowledge far and wide, consuming non-traditional doomer sources for information.  I got that tidbit watching a consumer advocate documentary deriding McDonalds.  I was in the mood to hate them as I had just passed judgment upon them as my wildly anticipated treats of French fries delivered a disappointing altered product whose taste was befouled.  McDonald’s-hump you very much.  Screw up my fries?  You’re persona non grata, bitches.  Mule member masticating asswhores ).


I don’t care where you go eat nowadays, other than niche rich people eateries, it is all processed foods in #10 cans or refrigerated or frozen foods ready for quick service.  All that prep work they pay a passel of illegal immigrants to perform has been shrunk down to a minimum with more foods ready to go rather than ready to process.  Taco Hell used to make their refried beans in store.  Now they come ready to heat in a big bag.  Even your sit down restaurants are similar.  They can’t just nuke a hamburger patty, they still throw the frozen one on the grill, but given twenty more years I’m sure they could add enough additives to fake a fresh cooking taste.  They open a bag of pre-cut salad with the carrots and cabbage already added.  They don’t have someone cutting up the ingredients individually anymore.  I’m not trying to make the point that eating out tastes like shopping in the grocery store frozen food isle-I’ve done that before.  I’ve complained of the huge increase in prices as food quality declines.  No, my point is that nearly 40% of our TOTAL food supply is in the refrigerator or freezer at a restaurant.  Add in the prior ten percent we talked about at the beginning and HALF of our food is perishable. 


Let me repeat that.  HALF.  The percentage of food in this country that must be eaten within days of grid down, widespread riots, economic collapse shutting down trade, etcetera ( the #10 cans are a marginal food source, unless you fill up with a gallon of condiments at a time ).  We have food warehouses, true dat homeslice.  They also contain frozen foods.  What part of greedy profit pig dogs did you forget about corporations ( I’m certainly not saying it is only a factor of greed.  Sometimes it can be simple survival as too much competition and too much debt shaves your profit margins down to diddly.  That is just poor management, but I’ll excuse the industry wide trend by blaming it on everyone’s predecessor.  Greed does factor in of course.  Quarterly bonuses decrease performance long term )?  If they can surpass the metal can to save a few cents, substituting plastic that needs refrigeration for its content, they will.  Not to imply there isn’t dried or freeze dried, just to say the majority is not.


Now, let’s go meander over to the home and grocery store.  I’m guessing at a casual glance that a good third of all foods are in the freezer.  If 40% of meals are eaten at artificial coloring and taste fake food outlets ( I don’t care if a chicken McNugget is all creamed beaks and toes, at least it is a chicken part [ parts is parts! ].  I object to all the sugar and cellulose and corn byproducts added to most of the stuff ), it stands to reason that those 40% of folks like the taste and are just as lazy when it comes to home food preparation.  These are the idiots who buy frozen waffles because it is SOOOO difficult to mix flour and water.  Plus, a good fifth of our meals are meat, which is frozen.  Let’s reduce the junk food at home to a mere 10% so as to keep that wild optimism bubbling, add the frozen meat that won’t be preserved, and come up with a total of a third.  A third of the 60% eaten at home meals is going to be frozen and must be consumed immediately.  We are up to 70% of the total food consumed being perishable.  I’m sorry, let me repeat that in case you were playing around with your FLIR scope and not paying attention.  70 Gott Dam %.  Now, how about all those calories that are in industrial form.  The corn syrup, the cow feed, the filler.  The big railcar loads of weird crap that goes into huge vats.  We won’t even count that, but I can’t image it is an inconsequential amount ( but, we don’t count it as it might be part of the other percentages ).


Seventy percent.  Perishable.  Yearly harvests.  One year, minus seventy percent.  Give or take three months of non perishable food.  The first week will see binge eating of historical proportions.  Then, what?  All those factory animal meat warehouses are most likely right up there with frozen food.  You can let most of the herd die to fit the feed on hand, but I’d wager without electricity or daily deliveries of supplies you’ll just have a huge rotting charnel house on your hands.  To speak nothing of the specialty animals unable to survive elsewhere without antibiotics and such vet items.  You’ll only be able to save a minimal amount, and that supposes nobody comes to take them from you.  Given most of our chickens are in the South in factory farms, good luck having them survive in that overpopulated area.  But, again, just focus on the seventy percent.  Don’t even consider the warfare over the available supplies.  Just look at that three month supply of food on hand.  Not a year, or a year and a half.  Three months.  Yes, some regions face immediately warfare and food disappearances, and others have more.  Obviously you can’t predict how it all balances off in three months.  You could enter back into society from your hidey hole and face either total depopulation or warfare still waging.  Gas and ammo should in theory last that three months ( although, with gasoline, I find it hard to believe this.  It is a daily delivery item, not a yearly crop harvest ). 


But isn’t it better to have a figure to work with calculating your base odds?  Sure, we have enough food to last until next harvest.  But you can’t assume that whole year is available.  Our electric grid, to factor in nothing of its fuel generation, is overloaded and antiquated.  It won’t stick around in an emergency.  And there goes most of our foods.  Three months food supply, for all practical purposes, six months on the outside.


Please support Bison by buying through the Amazon ad graphics at the top of the page. ***You can support me through Patreon ( go to )***You can make donations or book purchases through PayPal ( )

*** Unless you are in extreme poverty, spend a buck a month here, by the above donation methods or buy a book. If you don't do Kindle, send me a buck and I'll e-mail it to you.  Or, send an extra buck and I'll send you a CD ( the file is in PDF.  I’ll waive this fee if you order three or more books at one time ).  My e-mail is:  My address is: James M Dakin, 181 W Bullion Rd #12, Elko NV 89801-4184

*** Pay your author-no one works for free.  I’m nice enough to publish for barely above Mere Book Money, so do your part.***   Land In Elko*  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio*   my web site is *** Wal-Mart wheat***Amazon Author Page
* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

grandpa will survive


I don’t know how obvious it is, but the title to this article makes fun of the country song.  I mean, I’m not crazy about country music to begin with ( not that 90% of classic rock is any better-worse than book publishing, lowest common denominator sales push pap to the near exclusion of quality.  With pressing vinyl or binding pages, I have a hard time understanding the business model.  You create ten thousand units because it costs $1 each rather than $3 each if you did one thousand, so when you only sell two thousand you think you’ve lost money when really you only lost profit if you had minimized production.  How about lowering the retail price rather than trying to minimize loss by trying to sell so much extra?  Everything has to boom or bust with these people ), but I can handle some of it ( wasn’t “Grandma Got Runned Over By A Reindeer” a country song? ).  What I have a hard time handling is people thinking survivalism needs a theme song.  Do you really need the soundtrack of a country boy surviving or how you feel fine at the end of the world as you know it?  Perhaps some folks are audio wired, as others are visually.  Hell, I’m still making fun of the whole concept.


Some time back I wrote on how you should prep with your wife in mind, and recently a minion suggested I write on Old Timers preps.  It is the same concept either way, that frail less strong members of your group are going to need to be catered to.  The bulk of prepping advice assumes rightly or wrongly that its practitioners are young vibrant adults.  Not necessarily in their prime but able to garden all day long, pull a guard shift, cut wood, dig a latrine and all other manner of steady if not too strenuous physical activity.  Well, certain Idahoan Yuppie Scum Experts don’t do this.  They constantly push for Tim Taylor power tools to be used.  I’ve made fun of this no end, calling folks who can’t grind a cup of wheat manually unable to survive past the first few weeks of the apocalypse.  Well, of course I’m right, but what I didn’t realize until this very minute was that our good little butt buddy up north had very slyly cornered the market on old prepper humpers.  You have to admire his marketing savvy even if most of his advice is suspect.


Here I was thinking Yuppie Scum preppers were just award winning lazy bastards.  They are.  But by pushing for motorized everything ( to include the cyclic action on firearms ), Yuppie Prepping is also folding into its tent the growing legions of old bastards hoping to survive.  As Black Cat Dude stipulated years ago, most preppers are late forties on up in age.  So if some tottering aged decrepit hump wandered on over to my web site and read about hand grinding wheat, digging underground homes with only a pick and shovel, cutting firewood with hand tools and NOT warming your house to 95F to save money, of COURSE they are going to leap away as frightened as can be and go as fast as their arthritic hands can click on the YSSS ( Yuppie Scum Survivalist Site ) and soak in the perceived wisdom over there.  I suppose when you’ve been on the government tit all your life ( serve in the military, get free college, work for a defense contractor, get Social Security and a 401k backed by tax dollars ) you have plenty of money to do so.  Not that I’m bitter, or all that young.


Look, I’ll tell you if you are a rich welfare recipient ( working for a government paid corporation ), a moderate comfortable welfare recipient ( social security ) or a poor welfare recipient ( food stamps, section 8 housing ), all the same advice.  Get every penny you can while you can, because it won’t last much longer.  The last time your tax dollars actually went directly to a welfare recipient was in the 1970’s.  Reagan damned the balanced budget and went full unplayable debt to meet the bills, and every president since then to include Clinton-who like the parasite he is, took credit for events and decisions made prior to his term but coming to fruition during-borrowed to run the government.  Welfare is paid for by unplayable debt.  It is literally free money as it can never be paid back.  Even paying it off by hyperinflation ruins the very economy you are trying to save so in the end it is still unable to be paid off.  So take every benefit you can get your grubby hands on.  And I’m not being sarcastic. 


When we go through a systematic collapse almost nothing nor anyone is going to survive.  The free government money you take now ( or, free central bank money you take by loading the credit cards up with prepper goodies and then “selling” to avoid owning assets, then declaring bankruptcy ) will help a few hardy folks actually survive the die-off and will be the only resources not destroyed.  Think of it as a few Oil Age relics that are an investment in helping the species survive ( the die-off will be 99.999%.  Which will be more breeding pairs that survive than did after the 70k years ago Bottleneck Event.  But every extra breeding pair that makes it through increases the odds of the species survival by maximizing the genetic diversity, which is the only kind of diversity that is healthy.  Do the species a favor and kill off any surviving lefties that love gays and Muslims.  We don’t need that kind of dysfunctional thinking to survive ). 


So, no, I don’t hate old bastards for being old.  I’m right on that doorstep at 52.  I don’t hate them for being on welfare.  I make fun of them, which is not the same as hating them.  I act hateful, but I have little fondness for the youth, either.  Who the hell thinks it’s a good idea to poke a pin through their eyebrow?  What insanity is that?  Lots of tatoos, I can almost see that.  I’d never do it, even on a dare.  A thirty year old hottie ( I have a hard time seeing gals in their twenties as sex objects as my daughter just turned 25 ) could promise to be my sex slave the rest of my life if I got more tattoos and I wouldn’t do it ( if I was younger with more of a sex drive, hell yes I’d it, a few hours of pain for lots of pleasure later.  Now, an emphatic no way ).  But the flesh piecing?  I mean, flesh rather than cartilage.  What self inflicted barbarism is that?  And what is the point?  Okay, I suppose if you won’t ever get a job anyway, why not get freaky to spook the oldsters.  But can’t you just get a Mohawk haircut and put eyeliner on one eye or something similar?  I look at grandpa filling his diaper on the golf course, then at some freak with lip piercing, I can go either way with my maximum hate and discontent.


Jesus swinging on a tire, where the hell was I?  Even for me that was way off topic.  Okay, how grandpa needs to prep differently, other than motorizing everything and hence needing to invest in your own power station to do it.  Look at your older daughter that weighs a hundred pounds.  That is who you need to prep for, to prep for yourself when you are old.  That means no Mosin-Nagant long gun ( which also means no bayonet fighting.  You’ll have to splurge on a handgun of small caliber ) with its heft and kick.  You don’t have to go to semi-automatic if you lack the money, even though that would solve any issues for your firearm.  Little brown kids in third world crapholes can fire an M-16 all day long, so it stands to reason grandpa can too.  But if you’re used to thirty caliber bolt action battle rifles, just downgrading to a carbine round should also do the trick for you.  Now would be the perfect time to sell your old war surplus full size rifles, given the prices.


You can go from 357 to 38.  Just sell off your bigger rounds if you already own the gun.  That is actually preferable as you have a heavier gun shooting a lower power round for less recoil.  You don’t necessarily need a 9mm, or a plastic gun.  If you still haven’t dug your underground shelter, now is the time to rent that backhoe.  Renting is a heck of a lot cheaper than owning.  Sorry you have to go up and down a set of stairs, but it will allow you to stay warmer with a lot less fuel.  Less fuel means less wood cutting.  The trick isn’t to store ten thousand gallons of propane, it is to need almost no propane.  Also, a rocket stove uses deadwood branches from the forest floor so there is no need for a chainsaw and heavy cutting/lifting.  If you can hike in your old age you can gather small wood.  Have a means of transport so you don’t hold the load constantly.  How about a mini-travois built out of the firewood?  Stock lots of bungee cords.


Hauling water is going to be more problematic in old age.  If you have a bicycle for transportation now, you have your water hauler.  It just takes axel grease and inner tube stockpiling.  Go with minimizing food storage containers sizes.  Two liter soda bottles would be good for water and food.  Have plenty of those snap on tops for your five gallon buckets that twist open and close, to keep from having to haul the weight.  Rather than having to worry about how to electrify a can opener, minimize the cans you need.  Don’t stop working or moving, just be able to minimize it.  Keep in mind arthritis and lose of muscle mass.  But in the end, if you are more crippled up that that your chances of survival are crap.  You can’t really get around that.  Motorizing everything is a modern invention enabling old buzzards to survive, and post-apocalypse motorization is problematic to say the least.  For one thing, that is how you live now and since energy is government subsidized ( just as much if not more than the Saudi’s with their quarter a gallon gasoline.  Our “high” gas prices don’t mean we aren’t subsidized, it just means given per capita decreases we have to free market supply the demand to some extent.  Our subsidies are for volume, not unit price ) we have no intrinsic notion of its true worth.  We waste.


You don’t think a five to minute shower is wasteful?  That is energy to pump and treat water and to fill a tank for gravity pressure, then the home heating.  That is a lot of energy wasted.  Driving five minutes rather than biking fifteen-very friggin wasteful, from the refining of overseas fuel to the cars metal ore to the paving of the roads.  When you live like that, when everything in your life is energy wasteful, trying to duplicate that at a retreat is nearly impossible financially as you are removing the subsidies.  And since you are going to be old for a long time, you can’t live the way you can now on grid.  It is just simple math.  You need to improve your diet, stay exercising and minimize the energy you need, both physically and mechanically.  You’ll need to do a little bit of the manual labor, but minimize that amount as much as you can by investing in the tools now.  But not petroleum using tools.  For instance, if you know that grinding wheat will be a problem, you don’t electric motorize the grinder.  Just transfer it from a hand grinder to a foot grinder ( powered by a bicycle ) as your leg muscles are far more capable than your arm muscles.


Just as you invest in things to eliminate a cost later on, invest in eliminating a manual labor later on.  Not using electricity or fuel to run it but eliminating the motion entirely or as much as possible.  You still have to do your part later by staying in shape, but that can only take you so far.  A solar water heater, the box with glass to heat Mason jars of water, still involves some physical effort.  But a Mason jar of water weighs nearly nothing.  If you can shuffle along you can transport it.  That eliminates gathering more wood.  Still effort, but less effort.  Those are the kinds of things you think about for old age ( like installing a steep roof now, for automatic snow removal later-and don’t forget to cover the door entrance to eliminate shoveling there ).  An added bonus here even if you aren’t surviving the apocalypse as an old fart?  You use less calories on everything.  Food first, right?


Please support Bison by buying through the Amazon ad graphics at the top of the page. ***You can support me through Patreon ( go to )***You can make donations or book purchases through PayPal ( )

*** Unless you are in extreme poverty, spend a buck a month here, by the above donation methods or buy a book. If you don't do Kindle, send me a buck and I'll e-mail it to you.  Or, send an extra buck and I'll send you a CD ( the file is in PDF.  I’ll waive this fee if you order three or more books at one time ).  My e-mail is:  My address is: James M Dakin, 181 W Bullion Rd #12, Elko NV 89801-4184

*** Pay your author-no one works for free.  I’m nice enough to publish for barely above Mere Book Money, so do your part.***   Land In Elko*  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio*   my web site is *** Wal-Mart wheat***Amazon Author Page
* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

countdown 2

note: I have a CD I foolishly pre-burned, so there is only the old 14 rather than the new 18 files.  If you are genuinely poor and would actually appreciate the reading, e-mail me and I'll send it to you.  I'd rather see it go to use than throw it away.
note: as per a minion suggestion, I've changed my "rules" ( which keep me disciplined on writing ).  All articles are now a minimum of 1500 words.  I'll go up to 2500 on a single day.  Beyond that, you get a two parter.  I think any more in a single day won't get read.  So, once again, more for your money.  I don't consider my shorter works very good, lacking detail.  If you want a Twitter size article, go anywhere else.
Today we continue with the question is debt elimination good or bad.  It is both.  So you need to ask yourself what we are in store for.  What are you prepping for?  Because in an economic collapse you need to be out of debt but in a systematic collapse debt doesn’t matter as much.  And, no, Scooby, I’m not talking about an overnight collapse but the waterfall collapse.  Overnight, is literally just that, an immediate collapse.  Solar flare, global nuclear war, Yellowstone super volcano eruption.  The waterfall collapse is a long drawn out slow collapse with events relatively gently falling downhill until suddenly one event is the straw on the camels back and every problem henceforth dwelt with adds up altogether in a Perfect Storm and everything goes to complete crap.  We’ve been in collapse for almost fifty years.  Expect the waterfall event soon.  How soon is soon?  From tomorrow to likely a dozen years from now which, granted, you may not share in my timing.  I adhere to the Olduvi Theory which states 2030 will see the same oil production as 1930 did.


This theory is of course just that and it might be incorrect.  I do submit to you however, that it is a far more scientifically valid idea than “infinite growth on a finite planet” or “fracking is energy independence even though most fracking wells are down up to 90% production in just five years, each well cost ten million and change, but I’m still pretty sure it can go on for another two hundred years and support a global population of 15 billion”.  And if the bell curve is correct, we are already screwed, for the simple fact is that a hundred years ago the population was a lot smaller and if you go by EROI rather than volume for production we are probably already at 1930 levels.  Total energy derived, not per capita oil availability which would be far less.  The fat lady has already sung and the opera is already letting out.  And that is the BEST problem we could be facing.  A 2008 derivatives implosion repeat, a too rapid petrodollar collapse, we can see our global empire crumble very quickly and with no warning.  Not an overnight collapse but a few months long collapse. 


Now, I’m not trying to counter my advice about debt.  I still think the powers that be will find the time to harass you about delinquent payments.  What I am pondering is whether it will truly matter.  If systematic collapse is in the cards, rather than another decade or two of economic collapse, debt isn’t as of important a consideration as we’ve all believed.  If you mail in the keys to the house and deliver the car to the bank, you are left with student loans and credit card debt.  You can, mostly, discharge the credit card debt or at least reschedule payments in bankruptcy.  Some states, you are screwed and assume the unpaid liability of your house, but if I’m not mistaken sometimes an attorney can play that game to your favor.  But if you conceive of a waterfall collapse playing out in mere months rather than years, you can probably string that along until it doesn’t matter.  I’m not claiming you can escape consequences due to everyone else also defaulting.  You can’t count on that.  But can you count on legally sidestepping most debt through the collapse until you can then walk away? 


Again, if all you think is going to happen is more long slow collapse, you need to be out of debt completely.  Me, I truly believe in Malthusian Survivalism.  You know where I stand.  This bitch is going down and nothing will save us.  But I’m also not stuck in your situation.  Only you can decide.  I just don’t think I’m giving dangerous advice here.  If getting out of debt is impossible, how are you doing anything you aren’t already doing, anyway?  Instead of killing yourself somewhat paying down some of your debt, just keep scrimping for that extra funding and prep with it.  If you can easily get out of debt, it does make your life easier and gives you extra options.  Which you might need to utilize as coping with a faster and faster collapse becomes more and more difficult.  But if you can’t pay off the debt ( if you live in a state you are stuck with the house, if that hundred grand student loan isn’t close to being paid off ), then don’t even try.  Minimize your payments-hell, refinance if possible, if they are even still allowing that-and prep like crazy.  As long as you prep smart and frugal rather than panicky toy buying.  It will come in a lot handier than having your bankers gratitude.


So, since we’ve covered prepping while being OUT of debt many times, let’s focus on prepping while IN debt.  Your first priority was getting your bare bones supplies.  Then you got junk land.  Then you decided paying extra to get out of debt was counterproductive ( I’m assuming you are aware of all the risks such as immediate complete payment insistence by the bank and etc.  I don’t pretend to be a financial consultant here ).  Now your next step is to actually change your lifestyle so as to actually free up those extra funds.  This isn’t THAT hard.  If you are stuck with your cable bill, being on a contract, or your cell phone payment, there is still eating out to consider.  40% of all American meals are eaten outside the home.  That is insane.  Even worse, 40% of that 40% is at McDonald’s.  God, how that food is retched.  I can eat their fries and their chicken nuggets and everything else gives me an immediate stomach ache of historic proportions ( and lately it seems they did something to the fries, and I won’t eat them anymore as the taste is terrible ). 


Please don’t use the excuse that you don’t have enough time to cook.  With a microwave, crock pot and “air fryer”, cooking simply cannot be easier.  And I’m NOT talking about frozen processed foods for diner but cooking from raw ingredients.  How hard, really, is to throw together a salad, cut and fry chunks of meat ( use a cleaver instead of a knife, and keep it sharp with a Rada sharpener and it is easy peasy ) and mix them in with instant rice?  Three people, about $3-$5.  How is spending $13 at McDonalds better than that?  Left over mashed potatoes get nuked as a paddy, and you throw those meat chunks into a few cups of gravy and you are done.  I hate tomato sauce, so for pasta I add hamburger to angel hair, mix in butter and add parmesan cheese.  A chunk of bread added and there’s a meal ( I don’t usually worry about a veggie for dinner as it is part of lunch.  Well, a second lunch as my metabolism usually demands four or five very small meals.  And I despise cooked veggies-they have to be raw.  So that saves a lot of time ).  I grant you readily that McDonald’s tastes far better than home cooked.  But it is terrible for you ( if you watch the documentary on Netflix, “Super Size Me”, the guy got a POUND of sugar a day eating three McDonald’s meals ).


Nothing wrong with eating out once a month.  It becomes a treat, it tastes better, it is a lot cheaper and a lot healthier for you.  The Lots Cheaper being the primary focus right now ( of course, if I knew when the collapse was due, I’d splurge and eat out a lot for a few weeks.  Not Mickey’s, but eating like I’d never see some food items ever again.  Big steaks, curly fries, seafood.  Okay, I’d still eat McDonald’s chicken nuggets-and McRib if they had it.  I think.  I haven’t had one of those in twenty years ).  But let’s not wander too far off our collapse activities priority list.  You know how to save money-you just don’t want to since it involves deprivation.  I’ll leave it at that.  So, assuming you’ve freed up spending cash, what is next?  Add to your bare bones.  Not insanely.  It isn’t time to buy 9mm pistols, freeze dried foods, bug-out $1k bicycles or that Gott Damned night vision scope.  Keep being frugal.  Remember, we are on a strict timeline and severe budget constraint.  You can’t go nuts.  But you can add powdered milk, even if from the store in boxes since you can salvage enough plastic trash to store it in.  Can some meat or even get a food dehydrator and dry 99 cent hotdogs ( or, if on sale, far better a ham ).  Anything except freeze dried #10 cans.  More ammunition.  A scope or three.  Just keep adding inexpensive but needed items.  Hell, even lumber, glass and insulation. 


You have a lot of preps you need to even come close to being comfortable and safer, but they can all be cheap.  You should have enough grasp on frugal survivalism by now to know what to do.  Just don’t go crazy, like I did for three years.  After prepping poor for a dozen years ( except six months prior to Y2K ) I went hog wild making up for lost time, buying multiples of everything.  Nothing expensive.  A dozen bayonets, years worth of bike parts, more solar panels.  Just multiples of everything I’d need for years to come prior to and after the collapse.  A lot more wheat, more grinders.  More water filters.  I might have gone overboard.  You just need to round out the bare bones plan.  Next up, I’d recommend starting to save.  First up, put aside enough money for that attorney for bankruptcy.  The “expert” say save six months of your salary.  I say, save up enough to declare bankruptcy, have enough daily food in your home for six months eating, and THEN have six months worth of whatever small amount you’ll need for bills.  You’ll be on your junk land, with no debt ( or at least a lot less ) and no grocery bills, so how much would you actually still need?  Far less than your present salary.


What comes after that?  Now you start prepping beyond a year.  Shoot for five years.  Lots more wheat, lots more ammo.  Underground shelter ( even if it is only a cinderblock hut with dirt piled up to the roof, not dug down due to flooding ) if needed.  And if you have harsh winters, it is needed.  If you don’t want to deal with dirt, even plastered sandbags, just double insulate, triple on the roof.  You stay comfortable with minimum fuel.  The trick here is to keep your preps at the bare bones level, just adding quantity rather than quality.  You have five years of wheat, but perhaps just about five months worth of dead animal protein stocked.  That kind of thing.  Lots of ammo but few guns.  You need to know when to stop so you can move on to the next item.  I’d focus on quality of life items now.  Not luxury items like $1200 HK-91 clones, or FLIR scopes or freeze dried foods.  No, ways to improve your life now.  Now might be the time to invest in your hobby business so you can plan on leaving the corporate nest.  Leaving the rat race soon voluntarily rather than waiting to be forced during the collapse.  Don’t just invest in post-apocalypse business, but one you’ll enjoy doing now.  If it is basket weaving, fine.  If it is computer programming video games, fine.  It is for doing what you love rather than what makes you money.  Semi-retirement, as it were.


If the only investment you need is paying off your debt to be able to live on almost no income, now is the time to do so.  You are all set prepping, so now is the time to use that crappy job you hate to invest in being able to quit that job.  You can’t time the collapse.  So you don’t try.  Priorities first, working your way up to less immediately necessary tasks and tools.  But once you’ve taken care of business it is time to reward yourself.  Wouldn’t it be nice for all this sacrifice and hard work to be not only rewarding in the end, but actually having a discernable end in sight?  All prepping and no work that brings you joy makes Jack a very dull boy.


Please support Bison by buying through the Amazon ad graphics at the top of the page. ***You can support me through Patreon ( go to )***You can make donations or book purchases through PayPal ( )

*** Unless you are in extreme poverty, spend a buck a month here, by the above donation methods or buy a book. If you don't do Kindle, send me a buck and I'll e-mail it to you.  Or, send an extra buck and I'll send you a CD ( the file is in PDF.  I’ll waive this fee if you order three or more books at one time ).  My e-mail is:  My address is: James M Dakin, 181 W Bullion Rd #12, Elko NV 89801-4184

*** Pay your author-no one works for free.  I’m nice enough to publish for barely above Mere Book Money, so do your part.***   Land In Elko*  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio*   my web site is *** Wal-Mart wheat***Amazon Author Page
* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there

Monday, June 26, 2017



You know, I know, and Ross Perot knows that the Titanic is just about to go over the waterfall.  The intensity of the collapse has picked up speed.  Crap be getting real, yo.  No need to panic just yet, most of us have been born into this.  The collapse has been ongoing our whole lives and the only thing that is changing is that we are approaching exponential speed.  The fact this has been new normal for us our whole lives can be used against us to confuse and distract us, of course, but we should also view that just as business as usual.  I was born into a dysfunctional society of dog-eat-dog, no illusions like some vomit inducing extra intense propaganda  “Camelot” I have no idea why anyone fell for, some pretty boy schtuping Marilyn getting a free pass on being a sleazy politician, a proto-Clinton, and was never fooled ( I was for a second but the best thing you can do to learn your government hates you and wants to hump you is to join the military ), but I suppose some people still want to cling madly to their illusions. 


Even if we see through the BS hype meant to sooth us, we STILL fall for the hype.  Like all good propaganda, even if we see we don’t feel.  We still ACT like the government isn’t our enemy ( oh boy, he’s got treats for me!  Where do I sign up for Social Security? ) even as we SEE plainly that it is.  The lie is repeated so often it is accepted even when the evidence is to the contrary.  Propaganda is not about believing, but about acting even without believing.  I go on my tirades about the federal government, Washington holding volunteers like conscripts or Lincoln hating both Blacks and Southerners, FDR stealing our gold days after his inauguration,  and still you cling to your grade school conditioning and either ignore me altogether or discount what I say with some excuse, having little desire to even think about how all your sacred cows would be slaughtered if you let my little nuggets of hate and discontent nest and fester.  Now, don’t get me wrong.  I hate the federals and would love it if you did too, but far more importantly I’d prefer if you just feared and loathed them.  Do you need to hate someone to fear them?


Evidently.  You know, statistically, that more often than not your wife will come to loath you and leave you.  And you do nothing about it.  You put nothing into savings, nor do you keep some assets to yourself.  You don’t plan for a separation, nor do you believe it can actually really happen.  Survivalists are like sullen husbands unconvinced their wives, the government, will actually leave them.  They think, like a husband, hey, I’ve been good.  I’ve provided/been a good citizen.  It wouldn’t be fair for her/it to leave me.  And subconsciously, you almost can’t believe it because than your good judgment comes under question.  I won’t say you are in the denial stage, because I hate that metric used by sad sack mentally deficient dependents ( no, douche, it isn’t a disease, it is a weakness.  I was an alcoholic and I pulled myself out of that morass and kept out of it on my own.  No need for a support group or to blame my mental deficiency on a contrived medical condition ).  I’ll just say you can’t face reality because it is too painful.  So, yes, I guess if you could hate rather than deny you would see the coming danger far more clearly.  If you hate, you see what they can and will do.  If you just don’t want to believe, you wont.


I hate every swinging cheese dingus out there both intent on screwing me out of any and all treasure and pretending that all is well even as we careen wildly towards the apocalypse.  Those were the greedy whores that set us up for failure by ensuring a systematic collapse was inevitable by putting the central bank in charge, and by wasting a once in a species energy surplus on frivolous trinkets ( tailfin v-8’s and rocketships ).  They are still lying through their teeth.  They would be the pricks who would look you in the eye and lie that an asteroid was going to hit, so as to “avoid panic”.  Do you think a systematic collapse is much different than an asteroid?  For me, hating them works to remind me that things are actually far worse than I can envision, handicapped by incomplete and hidden information.  For you, if you are not going to hate, all I can do in between sermons trying to get you to do so is to try to sway you logically.  You know, “overpopulation meets resource depletion meets Malthus”.  I don’t even see many of you really believing me over the propaganda, but I’ll valiantly keep up the fight.  What else can I do to occupy my time? 


So, for those who see through the charade and are willing to believe that the end is indeed nigh, let’s talk about the countdown to the collapse and what you should be doing.  I would think by this time all you fence sitters see the need to bite the bullet, stop planning and “start doing” ( just like your favorite Home Despot commercial telling you to come down and buy a $175 power tool that will save you twenty minutes, then you’ll never use again ).  This isn’t rocket science.  We’ve covered it all before.  But let’s go over the time line.  First, you gather bare bones supplies.  It doesn’t matter if you sell off assets, get into debt, go delinquent on some bills or whatever.  You need to spend $400 per family member on supplies ( for a family of four, that is $100 each chipping in for a firearm, $200 each for a years worth of wheat, and everyone chipping in for ammunition, a grinder, a couple of water filters ).  The reason it doesn’t matter if you get into debt here is because you aren’t buying an Idahoan retreat, a semi arsenal, a bug out vehicle, a FLIR scope or any of the other Yuppie Scum Survivalist toys.  Just a bare bones survival kit.


Without MRE’s, a second rural mortgage, a four wheel drive, laser sites, ninety round AR drums or freeze dried yak scrotal sacks, you don’t have so much debt that you need a third job to pay off the acquisition.  Going into debt for that is just retarded.  Sorry, guys, I’m going to have to side with your wife on this one.  You don’t need any of that crap.  But going into debt for $1,600?  Your mortgage is $160,000 and your car cost $16,000.  Why not pay another credit card for barely over what you pay in auto insurance every year, for a lifetime apocalypse insurance?   Buying gold, buying $120,000 Idaho retreats, or even getting out of debt ( if you can afford the Yuppie Scum Survivalist debt payments, you can afford to pay down your debt quickly ), all should wait for your bare bones stash of wheat and a simple firearm.  I know you want your $300 Berky stainless steel countertop water filtration system with particulate filter add-ons.  Be content with a $20 Sawyer filter.  And I understand you are under some delusion that heavily salted and heavily processed foods make up a good diet and if you can’t have those you’d rather not eat at all.  Shut up and just buy your wheat kernels.  You have extra time and money, then treat yourself with freeze dried extras.


Being in debt is a lifestyle killer.  If you ever want to be free and be able to follow your passion rather than grub for a paycheck, you can’t have any debt.  If you even want to properly prep in depth, debt is going to get in your way.  But just as not ALL lawyers are scumbags, and not ALL wives are lying cheating money hungry lazy whores, nor is ALL debt  completely evil.  Getting into debt for a VERY cheap piece of land is fine, as that lesser evil of three years payments is far better than the greater evil of paying rent the rest of your life, or until the apocalypse, whichever comes first.  And if you owe the next ten years gross wages in debt, another one months worth is better than not having any preps at all ( again, to be clear, ANY preps doesn’t mean an expensive toy.  It means an inexpensive total system ).  I’d hate for you to get into any debt but better that than complete unpreparedness.  If you don’t have a years supply of calories, your chances of any length of survival time shrinks exponentially ( and yes, you should have far more than a years, but we speak of bare bones here ). 


So, by hook or by crook, you need a bare bones survival stash.  That is priority because without that nothing else is possible or sensible.  So what comes next?  Getting out of debt?  Moving out to junk land?  In depth preps?  I tell you to do all three immediately, but understandably you sometimes won’t but mostly simply can’t.  You can’t do it all in a reasonable amount of time.  So you have to ask yourself what is the best course of action in the limited time we have left.  You have to prioritize according to danger, not to preference.  Since I’d say the probabilities are with you losing your job, you must make the best of your paycheck while you can.  You can eat and you can protect yourself in an emergency, so next becomes shelter one step above living in your car or under a bridge ( assuming you have a full cupboard for daily diet eating, but even that isn’t a priority because you’ll need a place to keep that during unemployment ).  Living in your car isn’t the worst strategy, except when you can’t afford gas or insurance.  So then what can you do?  You can’t park indefinitely at Wal-Mart because eventually you get kicked out. 


You need to have a place to go where they won’t kick you out.  That can be junk land you pay off as quickly as possible or that can be spending the $400 per family member for bare bones preps for a family member you’ll go stay at ( of course, that assumes the family member won’t lose their home ).  It can be caching supplies in a public park ( assuming you can stay without detection or that cutting funds don’t see a forest fire bake your food underground ).  While I’m in love with the junk land concept, I also understand it is only viable for one phase of the collapse.  You won’t necessarily stay there indefinitely so it does have limited utility.  But it also isn’t much easier to hide on public land anymore, either.  You could buy REALLY crappy junk land and work in a really crappy city nearby ( like west Texas and El Paso-although not recommended by any stretch of the imagination ), or you could stash silver for paying off the car insurance and gas.  Or you could go WAY off the beaten path to retreat to the wild on public land.  Or just bribe friends or family that aren’t in debt to stay there ( in your trailer, so you combine strategies of car living and crashing with friends ).  Each plan has good and bad points-I just think junk land has fewer issues.  For instance, how long during the economic collapse will you be welcome to stay at a friends?  When it gets to be three years into unemployment I’d think anyone’s welcome would be worn out.  Car living presupposes no travel restrictions and no oil embargoes.  And public land squatting is a really primitive existence.  They are all doable, but not preferable.


So say you decided on junk land and bought it with a credit card cash advance.  Very poor move, by the way, with a 25% interest rate.  Or, you bought gold on the credit card, then sold it at a coin shop and paid off the land.  Much better.  Or, just pay off the land to the original seller as quick as possible.  Just protect it against bankruptcy by hiding it as an asset.  Now you have a bare bones emergency supply and a place to go to in that emergency.  Either end-o-da-world or the unemployment an economic collapse is going to bring sooner or later.  Should you now concentrate on paying off debt or moving to the junk land?  No, not yet.  Keep working your crappy job.  Unless you are living in a terrible area.  If your city is too big and too packed with angry Black persons, you need to move regardless.  But if you don’t have that issue, just carry on.  As long as you are not too far removed from your junk land.  I can’t give a set amount of distance as you face multiple issues.  TSA goon roadblocks, gasoline shortages or rationing and the like.  Whatever is comfortable to you.  I can walk to mine in under two hours, in stealth mode if necessary ( plenty of foothills past roads or the river corridor ).  I wasn’t comfortable with it when it was 300 miles away.  But you decide. 


If you pay off debt, you sacrifice getting more prep items.  Paying off debt makes sense for the economic collapse, but not for systematic collapse.  I’m not advocating getting into debt to prep, aside from the junk land and bare bones stash.  Far from it.  That kind of debt is not good because you are assuming an overnight collapse.  Which COULD happen.  But that is a very low probability.  Sure, a solar flare, an asteroid, a Yellowstone eruption or a nuclear was COULD happen tomorrow.  Which is why you have your bare bones supplies.  You just can’t count on it, which is what folks do when they owe a quarter million on retreats, bug out vehicles and the semi arsenals.  The most likely collapse is the current one continuing until suddenly a tripwire is triggered and the whole thing implodes once and for all.  Between now and then is the issue with staying at friends retreats, camping on public land or the like will kick you in the ass.  So you get into a little more debt for the junk land and have a safe stash and squat spot. 


So what else do you need?  Why worry about the debt?  If you want to move out to the junk land now, and live on a casual income, bypassing a lot of issues with the economic collapse, then, yes, you must be completely out of debt for it to be viable ( although, you could stay in debt for driving if you stay on the junk land and commute to work, letting them repo it when you become unemployed.  Just be sure you can live there without the car later ).  But if you don’t believe the system will hold all that much longer, why are you even concerned about being in debt as long as it doesn’t leave you destitute?  I’ll continue tomorrow, on that note.


Please support Bison by buying through the Amazon ad graphics at the top of the page. ***You can support me through Patreon ( go to )***You can make donations or book purchases through PayPal ( )

*** Unless you are in extreme poverty, spend a buck a month here, by the above donation methods or buy a book. If you don't do Kindle, send me a buck and I'll e-mail it to you.  Or, send an extra buck and I'll send you a CD ( the file is in PDF.  I’ll waive this fee if you order three or more books at one time ).  My e-mail is:  My address is: James M Dakin, 181 W Bullion Rd #12, Elko NV 89801-4184

*** Pay your author-no one works for free.  I’m nice enough to publish for barely above Mere Book Money, so do your part.***   Land In Elko*  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio*   my web site is *** Wal-Mart wheat***Amazon Author Page
* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there