Tuesday, July 23, 2019

first world wealth

Preserving wealth isn't just a First World Problem ( I prefer “White People Problem”, but I've been informed I'm using too much ghetto vernacular. After reflection, I have to agree with this being a sloppy habit. I invested in the trap of it being edgy and cute, and I need to attempt to return to boring and stodgy, unless I wish to be complicit in butchering the Western language. In and of itself, not a huge deal. But it IS an additional assault our culture doesn't need. A few things are hard to reject. Yo, and Bitches, for instance. But this IS a concern I need to work on ).
Even peasants in Turd World crapholes have excess wealth to preserve. The habit of silver jewelry in India, for example. If you have enough to eat, most likely you are living in a culture and economy where surplus can be saved. If you are living in the US, and are not residing in a cardboard box under an overpass, you should have plenty of wealth you need to worry about saving. If you do not, you are wrong. And, no, I am not trying to throw stones in a glass house. Myself, I was wrong for the longest time.
Having an RV or mobile home is not preserving wealth, even if it is lowering your cost of living. Buying MRE's and semi-auto's is not preserving wealth. Placing Greenbacks under the mattress is a great form of short term savings, but it isn't preserving wealth. And no, silver and gold alone is a good habit but it isn't necessarily preserving wealth. It preserves SAVINGS, but it doesn't grow wealth, which is needed to preserve wealth if you intend to pass it on to your children.
The simple answer to preserving your wealth is, there is no ONE answer. It is a multi-faceted issue. Fortunately for you, I love hearing myself talk so I have plenty of time to blather on about it. Unfortunately for you, I have plenty of time...:) What got me thinking about this was an article by Ron Unz ( HERE ) where he mentions that the West Coast Jewish Mob had a hand in liquidating the Japanese American property for a tidy profit ( the taxpayers were then allowed to pay pennies on the dollar reparations ). This got my few spare neurons firing.
I said to myself, Self, you stud the ladies swoon over, what could those poor Nipponese have done differently to preserve their wealth, as this is highly pertinent in today's climate of Deplorable asset stripping? The Japanese Americans had worked like dogs but been legally prohibited from owning land ( they used the Anchor Baby loophole that the Latinos are now employing. Good or bad, a discussion for another time ), but they were frugal and hard working and did eventually secure farms and small businesses. And that is what was taken from them, by the lawyers ( legal crooks ).
Just hard work and skill ( two things the Japanese culture does very well ) don't necessarily preserve wealth ( the similar German culture saw immigrants successfully establish themselves here, fighting for Lincoln's Union, then being persecuted during WWI ) when it is in forms easily confiscated. You cannot steal someone's skill sets, but you can sure swipe the tools and homes and use the legal system against the skills use. The Chinese practice of family bankrolled business is equally subject to theft, but they are also fundamentally different culturally.
A lot of Chinese are mere merchants. They don't necessarily have a set skill that they must utilize for a living. Their skill is using racial networks for supply, and selling anything anywhere. They are just as easily targeted, but they can recover much easier. Their infrastructure cannot be confiscated, or infiltrated ( since it is family and Chinese orientated ). The end products at a stall or store may be taken, but not their ability to be restarted. The Japanese and Germans relied on their in country system, which turned against them. Now, I'm not suggesting you fantasize about starting a Redneck Infrastructure. How could you?
I am suggesting that you view your business defensively. How can you get screwed by the lawyers and politicians? Because they have, and they will. We are no longer a nation that rewards skill and hard work. We are predominantly a place where far too many people want something for nothing and their chicks for free. I mean, don't get me wrong. Fraud and Consumer Beware are as old as trade ( “pig in a poke”, for instance ). What is different is that not only is this culturally widespread and condoned, it has become about the only way to prosper.
Yes, a shrinking pie and the fight for the remaining pieces, granted, but the acceptance of same is what should worry you. Look no farther than my field, the survivalist publications. How many try to screw you? Not just Old Hat information, lazy solutions, blatant misinformation but actual dangerous advice? 99% of the practitioners were of this mold. Luckily, that number has shrunk, perhaps to as little as 90%, after the ad revenues shrinkage and YouTube censorship. It is turning into more of a meritocracy, thank any of the gods you follow.
Yes, I know, blasphemy. But you do realize that many of the charlatans pandered to your sincere divine belief for their con game, yes? I might be a barbaric heathen but I try to remain fair. But the shrinkage of disposable income, and available advertising revenue, has shrunk the posers and pretenders a bit. That is wonderful, yes? The quality of information has improved. There has never been a better time to get actual helpful advice since Kurt Saxon privately published to end run the establishment approved doom merchants. He had his issues, but less than most. Martha says, that's a GOOD thing.
( Kurt might have been racist, although if so he wasn't a weak Nancy Boy apologizing for it. He was terrible citing his sources, giving the impression he had invented/visualized ideas himself. He was terribly non-prolific, his periodicals anything but on schedule. But he was the only frugal survivalist and would still be if not for yours truly. In the great scheme of things, he was a King Stud, and we love him )
Now, thinking back on the hundreds of prepper publications that rushed to riches as the middle class was decimated, did any of you notice much if any backlash against it ( in the beginning, not just the last few years )? I'd wager not. It has become so common that the lowest common denominator set up shop, sometimes we don't even notice it. When you go spend $10 on a movie ticket, to see a $200million budget production, don't you usually walk away unimpressed? When was the last time you enjoyed a meal out?
( I thought I was King Krap, finally finding a decent french fry [ at cheating, hater Wendy's, no less ], but once again I was setting myself up for disappointment. I was lucky the first two times to get the fries right out of the grease, and it was heaven on a stick. The last time I went, I discovered the horrid reality of lukewarm fries from the purveyors of the Great Frosty Shake-Down. My faithlessness in humanity was restored )
Okay, I'm just getting started, but my arm grows weary ( one finger hunt and peck, as always ) and I still must throw a bone to my e-mail newsletter subscribers. Continued tomorrow.
( .Y. )
( today's related Amazon link click HERE )
note: Mr. Dumbass, esquire ( The Economic Collapse Blog Dude ) has predicted that the Saudi Arabian located US military base is being upgraded and expanded for our war with Iran.  I say it is to occupy or destroy Saudi Arabia, for partially dropping the PetroDollar.  We'll see who is right.  You heard it here first, where I fear no pessimistic prophecy!  
Please support Bison by buying through the Amazon links here ( or from http://bisonprepper.com/2.html or www.bisonbulk.blogspot.com ). Or PayPal www.paypal.me/jimd303 

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* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there


  1. I thought we were setting Iran up to love Saudi long time myself.

    We probably are getting the base set up with popcorn machines.

    1. It could be as simple as corporate welfare, granted. But, if not, I'd pick "spank the Saudi's into going back to the PetroDollar exclusively" before I picked "bomb Iran" which is right on par with "bomb Nork" as far as mindless chest beating for the idiots who haven't figured out we haven't won a war since VJ Day.

    2. It's obvious we'll have to steal more oil.
      Why not let the Saudis help us take Iran's oil before we steal theirs.

      Sounds like a plan.


    3. Keep in mind Iran has been pumping for a century. Saudi Arabia is a hot mess w/production. Neither will help us, much. Here is what I'm leaning towards now. We occupy and stop Saudi production, or destroy it altogether. Boom, the rest of the world has lots of issues with oil supply, and we win by being hurt the least ( at least as far as geopolitics go ). Then we retreat back to our borders and use the military to set up a nice dictatorship. Got wheat?

  2. re:
    World War The First,
    World War The Second,
    every bureaucrat,
    all lotteries,
    every pension,
    Hollywood Chicago bankers,
    ghettos slums 'urban (anything)',
    The Ministry Of Propaganda

    I humbly recommend again:
    SUPERMOB by Russo.

    Can you imagine everything you know is wrong?

    For example, I 'know' I need a nearby star for light and warmth... without a shred of evidence! Who promised me this is a 'truth'? An axiom? An 'indisputable fact'?

    Everybody I know accepts The Golden Rule™ as self-evident. Except me. I see that as projection, wishing my needs upon you. Instead, how about 'treat folks the way they want to be treated'? If that is your kink.

    Small simple questionings. 'Why is New York city the headquarters of evil? Did evil exist there, then attract susceptible humans? Did susceptible humans coagulate into evil at New York city the way water flushes a toilet?'

    'Why build The Most Powerful Government® in a swamp?'

    'Am I the punchline in this joke?'

    You know, the usual Tuesday morning contemplations.

    'How do I know this is Tuesday?'
    'How do I know I woke? How do I know I slept?'

    'Is wealth the lack of, doing without, self-reliant and self-sustaining? Could living in a cardboard box be the epitome of wealth? Who made that rule?'

    Indeed. Who made that rule, and why do I believe them?

    I bet it was Caucasians.

  3. “Now, I'm not suggesting you fantasize about starting a Redneck Infrastructure. How could you?”

    A couple of older white dudes (late 50’s, perhaps 60’s) came out the other day and weeded my mother’s rural property. At first glance, these guy’s appeared to be in poor shape, with big pot belly’s, but they managed to get the job done. I got the impression that this was the best that they could get, considering their age and demographic. As the day rolled on, the one dude mentioned that he used to work at the oil fields, but was laid off. So yeah, I pretty much called it right.

    The feel good, PC speak, of “all races/cultures being equal”, hasn’t held up in my own anecdotal observations, which seem to indicate otherwise. But some of the so called “disparaged groups” did quite well in the past. As an example, many years ago we had a Chinese neighbor. He owned the home behind us, and the small grocery store on the corner. Turned out he also owned the apartment complex across the street, and this is all that I know of, as he might have owned other businesses as well. Now this was many decades ago, at a time when liberals would have told you that such a thing was not possible for non-whites. Apparently it was, for those that were capable to begin with.

    1. There was a movie out a year or two back, I think Jeff Bridges? Two brothers were going to lose the farm, so they robbed the banks that held the mortgage. End of the film, they made a big deal about leasing to frackers being an economic savings grace. Ha! Better stick to robbing banks.

    2. I remember that movie. It was awesome.

    3. I think it is on Netflix. Hell Or High Water-it just came to me. I was drawing a blank yesterday. Yeah, good enough to watch again.

  4. Yeah, I'm not sure what the future holds, but I do anticipate my investment in fidget spinners will pay off.

    1. By all means, stack those deep. But don't neglect PEZ dispensers while you do.
