Friday, November 22, 2019

howling wasteland 5

The earth is overpopulated. Period, the end. At one time, with enough energy, this was not the case. The Green Revolution, engineered and improved grain combined with expanding into land that only produced with irrigation, made a mockery of Malthus and Darwin. Who will soon have their revenge. Before the global peak of conventional oil, the Green Revolution was already showing signs of trouble. Grain harvests were NOT keeping up with demand, and all our surplus stockpiles were drawn down. Now, grain really is a JIT system, with very little cushion to cover emergencies.
FEMA does not have billions of MRE's handy for emergencies, nor does it even have enough wheat to make much difference during the same. What YOU have buried in plastic is what will feed you. The government doesn't even have enough food for all its people, let alone you. There will be a whole new definition of Non Essential Personnel during an emergency. Hint, you did not make the short list. Rothschild's Minions will also be in for a very rude shock. The short answer is that seven billion is already too many to feed, and we are already in triage.
The high White suicide rate? Higher even per capita than American Indians ( feather, not dot ). The high percentage of White Male unemployment? Opening salvo's of the triage. It is step one of the die-off, a warming of the water the frogs are in. Oh, it would NOT do to boiling them too soon, would it? They might hop out. Just as the alcoholism in Russia was a self regulating system of depopulation to meet resources, a trimming off of the worst oxygen wasters, so is our high suicide rates from alcohol, drugs or lethal hot lead injection.
System change at a high velocity trims the dead wood first. But it doesn't stop there, if equilibrium with resources isn't first met. And please note I'm speaking in generalized terms here. I don't judge those who suicide. You cannot make judgment without understanding. But speaking of millions, you cannot help but be impersonal. Suicide is really just a way of supporting your tribe by freeing up resources, species survival wise. It is a little hard to not appreciate that, in a macro view. And, they WERE much quicker than you understanding the inevitability of a collapse, even if just subconsciously.
Seven billion MUST die. Resources are ALREADY in decline. So is population, but people not being replaced is much slower than it needs to be to match resource demand. Africa is just as successful as always overpopulating ( despite AIDS and war ) to compensate for resource scarcity ( constant Darwin struggle forms a stronger surviving gene pool ), and is being followed by India. China chose a higher standard of living, and will suffer disproportionately the same as the US or Europe. The Elite are practicing Race Replacement in Europe, and the US, which is profitable now ( reduced input cost in the form of labor ).
And later, it assures a higher die-off from conflict. Either from the replacement group overpopulating and infighting or those being replaced getting ready for a bloody purge. The Elite being greedy and evil is ALSO a species survival trait, as they help with depopulation. Remember, the more folks who die now in the Population Cold War are less you need to defend against when that war goes Hot. What you have to do NOW, is to avoid being a casualty of increased conflict. It is good practice. Are you SURE it is a good idea to stay in OtherColor territory?
You might think that the Knock Out Game and similar OtherColor shenanigans were all the fault of the elite placing a Muzzy Kenyan Fag in the White House. It was. But the fact that this policy of Enabling continues just means it is part of the Cold War now. It is a symptom of overpopulation beginning to correct. This has been going on for twenty years now. It isn't going away but rather just getting worse, waterfall collapse style. One of the biggest lies you still believe is Saudi Arabian energy surplus. That ended long ago, accounts for its demise right now, our PetroDollar demise and the reason global conflict exploded.
Five years before global Peak Conventional Oil, Saudi peak already happened. They just couldn't hide it past 2005, but obscured the prime source. Fracking Oil is no more than Nazi Coal Liquidification modernized. Importantly to our discussion here, energy decline started food decline, as the 1970's Green Revolution Hail Mary Pass was to throw oil at food production. As oil went, so went the food. Our coming problem isn't the midwest flooding. That is a repeat of the 90's event, which had no impact on our food supply. The problem is we have less energy now to throw at the food, globally. In the 90's, global production replaced the losses.
Now? If any problem occurs it won't be catastrophic in and of itself, even without foreign trade incoming. The problem will come from the PERCEIVED problem of food scarcity, to a population already at war with itself. Because humans are tribal and tribes preemptively battle for resources. If food prices spike or shortages occur ( I personally think this is a non-issue, but it is hard to be perfectly sure with all information channels compromised ), or are made to occur, the Civil War 2 might just ignite.
Right, it isn't JUST going to be because of gun bans or confiscation. It could be anything. Because both groups are primed to fight ( over the resource shortage zeitgeist as previously discussed ). Any excuse can do it. You would be a fool to think you know what event will do so, because nobody can time the collapse. What exactly touched off the first Civil War? An election? Okay, but far worse events threatening the economic security of the South ( or North, really, for that matter ) happened prior to that. And in hindsight only did Lincoln being elected look like an obvious ignition event.
At the time, what was Lincoln really, with his insistence on Union but ambivalence on Black servitude? Just another politician out to enrich himself. Why was his election all that bad? It wasn't, except for the fact that both sides were primed for conflict long before that. And yes, it WAS about food, indirectly. Political control and taxation can directly endanger how you feed yourself. Was World War One about the food? Yes. Colonialism and industrial capacity/health indirectly fed people.
World War Two was about food, but it was oil and industry that determined the food supply, no longer colonialism. Britain had lost before the fighting begun, coal and colonies being her only recourse. She was just lucky to have an empire to trade the US for direct aid and support ( from American oil ). Why do you think the US encouraged Japanese aggression? She knocked out Britain's Asian wealth, as well as providing the convenient excuse. We got Spain's territories by hook and crook, as we did the British ones. We didn't need her colonies as much as we needed to deny them to her.
Don't ever think conflict is anything other than future resource control. And with shrinking resources, with population increasing IF you include Africa/India ( without them, decreasing but not quick enough ), conflict is guaranteed. Just like death and taxes. Conflict over food is already twenty ( some odd ) years old, disguised as religious conflict or political control. We think, seeing so much conflict in say, Sudan, it is all about drought and Gore Warming. Or, we see the Congo conflict and think, blood diamonds. Or, we think, well, Africa is just being Africa.
There is always conflict there. There is always conflict everywhere. Why do I think now is any different? As I said, you have to follow the food supply globally. We have lost the surpluses we did have. Couple that to the continuation of wars, even if Russia is no longer funding our opposition. It is easy to lose sight of this being a food war, because all those wars take place PRIOR to starvation. All I am doing to following the trend. You can disbelieve, at your own risk. Or you can prepare for a conflict soon to be at your doorstep.
I'm not sure if I'll continue this or not. Either way, a short recess following other topics. Then, I might return to this.
[ addendum: it's been a week and so far I haven't continued this series.  I think I've said all there is to say ]
( .Y. )
( today's related Amazon link click HERE )
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  1. Right. This theme topic should continue into it's next phase iteration. I would call it "howling stomachs", as privation overtakes everyone equally. I refee to the novel "one second after", as a parallel example. That of food and starvation more of an enemy than scary roving maurading bands.

    Plan accordingly.

    1. As might be guessed from the title, I had in mind a slightly different direction when I started, the problem being I forgot what it was

  2. "Seven billion MUST die"....Hmmm? Has TfAT from WRSA been resurrected here? Haha. Sorry, Lord Bison I recognize your "first across the line" in this. Just getting a chuckle in :)

    Any future writing plans about current dustup between China and Hong Kong?
    They must be running short of rice.

    1. Hmmm, I hadn't thought of China using food as a weapon. Perhaps a false flag "rebel alliance" attack on a food shipment? I did read on the situation as it being a Color Revolution, but I have doubts those are still effective, as it seems most of out institutions are battling for Most Dysfunctional prize. To me, it just seems like a dustup as we would have in Seattle when the globalists were studying our demise. Nothing much to concern us, in other words.

    2. Agreed.
      I see zero impact on my little farm from events in Asia.
      Their perpetual carryings-on like this between each other is perpetually perpetual, mentioned as part of the 1975 John Denver song I'M SORRY.

      "I'm sorry for the way things are in china..."

      Jeez! Talk about a Dysfunctional Mis-Management Muck-Up, the chinese get the GrandBoobyPrize with oak-leaf cluster!

      Getting AllWorkedUp about unhappys loading other unhappys unto cattle-cars for a vacation at the organ-harvesting resort?
      Not my job.

      And they think they want to rule this particular planet?
      A bunch of baffoons with the thoughtfulness of fungus. Or virus.

      How often do you wonder... why does every new disease == for humans and animals == come from chinese!
      Because they worked up the food-chain to almost the single-cell organism level, with morals to match.

      The only reason chinese might be a problem for me is their ability to re-produce obedient little clones faster than anybody else can whack-a-mole them back into line.

      Just like the afternoon porch opinion here at the farm about the under-privileged under-represented marginalized Bloods vs Crips vs Atzlans animated 'discussions', I see no need to interfere with their fussings with each other.


      I'm heading to the range.
      Come to think of it, that happens a lot.
      Almost every time I feel I don't matter or I don't make a difference, I go making tiny groups of tiny holes in paper plates, and all becomes right in the world again.
      Handily, according to the plastic wrapper on the paper plates, "country of origin: china"

    3. China, origins of diseases. I never made that connection. Well, modern ones anyway. Good call

    4. Hot tropical climates, coupled with continuous human close-work with wildlife, are the top factors in disease pathogens/transmission when tracking back to disease origins.

      Thinking of disease origins and outbreaks, the first country listed is Africa. China doesn't hold a chopstick to what Africa has conjured up.

      If you're interested, here's an abstract to a good reference on origins of infectious diseases:

      Modern Throwback

    5. Doesn't China have the infrastructure to better breed and transmit the disease, however?

    6. When examining past epidemological studies,'s those African tropics that give us the worst of the worst. Yeah, imagine that....

      The population density in China's big cities lends itself to the best petri dish known to man, but look at all the past diseases. Just do some searches on disease origins of ___ (insert continent).

      Looking at total fatalities of those diseases per continent or per disease would be a good subject to learn more about. That's the sort of stuff that keeps inquiring minds inquiring.

      Modern Throwback

    7. I defer to your superior research. I suppose it makes perfect sense, as Africa breeds so heavily disease never has a chance decimating the population ( I know, Latin, decimate, one in ten. I can't spell "annihilate" without spell checker ). China lives higher on the centralization scale and is more easily disrupted.

  3. May you live in interesting time. A blessing or a curse? I think a curse. As I read this and have 2 plus years of food and wheat I think I need a helluva lot more. I could be feeding myself or 20 people Time will tell. Got wheat?

    1. A blessing AND a curse. I believe that is the ancient meaning. I think it is correct. Just two sides of a coin. Even if something can kill you-sky diving, fast motorcycle, sex with bar bimbos, civilization collapse-doesn't mean you don't enjoy it

  4. Jim, love the macro explanation of things, opens up folks view of the "why" they are getting keister impailed. If I may suppose a theme, even for minion thought processes as well, we should more strive downwards, towards our, in the stink, micro scale topical points of consideration. Screw D. C. and worry about the terrain of your county seat +/or micro economic, transport, industry hubs. Map striking out resources and gadfly annoy the hell out of local .gov cadres is good sèed corn used. Our collective Minionite hive minds can spool up a bit more pre-emptive measures, actions, or wise men's marching orders in advance of full collapse.

    Wheat, grinders, Dakin's solution, or shucks, analog mind freaking chess play with locals is swell too.

    Local, Local, locally.

    1. The world's going to get a heck of a lot smaller

    2. I lived in a fairly small hick town (no, not the one south of San Jose California, this one was in Arizona) and chess was pretty much forbidden. Not allowed in coffee shops or any public place. So good luck on playing chess with local yokels in the US.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Of course it is okay to use the comments to help out others. 'Cause the more you know, GI Joe...

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.
