Thursday, February 25, 2016

oil economy lies 3

Note: responsible minion: the honey shipment(s) arrived ( lg and sm bottle ).  Before you read this I'll have dined on whole wheat toast and your honey and enjoyed immensely.  Many thanks!
Lie #2:

The US is the worlds largest economy.

As Mark Twain said, there are lies, damn lies and statistics.  Our economy looks bad enough, but if you disbelieve all government statistics the thing is actually a zombie.  Unemployment is really at Great Depression levels and would be worse if Obammy’s Health Hump didn’t turn a lot of jobs into part time positions.  The only thing the floppy lip Kenyan ever did right, bailing out the banks through the insurance industry and made more jobs available by turning them all into 28 hours a week instead of 40.  Of course, yes, he only did the correct thing by his handlers/electors by enriching them ( indirectly with the employment.  A half starving employee with one foot in bankruptcy court is easier to cower and control.  Does anyone even know what Union Benefits are anymore?  Do you still buy the Rush Limbaugh School Of Trickle Down Benefits?  Where the rich get richer and the poor get the benefit of being able to keep their menial job, if they are lucky, and only until the end of next quarter when layoffs are needed to boost the CEO’s bonus ). 


And if you can’t believe the unemployment statistics, why should you believe anything else they say?  Hell, they inflated energy reserves, pretended that you are going to get your Social Security, poisoned a couple of generations of soldiers with depleted uranium and tacked on about 18 TRILLION in unreported dollars to your future inflation bill bailing out foreign banks ( this is in addition to the reported national debt ).  Everything the FedGov says ( as well as, more often than not, their lackey state governments ) is worse than a damn lie.  Don’t believe anything they say.  The GDP is at least a third government spending rather than real economic activity.  What activity remains is debt driven, rather than demand driven.  Most of our manufacturing is low quality high cost military hardware.  Even the pride of our service economy, Hollywood, has retreated to safe profitable pap that is about as low in quality as you can get ( and yes, of course there are exceptions.  Some really great shows and movies do come along periodically.  Yet, even those, if compared to generations past, can come up wanting.  Overall, a quality decline ).  Our economy did good on cheap oil from Alaska in the 80’s, from the former Soviet Union in the 90’s, faltered on the Tech Wreck but was saved by interest rate reduction, ratcheted up with the Housing Bubble and crashed on Peak Cheap Oil.  Since then, bonds were the new bubble, derivatives doubled down on un-sustainability and is currently looking for the death of the petro-dollar or something similar to wipe them off the face of the earth.


You can’t gut a manufacturing economy and replace it with debt driven consumerism driven by cheap oil, and quadruple the national debt AND expect it to last too long after resource depletion begins in earnest.  Our economy is simply façade and Potemkin Village heads and shoulders above even our paper tiger military.  Even if the military had more than a snowflakes change in Hell of surviving a serious opponent, they couldn’t recover and recoup without a much stronger economy than what we currently possess.  We all know our economy blows chunks, but keep pretending it is still 1965.  That we can still send a man to the moon, still fund both guns and butter, still export to the world and still have a middle class.  With our military, you can pretend our politicians betrayed us in Vietnam and Somalia and with the economy you can pretend to be a writer for Forbes magazine and only see profit by hook or by crook as the marker for success as an economy, but both shallow superficial views blatantly ignore fundamentals. 

Next lie tomorrow.  END

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  1. Outstanding insight, I applaud your perspective and await each new installment.

  2. "A half starving employee with one foot in bankruptcy court is easier to cower and control"
    That right there is the gospel truth. If you can get out of debt and live cheap with a little savings you can negotiate your position at work from strength instead of blind fear. It's working wonderfully for me and I have been on both ends of the stick.
    Great hair!

    1. If You Need, You Bleed is true both in a relationship and with an employee. Both provide the promise of the wrong kind of sex.

  3. If a similar to either World War conflict were to erupt (unlikely given the presence of nukes - instead conflict will remain at a lower level), the build up / rebuilding of the US military would be a much slower and poorer achievement than before. We have a continent wide, 300 - 400 million strong population, nation, but have gotten most of the rich resources that helped us in the last two wars, are more reachable than ever to the enemy, and have lost the previous cultural coherence that allowed the populace to grudgingly but voluntarily sacrifice for the good of the nations war effort.
    To some extent the advent of single child families would also constrain the draft - loosing one child when you have three is a bearable sacrifice, loosing your only child? Well, recall the premise of the movie "Saving Private Ryan"? imagine that 20 - 50% of your troops were Private Ryan, and what that could imply...

    1. Lacking those world war resources is a good thing-who wants stripper wells, denuded soils and dry desert cities?

  4. A good series you have going here, Lord Bison. I believe that the people are actually willingly ignorant about the lies told to them. Enablers, to be more precise.

    How could this be?? Well an interesting, almost unbelievable, study concerning the rape of women could explain it; it is a documented fact that 87% of women who are raped experience orgasm during the 'ordeal'. Incredible but true.

    We, as citizens, are those women.

    1. I won't comment on those figures-pure nitro discussion-but I love your last line.

    2. 87%?
      Hell, I know married wimminz that don't achieve that high of a percentage!

  5. speaking for my ignorant self, i am not 'willimgly ignorant', just a victim of public school history classes.
    that is why i have read lord bison ever since i found him at 'gary in bama'.
    it is eye opening but horrible.

    1. If our brains were empty, we would know it. Public schools have filled most brains with just what is needed to be a reliable fearful worker, and not much more. Here's your paper: Congratulations, you are "educated"!

      Military recruiter tables in the hall.

    2. Like filling tank with ethanol. You don't realize you will get 8% less output.
