Thursday, May 14, 2020


Food. Kind of important. Unfortunately, the food situation is a lot worse than “They” tell us, and for very good reason. If they lied to us about Beer Virus, just because the banks needed another bail-out, why would you ever think they would panic us about food? This article is about that bail-out to a degree. Because I'm beginning to wonder if Black Corona Death was JUST about the bankers. I've wondered this a lot, as you know. And I've mentioned corn. As in, does a rapidly shrinking corn crop offer MORE justification to explain current events?
Could corn have been what led up to a lot of last years activities such as the trade war, and the current meat shortage? It is looking like Beer Virus is less and less important everyday ( as far as a threat, if we assume the economy was screwed last year and this years economic pain is just increased velocity triage ). Not only do we have Peak Oil, we have Grand Solar Minimum crop failures. I mentioned before that solar power operators were reporting ten percent decreases in output last year. My source for that is the YouTube guy Yanasa Ama Ventures.
I had to rely on him for several points here. The Internet search engines are complete crap. I'm not talking about censorship, unless they are REALLY good at obscuring ALL points of interests a prepper might hold. I couldn't get any pertinent data on historic corn yields. It was all “yield per acre”, or “price per bushel” or “planted”. They aren't even telling me how much is produced. How hard is that to figure? You can even lie by telling the truth there, because a lot of harvested grain is stunted Crap Corn, planted too late ( having to do with insurance ).
But they won't even give me anything other than “projections”. The above YouTube guy both sounds far more reasonable and rational than Ice Age Farmer ( I smell something off from him I can't identify. But it tends to make me notice plenty of what I consider fibs or misdirection. YA Ventures seems far more legit. But, these are my “feelers”, so take with a grain of salt ). And he has a lot of data I cannot find elsewhere. I don't know if the search engines are awesome AI ( which I tend to discount as wishful thinking from economic midgets ) that obscures all truth, the budget cuts are giving us a crap product, or what. So I have to give credence to sources such as YA Ventures with little other sources.
I HATE only having one source for any information, as the last fifteen or so years everything is turning to crap as far as reliability. But I do get written articles and other YouTubers that have the same GENERAL information, so I have to give that one source on specifics a pass. I'll assume he is correct, as long as it is historic rather than projected. In other words, he is probably correct on the data. Conclusions I try to make on my own. The thing to keep in mind is that there is not one cause to our current situation. It isn't JUST Peak Oil or Ice Age or Economic Collapse or Overpopulation or Trade Wars or whatever. It is all of those things. A cornucopia of a feces storm.
Peak Oil was going to screw us anyway, but the way we are collapsing is because of other factors making energy shortages worse. JUST terrible weather and crop yields are no big deal. Right now, the crops and weather intersecting are VERY similar to the early 1990's. But we had a butt ton of oil back then. JIT global crop insurance made a 50% corn crop loss here a very SMALL problem. Then. Now? Trade wars and the terrible weather has seen almost all nations ban food exports. As the oil supply shrinks. No global food insurance for the US.
Kazakhstan is a huge wheat player, and they just banned exports. Italians needing their pasta are going to other sources. Pakistan and others in the middle of the locust swarms just lost another source to replace local wheat. I don't know if the US wheat shortage is 1) Canadian wheat had a lot of too low gluten stunted production from bad weather, 2) we are selling to too many foreigners who had local shortages, or 3) the Johnny Come Lately preppers turned to wheat as soon as the freeze dried food shortages hit. All three?
Beer Virus food shortages are just distribution. All those households panic buying wiped out all the shelves, and our JIT system is about replacing daily use, not replacing two months of panic stockpiling. BUT. All those issues were in embryonic form LAST year, pre-Corona Mass Death. We already had shortages last year causing canneries to go to the tropics closer to the source ( like we had artificial fertilizer companies moving to the middle east in 2008, after the $140 barrel of oil price hikes. Keep in mind that the fracking gas was not yet a major player then. But the companies did NOT move back once they were ).
The seed shortages, not just potatoes, started last year. The shortages now have to do with THAT, and the current Me Too Preppers. There were bean shortages from weather events before Corona Pandemic. And there was also pressure on diesel supplies as global conventional oil ( almost no diesel comes from light fracking oil, and fracking was the ONLY oil production growth for fifteen years ) peaked in 2005. They tell you it peaked in 2018, but that is only if they add fracking to conventional.
Last year, if I'm understanding correctly, the mandate to mix ethanol to gasoline was lifted. Which only would have been done if the corn supply was an issue back then. YA Ventures claims a 15% drop in supply that year, but I think some of that was based on projections. I remember some stories, claiming the ethanol processors were complaining of losing money. That doesn't make sense, what with the federal welfare.
Unless that dried up. Please pardon me. I always holler “food first”, then I'm too focused on the economic crash and don't pay enough attention to crop failures. I thought this round of Grand Solar Minimum, which is about a twelve year cycle, was going to be a big nothingburger like all the rest have been. But it looks like this is going to be severe weather like we saw 130 years ago ( give or take ). Of course, even that is conjecture, as it is easy to confuse economic and energy causes with weather ones. And we were Officially Distracted by all the Gore Warming Arseholes.
Al Gore was awarded the position of Warming Czar after he played in the circus of the election fiasco, throwing the contest. Nothing different than a boxer taking a dive in the third, to enrich certain betters. And that evil little twat got the worlds commies all worked up over drowning polar bears. Distracted from the real problems, all these Useful Idiots tried to shove Scientific Consensus down our throats ( I think they reused the same “grant whores” to try to legitimize Corona Chan ). We were so busy fending off their brand of bullcrap, we were a bit distracted from real economic, environmental and energy issues.
Whatever paltry millions paid to Al Gore, it was worth it, obviously. As crops failed, everywhere, the commies called for Cutting Carbon Emissions and we were busy on that false fight. Uber Kommie Kunt Greta was used as a slight of hand, along with other Blue Force feints. They might be Useful Idiots, but we proved to be Easy Distracted Chumps. Now, I'm not claiming that Weather Change isn't real. I do believe Grand Solar Minimums are much more real than Anthropological Warming ( I don't notice grapes being grown as far north as was the case centuries before coal was first burned ). I understand that the world had a VERY abnormally mild climate from about the 1930's for around a half century plus, and now the REAL weather, the roller coaster kind, is back.
I'm just bitter the whores were calling for Crops Head North, when the exact opposite seems to be the case right now. North, where a LOT of our bulk grains come from, is where the weather failures are dog piling on each other. Not just now, but the last few years. And every year a bonus problem is added to that. And now, they cannot hide the failure. Failure of ethanol, failure of meat production ( hell, failure of sweetener. Notice how it is now cheaper in some cases to use imported sugar-even after punitive tariffs-than once nearly free corn syrup? ). I'll continue tomorrow.
( .Y. )
( today's related Amazon link click HERE )
note: I was in Wally yesterday for more storage food, and I'll be damned but the bicycle section was completely empty save one tiny tot pink bike.  I've never seen Wally have but a couple of empty slots and now....they're gone.  I did warn you months ago when this first started to get your spare parts.  Not that Wally bikes are good for anything but the frames, but it is telling.  Sad Panda.
note: it might be a fluke as I only saw one station, but diesel just went from its normal so far 16% premium over regular unleaded, down to 9.5%.  To me, that might just mean train and semi traffic took a huge dump in volume, causing supply to surge.  
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  1. USDA Corn: Production by Year, US, Chart

    It isn't showing any Corn shortages. Of course, do you believe the USDA?

    1. My mate just told me that 72.5% of Dingoland are either on the dole, on the gov. pension, work for the federal/state/local gov or are getting the special corona supplement the gov is paying if your employer has taken a big enough hit to revenue from the coronahoax.

    2. At least Big Daddy Gov has you covered down under. And meanwhile, The Greatest Economy On Earth still has unemployment benefits backlogged from last month ( or two ) as the computer system cannot keep up. How indispensable we are.

    3. Sometimes watch ag report
      Noticed how carefully worded the reports are not to reflect actual crop failures

    4. You do have to admire the skill that takes.

  2. You can add the ever-growing population to the feces storm.

    Some of the 'Me Too Preppers" are losing interest in prepping now that some areas in the USA are opening up a little. They believe everything will go back to normal.

    Absolutely, the coming food shortage is a long-term problem in the making, some of it intentionally created.

    1. Yeah, the Me-Too's might be losing interest, but they already served their purpose wiping out the supplies for the rest of us.

    2. Hoping some of them will have yard sales and I may be able to get some dried foods at bargain giveaway prices

    3. Your luck, the prices rise so fast you'll be paying above their original price. I think we all went WAY too long without serious inflation and are spoiled these last forty or so years

  3. Hey Jim. Check out the new Pennsylvania, democratic secretary of health. The cat belts out a mean message. And well, I’m not sure which one of the hundreds of genders that sucker is? But get an earful (No, not literally :D ) My Skull tells me it can’t miss :D

    Dr. Rachel Levine demonstrates how to administer Naloxone nasal spray (1:21)

    1. Well, she is (was?) a dude, so...

    2. I will exchange 55 rounds of .303 for the fair maiden

    3. 55? That is a LOT! Better be pert near perfect I tell you what.

  4. Yes. The bicycle rush is partly a temporary term of fad purchases pushed forward by internet and media stories, as normies use the free time to bicycle around like a carefree kid again, thinking they can burn off that 30 years of fat in two months and go back to their jobs all svelte and buffed looking. Family units doing quarantine activities as well to stave off (eventual) divorce and bankruptcy stressors. Some others are those necessary primary transport purchases by working poor or car-less folks, the numbers now being amplified more so under current collapse drama conditions.

    Diesel is also cut since the affluent boomers travelling class of rv castes and casino tour shuttle buses are all grounded. Large percentages of truck stop business is that caste of oil aged recreational vehicle and gypsy type travelers.

    Ripple effects of everything run into the ground by those .govster's edicts. Every element of the economy is reaping cause and effects repercussions.

    I expect the shopping to become some bland version of the soviet cold war area 'GUM' stores that were sparse and spartan. The population of shoppers just hollow broken people accepting of plight because it is all they know. The errands out for necessities then really becoming forays.

    Stay frosty until then.

    1. Your take on diesel- okay, I can see that. Good point. But wouldn't that have taken place months ago? I'm asking, not telling, as I don't get out enough to know if the RV's were flowing down the Interstates until recently. I saw one RV in Wally parked, of the times I've gone recently.

    2. Some of the wally parking lot rvs are those defacto homeless off grider gypsy poor types. Staying in various places infrequently blm squats, forest/park squats, then in townies areas for laundry and resupply then creeping on before drawing scrutiny. They don't burn as much fuels as the yuppie retired .gov pensioned travelers in diesel bus houses lumbering around. Just the ghost town lack of commerce and movement in Vegas is a big quantity of cuts in demands. The light traffic is nice to drive in, I wish they would hurry up with the "dark winter" die off already, thin it out more. Stay frosty till then.

    3. I guess it would be impossible to tell the difference between the homeless and the yuppie pensioner RV'er. The one I saw was nice and pretty, but they could have just lost the house.

  5. James, there is an article in Zero Hedge today (page 2) about the corn glut and there being no market for it. Who knows anything! Julia

    1. Thanks, I'll check it out. I suspect it is BS, like a lot on ZH now, but I'll wade through it. And PS, tomorrows part 2 was written several days ago, so whatever I read, smelling true or not, won't be reflected there. If needed, I'll addendum it.

    2. Is some varieties of corn for other than human consumption, that has it's different economics properties. Say just feed lot type of corn, or an ethanol only type? With supply chains askew in many ways it could be backlog and storage issues. Maybe corn will be secretly squirrelled away by the deep staters so as to have an uninterrupted moonshine production of their own during our die off. Strategic crops?

    3. The article was about what I expected

    4. The majority of corn grown in the US is Dent (aka field corn) as opposed to sweet corn (higher water and starch content). Both are suitable for human consumption...dent corn is what they grind for cornmeal as well as for distilling. Just like wheat, feed corn in 50# bags can be used for polenta, grits and cornmeal if one has a heavy duty grinder.
      Some varieties of Dent corn can be picked early before it's too dry and eaten like sweet. It's probably all GMO which is just another reason to grow it yourself.
      Pro tip: distilled grains can be dried and fed to chickens. Win win!

  6. Some grains are down a bit in production, including corn and wheat. Dairy, meat, and soy are up in production. Farmers move to where they see profit. Tunnel vision, perhaps, on corn and wheat as the canary in the coal mine? I understand being ready for a food shortage, but, if you are ready for that, why spend so much time fretting about what might happen next month? Bet you a shiny nickel there will be plenty of food in the food stores in Elko for the next year. Prices may go up some, but the food will be there. The collapse will be here soon enough, but not on your orders. Take a pleasant walk in the sunshine and enjoy the day. Share The view of your finely combed mane with the locals. Save the autopsy for after the patient is dead.

    1. Elko has plenty of food NOW, that is all that can be said with certainty. Don't you realize I navel gaze quite a bit? When I get passionate about a subject, yeah, I worry it to death. I can't help myself. And isn't it kind of a prepper thing, looking to the future?

  7. trucking is down like 25% YOY.

    and rates have totally collapsed. some rates are as low as 30c/mile and lots under $1.00/mile. (It COSTS $1.25 a mile to run a big truck).

    1. I'm not sure that explains the overnight drop in diesel cost. Why were the first two weeks of the month different than today? I mean, gasoline came down slower, and that was after the freighter back-up's.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. When you go fishing for Food Stamps, you get pepperoni pizza instead of fresh fish. Preferred by po boys everywhere
