Wednesday, July 31, 2019

meat is for closers 3

If you want any kind of tribe, you have to feed your recruits. And recruits is exactly what they are. Have you watched Full Metal Jacket, lately? I think the second half of the movie blows rancid greasy monkey rectum, but the boot camp first half is some of the best film stock Kubrick ever shot ( he isn't always my cup of tea. Clockwork Orange is the closest he came to ever making the entire film interesting, without long boring ass artsy fartsy segments, and that still suffered some ). I know many of you actually experienced Basic yourselves, but that was ages ago and the movie is a good reminder.
A recruit is a scumbag with no discipline and no motivation, no clue and no understanding that people are not meant to be walking Cheerio's ( head up your ass ). Does this not describe the average American civilian ( and 60% of those in the military, the fems and OtherColors who are there despite ability )? They are essentially worthless, only good at being consumers. And I mean that in the sense of consuming food, water and air, to no purpose.
Not to try to sound like an Elite asswhore looking at the Worthless Eaters and planing their demise ( after exploitation ). Everyone who is a Normie and a Deplorable, the 90%, is worth saving. Only the elite and their water carriers deserve automatic elimination, in my book. But just like a military recruit, they start out completely worthless. Lectures and reason, logic and treating them as equals are all losing propositions. You must reprogram them, through pain and suffering. Did you not actually appreciate that yourself, going from a recruit to a full time military member?
You earned your position, making it a lifetime achievement. And you were glad you got rid of that sniveling worm you used to be. Now, we all know that the brainwashing process was used, and was needed. You were manipulated into loving those who abused you. You turned against your fellows, violently, if they did not conform ( see the movies “blanket party” ). You willingly and eagerly helped your leaders use and abuse you and your teammates. But it worked, didn't it? That is what is necessary to make a unit thrive and survive. Bleeding in training instead of combat.
And a lot of that process isn't pretty. The subjugation of your will, the surrendering of individuality. Forming a Borg Hive Mind, even if it is beneficial. But the reason we don't hate it ( I only ever hated the incompetence of those in charge, not being in the organization itself ) is because it is a natural state of our being. Not this pampered pussy status we find ourselves wallowing in and getting hooked on like cheap heroin. Men belong in combat units. The family unit is a reward for that, not its own purpose.
I am NOT stating that your survival tribe needs to be a military unit. In fact, that is one of the worst things you can do ( since the only experience anyone has is with a Second Gen military organization. This is counterproductive in a decentralized tribe that needs as much equality as possible for cohesion ). I only mean that to begin with, you must treat new members as recruits. After they have earned a place in your tribe, then they join as equals ( any combat leadership is EARNED. Not appointed by dictate. The choosing of an experienced member to lead all is decided by all, then they become subservient on the battlefield ONLY ).
Recruits are NOT part of your tribe. They haven't earned it. They are probationary members. If you feed, you lead. Once they earn tribal status ( by performance but even more by earning unconditional trust ), then they become equals. Until then, The Road beckons as a harsh task master. And your males are responsible for their family members. You don't have time to look after and correct a bunch of curtain climbers and bitches. If the man can't control his family, what else is he lacking?
If the other females cannot control a wife who acts up, are they truly devoted to the tribe? If the older children cannot control the younger ones, do you want them being responsible for your safety? If your soldiers cannot motivate and help each other, they aren't a team. This is where your people self correct each other and provide discipline and structure for you. Because it helps THEM, most of all, to have a cohesive tribe dedicated to the death to each other. And by “your”, of course, I only mean as the founder of the tribe. Once equality is earned, you are merely one voice among all family heads.
And this finally brings us to the title of this article series. Meat. Dead animal flesh. BBQ. Protein. Recruits don't deserve meat. Meat is for tribe members. A bunch of idiots show up, unorganized, the kids dripping snot, the wives castigating their men, friends squabbling. They are scum. They do NOT deserve to be fed, as they are a waste of skin and sperm. They are completely useless to you. The only reason you are feeding them is that you need more tribe members, and the cost of THAT is rolling the dice on new people.
So, they get gruel ( thanks, Pastor Joe, for the kernel of the idea. Get it? “Kernel”, “Gruel” ). That is all they get, unless you have a surplus of wild greens ( they aren't allowed to gather those themselves, as they are dumbasses and will pick immature crops or poisonous plants ) you can toss their way occasionally. Not meat! Meat is for closers. Can you think of a better way to motivate people than with meat? A better way of punishing than reduced meat rations, or a return to gruel? It is a perfect carrot and stick ( because except in winter with shelf stable food, and no fresh vegetables, a carrot isn't going to motivate anyone ).
If a tribe member is acting up and a friendly cuffed fist aside the head doesn't work, back to gruel! If you want off gruel, you need to be the perfect tribe member, shedding all civilian habits and modes of thinking. Those with the expected values get butter or oil as well. Caught taking extra meat? A “time out” on gruel. You get the point.
( And of course, this is all group consensus. You want the tribe to trust and protect you? It has to remain egalitarian. Although, like the Bill Of Rights, there will need to be an initial agreement of what is NOT up for change or debate. You do not want to carry over the terrible modern practice of killing custom for fun and profit ).
I haven't been to the feed store for a few months ( a guy gave the NOL a big bag of wheat he had extra of. I think it was straight from the field, the amount of twigs I pick out of my nuked bread ), but let us call corn about $8 a bag ( 50lb ). They used to be one third the price of wheat, but then Shrub's ethanol corporate welfare program jacked it up to ¾ the price. I stopped storing it after all mine had too much moisture and molded. What was the point of paying more, having to further dry it, then buying the lime to process it? That was only worth doing at the old price. But if you solve those issues, say you go with it simply for the cost savings.
( Corn sucks both in taste and in having much less protein than wheat. But, again, it is for recruits ) Setting aside the storage container issue, you can store a pretty significant amount of gruel at that price. Say you forego one AR-15. A trusted brand name is $500. A ton and a half of corn. A pound a day for six months ( clearing fields, planting them, erecting defenses, etc. ) is fifteen people. Obviously this is within everyone's grasp. Now, yes, I was not this optimistic the last time we talked about this, but then the assumption was supporting full tribe members. Recruits need and get less.
Could we keep going on about this? Of course. Defenses alone, without having extra guns, is a few articles in itself. But let's take a break and resume another time. All for now.
( .Y. )
( today's related Amazon link click HERE )
note: free for today books.  Alien invasion HERE.
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*** Unless you are in extreme poverty, spend a buck a month here, by the above donation methods ( I get 4% of the Amazon sale, so you need to buy $25 worth for me to get my $1 ) or mail me some cash/check/money order or buy a book ( web site for free books, Amazon to pay just as a donation vehicle ).
*** My e-mail is: My address is: James M Dakin, 181 W Bullion Rd #12, Elko NV 89801-4184 ***E-Mail me if you want your name added to the weekly e-newsletter subscriber list.
*** Pay your author-no one works for free. I’m nice enough to publish for barely above Mere Book Money, so do your part.*** junk land under a grand *  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio* my web site is *** Wal-Mart wheat***Amazon Author Page
* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

meat is for closers 2, article 1 of 2 today

MEAT IS FOR CLOSERS 2 ( article 1 of 2 today )
You know the answer to, “I'll take What Else Can I Do Besides Hermitage for $200, Alex”. You must feed the humpers. We've talked about that before. You can't rely on anyone else to have their head out of their ass far enough to understand that they are White Deplorables and hence they deserve to starve, and just because some pasty looking mother humper is representing your district does emphatically NOT mean they are on your side. Nobody wants to clue in to this little Heads Up. Let me spell it out to the short bus riders.
Empire is a strong area subjugating a weak area and getting Free Crap ( yeah, dumbass, you think only lazy ghetto inhabitants want Free Crap. You voted No Free Crap! You voted Globalist Corporate Welfare, YES, individual welfare so as not to starve, NO! Way to be the Rothschild's bitch ). Capitalism itself is predicated on Free Crap. It was all fun and games until your job went to China, wasn't it? Low inflation and subsidized gasoline is all the Free Crap you need to support the system. You are okay with gun control and thought control, as long as you get your Free Crap.
But the Empire screwed you. They turned around and made you one of the Bush Bitches in the colonies. Now you must work for free for their benefit. You still get Free Crap gasoline, except you can no longer afford the car or insurance that goes with that. How is that bennie working out for you? The low inflation? Doesn't work so good when the monopolists just keep jacking up the price because they can. But don't worry, since the elite lost control of the globe ( hence having to strip the walls HERE of copper wiring ), the PetroDollar is already in its end phase and REAL inflation will be here soon.
Everybody loves being a colonial power. Nobody wants to be the guys colonized. Yet, that is exactly what happened, already, to the Deplorables. And no, Spanky, you brain injured retard, Trump is NOT a Deplorable. Go ahead and vote for him, no big deal. If your vote is counted, at least it didn't go to Hilary or Occasionally All Crazy. But The Donald is a Rich Bitch, and it is as obvious as the throbbing bloated hemorrhoid on my arse that he is a puppet of the Red Shield ( the BIG “R” family of bankers, literally translated from German, Rotes Schild, after the family crest ).
Do you recall HOW the colonial subjects are controlled? A member of the local tribe is sought, bribed, paid to turn on his people. He controls them, not for their benefit but ONLY for the benefit of the Empire occupying them. That little buttercup up in Canada? He is controlled by the globalists. Merkel in Germany, the same. What's His Face, in France? The same. All the Senators and House members? In the employ of the globalists. The Red Shield commands and they obey.
So don't look to Trump, no matter how White or male he is, to stop the Deplorable colonization. If more people understood this, we would already be in a food shortage situation, from everyone rushing the stores for yet more food. Yes, you need ammo ( far more than more guns, dammit! ). It will get to the point of gun control. Because to institute famine on a Soviet Stalin level, you must take the guns. But food control is right after that.
I can't stress that enough. Logically, overpopulation MUST be reversed as resources diminish. To get rid of population, oppressed people get first crack at the train cars. You KNOW what side all our leaders are on. You, White Deplorable Scum, are NOT on that side. Expect a war on food. Do you know why the Fracking Fanboy Club was started? Yes, obviously so as not to scare the herd. But also to pacify the herd. Why buy extra food, dear Deplorable? All is well. Oil will last two hundred years. Don't mind us as we set you up for genocide.
First, Rwanda didn't happen JUST because it is located in Africa, and Africa has to be Africa. It happened because of overpopulation. It WAS all about the food. You don't think it will happen here? Do you think the elite will wait for actual starvation before doing something? No, they strike before that, before we fight back. While they have the resources in place. I will bet you a jelly donut China gets food first, before Deplorables, so they send over military computer chips and other needed supplies. Sure, we have extra now, but we don't have extra for us AND China.
SOME extra for China, but what about when China needs MORE EXTRA? What if we are about to destroy Saudi production? Don't think so? Will that destroy us, or everyone else, more? We are about at the point where the dollar is going to be worthless. By destroying Saudi Arabia ( we can't do #2 Russia so we do #3 Saudi Arabia ), we cripple the world economy before ours is crippled. We withdraw from overseas, but no one else will have the capacity to take our place, hence not enjoying that advantage.
The inflation and lack of oil imports cripples the US economy, granted, but the elite are enclaved. DC to NYC ( up to, perhaps, Boston ) will still be in control and supplied. Just like the Soviet Union, they get rid of crippling dependent areas sucking out more than they give. It is a controlled shrinkage, where the peasants are left in poverty and the rich stay rich. Without Saudi oil, no conventional military is going to have the capacity to take our place controlling the globe, and our nuclear arsenal protects us. Which, because we are allowing that to entropy, needs to be shrunk anyway.
Without the imported oil, and without some oil areas here remaining in federal hands, food production plummets. Also, remember those areas abandoned? You won't get food shipped in. As a Deplorable, you have two choices. Virtual slave labor in the BlueBelly areas, or move to the newly independent lands ( which are in constant warfare for control ). And when I say Newly Independent, think New Mexico controlled by Hispanics, NOT some Libertarian wet dream utopia ). If you are lucky, my time table has unrealistic velocity. If unlucky, you are hosed.
If you want to see your future ( and, granted, I could very well be wrong on the timing, since I assume Sooner Rather Than Later ), it is The Democratic Republic Of Congo. Once the controlling country could no longer export free crap, they gave up, left, and let them rule themselves. It has been constant war ( and Ebola ) since. That is your future, a Deplorable Republic. Still want to skimp on the storage food and ammunition? Still think Your Enough is really enough? And, if you don't think you can hide well enough alone, you'll need to supply food to others. Continued tomorrow.
( .Y. )
( today's related Amazon link click HERE )
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*** Unless you are in extreme poverty, spend a buck a month here, by the above donation methods ( I get 4% of the Amazon sale, so you need to buy $25 worth for me to get my $1 ) or mail me some cash/check/money order or buy a book ( web site for free books, Amazon to pay just as a donation vehicle ).
*** My e-mail is: My address is: James M Dakin, 181 W Bullion Rd #12, Elko NV 89801-4184 ***E-Mail me if you want your name added to the weekly e-newsletter subscriber list.
*** Pay your author-no one works for free. I’m nice enough to publish for barely above Mere Book Money, so do your part.*** junk land under a grand *  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio* my web site is *** Wal-Mart wheat***Amazon Author Page
* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there

guest article, article 2 of 2 today

article 2 of 2 today

Post apocalypse motorized bicycle project

As the title implies, I was looking for a simple alternative to hard times transportation. At my age (55) I do expect to see a mad max style collapse. I do however expect to see hard times. The idea was something that was very simple and easy to work on, sipped petrol, and if necessary, could be replaced very cheaply. Worst case scenario, it reverts back to a pedal bike. Well, it doesn’t get any cheaper than this option, and in the description of one poster, these motors are about as complicated as a propane barbecue. I’m also the minion that had been wanting to get a motorcycle forever. Motorcycles to me are the perfect low income alternative to transportation, but I could never get myself to commit to the concept however, and the reason of course might be obvious: The frigging things are dangerous! Still, the desire would not go away. After much research, I decided that a compromise was in order, and I decided to motorize my existing 29” bicycle. This was appealing for a few reasons, and cost was one of them. In my state there is a one time mail in $22 fee, and you will receive a permanent moped plate. There is no insurance required, but in my state, you do need a motorcycle license. However in many states you do not. It was a good low cost entry into the world of motorcycles, and due to the lower than average speed of these bikes, much safer in my opinion (You don’t often hear of bicyclists being injured or killed, but you cannot say the same about motorcyclists).

I purchased a 66cc (The Chinese market them as 80cc) 2 stroke frame mount motor kit for $100 off of ebay. These kits mount in the space below the top bar, and forward of the seat. There is an additional sprocket in the kit that mounts through the spokes and on the side opposite of the gear that the bike’s pedals use, and that has its own chain. Regardless of how many gears the bike has, you only have one speed with the motor. I had already chose a single speed beach cruiser long before I decided to motorize a bicycle, because to me, the more simple something is, the better. You will need a men’s bike, and really, in all likelihood, a beach cruiser, as this style offers the most space in the area where the motor mounts. However, when all is said and done, you need anywhere from 9” to 11” to mount the motor. Yes, they are cheap Chinese motors, and high RPM’s are not their friend. But if you run them rich, do not over rev them, and do not overheat them, they will usually last long enough that you will get more than your $100 investment out of them. I did not know this until later, but you can buy higher quality kits with upgraded components, that last much longer. Here is one such kit:

I should mention that while I consider myself a capable enough person to do most anything that I put my mind to, mechanical aptitude is not my strong suit, and projects of this nature do not come naturally for me. As a result, I enlisted the aid of my brash, alcoholic brother, who is a natural at such projects. Of course the help was appreciated, but as always, I paid the price for it in the loss of dignity and self respect. Bottom line: Try to avoid enlisting the help of alcoholic family members, whenever possible :D The project was not over the top difficult, but it also was not real easy, at least not to me.

Other considerations

Of important note is the bike that you pick. If you’re starting out new, without a bike, try to pick the motor kit that you want, and then decide on the most appropriate bike for the kit. Also, unless you’re Paul Bunyan, stay away from unconventional sized bikes, such as the 29” or larger bikes. The tires and tubes are expensive, and generally have to be custom ordered. Also of note is that practically all of these motor kits are designed for the standard 26” bikes. If you have a little more in your budget to spend than did I, the easiest option would be an electric wheel hub, which is as easy as simply switching out either your front or rear wheel (The front being the easiest) with an electrified replacement. Very easy to install, but it is roughly anywhere from 2 to 10 times the cost, depending on the performance option that you choose.


I got pretty lucky, and ran into few problems. However my clutch would not release, so I could not go into freewheel mode. It turned out to be a simple adjustment, and the video below explains the problem in more depth, and was able to help me out. With these poor Q/C motors, you can expect to run into little problems such as this one.

There are often no instructions with these kits, but fortunately, there are plenty of videos on them. And yes, I did get it mounted and running, and it’s currently in the breaking in stage. Initially, I couldn’t see a spark when I held the spark plug to the engine case, and turned over the wheel, and thought for sure that I had a bad electrical component. But sure enough it fired right up, and for a 2 stroke, it’s surprisingly quiet. Another issue is that it spits a good deal of the oil/gas mixture out of the exhaust. The following morning when I got up, there was a puddle of oil/gas on the ground (And yes, I shut the fuel petcock off, and ran it until the motor died, but it still had enough left over fuel in the crankcase to leak). You will want to place a small bucket under the exhaust pipe when you park it. And don’t park it or drive it on your yuppie father in law’s custom, exposed aggregate driveway (Not a problem for me, but I know that it is for some of you :D )

What I’d do differently.

Well, no matter how much research you do, it seems that you always discover an easier option after the fact. What would I have done, knowing what I know now? I probably would have got a friction drive rear engine mount. Yes, they cost about twice as much (Still much cheaper than electric on average though) but they are super simple, and contain only a handful of the parts that the frame mount that I chose had, and I probably could have installed it easily by myself in about an hours time. They may not be the best for hill climbing, but you can always pedal assist to help get up hills. They are also said to wear out tires a little quicker, but I can also live with that, and the 26” tires are common, and are not expensive to begin with.

All in all, I’m pleased with the end result, but if I ever do it again, I’ll likely go with the friction drive mount on a standard 26” bike. On a difficulty level of 1 through 5, I’d rate the frame mount that I chose a 4, and the friction mount a 1 or 2. Way, way, easier, and if you’re anything like me, save yourself the grief and look into this option first.

The bike (Yes, I forgot to re-install the rear fender). I do not recommend the unconventional sized bikes, but I will say this: It’s a great looking bike, and reminds me a lot of the early motorcycles, when bicycles were first being motorized, and were a moped hybrid of sorts, which still included the pedals.

A close up of the motor

A close up of the rear motor gear assembly. The gear for the bike’s pedals is on the opposite side.

Monday, July 29, 2019

meat is for closers

I know some of you prefer a hermitage. Looking around at humanity, this is a very logical stance. Your average 'Murican is a lard assed moron. They have no concept of proportion or moderation. Sure, McDonald's is tasty ( no, its not. But they are the number one fast food joint, so I'm assuming the average Schmo who cannot cook or prepare raw food thinks it is the cat's meow ), and at the end of the day you want to turn on the TV for escapism, but you don't make those day long activities.
I get it. You work at a dead end job with zero security. You are married to a cow that will file for a divorce the day you get a pink slip, and she had enough spawn ( that see you as a wallet only, since mom spoils them ) that you are as trapped in that relationship as you are that job. To keep the job to bribe the wife you must fish for undigested corn out of your bosses colon half the work day, every day. You could give a crap that you eat McDonald's every day, even as it brings you closer to the sweet release of death.
( I used to defend Micky Dee's against the Fake Food Protesters, since even with unhealthy food they were still a rare treat, an indulgence. You know, everything in moderation. A little of their food won't kill you or even shave off a few months of your life. Then, the crap bags made ALL the food taste really bad, even their once world famous french fries, even their chicken nuggets. And that was AFTER they raised the prices through the roof. They had no excuse except they had a personal vendetta against me. Bastards )
Why do you think the overwhelming majority of Americans are overindulging in really unhealthy lifestyles? They know, even only subconsciously, that their lives are poisoned piles of crap. They know every year is just getting worse ( again, not a conscious awareness-if it was they would handle it better ) and that they cannot escape reality. So, they simply deny that reality. They party likes it's 1999. Oh, no, they can't REALLY party, with cocaine and hookers. That is now reserved for just our elite masters. It used to be, a nice rack got you into the party.
Now, you need a nice rack and an invitation, and they ain't giving out invitations to just anyone-so bitches don't even try keeping themselves Party Presentable. Sure, they try for Beer Party or even Crack Party Presentable, but no longer Cocaine Party Presentable. Since guys can't work anymore for the nice chicks, and most chicks don't use their looks but rather their ovaries to entrap the males, you are left with a very large percentage of the population that just hates each other and their kids, and tries to escape that 24/7.
You think I'm joking? Males need to strive for the best looking breeders, and they cannot do that if they are unemployable or if employed working for a female. Females need to be able to compete with each other for the top male, and they can't do that once they've eliminated all male dominance ( plus, the suitable pool of elites has shrunk too much, so as to eliminate for all practical purposes any chance of winning the Sex Lottery ). Yes, Spanky, it always comes down to eating primarily, but sex a very close second. We've ruined that culturally and economically.
THAT is why the idiots push and shove to get into line at McDonald's rather than pack their own lunch which is one tenth the price and ten times healthier. They are using fake food as a mild drug. The same with social media and sitting on the couch all afternoon and evening, shoving in junk food. That is why dinner is prepared foods, with everyone in front of their own electronic teat. That is why there is a opioid “epidemic” ( supply courtesy of our Afghan occupation ) They want to stay drugged up on their Soma. Any soma will do. Even practicing being stupid is a way to stay oblivious and happy.
People are too afraid and weak to change their lives. Hell, I didn't nut up until my early thirties. But I'm also a slow learner ( being introverted and insulated ). So what excuse do these people decades older than that have? They don't. They were born morons, as we all were. They stayed morons like most of us do with teenager hormones blocking out our brains. Then they willingly swallowed the politically correct dildo to get and keep a “good” job. And to be PC, you must remain retarded.
Could that account for the popularity of PC? It allows you to stay a child your whole life, avoiding reality as someone does all your thinking for you. Another dose of Soma! So, looking into this stagnant fetid swamp of a gene pool, who can blame one for wanting to distance themselves? Hermitage looks like a really nice strategy. Of course, even if completely understandable, that choice is also to some extent an avoidance strategy. It is a GOOD avoidance, I grant you. But it is still taking the easy way out. It is a dead end.
Remember our two main motivators? Sex and food. Food and sex. We are still animals. Poop flinging chimps, with wristwatches ( reality check. If you own a cell phone instead of a watch, you are wrong. You are connected to the Borg. They control you. Get rid of that whore. Or at least never disconnect it from your computer as your off grid Internet connection. On the Internet? Sure, it blows. It also allows you to avoid a lot of people, and feeds me-so there is that ). You can ignore biology, but it doesn't return the favor.
Yes, I'm aware some people can turn off their sex drive. Good on them. I actually envy them. But far more of us than not will go bat crap crazy without at least some social interaction. So perhaps I should change the primary motivators to “sex, food and tribe”, although, tribe is kind of implied since you need one for sex or to secure/grow food. Usually. For those successfully choosing hermitage, I applaud. But that isn't many of you. At all. Will that be the deviant DNA that allows the species to survive?
There is where I'm having my doubts. We are already hard wired for tribe. It worked for hundreds of thousands of years. You can ignore that programming physically, bypassing the need by stockpiling Oil Age logistics, but I have my doubts you can ignore it mentally. If hermitage is the trait that allows the species to survive the die-off, how can it then be the one that ensures the continuation of the species? You can't emerge from a cocoon and suddenly find people to form a tribe. There is no trust. That is the only thing that allows for a tribe.
Again, I'm NOT saying hermitage is unappealing. It is a natural tendency to desire leaving the scum to their deserved fates. Hell, even the people you like, potential fellow preppers, are now entering their dotage and even if blessed with the correct attitude, they have one foot in the grave and one on a banana peel. Is there even a good alternative to hermitage? Well, I wouldn't say “good”.  We are picking from Less Worse choices here. Continued tomorrow.
( .Y. )
( today's related Amazon link click HERE )
note: JT, you stud!  Thanks much for the generous PayPal donation.
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*** Unless you are in extreme poverty, spend a buck a month here, by the above donation methods ( I get 4% of the Amazon sale, so you need to buy $25 worth for me to get my $1 ) or mail me some cash/check/money order or buy a book ( web site for free books, Amazon to pay just as a donation vehicle ).
*** My e-mail is: My address is: James M Dakin, 181 W Bullion Rd #12, Elko NV 89801-4184 ***E-Mail me if you want your name added to the weekly e-newsletter subscriber list.
*** Pay your author-no one works for free. I’m nice enough to publish for barely above Mere Book Money, so do your part.*** junk land under a grand *  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio* my web site is *** Wal-Mart wheat***Amazon Author Page
* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there

Sunday, July 28, 2019

food for thought 2

I know most of you hate me, wiping the crack of my buttocks with your delusions, wishful thinking and half baked plans ( I have plenty of half baked plans. The difference is I don't think they will really work, while you think yours are a good idea ). I'm sorry for that, but I don't think you are hurting anyone but yourself by neglecting my e-mail newsletter as a result of your resentment. Who doesn't have e-mail? Even if you are part of the ZuckerHumper Borg on Facebook, surely you don't communicate with companies over your bills through Social Media?
If more than 3% of you got my e-mail newsletter ( see instructions at the end of each article in my contact info ), you could continue to follow my brilliance if I ever got censored, AND as a bonus get the odd extra article ( I'm not as prolific as I was, adding length to blog articles rather than creating more newsletter articles ). Like the one where I covered a scary real life example of the hideousness that is JIT inventory. Despite your hate, I'll relent and fill you in. See, that is how desperate I am for your love and approval.
A town of 18k, in a county of 45k ( newsletter subscribers, my first numbers might have been slightly off. These here should be more accurate ), has in half its groceries stores, a whole 25 pounds of lentils. Barely over two pounds per thousand people. When I went two weeks later it was worse-15 pounds, half the towns grocery stores. Is it so hard to conceptualize that if ONE person in town decided to stock up on that one bean, the supply is effectively wiped out?
And I stopped at half the stores not because I wanted to avoid the other two which have much higher prices, but because I ran out of free storage containers. If even I of limited income don't care about the cost but want to stockpile, what chance is there of any supply if anyone else wants to panic buy? I don't even NEED them, I just want them because I plan of grinding them for gruel and pintos are too hard. What if the Latino population ran out of pinto's in their mad panic? If EACH bean was at JIT inventory levels, no amount of shelf stock stands a chance.
Only one person per thousand is allowed to stockpile before the crowd panics. And that one person is only allowed one or two pounds. And that is only if that one person isn't panicking but only is slightly, slowly increasing his stocks. This is how brutal JIT is. It was NEVER close to this bad when I has shopping for Y2K. Not even close. I had two shopping carts and I couldn't wipe out the shelves even as I was trying to pile them as high as possible. And when I came back the next night ( after dark, AFTER anyone else who wanted to was most likely to shop ), I did the same thing again.
What a difference twenty years makes. Wal-Mart, THE mass quantities store, has crap for inventory. So every other chain has even less ( about half as much at Kroger, on obscure items like lentils. One tenth as much on expensive items like butter ). If food inventories were much more back when Wal-Mart perfected its “Rolling Warehouse” model ( no time to sit in warehouses, immediate shipping nightly ), and so much less now when trucks don't drop off as often, what does that mean?
To me, it means, simply, that there is less food to be had. Yes, Wally is desperate and cannot keep as much inventory on hand, nor can it afford daily but rather weekly deliveries ( I surmise, from observation-I know I could be wrong on this ). But if everyone has the same lower levels on inventory, and everyone is practicing JIT, less food is out there ( actually, it isn't less food but increased population, so there is no surplus as there was ). That means that we cannot have a few extra fractions of a percent of the population recreate the buying frenzy of twenty years ago. This has nothing to do with the midwest flooding, and everything to do with the flooding from the southern border ( and their propensity to breed once here ).
It also isn't just because I used an obscure food item that I'm painting a gloomy picture ( cherry picking as it were ). THE epitome of food storage food, wheat kernels, are just as scarce. The most the feed store ever had on hand was about sixteen sacks. One sack per thousand people in town. At best. Usually it is half that. And that is for chicken feed. I doubt many preppers ( the town has LDS'ers, who I am sure cannot lower themselves to livestock feed for the collapse ) are after that supply besides myself.
But most folks will shop at Wally for food stores. So, to another example. Wally is below inventory even from 2009. In all items, but especially in food-rolling shortages are normal, and they were not back when oil was $150 a barrel and the economy just saw mass unemployment spike. Yes, that means the economy is worse. Wal-Mart is a canary in the coal mine. But Wal-Mart also sells the most groceries. 25%, to Krogers 10% ( Publix is 3%, for you good old boys down South ). 35% of all grocery stores have a proven marked reduction in inventory, and you know the others are just as bad.
And, need I add, grocery stores are doing better than restaurants. Some of the biggest fast food places are hurting, and I submit to you the primary cause is a shift away from eating out. It has to be. Shrinking disposable income demands cutting the number of meals you eat out. So grocery stores de facto gain extra business yet at the same time are in huge financial trouble. They have little choice but to cut quality in their higher profit areas ( deli, bakery ), cut staff and reduce inventory which is not immediately problematic.
You need to eat. You are getting poorer and don't cherry pick shop around as much as you'd like ( unless you are magic like me and live in a small town and transport by bike-eat me, bitches! ), so you substitute buy. Empty shelves don't really cost you lost business ( your competitors are just as bad if not worse, a race to the bottom ). Staff is usually useless so in the cheaper stores lack of service is almost expected. Everyone is incentivized to cut inventory ( except the Yuppie Scum hoity toitie stores, saving money by drastically cutting quality and reducing shelf space to afford to keep those shelves full for “customer satisfaction” ).
You must panic buy now, because lack of inventory means it will be a longer more drawn out endeavor. At the very first sign of others joining you, the game is up. The US population is only up 25% from Y2K. The food inventory is down far more than that. I would wild ass guess at least half. There is far less wiggle room for food prepping. Do not delay.
( .Y. )
( today's related Amazon link click HERE )
note: bless you, WC, for the PayPal donation!
Please support Bison by buying through the Amazon links here ( or from or ). Or PayPal 

*** Unless you are in extreme poverty, spend a buck a month here, by the above donation methods ( I get 4% of the Amazon sale, so you need to buy $25 worth for me to get my $1 ) or mail me some cash/check/money order or buy a book ( web site for free books, Amazon to pay just as a donation vehicle ).
*** My e-mail is: My address is: James M Dakin, 181 W Bullion Rd #12, Elko NV 89801-4184 ***E-Mail me if you want your name added to the weekly e-newsletter subscriber list.
*** Pay your author-no one works for free. I’m nice enough to publish for barely above Mere Book Money, so do your part.*** junk land under a grand *  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio* my web site is *** Wal-Mart wheat***Amazon Author Page
* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there

Saturday, July 27, 2019

food for thought

I've done my best already to calm down any Nervous Nellie's who automatically assume flooding in the midwest means instant famine, death and 'Murica NOT being great again. I don't claim there won't be price and supply issues-I'm just saying that it won't be apocalyptic. Yet. This time. You do remember when ethanol became a huge thing, right? Everything with fake sugar in it seemed to double in price, then everything else doubled in price because X product farmland was turned into corn cropland so as to cash in on the bonanza. Hey, I don't blame the farmers-they get paid zero to negative most years.
One result of that, because it takes years for a change to become the New Normal, was that the sugar from Hawaii and Florida suddenly wasn't an expensive luxury anymore. Hell, for the last six months Wal-Mart was selling cane sugar for 33% under everyone else. It was a lose leader ( well, I think so anyway, not being on the Wally board of directors ), but it just shows how much corn syrup had to increase that real sugar seemed reasonable again. But we don't see any more seasonal sugar sales anymore, so I wonder if beet crop land is growing something else.
Now I'm hearing of canned vegetable shortages, specifically peas. The theory is that peas are being used in Fake Meat as protein. Perhaps there is a backlash against Poison Soy. Yeah, if I want Bitch Tits, I'll take real steroids and at least bulk up as I ruin my internal organs. Someone discovered peas as fake meat will make them money, and bought up enough of the little green turds to jack the price up. Until this unexpected demand produces more supply, canned peas are out.
What happens if canned peas ( I don't know about frozen-this is just based on a snippet I heard ) suddenly double in price? Most people buy another kind of veggie, although I understand that to get to the level of legal child abuse peas represent, you'll have to use broccoli, cauliflower, okra or diesel fumed ditch weeds by the highway. Still, cash strapped households will save money on food before they drop their $1k a month family medical ( with $5k deductible ), because it makes perfect sense to get your kids sick on budget food, then take them to an expensive doctor, and hence pea substitution.
Usually, instead of raising the price and turning people to buy generics, usually companies just embrace shortages. That way, if a customer buys generic and discovers how wretched the taste is ( one imagines a brand name company owns the generic, purposely putting subpar ingredients in, such as-true story-wheat flour rather than semolina in pasta, and creating future demand for the brand name ), they eagerly await the eventual return at higher prices of the real item. The shortage creates even further value, since the Jones' want brand name and that must have created the shortage.
The pea shortages simply represent shifting demand, not food issues in general. Then there is mention of increasing jobber food prices ( the guys selling to restaurants-the big grocery chains surpass them ), but this is just a reflection of the long standing death of smaller businesses at the hands of giant corporations. This is not indicative of ( catastrophic ) food shortages, but the giants passing any increases over to mom and pops since the big chains have cost frozen contracts. And, we already talked about grain importation as part of the global food chain.
HOWEVER. Although. Except! Here is a caveat. Your competitor for food is not Mother Nature, it is other customers. What I mean by that is shortages and price increases will of course be felt, to some degree, but if there is any hoarding of food by individuals, all bets are off. Then there will be huge price increases and long periods of shortages. Remember the 1970's Johnny Carson joke about toilet paper which caused a real shortage? Better yet, remember the five year long rimfire ammo fiasco? It is hoarding, not production shortages, that are the main problem.
In a Just In Time Inventory world ( those little slant eye bastards made rice popular, also. And you know how I feel about rice! Kidding, mostly. They also are the last bastion of quality consumer goods, making even the Krauts look like feral fraudsters-and yes, I know an American started JIT ), the smallest disruption, such as a new niche company needing peas to make Vegan Burgers, and the system stalls, farts and sputters and sends out false signals to all the Paranoid Pete's. The reason rimfires are cheap right now is because there is only a fraction of demand compared to pre-Obammy.
( I still say Chinese copper demand did more to create that fiasco than the no-gun-control President did [ of course, while he didn't give Deplorables an excuse to fight, he was busy implementing far more dangerous protocols such as Even More Open Borders, Black Get Out Of Jail Free Cards for killing Whitey, and the ever popular Quadruple Health Care Costs To Genocide working Deplorables. You think White Genocide is hyperbole on my part. Fine, everyone is entitled to delusion ]. But the price wouldn't have lowered even with zero demand without less demand from overseas ).
Now, having given that example, don't think it applies to food. Someone can always delude themselves about ammunition, and in fact most of you do. “Well, I have twenty guns, which isn't enough, but by gum I think five hundred rounds each is way more than enough.” Or, “Well, I only plan on firing my semi-auto in a controlled manner, even under stress”. You all know my views. But ammunition isn't food. You can cut back on plinking by 95% and still remain proficient. You can go from semi to bolt action to need less ammo. But one thing most of you won't do is go on the Karen Carpenter Diet.
And while non-preppers will, mostly, not stack cases of ammo in panic ( at most, pre-collapse amounts of hunting ammo- say, an extra box or two of shells ), EVERYBODY, prepper or not, will panic buy food. The fear of food shortage is primal. It is the only thing normal people will panic buy. Not your precious AR-15. Now, I don't discount completely panic buys of other supplies ( yeah, that rhymed! ). When the Oppressed Minority Youth rioted in L.A. there was a panic rush of the Perpetual Clueless to arm themselves.
But that was a state already with disagreeable gun control. Normal people, in normal Deplorable Friendly areas, will focus just on food. After all, a box of shotshells and a scattergun is all they will ever need, crime being their only conception of violence. But everyone knows how bare the shelves get in a winter storm. Everyone knows some small level of hunger pains at the end of the month ( or when unemployed ), and know they must eat three times a day ( well, whatever is “regular” for them ).
Continued tomorrow.
( .Y. )
( today's related Amazon link click HERE )
note: we talked about the actor Rutger Hauer kicking the bucket.  If you want to watch fifteen films of his, including "Hobo With A Shotgun", go check out the channel Tubi.  Just put his name in the search.  They also have one I simply must check out ( but NOT with Rutger in it ), "Nude Nuns With Big Guns", because honestly, how can you not try that one just from the title? ( update:I thought it was a bit boring )
note: Finally, the next Bison Book Batch is out, BBBno16.  For all those generous donors ( or those too poor to qualify ), it is free on my web page HERE ( middle column, scroll down ).  For those that want to make it a donation vehicle, it is on Amazon HERE.  Survival hermitage ( 51 pagers ) and Battle Rifle Book ( 60 pages ).
note: free for today book.  It might just be supernatural, but it says post-apoc, so perhaps give it a shot HERE 
Please support Bison by buying through the Amazon links here ( or from or ). Or PayPal 

*** Unless you are in extreme poverty, spend a buck a month here, by the above donation methods ( I get 4% of the Amazon sale, so you need to buy $25 worth for me to get my $1 ) or mail me some cash/check/money order or buy a book ( web site for free books, Amazon to pay just as a donation vehicle ).
*** My e-mail is: My address is: James M Dakin, 181 W Bullion Rd #12, Elko NV 89801-4184 ***E-Mail me if you want your name added to the weekly e-newsletter subscriber list.
*** Pay your author-no one works for free. I’m nice enough to publish for barely above Mere Book Money, so do your part.*** junk land under a grand *  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio* my web site is *** Wal-Mart wheat***Amazon Author Page
* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there

Friday, July 26, 2019

first world wealth 4

Far too many of us think of our preps as investments. As if we are going to realize a return on it. Preps are only consumption. The assets you have saved up, like food and ammo? Consumed. The money you've saved for unemployment? Inflated into nothing or used up while no more is coming in-consumed. Any business investment? Whittled away to nothing as more and more customers have no money, at the same time the Warlords pencil pushers tax it all away. Silver? Gone to survive the property tax inflation.
( The only defense against that is to live in your dwelling until the taxman takes it, then pack up the U-Haul and find a rural squat. You'll probably keep it if you can fight for it. Not every jurisdiction can drone or SWAT your ass, especially if they don't know exactly who is ambushing them. I cover this subject in another article ) Even junk land is temporary, as most likely unless it is really out of the way, waves of immigration will overrun you ( I'm talking Easterners into Europe displacing all residents immigration, not the relatively tame Replacement Workers we have now ).
Now, as I said, all forms of preserving your savings are necessary, needed and advisable. You just need to understand that they are all consumable. Temporary. They are currency you must pay getting to the other side of the die-off. You need cash for unemployment and relocation. You need the junk land to locate to ( again, just like silver, cheap now and gone soon. So either invest or forever hold your peace ). You need all that buried food and ammunition to live. The silver might be the only thing you can use in the final phases of government collapse.
The business you create is only going to be good enough, at the very best, to get some income in after unemployment. For a short period. We aren't talking about a slow collapse here, remember? Things will keep getting worse until a tripping point ( when you actually start going over the waterfall ), after which everything fails close enough to all at once. And skills? Skills themselves will have no meaning of value beyond survival. Everyone is going to have to learn the same skills and having them at the beginning is NOT currency.
Remember that you need to clearly identify skills. Are those skills keeping the Oil Age paradigm alive, or are those skills keeping you alive post oil and post salvage? Oil Age skills are only good for trying to keep a dying system alive, such as car mechanic, communications expert, pill popper doctors, and combat expert. All the so called skills called for are usually just a lame attempt to keep the luxury and sloth alive. People that hate walking want cars. People relying on electronic communications don't want to leave the compound to face danger.
Folks who insist on relying on modern medicine don't want to exercise, eat properly or go through the pain of naturally building up disease immunity. Folks who don't want to spend every day patrolling and living in the woods to become proficient guerrillas want to replace all that with volume of fire. Do you see where I'm going with this? You grew up embracing shortcuts and want to keep them. That is NOT the kind of skills Darwin is going to pay for. I'm not saying the skills aren't nice to have, I'm saying very shortly it won't pay to rely on them.
The kinds of skills you need, old timey crap like farming and mounted patrols and horse breeding and all things solar economy geared, none of these are skills that are difficult. They just need practice. Your first time making your own yarn, the thing will look like a lumpy abortion. Your first animal you butcher is going to probably waste a lot of meat from your ineptitude. Just like the first appliance you took apart, putting it back saw “extra” parts and other parts lost. You'll gain the skills, not to worry. All those prepping items you stockpiled will see you through the learning curve ( mostly. OJT for combat won't be as forgiving ).
The one thing I would suggest that would be a true investment would be tools. The tools needed to make everyday items, and duplicate tools stashed in case of theft or fire. Again, this is for Old Timey skills. The specialty tools that China can churn out dirt cheap right now that will be a huge pain in the ass post Industrialization. Buying saw blades in bulk right now, and fabricating them yourself out of metal scrap later are worlds apart. The dollar store has saw blades for a buck, for goodness sake. How hard would it be to buy dozens under that price, bulk purchasing?
Not to say those saws are desirable-it was merely illustrative. With enough practice, anyone can be a competent carpenter. Learning that skill now isn't that important. But investing in the carpentry tools? It is going to be rare that anyone does that. I know a lot of you are already all over tool investment. It makes no sense not to. But what about enough of those tools? Even here, one is none. How many wedges do you have for firewood? As if only you will ever need one, or it will last forever, or it won't be stolen.
If you want to actually preserve your wealth, after the wheat and ammo and cash savings and land and silver, I would say, tools. Lots of tools, and duplicated. Manual tools, and manual tools that save resources rather than consume them. For instance, a tool that shaves off leather to form cord, that saves you from having to stockpile or make fabric thread. It is the same principle of investing in resources that save resources, currently. Insulation, south facing windows and an Earth Tube shave off most it not all carbon fuel use.
While we have First World wages, invest in the items for an easier transition to Third World living. NOT investments in keeping your First World lifestyle.
( .Y. )
( today's related Amazon link click HERE )
note: an Alfred E Neuman moment.  Surely you all caught the news when Douche Bank ( Deutsche Bank out of Germany ) laid off a butt ton of employees, prompting calls of the new Lehman Moment?  They are thought to have a $96 TRILLION exposure on the derivatives market ( the total global amount is estimated to be 1.2 Quadrillion ).  And they are at this time losing a billion dollars a day as fund managers withdraw in panic.  Given how little cash is on hand to cover derivatives ( the worst of the '08 boys had fifty to seventy times exposure to assets ), one wonders how quick this is going south.  Just saying.
Please support Bison by buying through the Amazon links here ( or from or ). Or PayPal 

*** Unless you are in extreme poverty, spend a buck a month here, by the above donation methods ( I get 4% of the Amazon sale, so you need to buy $25 worth for me to get my $1 ) or mail me some cash/check/money order or buy a book ( web site for free books, Amazon to pay just as a donation vehicle ).
*** My e-mail is: My address is: James M Dakin, 181 W Bullion Rd #12, Elko NV 89801-4184 ***E-Mail me if you want your name added to the weekly e-newsletter subscriber list.
*** Pay your author-no one works for free. I’m nice enough to publish for barely above Mere Book Money, so do your part.*** junk land under a grand *  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio* my web site is *** Wal-Mart wheat***Amazon Author Page
* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there