Thursday, April 11, 2019

gun control to major tom 2

A big to-do is made of how foolish it would be for the Forces Of Soy to piss off plastic poodle shooters, since red states have all the resources and Blue States have all of the urban populations.  While true, this kind of ignores the entire history of agriculture.  You know the one?  Where CITY states control all the surrounding farmland.  It also assumes, incorrectly in my view, that the point of the kings is to win the war.  The point of the war is just to fight.  Winning?  That’s a bit old school.
Look at Afghanistan.  Eighteen years fighting and counting.  If we wanted to win, we could simply genocide our way there in typically blundering style.  Well, wouldn’t that just put a crimp in our style of intelligence services drug running?  Plus, fighting a war is expensive.  Winning one?  Where is the profit in that?  Ask any banker how much money they make during peace time.  Ask any government how harder it is to control the population during peace compared to war.  Welcome to 1984.  The only good thing about that boot on our face is the substandard material so it falls apart quickly.
So, when you ask, “why would they fight such a hopeless war against the Deplorables?”, or “why fight such an expensive war?”, you are asking the wrong questions.  Why aren’t you asking, “who benefits?”?  The bankers and the government love this arrangement.  They try to control the global oil and everyone makes gobs of hooker and blow money.  And it has worked for some time.  But all good things come to an end, and with the decline in resources must come a decline in living standards for the 99%.  It certainly won’t affect the one percent Beautiful People.
In the past, you kept importing low wage workers, automating everything you could, dividing and conquering and keeping the living standards plummeting while you forced debt higher. Well, those wheels kind of fell off the cart, didn’t they?  No matter where you turn, all solutions to getting poorer have been blocked.  When one wage no longer was enough to pay rent, both spouses worked.  But when you financially outlawed marriage, that no longer works.  When the cities became too dangerous from the OtherColors who the elite profited off of with drugs, the suburbs filled up.  Then they priced those out of existence.
When the only way to retire was to pay off the house, they raised property taxes beyond Social Security benefits.  When you try to deal with the increased stress at the workplace as it became too competitive to get any other work done, they priced medical care out of reach.  And etcetera.  How can you keep squeezing people for profit when the stone goes dry?  The next step is to dismantle the support infrastructure.  The actual roads and power lines and food shipments.  What perfect way to do that?  A rebellion, civil war, guerrilla war, genocide. 
This is where the armed citizenry in the red areas ( or, trapped behind enemy lines.  The chair is against the wall.  John has a long mustache click here ) offer the perfect excuse.  Oh, mercy, armed insurrection!  This is why we passed the Patriot Act, so we can waterboard and Disappear.  Rise up, citizens, we must protect democracy!  They wouldn’t actually offer up a very credible threat if they weren’t armed with those scary weapons of war.  Arm them now and use them for war profit.  And recall, our elite are some tight ass skinflints.
They don’t like to spend ANY money.  That is why they appear so greedy and out of control.  They begrudge any nickel used to make them a dollar.  They are so tight fisted that they would only buy the cheapest war surplus rifle for Lee Harvey Oswald to use as a prop gun.  Why waste money, right?  It wasn’t like that was the actual accurate unobstructed in view sniper rifle that was used ( come on!  This is Conspiracy Theory 101 ).  The whole Second Amendment was founded on them wanting a free army.  Standing armies be expensive, yo!  Have the citizens arm themselves!
What is better than a free labor conscripted army?  One that equipped itself.  Don’t take this to mean I believe we don’t have a NATURAL right to bear arms.  Of course we do.  That is what the Bill Of Rights is supposed to be about.  The Constitution, on the other hand, was a usurpation of individual states rights by the federal government.  One that wanted all the profits of such an arrangement without the costs.  The states primarily shouldered those, with state militias rather than a federal army being the primary cost.  I’m looking at this from an accountants view, mind you.
And that is what we have in store for us again.  You want and lust for a return of the militia, but consider how they were used.  Initially, they cleared out the Indians.  And the government then took over the new lands for their own benefit ( which was basically how Russia expanded through Siberia ) afterwards.  Individuals, in the long run, fought and died for the rich.  And we will either be fighting for that government again, for independence, or for the current power holders, as rebels.  Either way, the elite win again.
Think about it.  If the state is pulling away from the Union, we will be fighting that battle on the behalf of that state.  If it is the bankers or federal government behind this re-arming of the militia, we will fight for our freedom as the current elite hold on to their wealth through more war spending.  Either way, we are bleeding so the rich line their pockets.  The ONLY way we are fighting for freedom is if we help the state get independence, then after turn on that state and overthrow that government to stay free instead of replacing the old boss with the same new boss.
Look at what the freedom fighters in Cuba got for their troubles.  I won’t include the Vietnamese because communism was never the goal, but national unity.  They were just commies to get the aid of communist countries.  Most of the time, independence just gets you a fresh face collecting the taxes.  Which was exactly how the American Revolution turned out.  It wasn’t about freedom for poor thee but freedom to collect taxes for me.  I’ll bet those veterans who thought they were free to turn their corn into whiskey felt pretty silly.
How about those Irish guerrillas who thought they had been fighting for their independence from Britain?  Oops.  As it turned out, they were just fighting for an Irish tax collector rather than an English one.  Well, damn, what was the point of that?  Actually, it serves a very good point, in that your wealth at least stays in country rather than going overseas, but try selling that to the poor farmer that has to plow with one arm now.  He won’t buy “trickle down economics” any more gracefully than an unemployed factory worker did. 
Alas, the old guerrilla wars for independence aren’t going to be the same this next time.  Whereas before nations formed, the end of the Oil Age just means decentralization and local autonomy.  Just as a state too small fell to bigger prey, next the state too big will fragment.  These macro trends should be kept in the mind of the militia member/guerrilla fighter.  Continued and concluded tomorrow.
( .Y. )
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  1. Perhaps it’s just me, but I don’t see the likelihood of a civil war ever coming to fruition in this country. Yes, we have the guns and ammo, but the left has massive numbers, and are churning out good little lockstep commies with each annual graduation ceremony, primed and ready to vote. Also, since left and right are generally separated (Cities vs rural areas) you just have a few encounters as of current, where the right leaning suburban/urban types, occasionally come into contact with the antifa types. For there to be a serious battle on any level, would require the antifa types to head to the rural areas and stir the pot. At first thought, most would say that they would never try such a dangerous stunt, and that may very well be the case. But you just know that in the event that they did, the national guard would be sent in to protect these bastards from any real danger, much the way the pigs are told to stand down by leftwing mayors, when the antifas reign terror on a town.

    From a purely logistics point of view, there simply isn’t enough ammo to shoot all of these indoctrinated little bastards, nor would such a plan even be practical.

    Also, no longer trust the Irish after Karen Carpenter went on the Bobby Sands 66 day weight loss program :D

    1. Bobby had enough whiskey in his system to sustain himself that long. Alas, Karen only had Quaalude residue in hers. She thought she had more time :)

  2. Bison,
    Knocking it out of the park with this series!

    Prior to reading today's BisonPrepper, I read Rawles at SurvivalBlog. My response to his closing quote includes the phrase "Who benefits?". More and more, folks are questioning the 'way it always was'.

    1. Better late than never, if they are oldsters. For the young'uns, the way it will always be. I read Rawles is desperate for articles. I know he doesn't want any of mine. Can't stampede the horses before they buy FLIR blinders.

    2. Like me better. Bison is the first website I visit.

    3. I might be considered a last visit as I'm posted relatively late. Early risers and all that.

    4. Funny, but even though I started off at that site, I can’t even remember the last time I visited? By now, it must have been several years.

      If you think about it, it’s actually a pretty clever little set up that he’s got going on over there. Slap a bunch of ads all over the damn place, and let others write your blog for you, while you only occasionally insert the sage survivalist comment here and there. Send a little virtue signaling in the direction of some of the lefts sacred cows, to illustrate to the world what an “ist” and “phobe” you’re not, and pull in some of the permies and mother earth news crowd, and that my friends is how you set up a profitable survivalist blog :D

    5. It IS a clever set up. I even appreciated Creekmore copying it so as to give some healthy competition. Alas, neither really went anywhere. I know I'm showing bias here because I was a newbie in the late 70's. Perhaps if I stumbled onto the concept now I would be more grateful for the sites. Perhaps I need to be more heedful of the "imprinting chick" effect.

  3. Anticipation is all some have to look forward to. :)

    1. As in, taking some of the bastards with you? I can get jiggy with dat.
