Sunday, June 30, 2019

don't give peace a chance 2

Yesterday I covered how the Federal Reserve Bank lashed out and eliminated JFK when he threatened them, then had its paid for politicians completely eradicate the culture into a divide and conquer so that the popular vote never again elected a President the bankers weren't sure of. Which doesn't make a huge amount of sense, since JFK was from a political dynasty AND was able to be blackmailed. You would think JFK would have been easily controlled. The only thing I can come up with is that by dividing the country one person couldn't rally the popular support against the banks ( as Jackson had done ).
What we keep forgetting because the Banker Internationalists use local banks full of inept marshmallow men as fronts is just how evil bankers are. It is just like ex-wife #2, the Baby Momma. She had such a nice rack that you were distracted from her collusion with Lucifer. The bankers are glorified clerks, seemingly weak and non threatening physically. They don't wave around nuclear missiles. But every banker was named Damian as a child, gleefully pulling off the wings from flies and burying kittens up to their necks in front of the lawn mower.
I guar-an-damn-tee you. In this country, the portal to Hell itself is in New England, home of Puritans. Everyone makes such a big deal about how evil Muzzies are as a religion, having never met a New England Puritan. Why would people ever meet them? They live in New England, where rational folks never go. You don't think Stephen Kings location for all his horror novels was just accidental, do you? It wasn't because he happened to be born there. Evil springs from the ground there.
At first, folks just thought something was in the water, but, no. Hell Portal. Hello! Where were they burning witches? The devil had granted the Puritans Forever Wealth in exchange for their souls, but the joke was on the Devil because they had none. I think they burned White Witches ( White as in Good, not as in Caucasian ) just to appease Lucifer so he would stop pestering them for some souls. There was serious money to be made running rum and African slaves and they couldn't be bothered with his personal problems. Why do you think all these Southern carpetbagger politicians are born in New England?
Why do you think they are all buggering children and holding Satanic rituals? Just a repeat of the Witch Burning, modern version. Keep Lucifer away while they weave their tangled webs. Who were the first Industrialists? I submit to you that it wasn't because of the regions hydro power but because the behind the thrones power holders already there had the capital to invest ( from the slavery profits. Slave running LONG before the South supposedly went to war to keep their slaves. Who do you think (s)elected Lincoln? ).
The problem the South had was the lack of an industrial base, true, but the bigger problem was that the leadership there were REALLY out of touch. They wanted to fight a chivalrous battle, as gentlemen warriors. Shadows of the knights glorying for the grace of God. Did they realize they were up against Dark Forces of Puritans? No, not the Dark Forces Of Lucifer. That insults the devil. Puritans could make Beelzebub's minions blush with embarrassment, schooling them on real evil. You think I'm hyperbolic. I only embellish slightly to make my point. These humpers ARE from a Stephen King horror novel.
Remember, not all American colonists are from the same stock. Different corporate charters were granted by the king for different areas. We were NEVER a harmonious population even at the very start. I wonder from under what rock they got New England settlers, or if they were normal until they arrived and defeated the devil at his own game. Were there golden fiddles involved? Did the Bermuda Triangle actually touch New England? Well, little matter. The simple fact is that today's elite seem to hearken from this Evil Land. I don't even know if these bankers defeated the Rothschild's and hide behind the old name.
The Southerners, fancying themselves knights with Darky pages to assist them in their jousts trying to impress the fair maidens, thought their cause just, fought valiantly and considered themselves bested in combat and surrendered. Silly buggers! They never should have fought fair, as they were combating Pure D Evil, yo! How did they not receive the telegraph when Sherman marched to the sea? They already knew Lincoln was without honor, a Mammon worshiper. How many years did their civilians go hungry from deliberate Union starvation scorched earth policies ( PRIOR to Sherman )?
How many civilians were killed “in retaliation of terrorist attacks against our brave men in blue”? How many communists did the Union allow to immigrate to fill in their armies? Where did the anti-slavery funders/agitators come from? How could anyone in the Confederate government NOT know what evil scum and villainy they faced? And yet they continued to fight honorably ( yes, I understand there were atrocities on both sides. The difference was that the Union made them policy whereas in the Confederacy they were the result of independent actors ). Why didn't the Confederacy go Full Insurgency?
Do I think it would have been successful? Of course. There would have been no more civilian casualties this way, since there were already so many to begin with. Perhaps the Confederate leaders, owning slaves and belonging to the upper classes, could not conceive of delegating their “a-thor-i-tie”. But I do know for certain that when you are fighting evil, you do NOT play by their rules and you don't fight their strengths. Which is exactly what the South did. Just as the Deplorables are doing today. Just like the South, we focus too much on our moral superiority ( it didn't matter the South had slaves. What mattered was they were independent, sovereign states, not beholden to the Federal government ).
They knew they were in the right ( you do understand that slavery WAS legal Constitutionally? How could some states punish other states for following the Constitution? Oh, you mean like those states ignoring the fact that we have a 2nd Amendment? ). And for some reason they thought God was on the side of righteousness rather than the side with the bigger battalions. They wore rose colored glasses the whole time. AS ARE WE, NOW! It doesn't matter that we are right. It matters that they are evil. THEY. The evil puke bankers from the New England Puritans.
Their communist cadres, acting as brown shirts. Evil. Meaning, they don't fight fair. Ever. They use children as cannon fodder ( to divide and conquer, encourage women to use the children as weaponized financial assets ). Between making it nearly mandatory to take away fathers from the children for financial gain, and at birth abortion ( I don't care for any abortion, but I think it is evil once the brain or nerve endings are formed. No, fundamentalist pukes, I don't believe conception means squat ), children are either raped mentally are outright killed to further the communists agenda.
( To say nothing of the evil medical and food practices, or schooling ). And the communists keep gaining ground because we are doing little to nothing. Because we are fighting fair, such as through voting. They change the system by cheating ( judges voting communist to help their cadre buddies, as in legalizing illegal immigration voting ). We keep respecting the system. The system that betrayed us 150 years ago at the behest of the evil banker dudes. The hippies wanted us To Just Give Peace A Chance. All the while, genociding us.
That was the slow genocide. Abortions, geriatric opium therapy, getting Whitey to fight the imperial wars, food supply poison, financial destitution leading to drug addiction, suicide fast or slow. Subsidized OtherColor breeding. I hope you enjoyed that. Ready for the Fast Genocide, next?
( .Y. )
( today's related Amazon link click here )
note: MA, you wonderful bastard, thanks much for the generous snail mail donation.
note: a KU pick HERE.  S.M. Stirling at some of his best, first of three Terminator novels.  Warning-the first was so good I had to buy all three in paper.  
note: more Tubi PA movies.  The original "Assault On Precinct 13",  the original "The Crazies" and "The Divide".  
Please support Bison by buying through the Amazon links here ( or from or ). Or PayPal 

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* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there


  1. Holy Jesus Lord Bison! This piece of work looks like my down range target with the hits plastered spot on target, en masse.

    The take away mostly of importance for fellow Minionites is to no longer be gentlemanly, civil, and try to comport theirselves within a corrupt and infectedly evil system or society. "They" violated the order of things first, thus that rule book now used for ass wipes or tinder. I learned a bit of dirty fighting from the streets and a rough upbringing. That skill set got polished and honed with some U.ncle M.isgiuded C.hildren enlist ment. Not to toot a horn but there is a simmering kettle of many such types stewing as such right now, until that lid blows off in a very messy manner.

    As a depiction example of the old movie the "Sentinel" there will need to be many very dangerous bad assed elder types that porch sit always watching, everything, or are amongst society fully capable and are pre-green lighted, thumbs up granted, to just issue out justice or corrective action
    On the spot, violently and fully as necessary to maintain equilibrium order.
    The only way to go forward in the universe of things. Embrace it and prepare accordingly.

    Stay Frosty.

    1. Elder warriors are an oxymoron, yet as with so many such things, possible in the Oil Age. Let the tools of war substitute for youth and hormones. And then, since you have nothing to lose...

  2. What can we do now to fight back?

    1. You can't. That is the trouble with most of the Deplorable dialog today, thinking there is a solution. We lost the economic war, and the cultural war. Voting is no longer allowed. Dissent is no longer tolerated. Until the shooting war starts, you can only prep for it.

  3. Check that typo on the year Grant owned a slave. I don't mind "War Between The States", in that it was a fight of states rights over the federal gov. It might not be 100% correct, but captures the flavor. The best, of course, is "War Of Northern Aggression", but if you are unfortunate enough to be in the presence of Gott Damn Yankees, it is polite to use "States" instead. And no, Yankee Scum, I don't hold you personally responsible for where you were born. I still love you. As long as you aren't an apologist and propagandist, like Kunstler ( and I still love him, but only because he does so much good to atone ).

  4. WOW, I fell like I just got preached AT by a good Bible thumping southern preacher. GOOD STUFF

    1. Re-reading that, I guess I HAD built up quite a head of steam :)
