Tuesday, April 9, 2019

closet commies 2

I talked about excusable lies yesterday.  While it sucks to be treated with a condescending attitude by the government, like you were five years old and they knew best, the simple fact is that a group cannot be treated as you yourself hope to be.  For one, it is true-the collective intelligence of a mob is below that of the dumbest member.  For two, people most of the time act stupid even if they are intelligent.  Look at all the hysterical Me Too dogpiling to be politically correct and to “prove” Gore Warming by educated scientists.  Group Think is a thing.
Which right wing conservatives all too gladly also participate in.  We are tribal.  That is just how we “role” ( get it? Roll into our Roles.  Am I wasting my A material on you people again? ).  Group Consensus is a survival trait.  Your Overlords understand this.  Just as they understand greed and laziness.  The problem isn’t group hypnosis, it is whether that is a good or bad thing itself.  A stable and harmonious society?  Brainwashing is good.  A greedy elite throwing everyone else under the bus?  The lies are evil and bad.  It isn’t black and white, but grey.
So, while it was bad that our engineered fear of communism went from a power play and economic salvation to the problem of nuclear annihilation, it did serve a ( relatively ) good purpose.  Today’s fear of communists?  Not so much.  That is pure manipulation for control and profit.  Why did the 90’s suck so bad, culturally?  The “communists” here, the leftist college liberals and the proto-politically correct legions, they have been with us since the start of the collapse in the 60’s.  And the excesses of capitalism were there long before that.
What was different?  Well, the collapse of the Soviet Union presented us with a bit of a pickle, didn’t it?  You can’t just shut down the global police.  Just cutting back a bit almost nuked the California ( with its defense industry spending ) economy.  And you can’t admit that the communism scare was all a big fat lie.  Those folks that lost a son in Vietnam or a relative to nuclear testing fallout would certainly not take kindly to that.  The lie needed to be maintained at all cost.  So they started throwing crap at the wall to see what would stick.
Domestic terrorism was tried out with Waco, Ruby Ridge, the twin towers and with Oklahoma City.  Meh.  That didn’t get many folks worked up to a degree the military industrial complex was secured.  Somalia didn’t exactly go as planned, a repeat of Panama or Grenada.  Communist China could have been the new boogeyman, but no one cared ( China only has enough nukes for defensive purposes ).  Plus, they had all those shiny factories over there, so how hard did we really want to try anyway?  Domestic communists were the way to go, apparently.
Home grown commies deliver several benefits.  You don’t spend much funding them.  A bit of college loans does the trick nicely, and you can’t lose money on those!  The fear and loathing on Main Street America keeps the majority following the Imperial Party line.  The obvious alternative to communism is capitalism, and we were just getting globalism off the ground.  It easily hide behind the myth of free markets and property rights.  And it further divides the population, ignoring their true slave master the banks as they squabble amongst themselves ( race, gender, age and now Vietnam Era levels of political discord ).
We are just asking ourselves here, who benefits?  Who benefits from political correctness?  Those that benefit from a polarized disintegrating culture.  The same people that benefited from Social Security breaking up the three generation household ( three times the households, cheaper factory labor ), who benefited from women’s lib ( diluting the work force ), immigration ( the same, making labor cheaper ), these are the same people that benefited from political correctness.  Racial strife, victim status competition and the destruction of the nuclear family completely destroy any unity on any level of society that could pose a threat.
Plus, it was profitable.  Look at No Fault Divorce.  Passed by the bastards in California in 1969 ( or, passed in ’67, going into effect in 1969 ), the entire flock of bought and paid for Yankee Carpetbagger state governors had almost every state passing the same laws in the early to mid ‘70’s.  Divorce became rather common leading to a generation of Latchkey Kids in the ‘80’s.  By the ‘90’s, that first generation of females hatched by the whores in the ‘70’s were looking at divorce not on a psychological level but a financial one. 
Oh, look!  Twice as many single unit rentals for the bankers.  Twice as many car loans.  As a bonus, three times the number of immigrants as the first waves bred like rabbits.  The combination of women entering the work force and college, getting into law since they didn’t have to work too hard at that physically, turning into judges and politicians, and they were all rather nicely in position to turn their Sisters In The Liberation Fight into Lawyer Lottery winners!  You go, girls!  Way to cash in you kids for financial gain.  We knew you were whores and you just proved it.
And by the way, those divorce numbers going down?  That is only because you are finding less suckers to put a ring on gals fingers.  It has gotten so bad they had to move the goalpost yet again and penalize males whether they marry or not.  But that also has an up side for the bankers.  More fertile immigrants will replace those Whites unwilling to breed with Harpy Whores. The White Gals are the water carriers for the PC Brigades, as that is what has paid the bills these last few generations.  Too silly to realize she is the next target.
The commies are not taking over as the Progressives and Politically Correct have taken over and ruined every single institution in this country.  PC’ers and Progs are creations of the bankers, to benefit the bankers.  The commies are too stupid to pour piss out of a boot, and are not a real threat.  Only as far as the bankers want them to be.  And you are getting all Patriot Raging Wood, wanting to go fight the commies with your shiny new AR, before it gets taken away from you.  Which is exactly what the bankers want you to do. 
The federal government needs to remain militarily dominant to secure oil overseas.  It is not doing the greatest job ( remember, the PC’ers and Progs have destroyed ALL institutions ).  Pretty soon, the military will not be able to afford to police the globe ( as the PetroDollar is destroyed ) and will come back home.  Where it will need to fight the war against the White Deplorables.  What, you thought they would police the border?  That doesn’t use enough munitions to be profitable.  Better attacking Red States, to do that.  Will they lose?  Of course.
But in the meantime, on their way to losing, they make a tidy profit for the bankers ( war loans ).  Don’t believe for a minute the elite give up on wealth extraction until the very end.  Look at England, at the start of WWI and the end of WWII.  Quite a difference, isn’t it?  The Rothschild’s had already set up America to be the new empire.  They jumped ship from England, and used two wars to extract all the wealth that was left there.  Today they are little more than a version of the Bahama’s, a tax dodge for the wealthy.
There will be a civil war between red and blue states ( not exactly along state lines.  There will be enclaves and break-aways.  But good enough for a basic idea ).  NOT because “commie evil bastards want our body fluids”.  Because the commies and the conservatives are the chumps used by the bankers to pick up the last penny between the cobblestones.  To the commoner, the Little Guy, it makes very little difference who funded the bullet fired at you.  But in a macro sense, it does pay to keep in mind your true enemies. Who is behind the curtain. 
( .Y. )
( today's related Amazon link click here )
note: free for today books.  YA dystopian, click here.  
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  1. Sorry, progressives ARE commies, whether they think they are or not. They're working for communist goals and are achieving them.
    Peace out

    1. They may well be, but the point is that commies are used as a threat to misdirect, by non-commies. This is what unconventional war looks like. Multiple enemies and you are screwed whichever one you pick, by the other.

  2. Did you know your "Wal-Mart Wheat" link at the bottom of the article is out of stock?


    1. That happened a month or two ago. I guess that will be a new "thing".

  3. If they can't secure the borders then what are they spending $900bil a year on?

    If this isn't the most retarded gov't in human history than show me otherwise. And I want my money back! With interest!

    1. They spend that because The Spice Must Flow. Oil and drugs and dollars. The military is not there to protect us, it is there to protect the wealth of the elite.

    2. GS - the US government seems to have been captured. A wall, similar to the one Israel has, seems to be in order. No one cares how much it costs. Certainly less than an Aircraft carrier.

  4. Capitolism must always have some kind of limiting control. Otherwise it runs amuck and devours the working class.
    Socialism worked well for this control. That is until the Trickle down greedy bastards ,started screwing us...

    1. Trickle down did work. For a time. Until there wasn't a surplus to share.

    2. Yeah it trickled down and continues doing so...to the upper middle class IT folks. Problem is , it never made it down to the bottom 50%. Plus I believe the surge in the nineties was do to the theft of the SS trust funds.

    3. I'm inclined to think it actually did SOME good, at least at first. The 80's were still good employment opportunities in Mom & Pop businesses. Okay, my standards are lower than most, with minimum wage being acceptable. I guess if you lower the bar enough, it works :)
