Sunday, December 29, 2019

rural v urban 2

I tell you, flee, run, hide, junk land. You sigh, roll your eyes, and tell me, employment. You cannot actually live today without bowing down and kowtowing to the Elite Benevolent Banker Overlords. NOT using money is not an option. Even the bums need Food Stamps, or, if they are extra paranoid and won't leave a paper trail ( the Food Stamp bums are semi-functioning alcoholics, afraid to wander too far from their unicorn sauce, and hence play the official game ), they need guilty peoples money. Or, if in Dallas, they shoplift and the customers with jobs subsidize them.
Just as you risk your life because of jobs, the people on the banker food trough will risk YOUR life to keep the money trickling in. Judges, police officers, city councilmen, they will all screw you to keep their gravy train rolling. Not JUST because they are greedy ( or, their trophy bitches are, anyway ), but because they need to eat. Their needs trump yours. If there is money to be made by chemically castrating your son ( say, in that bastion of freedom Texas-keep lying to yourselves, Lone Star bitches ), start calling him Suzy.
Back when we lived by violence, even as it became institutionalized ( deputizing a posse, drafting men to fight for a colonial possession ), it was understood that other people wanted to kill you for their gain. We have a bit of an issue understanding that, today. We don't understand that as our empires shrinks, retirees in Peoria substituting for the failing PetroDollar, it is everyone on the bankers payroll against YOU. Do you Honest Injun think being close to neighbors will protect you?
If your neighbors hear screaming next door, sure, they will probably call the police. And the police will most likely meander on out. And your cooling corpse might see justice served if the invaders did something stupid to get them caught. But, here is the obvious elephant in the room. The police do not actually give a wet fart. Sure, they will care about paperwork, about clearing the case in time for promotion, but they don't care about YOU. Your neighbor does not care about you, not enough to get involved. And the DA most certainly does NOT care about you as you are just fresh meat sacrificed on the alter of political ambition.
Even if all the evidence shows you defended yourself against overwhelming threats, this is where the institutionalized bribery comes in. Do you have enough wealth to legally bribe the authorities into “allowing” you to defend yourself? You might say “better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6”, but this is bravado covering the injustice of today's system. You will more likely go to jail or be bankrupted, in these Blue jurisdictions ( because it isn't JUST about taking guns, but also prohibiting their use if you keep them ), than be allowed to go on with your life should you save it.
And here is the huge difference between the city and the country. In the country, you need some bullets and a shovel. In the city, you'll need lawyers and wealth, SHOULD you survive using those bullets. In the rural areas, you JUST need to survive the attack. In the city, you'll need to survive the attack of both the invaders and your so called defenders. Your Heroic Thin Blue Line first has to allow you to live ( city cops being a tad trigger happy, working in the war zone ), then the scumbag politicians and lawyers must be battled.
In the country, perhaps no one can hear you scream. In the city, no one gives a crap if you do when they hear it. What are they going to do? Go over to help you, or even testify in court if they witness anything? I don't think so. But a neighbor, if you have one, in the country? Hell, they WANT to fire off a few mag dumps. And they have their own shovel, too. Not that you even have a neighbor, probably, but a couple of protective dogs and a worn sidearm are a much better guarantee than indifferent city neighbors, cops that don't care, and a vicious attack lawyer working against you.
AND, very important, the difference translates into your ability and desire to defend yourself. If you are in the city, sure, you have a gun. But will a tiny voice in your head cause you to pause at a critical moment, because of your fear of the establishment protection monopoly? In the country, you'll be blasting away without hesitation, because Shovel. In the city, you'll hesitate, calculating your odds AFTER the shooting. That could make all the difference in the world. Look, home invasion is a thing, city or country.
Liberal prosecutors are a thing, no matter where you live. Those slimy lawyers have oozed into every location. That is what slime does, ooze. Just look at Virginia to see how much the will of the people matters anymore. In a city, if the prosecutor gets hold of you, you are double dog dingus dry humped, regardless of the state laws protecting you. Don't fool yourself at the degree of hatefulness and ignoring the law Blue forces do. The impeachment farce should have learned you that. If you are forced to defend yourself in the country, you are just as humped.
But you don't have to call the police and report the crime, in the country, do you? You have the option of Shoveling And Shutting Up. You can be your own jury, judge and executioner. At one time, everyone understood this. Now, our first instinct is to ask our benevolent overlords for permission to do anything. It has been ingrained in us our whole lives. If you live in the city, that feeling is reinforced all the time. If you live in the country, at least the barrage is not so constant.
You can take the time to stop and think, under no pressure. You don't have to play the rigged game, at least to some degree. And postscript, for the love of all that is good and holy, if you are a rural boy, and know all the other Good Ol Boys who just happen to be LEO's, do NOT trust them, no matter how your relationship is. If one is your brother in law, fine. But unless one is a Shovel Friend ( a good enough friend to help you bury a body ), you cannot trust them at the end of the day.
NO institutions are left in this country you can trust, including the Ninja Hero military or our Benevolent First Responder cops. If you aren't part of their tribe, you are humped. Hell, the enlisted troops and street cops cannot even trust their own officers. Even within our tribes, true trust is lacking. You, an outsider? Even a friendly one? No way. If you must trust, trust but verify as our boy Reagan said.
( .Y. )
( today's related Amazon link click HERE )
note: you simply MUST watch this movie.  "Plague" from 2015, on Tubi.  An Oz flick that is low budget, more drama/suspense than action, so it moves slow.  But it keeps getting better as it moves along, to a kick-ass finale.  There are a few zombie moments, perhaps two minutes out of the whole thing-it is about human nature/behavior, not zombies.  If you like my anthropological ramblings, you will like this movie.  VERY well done.  Bonus, old timey guns like the Martini-Henry ( I think ).
nore: J.L. from CA, received your snail mail Christmas gift.  Damn, dude!  Most thoughtful.  Many profuse thanks.
note: if you like your propaganda 'Murica-centric, stop reading. If you like to look at reality, even when it isn't blowing smoke up your ass, here is a swell tidbit.  If you look at GDP as economic metric, the US is #1 economically.  However, if you measure by PPP ( purchasing power parity ) rather than Gross Domestic Product, then we drop to #2.  Sad Panda :(  China, PPP, is $27 trillion, the US, $22 trillion.  
Please support Bison by buying through the Amazon links here ( or from or ). Or PayPal 

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* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there


  1. In John Mosby's book: 'The Guerrilla Gunfighter Volume Two' he writes:

    "If you're the lone good guy with a gun, and there are multiple hostiles, you probably ought to be defaulting to a break contact. Dump a couple rounds into one of them, and then run like a raped order to save yourself, so you can continue to protect and provide for your own family."

    Bison recommends this too. Run and evade. Hide.

    1. And when you get too old, try to avoid situations where you have to run at all :)

    2. I think u have to be realistic when ur old.
      Hide,but if they find u just blast away and take as many as u can.
      If your lucky enough to gettem all consider suicide, old men in prison dont fair well.

    3. Suicide by political activism. Just saying.

  2. Last paragraph, excellent parabale. I would venture out that premise of a long arms distance from "anyone" that might be a tied in with the systems. The wives clubs of those second responders and any ancilliary employees are apt to be dime droppers by instinct or dna associations. Postal employees, .gov clericals, utilities, educrats, etc. They are all juice jobs, so they are connected to some enforcers somewhere. Avoid all, say nothing, stay off the grid as possible. If not shovel chums with you, avoid like lepers.

  3. “If you are in the city, sure, you have a gun. But will a tiny voice in your head cause you to pause at a critical moment, because of your fear of the establishment protection monopoly? In the country, you'll be blasting away without hesitation, because Shovel.”

    I play this scenario in my head quite often. If you were out and about; say backpacking, and if someone were to pull something, I’d feel more confident about blowing them away, and fleeing the scene. But on junk land I’d worry a little more. You would dispose of the physical evidence of course, but it’s tough to completely erase all evidence. And there’s a possibility that they mentioned to one of their scumbag friends, what their plans were. The friend could always drop an anonymous tip on you, without implicating themselves.

    One preemptive strategy would be to hide everything out of site as much as possible, including all caches, and dwellings. Make it look as much as plain junk land as possible (That Great Hideouts Of The West book, had all kinds of great ideas like this). Set your recreational area up in the sage, so as to be invisible from the road. Another consideration is to have a decoy that they can rummage through. You could set up an old junk trailer, with nothing of any serious value in it. With a well hidden subterranean shelter and cache system in place, they should come to the conclusion real quick, that the pickens are slim, and move on. They could also try taking up residence, or setting up a meth lab in the trailer, but in that scenario, you let the cops handle it, since that’s their job.

    As satisfying as it might be, you would ideally never have to shoot someone. I say this from the standpoint of pragmatism, not benevolence. PA, is a different story, but I don’t plan on being alive PA.

    1. See my rely below. I thought my POV was obvious, but I guess I didn't spell out exactly that this was self-defense. I've wanted to ambush and waste thieving crackheads, but I know better. The smart thing is to let them get away with it.

    2. Sad but true Jim. You practically do not have the right to defend yourself anymore. Well, you do, but plan on going to court for a long time following any such incident, and hope that there is no way that the prosecution decides that you really didn’t have to shoot the perpetrator. Avoidance is the key. I hate to say this, since it sounds so weak, but a safe room, or a hidden chamber, or the like, is probably the best option. Obviously, this isn’t an option when out and about. But in this scenario, you also have a better chance of successfully fleeing the crime scene, unless you happen to be in an urban area. In which case, you’re on camera several times over.

    3. Probably better to be sued for a dog bite.
      At least u stay out of jail.

    4. Yeah, no way around sucking it up rather than righteous retribution.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Sorry, but your shoot-shovel-shut up advice for residents of ruralville is invalid. Tweakers or whoever plan with their friends in advance, where they're going to go hit. Don't think that only those on the raiding party know about the plan. Unless you have the extremely unlikely situation where you have a homeless loner with no friends, family, SOMEONE will know where his last destination was, and go looking around for him/them there, or call the cops to go investigate it. "Uh yeah, 911? My boyfriend and his homies went to go visit this crazy guy with a bunch of guns and wheat and stuff, you probably know the place? Well their phones are off, and they were due back six hours ago. They took our only ride so I can't go check on them, could you guys do a welfare check over there?"

    Real life here in ruralville. Rural dude kept getting ripped off by a certain tweaker who was a fellow nearby ruralville resident. Property owner was getting real sick of it. "Some people did something" and tweaker died during a property-theft raid at repeat-victims house. "Some people did some more things" and moved the body off site. Family called the cops reporting their dearly beloved was missing, and his last destination was repeat-victims house. Cops show up at repeat-victims house and find a crime scene. Repeat-victim is criminally charged and VICTIMIZED AGAIN.

    Don't EVER expect shoot-shovel-shut up to work, the likelihood of being successful is way too low. You have NO IDEA who might miss him or just feel like burning you because, "ya done wrong, boy."
    Romans 14:11

    1. Okay, I see your point. But my discussion was on home invaders, not burglars. This is no property theft, but violent attack. If anything, his homies attack, for revenge. Still off the plate of the law dawgs.

    2. If things get really spicy I suspect that the already-recognized threats like those tweakers will be dealt with proactively. I'm not encouraging this or saying it's right or wrong, I'm just sayin'...

  6. SSS only applies when it's truly WROL.

  7. Great series. I for the life of me cannot understand why anyone picks "urban" anymore. There are towns in flyover country where you can own a home for $15,000. Sure, it was built in 1910, and doesn't have all the amenities, but the chances of you getting murdered in it are slim since all of your neighbors have enough weapons to hold off a Soviet tank division and Meth-head Mike doesn't want to take a chance that you do, too. Especially since the DA would decline to prosecute anyone for defending his property.

    Oh, wait! You can get fresh mangoes. Nevermind.

    1. Come on, Wilder! Fresh mangoes, cultural diversity, vibrancy. Disadvantaged youth to save, as if you are a missionary in New Guinea instead of the only pale face in Watts.

  8. Also for the 'fill the sky with lead'crowd. Be aware that a prosecutor will prosecute if a 'miss' hits an innocent. Every bullet should be well aimed or considered Bad Sportsmanlike Conduct - points will be deducted.

    Tampering with evidence can turn a victim to a perp quickly. Labs and CIS know a lot of methods. Stick to your story by telling the truth and don't exaggerate or lie.

    1. You know, because our justice system always rewards the truth. Like, with Epstein. Just saying

  9. I have a backhoe attachment for the tractor but don't sweat it if you don't . I have burnt up cattle and goat carcasses over night with a nice brush cleaning fire . Keep raking towards the center as it burns and even the horns will be gone by morning . Hard to dna ashes .

  10. Was out practicing that digging stuff again the past two days.
    Oh my aching "back" hoe...
    Last time I dug a bunch, I spent some quality time for the next two weeks in my wheelchair again lol.
    I do reward myself with four ounces of Jameson's, at the end of the day tho...purely and most definitely medicinally needed ha ha.
    I'm with you Jim. A secure bolt hole is the best answer. Remember that every war is won by the survivor.

    1. Shouldn't that be spelled, "back" ho ? Sorry, easily amused.
