Saturday, September 22, 2018

golden jackass 1 of 2

I’m sure most of you have heard about Jim Willie, The Golden Jackass.  Now, yes, he is a bit of a Gold Whore, but he isn’t like the rest of them that are pure Austrian Economics advocates that ONLY look at finances and ignore everything else that is of teensey tinsey importance like, oh, I don’t frigging know, energy and geopolitics.  He does get a bit too worked up over the coming Global Gold Standard, which I for one don’t believe possible or realistic, but other than that he has few other negative issues.  He isn’t blaming Das Jude for all the evils of the world, for instance. 
Basically, he understands about the PetroDollar, and Saudi Arabia oil depletion, and actually factors that in to today’s economics.  If you look at one of the few other writers who understands oil in economics, the SRS Rocco Dude ( link at my web site ), his one fault is that he gives the central bank little notice, actually believing that traders will cause the collapse of the fracking oil industry.  I am under no such illusions, and neither is the Golden Jackass.  We see the central bankers as the number one, FIRST line of evil in the world, NOT one of the bankers stooges like Big Corporations or Big Oil or Big Government.  Of course, the Jackass and I could be idiots, and SRS Rocco the smart one, just pretending to not see an evil banker under every bed, and he’ll be the last one censored.
The reason I speak of the Golden Jackass today is because after a two month wait for our free article ( how dare he! ), he delivered what I consider his best article I’ve ever read from him over the years ( future readers, this is mid September 2018 ).  Golden Jackass dot com for your free copy.  What really caught my eye, at least initially because there is a TON of stuff in this one issue, was his claim that the PetroDollar death has already been adjusted for by the central bank here.  Waaaaa????  I’ve been worried to the point of nearly vomiting blood about the PetroDollar Collapse ( I’ve always had a brooding personality that stresses about crap I can’t control, which might benefit you all as readers and Loyal Minions but which doesn’t help an already battered and abused stomach.  Not that I’ll vomit blood over it, but sometimes it sure feels that way ).
And now the Golden Jackass claims that, to paraphrase, “up to trillions a month in derivatives have been added to substitute for the petro-dollar dismantling”.  Keep in mind, the Golden Jackass has been talking about countries opting out of the PetroDollar for many years.  Four or five years ago Russia and China made a deal and started constructing a oil and gas pipeline project that was Russian carbon fuels for Chinese currency.  Long before that, we attacked Iraq when they started up Euro’s For Oil.  We attacked Libya when they wanted to start a regional gold standard.
But after Libya, we have had zero victories defending the Oil$.  One country after another dropped the $ as the oil trading currency ( to remind you, it isn’t paper currency that is used, it is the US government bonds.  We used debt to buy oil for decades, and we only needed to pay interest on it, never the principle.  The problem has been that now we cannot export our debt anymore ).  Inevitably we use the Trade War card on them.  We have placed trade sanctions on Iran and Russia and now China ( more on that to follow ), and all that has done is push everyone into trading outside the dollar, with the other two nuclear powers we cannot invade.
The one thing I have noticed about the Golden Jackass is he panics now and gives you a data nugget, and it takes a long time for him to expand on that.  But it is always a very salient point.  This is what you get with his free information.  I’m sure his subscribers are much better informed, quicker.  I would love to subscribe to his paid service publication and I’m positive it would be worth every penny, but on a bad year that would equal about 10% of my income.  It would equal my e-mail and web service fees and property taxes and bike parts  combined.  Poor folk don’t get affordable deluxe services.
I bring up his “random teaser nuggets strewn about” point because that is all you get throughout this article.  And they are tantalizing teasers.  He covers a LOT.  For now, I’ll go back to the derivatives covering up the Oil Dollar Decline.  We all know about derivatives.  The elite use them to manipulate every market.  Want to hold down the silver price?  Play the derivatives issuance game.  Right now, without racking my brain and devoting serious time to the issue, which I might but who the hell knows, I’ve yet to figure out why the gold and silver price is manipulated lower.  I don’t buy the claim it is because it is to give credence to the dollar supremacy. 
Why was gold “allowed” to go to $1900, but now isn’t allowed over $1300, if this is the case?  Gold has been manipulated long before that price point.  Why isn’t silver manipulated higher to cause hardship for the Chinese, as they are THE major Industrial Silver user?  It doesn’t make sense that we would be helping our enemies Buy On The Dip.  But be that as it may, I’m convinced that there is a metric butt ton of paper silver out there, hundreds of times the physical supply, if not higher.  For what purpose other than lowering the price, I don’t know.  Sure, it could be as simple as one player is simply making millions everyday as he moves the spot price pennies up and then pennies down.
I guess nothing should surprise me, when it comes to derivatives.  They are THE way to make money these days, and that was true for decades ( from the first deindustrialization moves in the 80’s when financialization really took over the economy, to moving entire government economies around as in Orange County California or the Russians, to the now infamous housing bubble ), building in importance, and recently it was really the only way to make enough hooker and blow money.
So it makes sense that the central bank got out ahead of the shrinking PetroDollar system by using derivatives, protecting its interests AND profiting at the same time.  In a way, I feel like a complete dumbass for not thinking about this obvious move.  Of course, in my defense, I have a lot of different areas to keep track of and ponder, and most of you always bleat and carry on whenever I talk about, you know, only the most important resource effecting your entire life, oil.  So, I think we can safely discount an immediate economic collapse when Country X stops accepting the Oil Dollar, being the straw that broke the camels back.  One wonders if it already would have happened without central bank intervention.
In one way, as a disinterested observer, this stuff would be seen as rather interesting.  How cool is it that once again the entire world economy almost bit the big one, the banks pushed in trillions in derivatives to save the day ( just like 2008 ), and nobody noticed until much later?  The downside to this intervention is of course that while we survived longer before collapse turns the decline decidedly more deadly, it also makes the inevitable crash more likely and worse when it happens.  Continued tomorrow.
( .Y. )
( today's related link )
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  1. How about a step by step explanation on "Everything Derivatives" for us doofuses that know nothing at all about any of this?

    And make them steps eensy weensy teeny tiny baby steps pleeze. Thanks, Mgt.

    1. You don't ask for much, do you? Derivatives have always given me fits, but basically if you ignore most of the detail, it boils down to using leverage to place bets. Just like the 1920's. It is just more complicated now. Take the housing bubble. Bank A loans for a mortgage. They buy an insurance policy against it going bad. The folks issuing the insurance policy then buy an insurance policy to cover THEIR insurance policy. This can go on and on. The problem is when any single policy cannot pay in the event of the mortgage not being paid. If you have 100 policies out, and your reserves cover the loss of five, but then SIX fail, you've just screwed yourself. Multiply this by many companies, many policies. Being unregulated, you can leverage out to extremes. Obviously, there has to be an event that reaches up that number six, rather than five. And I think that is why derivatives keep growing. The created liquidity is subsidizing and insulating failures. They don't want a repeat of 08. But the derivatives market is so huge that there are no way assets on hand can pay off in a cascading failure. I hope this helped. It gave me a darn headache :)

    2. thank you, gs, for asking the question.
      i still don't understand as it sounds dishonest, and maybe sounds illegal.
      african proverb; when elephants fight,the grass suffers.

      we are the grass being trampled while these banking elephants continue wrestling, all unheeding of the grass.

    3. Dishonest, and maybe illegal? THAT is the central bank, 105 years on. Who do you think counted profits by the body bag in so many wars? It isn't the government. They get paid if they sit in meetings, or reside over a war. Doing nothing pays the same. Anyway, sorry, just thinking about bankers spikes my blood pressure. Think of the derivatives market-now at one QUADrillion dollars-as credit at the bookies. If the bookie gives you a thousand dollar credit to make a bet, and you have $20 in assets, that is the total derivatives market verses bankers assets to cover any bets that are lost.

  2. I don't have a link, heard this on the radio this morning and didn't pay attention to who said this, another way they are insulating themselves is instead of selling foreclosures for pennies on the dollar, they just rent the house themselves.

    Since all they want is the dollar, they won't fix anything until the house is condemned and then sell it. Surely this won't affect quality of life in the long run /s.

    1. I think material quality is so crappy that the difference between maintanence and neglect is probably minimal. Especially once you factor in material retail vs jobber costs, and labor.

  3. The only sane response for people at our level is to focus on real and not play their game. Wrencher commented the other day on this, winning by not participating or fulfilling our expected role as robotically consuming serfs.
    Fuck the banks, buy silver, consume less so you don't need their slavery inducing credit.
    Fuck the medical establishment's maze of wealth extraction. Stay off their never ending river of pills, don't eat processed serf-slop, move around and do physical, useful work.

    1. Do dat. You might live just as long but even if not, you have superior quality of life.

    2. Jesus, sorry. "Tru", not "Do". I'm retarded. Not that there is anything wrong with that :)
