Sunday, December 31, 2017

prepper tier 4 of 4

note: SF, many thanks for the very generous PayPal donation.  Happy Holidays to me!
note: how could I NOT share this-friggin hilarious: click here Green Mt. Dude newest rant.
7) Year long.  Tier Six was Seasonal, all the easy and cool supplies gone and the need to resupply somehow.  The Year Long Tier Seven is no different except in duration ( finally, right?  A literal definition instead of another abstract concept.  Damnit Jim, stop confusing everyone so you sound smarter than you are ).  Yet, this seems to be the hardest Top Tier to ever get to ( the next three tiers are close to impossible to reach, as we’ll see ).  I take great pride in my minions.  They are the crème de la crop of preppers-by definition because nobody else would be so dedicated to the hobby that they put up with my crap.


And what is their average stockpile?  Not a year of food.  Nobody wants a years worth of just wheat.  I’m not judging.  I know I have a freakish attraction to it ( being poor will warp you like that-thank goodness I didn’t attach to money.  Poor imprints you, just like your first sexual encounter.  Luckily mine was a chunky gal, so my standards there were never high.  And thankfully when poor I latched on to wheat as my calories savior ), and I know a lot of that aversion is practical as that translates into a higher octane fuel.


But as with all two sided coins, the good part is quality and the bad part is quantity.  It is almost impossible to have both.  I implore and screech and beg of you to pick quantity over quality, but then I also understand that you’d be a bigger fool to not do what works exclusively for you alone.  Quantity is my preference.  That makes it easy for me to realize Tier Seven And A Half, while making it harder for you to get to just Tier Seven.  Hey, who knows, your far superior diet might be strategically sound while my barely adequate one might see me dead much sooner ( the Chinese with their vast Rice Fed Army did poorly against lesser numbers of meat eating horsemen ).


Tier Seven also differs in that you must plan and train for NO IMPUTS for the entire time.  Going from three months ( seasonal ) to one year of no resupply isn’t just a simple matter of stocking four times the goods ( other than in food, that is a simple matter of the ideal 3k kilocalories X 365 ), because you must build an entirely new infrastructure.  For Seasonal, you just stocked up on the existing infrastructures capabilities.  That was the propane and gasoline and chest full of clothes and etcetera.  To get through a year, however, usually means you must recreate a two century old localized economy, and that crap ain’t easy because all the old was wiped away by petroleum.


Homesteaders and Backwoods Home types would be a natural for Tier Seven, except they are NOT preppers.  And if they ain’t even preppers, how can they hope to be survivalists?  Anyone who allows the bank to take their home is NOT a prepper.  You are better off living in the city with a debt free home than you are living in the country with a mortgage.  But almost as bad as that, besides mortgaging their food production ( what?  The Great Depression didn’t teach anyone how bad of an idea this was? ), they have a naïve view of life that will get them killed.


I’d call this view “Libertarians On Farms”.  They think, as do all libertarians, that what is right and just should be reality.  They ignore the dog eat dog reality to live in their fantasy world of Natural Rights.  They don’t understand that Might Makes Right.  Owning a gun waiting to shoot revenuers is NOT prepping for the apocalypse.  It is a child living under the bed covers ( “if I can’t see them, they can’t see me” ).  Anyway, my strategy for Tier Seven was to go so low on the frugality scale that I can easily last several years with supplies on hand.  I have a little bit of Libertarians On Farms ( without the farm ) in my plans as I’m not far enough away to actually remain unmolested, but in my defense my prerequisite for success is already beginning as people start leaving town ( the bloom is off the rose economically, here ).  And when I moved here, the plan WAS more realistic ( until the boom started ).


8) I could of course go on at length with Tier Seven, as it is the Survivalist Norm Or Sought Standard, but I think the series of articles here has gone on long enough.  Let’s wrap this bitch up with the last three near impossible Tiers.  Tier Eight is Decade long.  The standard example is if Yellowstone Volcano erupted ( there are a few other Super Volcanoes out there, but Yellowstone seems the most willing to blow any day now ).  You’d need supplies to see you through a decade of sunlight so degraded from atmospheric particulates that nothing would be able to grow and the animals would die.


Yellowstone is actually something literally impossible like Tier Twelve, centuries long with NO SUPPLIES, if it turns out to be Worse Case Species Bottleneck Event, but in terms of preparing ten years should be more than adequate.  The atmosphere would be clear enough after just a few/five years, but then you’d need more storage to get you through other species survival cycles.  But, can you REALLY plan for a decade on JUST storage?  Sure.  But when you need to transition livestock through that event, therein lies the real rub.  It’s friggin Noah’s Ark for ten friggin years instead of seven days and seven nights and a slight Drying Out period. 


9) Generations.  This is either your Total Retirement Stockpile Without Resupply, or the multigenerational plan where you stock for your grandkids.  In theory, this is easily achievable as you merely take your five year supply and multiply that by six or eight for the consumables.  Not impossible, right?  You already have the homestead and arsenal, you just need the clothing, entertainment, ammunition and the like.  The problem though, as I see it, is that you can’t stockpile for the infrastructure collapse. 


Right now I’m living in a 105 year old house.  A lot of you back East might be living in 150 year old ones.  Does anyone with an iota of sense really think that anything built in the last fifty years will last all that much longer?  And those houses built today, right now, without an insanely prohibitive cost, are not going to outlast its mortgage.  Supplies, affordable or if not affordable feasibly financed ones, are built with Job One being Quality Zero.  Crap is going to be falling apart around your ears.  Is fixing it feasible?  What if you didn’t have a car or a mule to get far enough to salvage?  This is what I mean about your infrastructure collapsing.


10) Centuries.  Now we get to the point where salvage is gone and done.  If there is still metal, it is long ago rusted away, good for nothing but Termite.  Nothing is feasibly imported from the Oil Age.  Actually, this is more attainable than Tier Nine, as there is a far more primitive build up that uses all natural material.  It might even be an uneasy blend of Stone and Metal Age, given the complete lack of non-petroleum extracted ores available.  Given the lack of people, due to the pollution and soil infertility and aquifer depletion, herding and slash and burn farming are more feasible.  It will by necessity look more like the proto-Agricultural Age than it will Agricultural Empire Age.  The complete planning for this tier is just books on knowledge.


Stone Age Preppers are by definition Tier Ten.  The problem isn’t planning, stocking or skills but just finding an area you will be unmolested to live Tier Ten.  It is easier to stock for Tier Nine than live Tier Ten.  Okay!  We are done here.

END ( today's related link )

Please support Bison by buying through the Amazon ad graphics at the top of the page. ***You can make donations or book purchases through PayPal ( )
*** Unless you are in extreme poverty, spend a buck a month here, by the above donation methods or buy a book. If you don't do Kindle, send me a buck and I'll e-mail it to you in a PDF file.  If you donated, you may request books no charge.   My e-mail is:  My address is: James M Dakin, 181 W Bullion Rd #12, Elko NV 89801-4184
*** Pay your author-no one works for free.  I’m nice enough to publish for barely above Mere Book Money, so do your part.***   Land In Elko*  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio*   my web site is *** Wal-Mart wheat***Amazon Author Page
* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there



Saturday, December 30, 2017

prepper tier 3 of 4

note: "A Century Of War" by Engdahl, one of THE best geopolitical books ever, is available on Kindle Unlimited ( along with his kick butt book on finances, and other lesser, best missed titles ).
click her for "War"         click here for "Money" 
5) Week long.  Perhaps I should clarify that while most of the media celebrity preppers are stuck back on Tier Four, “duration” is a concept more than it is a set amount of supplies.  I’m sure most Camping Preppers have more than the actual two days of food you could literally expect from a Tier Four Weekend Prepper.  The “weekend” part of it infers that this is a vacation from their real job, which is earning company chits from the Federal Reserve, spending money, and in general burning through oil and oil accessories as quickly as humanly possible before some other jerk wad like their grandkids get their grubby little mittens on any.


Speaking of burning through extra energy, the other night I’m watching the old Cher and Nicolas Cage movie “Moonstruck”.  You know, back from in the 80’s when they made much better movies ( at least in the sense that while it was propaganda for A Bright New Era, at least it wasn’t PC Princess nagging that they’ve all seemed to degenerate into.  Now, sure, at least we get to see a new Evil Dead TV show, cool chainsaw induced  blood fountains every show, but they slapped in Lucy “butch lesbian you’d hump” Lawless-it’s subtle sometimes but it’s there ).  I hadn’t seen that since it first came out on video thirty years ago.


Looking at it through a historical lens, the middle era between Running Out Of Oil Bronx Zoo 70’s and the next era of Black Warfare By PC Empowerment, the 80’s New York City was unabashedly portrayed as a wonderland all the Beautiful People lived in, even those in blue collar jobs ( Flashdance, while not in New York, but it was Our Masters And Saviors Yankees backyard, so it is similar ).  You could literally smell the money being Hoovered in from the rest of the country by the newly emerging Financial Sector, and they were facelifting the place and sharing with the proletariat.


Yes, Virginia, your forebears went all Full Bitch Mode and used all the excess energy to put a fresh coat of paint on their town to congratulate themselves on figuring out the original Kick The Can Down The Road.  My point here is that this was and is our only reality.  Consuming energy.  And the vast majority of Preppers are no different in their hobby than they are at their Petrol Age jobs.  Must.  Consume.  Oil.  That was a long detour around the two Tiers because it is a conceptual leap most can’t make.


 As soon as you are at Tier Five, if you get there, the light at the end of the tunnel is dimming.  The prospects of actually returning to a Normal Life are getting harder to decipher.  Because it is no longer about a fun camping trip where you get to shoot looters.  It means that there is a possibility of that week extending indefinitely.  Tier Six is where all the hopium and optimism of the prepper goes to die and the Survivalist emerges.


( And, I’d call the basic simplified definition of a survivalist just someone prepping for the collapse of civilization [ then we get into Survivalist Tiers-which we’ll retain the “Prepper” label for to avoid confusion ] ), but Tier Five is one of those intermediate steps that scares the hell out of most folks and is generally avoided if at all possible.  This is when they have to ask, is this a vacation from my Oil Consumption job or did they tell me it was a sabbatical and I’ll go back to find the doors padlocked?  


“Week long” isn’t just about seven days of food and ammo, it means that the normal isn’t acting normal anymore.  The power didn’t just come back on in a few hours like it is supposed to.  The implied government contract with the people has been voided.  Because everybody knows that if the power is off a week, there is NO frigging way that law and order can be kept.  Which, logically speaking ( and that is why this is so scary-dem bitches be asking us to use logic ) means the next step in a lawless environment is that resupply fails.  Then stuff starts to get super scary.  Now do you see why this Tier is so poisonous to the preferred Normalcy Bias?


6) Seasonal.  Not only does a season of disruption mean all your luxury supplies gone ( gasoline burned, propane tanks emptied, most ammunition used ), it also means you need to somehow resupply.  This isn’t a New Mad Max, but it sure isn’t that movie where everything instantly froze and at the end of the movie everyone was saved by the military ( if the 80’s saw Happy Economic propaganda, after 9/11 we see either PC or Pro-Military propaganda.  And if they can combine those two together, mighty princess warriors in uniform saving dem men folk, why, all the better! ).


If the government has been down and out ( well, killing everyone in one area and absent in the others allowing warlords to kill everyone ) for several months, and you are out of luxury supplies ( at one point, anything Oil Age produced, besides salvage, will become Luxury ), that crap is REAL, yo!  It is no longer some fantasy film where you beat the crowd to Wal-Mart and got all that cool crap ( since it is a fantasy, we’ll pretend none of their gear broke and none of the food poisoned them ).  Now you have to be a Big Boy and go steal or kill for more supplies ( or to keep your supplies, for the squeamish minions who haven’t realized naked force is reality ). 


Because it isn’t just about stockpiling.  Preppers stockpile.  Survivalists deep larder AND have plans on replacing it ( preppers have shallow larders and unrealistic plans to replace it.  “Oooooh, look!  A can of seeds!” ).  It is the realistic resupply plans that make you a survivalist.  Or, damnit, returning to our agreed upon vernacular, which makes you a Tier Six Prepper.  Remember, this isn’t just numbers of supplies for X amount of time.  It is what you must do DURING that time.  And during this time, you will be making adult choices.


It isn’t now only about self defense, is it?  Self-defense is a stupid strategy, and it is a weak one.  Only pussies would refuse to kill under any circumstances except self-defense.  It is the lazy and meek response to being asked the hard questions.  Now you must kill proactively ( I’m not sure why there is an issue here.  You love everything about our Imperial Military.  They kill proactively, and collateral damage isn’t very bothersome either.  What’s the problem here? ).  And not just enemy combatants.  Potential combatants.  Potential support personnel harboring combatants.  Resource wasters in your own tribe or family.  This is your Rated R preppers, not suitable for children.



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Please support Bison by buying through the Amazon ad graphics at the top of the page. ***You can make donations or book purchases through PayPal ( )
*** Unless you are in extreme poverty, spend a buck a month here, by the above donation methods or buy a book. If you don't do Kindle, send me a buck and I'll e-mail it to you in a PDF file.  If you donated, you may request books no charge.   My e-mail is:  My address is: James M Dakin, 181 W Bullion Rd #12, Elko NV 89801-4184
*** Pay your author-no one works for free.  I’m nice enough to publish for barely above Mere Book Money, so do your part.***   Land In Elko*  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio*   my web site is *** Wal-Mart wheat***Amazon Author Page
* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there



Friday, December 29, 2017

prepper tiers 2 of 4


We only got through one tier yesterday, after all the background blather.  Let’s move it along.

2) Several Hours.  Oh My God, Becky, look at that power outage.  It is SO big ( Becky’s big butt, back when rap first started and had that quaint notion, left over from, I don’t know, war protest ballads or something, that perhaps it wasn’t the worst idea to actually understand what a song was saying ).  It could last, like, hours!  This is the first phase of panic for the prepper.  It wasn’t time to crank up the ten thousand watt generator for all the power tools, but it was getting close to time to panic about setting up the generator.


This is usually the Candle And Battery Prepper.  The focus is on having light to see.  The mellow, Hippie, female in the suburbs C&B Prepper has a bunch of candles.  Enough candles to guide a ship past a rocky shore.  Stick candles and candles in glass jars and aromatherapy candles ( less stress for when the lights go out ) and Mexican prayer candles from when they were on sale ( are Latino saints seasonal? ) and tea candles, tea candle accessories like the ones that are a mini lantern or a food warmer, there are simply just a crap load of candles all over the damn place.


Most likely, these are the preppers that also own a candle making business.  They have a pallet of wax in the garage to get the needed discount so as to compete with the downtown Hallmark store on price, and they steal their kids crayons when they run out of dye.  If they could buy wicks by the telephone cable wooden spool they would.  The really dedicated hobbyists are probably out in the shed boiling beef tallow or raising bees.  And then selling those at the Society Of Creative Anachronism fairs.  And while candles are all well and good, they are a technology ( in the true sense of the word ) that won’t be coming around until the LED’s and small solar battery chargers all die off.


This is at least a step up from Tier One, in that there is concern about the future, and a plan even if flawed using a romanticized notion.  But really, is it anything past the ancient fear of darkness that epitomized a healthy concern about getting ate by something you couldn’t see?  No matter, at least you are out of your immediate time zone and into a more realistic future orientation.  And you have the first pinprick view that things might fundamentally change.  It isn’t JUST getting back on the road or getting out of the store with yet another purchase.


3) Overnight.  Now we are getting somewhere beyond the need to change the batteries in the smoke detector or the tacti-cool poodle shooter illuminator.  Now it is beyond the immediate inconvenience or the minor several hour problem.  Finally we are talking civilization disruption rather than regular grid fluctuation.  Now you need to start planning for multidimensional aspects of grid interruption.  This is similar to the next tier in that the equipment is the same, but this is the beginning of the realization that the end of your pampered, spoiled, luxurious life might start to look like-horrors!-being poor.  Blech! 


This is a very short lived tier.  You have faced the realization that not all is perfect in fantasyland and you can’t stay here, nor can you go back to just carrying a min-flashlight and a multitool on your belt.  Suddenly a keychain flashlight to look for a rapist isn’t enough and now you know you need to put the flashlight on the end of a Glock.  It is more of a transitional phase realization rather than a destination.  This is when serious planning is needed rather than a band-aid.  It is no longer about signaling to a search plane and more about setting up a campsite.


4) Weekend.  It is at this tier that you realize that while with a minimum amount of prep you can last until the next morning ( a space blanket, candle stub, PowerBar ), now crap be getting real, yo.  You go from a Uber-Nerd fanny pack emergency kit to starting to collect the tools, serious tools, to start substituting the grid delivery systems whose disruption you’ve seen go from Irritating to Stressful to Unwelcome Adventure to now Potentially Dangerous.  You really start going from Money Solves Everything pre-bought consumables to actually having to learn skills that go with the crap you now understand you need a lot more of.


I would say that this is the tier most preppers aspire to and stay at.  The smarter ones advance to the next tier if they ever come to the understanding that the standard government 72 hour advice is laughingly optimistic.  But I don’t think most preppers jump up to Tier Five.  Anything Tier Six and above you are a survivalist rather than a prepper, but we’ll cover that later.  For now, let’s talk about why most folks stay on Tier Four.  In short, I think this tier has a comfort zone without descending into Big Bad World Reality.  You can congratulate yourself on being Aware and Prepared, but you never, EVER, have to think about The End Of The World As You Know It.


( And I Feel Fine! ).  Stupid friggin song!  Just as “Prepper” was originally a code word for survivalist without the racial connotations, but then co-opted by the pussies to wanted to do less than the minimum, that song went from a Feel Good anthem to being co-opted by the pussies who wanted it to mean their comfort zone wasn’t disrupted.  You’ve seen the articles.  The “you” is emphasized, and is implied to merely mean your optimal living arrangement is in danger of being less than lavish.  It is the excuse for the locomotive size power generation ( do you guys remember that one from ’Ol Remus?  Good gravy, that was a classic.  I pity the fool who didn’t get to read that ).  The maximum size propane tanks.  The buried gasoline supply.  Everything that makes a Yuppie Scum life worth living.


Anyway, I got sidetracked.  As I’ve said before, if you want your preps set to music, you want The End by the Doors.  Yes, my beautiful friend.  Tier Four allows you to basically stay at Camping Level.  There is no need to fight The Wife over budgets.  You both go camping, you both go to the range.  This stays in the realm of Not Altering Your Current Lifestyle.  And that is the important thing, isn’t it?  Can’t question the ’Murican Way Of Life.  I’ll also wager that this tier is were most of the Fracking Fags are.  No compromise on our luxury!


Okay, I guess this isn’t going to be a short series.  Continued tomorrow.

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Please support Bison by buying through the Amazon ad graphics at the top of the page. ***You can make donations or book purchases through PayPal ( )
*** Unless you are in extreme poverty, spend a buck a month here, by the above donation methods or buy a book. If you don't do Kindle, send me a buck and I'll e-mail it to you in a PDF file.  If you donated, you may request books no charge.   My e-mail is:  My address is: James M Dakin, 181 W Bullion Rd #12, Elko NV 89801-4184
*** Pay your author-no one works for free.  I’m nice enough to publish for barely above Mere Book Money, so do your part.***   Land In Elko*  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio*   my web site is *** Wal-Mart wheat***Amazon Author Page
* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there


Thursday, December 28, 2017

prepper tiers 1 of 4


A shout out, propeller beanie hat tip and all around adulation to JJ Grey for fleshing out my original concept of Tiers Of Preppers.  From the worthless posers to the excessive over the top coo-coo for coco-puffs hermits able to live outside society for the next thirty years.  The problem was that when you said “prepper” or even tried to substitute that with “survivalists”, it was akin to trying to explain to people that “liberal” used to mean “libertarian”.  They might intellectually grasp what you are saying, but the word really retains the new meaning with all its connotations.


“Prepper” never should have been a label, not really.  If you were preparing for a collapse of society, you were a survivalist.  Anything else, like prepping for a hurricane, was just common friggin sense and was what everyone should do and it wasn’t a lifestyle choice and it wasn’t a hobby.  The problem is that an activity was commoditized that really shouldn’t have been.  For instance, if I put a bunch of tools in the car in case it breaks down, how does that make me a prepper?  It makes me a motor vehicle driver.


But by reading the lowest common denominator advertisement laden pap that passes for prepper publications today ( which would be one of the only good results of the death of Net Neutrality, if a lot of these turds hogging bandwidth went out of business ), if you carry a spare tire in your trunk and have a fireplace along with a central air heater, you are a prepper.  BAH!  If you don’t have a six months supply of calories, you ain’t even in the club, as far as I’m concerned.  And that amount only starts you out as a novice.  I apologize if my standards are too high.  You’ll thank me shortly.  Yes, I know I don’t help the whole labeling problem, with my blog and web name.  In a moment of amusement I tried to keep my name similar to its previous “bison press”.


If someone comes up to you and says, “hi!, my name is Billy Doucheface and I’m a prepper!  Would you like to come out and play?”, I would strongly advise you to ascertain Billy’s actual rating according to the following tiers before committing.  If you are stockpiled with five years of food and all accessories and he has a weeks worth of freeze dried food and an AR with thirty-two magazines with more Mollie gear than a platoon, the odds are you’ll end up feeding Billy really soon or he’ll kill you, which are both suboptimal results.


And before I get to the tiers ( yes, you caught me, I’m trying to stretch this out to more than one days worth of articles ),  I don’t know how much of this I was subconsciously pilfering when I made my original comment.  It seems there was another article written elsewhere by another about the different types of preppers.  Alas, I read so much and category none that these small details elude me when needed.  Yet I still believe, to the best of my recollections, that JJ’s concept that the different types be based on “duration” is still unique.  I had merely broached the idea, he fleshed it out.  Any similar article elsewhere seem to be more coincidence.


Your placement is based on duration of the emergency, or more factually on the duration of disruption.  How long you see the emergency lasting determines your standing in the prepper labeling.  So, let me just make the list and then we’ll discuss them individually.

1) none

2) several hours

3) overnight

4) weekend

5) week long

6) season long

7) year long

8) decade long

9) generation long

10) centuries long


1) None.  There is zero duration of significance.  For instance, there is a short black out and you are in a store and since you had a back-up of cash on hand you were able to complete the transaction.  This could also have happened if there was a interruption in the credit approval process, or you were mistakenly placed on a “do not approve” list.  While we are all very happy for you that you could complete your purchase of a Beanie Baby Collectors Edition, I don’t think distrusting banks or your credit card company makes you a prepper.  This is in line with the automobile parts example.  Being able to arrive on time driving, or being a successful shopper ( you could also call the cash in your wallet a “rare sale fund” ) should not make you a prepper.


The problem being here on this level is that just having a slight situational awareness, even better than the average “sheeple” that has none,  really doesn’t translate into Big Picture awareness.  There are many and varied other reasons that you could have arrived at similar conclusions as far more prepped individuals.  For instance, once before you were stranded on the side of the road and were hot and stressed.  By now carrying spare parts, that doesn’t mean you are ready for a bug-out or an EMP, it just means you won’t be as stressed the next time your car breaks down. 


Just because you carry cash in your wallet doesn’t mean you know anything about the Federal Reserve system, fiat money, the vulnerability of our banking system to other nation state hacking, or anything similar.  And you aren’t preparing for anything life threatening.  You are merely reducing your inconvenience duration in a fully functioning system which had an otherwise uncharacteristic hiccup.  No one is saying these preps are a bad idea.  They just don’t make you a prepper for anything important. 


And yes, I understand that due to the longevity of the preparedness industry since the 1960’s or at most the 50’s if you include the fallout shelter construction companies, along with the sheer number of scribblers on the subject, added to the financial pressures inherent in earning a living in the industry while off-grid, after all is said and done of course all these inconsequential subject matters are going to be given a far greater importance than is warranted.  That still doesn’t make you much of a prepper at Tier One.

Continued Tomorrow.

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Please support Bison by buying through the Amazon ad graphics at the top of the page. ***You can make donations or book purchases through PayPal ( )
*** Unless you are in extreme poverty, spend a buck a month here, by the above donation methods or buy a book. If you don't do Kindle, send me a buck and I'll e-mail it to you in a PDF file.  If you donated, you may request books no charge.   My e-mail is:  My address is: James M Dakin, 181 W Bullion Rd #12, Elko NV 89801-4184
*** Pay your author-no one works for free.  I’m nice enough to publish for barely above Mere Book Money, so do your part.***   Land In Elko*  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio*   my web site is *** Wal-Mart wheat***Amazon Author Page
* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there



Wednesday, December 27, 2017

net corp

note: Hello, a little help here.  Does anyone remember the original solar energy book I was referencing from?  The one that told you how to gut a refrigerator and use the parts to make your own block of ice for use in a Ice Box.  It came in a spiral binding, had a dark picture of the sun on it.  The guy that wrote it also had articles online on using your car as an emergency generator.  And I think, DIY hydrogen gas generation and use.  No idea of the title, searches come up with nothing.  I'd like to use it in my next book and list it in the references.  Appreciate any help.
Well, it doesn’t have a heck of a lot to do with survivalism or prepping other than as a comment on the process of collapse, but I wanted to talk about the ruling ending Net Neutrality.  I won’t have too much to add to the discussion, and I imagine most of you are far more knowledgeable than I.  But, sometimes we need to take a small breath and relax from the more serious topics anyway.  Not that this isn’t serious.  But I suppose it was inevitable and hopefully it unwinds slow enough to be able to adapt to.


This isn’t anything new, either.  Remember General Powell’s son when he was in the FCC and was all Free Market Cheerleader?  The difference between then and now is we’ve seen the naked unbridled greed corporations are more than capable of encaging in.  Back then, there were actual jobs and products to sell, so blatant fraud wasn’t as necessary ( well, besides the Tech Wreck Pets Dot Com tulip mania ).  Now, it is the only way to bring in the bling.  And corporate whores be all about the bling.  The difference now is we know we need to hurry up and apply lube before we get violated.


The Internet was supposed to be a public utility that paid fairly for access, universally.  The rich twats on Snob Hill weren’t supposed to be the only ones getting electrical lines to their homes.  Yeh, you could call the rural electrification project ( or, even Social Security, for that matter ) a socialist move where the poor got free goods.  But, did they?  That taxpayer money was paid back long ago as all those poor humpers bought all the appliances and all the entertainment doo-dads and used more and more juice and every company from coal miners to Maytag made big bucks.  Another taxpayer funded Big Corporation Welfare.


No matter how much a public mandated activity helps the poor, you can bet your last jelly donut that some pig of a corporation makes money off of it.  Obammy “cared” for the poor and increased Food Stamps users by 50% or nearabouts.  That might have put food in the poor boys bellies but it also bought a few yachts and BMW’s for CitiBank execs through electronic processing fees. The government mandated affordable Internet access for everyone ( and Facebook users aside, I think we can agree that this helped better most folks ) and so YouTube, Netflix and Amazon start streaming for under cost and screwed the ISP’s.


So the ISP’s want a bit more cash, because Bezos just got billions of dollars and all they get are a measly $200K paycheck every year.  Where is the justice there?  That barely sends the kid to Yale, for Christ’s sake.  Equality amongst the rich!  No, seriously, these White Person Problems are brutal.  Wouldn’t you say the right thing to do would be to pay double for your Internet access?  Oh, and while we are at it, let’s charge poor people in the desert quintuple for their water.  The golf courses get a bulk discount, of course!  The mayor and city council play there!  And, so as not to discriminate amongst corporations, let’s deregulate all the power companies.  A buck a watt is fine!  The poor can play less X-Box.


And they certainly don’t need a refrigerator.  They can go down to the corner Habeeb store every evening and buy a fresh Hot Pocket, and nuke it in the store.  We’ll give the Pakistani store owner a discount on his juice too, since he is a service to the community ( at 500% mark-ups ).  I trust that my sarcasm made my point.  You can’t just shout in nipple tingling glee that you are screwing over the Free Crap Army and turn everything over to the corporations, no oversight, no regulations and certainly no concern about the unemployed humpers who are dog crap on your shoes.


Throughout history, the poor were exploited until they revolted.  To buy off the peace, which in the long run benefits business, you need to give the poor, which constitute the majority of the population, certain concessions.  Subsidized food or Make Work Jobs or cheap transportation to get to those jobs, or whatever.  It can’t JUST be corporation welfare, it has to include welfare for the poor.  And guess what, Richey Rich?  THEY get to decide what is enough welfare, not YOU, because they are the ones that will riot and burn down your business and mansion.  Why do you think Black welfare will never be jeopardized?


The Lefties love to whine about how their Big Daddy Clinton cut aid to the poor, but all he did was cover that crap with a band-aid.  Blacks are still on welfare ( as are Whites, granted ).  It still buys the peace.  It might not be as lavish, but it is there.  Black population as a percentage stays the same, but that isn’t for lack of trying ( the Drug War casualties are brutal ).  Babies pay the bills ( which is why my lily White ex-stepdaughter keeps popping them out, ignoring cancer cells in her girl parts which should be removed ). 


I don’t care how Free Market, Republican, Dittohead or other Rich Welfare Only dumbass you are, you can’t repeal the laws of physics.  You starve the poor to cut the budget, you eventually see that you are on the Lamp Post List.  Now, don’t be silly, I’m not saying the poor will riot over a lack of Internet access.  I’m pointing out that with our current lack of rational thinking, as exemplified by the move to turn the Internet into Access For Rich Bitches Only, rather than a modest profit universal access service, means eventually as more and more of the shrinking budget is moved to the rich at the expense of the poor you will see serious ungluing of the social fabric.


I would imagine that the ones on total welfare still get complete access to the Internet, the price folded into their Section Eight Housing the government pays for.  BUT!  A factor we should also consider is that of Free Market Censorship.  YouTube and Twitter and Facebook and Google and others are already engaged in the practice.  Not, fundamentally because with corporations it is ALWAYS profit first, because of Leftist PC Princess BullCrap.  Because Coco-Cola and Pepsi and whoever else is still actually advertising doesn’t want any controversy ( the only reason it leans to PC is because The Matriarchy approves of that viewpoint, and they are the majority, or at least the majority of the ruling power ).


So, why would you think the companies would stop before  censoring the entire Internet?  Anything controversial would be purged from search engines, moved to the “slow access down because of quote bandwidth use unquote” list, or something similar.  Nothing is happening overnight, but without overturning this decision that is going to be the general direction.  I know you won’t be paying for this blog to be delivered to your door by mail, downloaded on a CD-ROM ( actually, my next move baring Blogger would be to pay for e-mail to deliver this daily.  After that the choices grow dire as it becomes charging per customer for something that is only popular for its current price ).


We expect all systems to fail in a systemic collapse, but wouldn’t it be nice for the government supposedly Of The People to give us SOME protection if we aren’t rich? 

END ( today's related link )
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*** Unless you are in extreme poverty, spend a buck a month here, by the above donation methods or buy a book. If you don't do Kindle, send me a buck and I'll e-mail it to you in a PDF file.  If you donated, you may request books no charge.   My e-mail is:  My address is: James M Dakin, 181 W Bullion Rd #12, Elko NV 89801-4184
*** Pay your author-no one works for free.  I’m nice enough to publish for barely above Mere Book Money, so do your part.***   Land In Elko*  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio*   my web site is *** Wal-Mart wheat***Amazon Author Page
* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there


Tuesday, December 26, 2017

imported food 2 of 2


If you look at Europe and its colonies, you could call that the Western Empire which lasted roughly five centuries ( the US is an Oil Empire, even if it gets its oil from colonies.  The resource dynamics are similar but different enough in content delivery to be considered separate ).  Each nation state waxed and waned in power, with simultaneous centers battling for supremacy at times.  Think of Portugal and Spain, England and France as the historical equivalent of Greece and Persia.  They were collectively one empire, the historical norm slightly skewed due to the internal discord.


The normal period of an imperial lifespan, according to some, is around ten generations or 250 years.  The infighting of the European neighbors was probably what kept the empire from falling into the normal cycle of Discovery, Riches, Decay.  The life spans of each entity taking its turn at the helm of emperor ( or, a somewhat equal co-leadership at times ) was either much shorter or even a bit longer than the historical norm because of the constant military tensions disallowing complacency ( in other words, no one had time to rake in and enjoy all the treasure ). 


The Papist Empire lasted much longer than the normal 250 years-they were closer to a thousand ( the original Thousand Year Reich ).  I would attribute this to the much slowly cycle of the time period as there were far less resources available after the fall of Rome.  Less rapine, further time between the cycles of growth and decay.  The European/Western colonial empire had a much larger pool of resources to exploit than was the historical norm, and they imported better military technology to the colonies and exported the choicest resources ( think of the calories inherent in the potato compared to indigenous root crops.  How much of that alone helped cold Russia expand or survive? ).


Our Oil Empire couldn’t have lasted as long as the historical norm because of the compressed time frame in which it took place.  When you are the apex predator, and you over-exploit, the resources run out much faster.  Russia was never an Oil Empire, despite its early pumping and huge reserves, as it was held back industrially by its Czar and serf caste system.  Communism might have sucked for them, but it did force them into the empire game which defended them ( otherwise they would have been nominally independent but still subservient  to us or the Germans-hell, perhaps even the Japanese ).  Not to say they were military insignificant, but their might was prior to industrialization on the massive scale it became.  Things could have turned south for them if they has remained the same AFTER the US turned full on imperial.


The situation the US is in is really quite straightforward.  We were an Oil Empire and the oil is running out.  Once the wheat supply started contracting for Rome, it was all over but the fat lady singing.  We are at the point, due to overpopulation, of being dependent on imported oil to feed us.  The amber waves of grain of yore cannot to planted, fertilized, harvested or transported without oil.  Of which at a minimum half is imported ( the economic contraction is from the falling BTU of oil, not any falling volume ), varying with the Fracking Fields yields-which are already in a steady if modest decline. 


China is a whole other story, as they never were an Oil empire.  Just as Japan is far from independent energy wise and must live off the kindness of its neighbors ( they didn’t attack Pearl Harbor for any other reason than we were embargoing their oil.  The Dutch and English colonies were old and decrepit and their empires in severe decline-they were easy fruit to pluck.  But the US was already considering the Pacific their own bathtub and Japan wasn’t invited to play.  It was a combination of more oil than Indonesia could provide and the issue of eventual US involvement that forced Japan’s hand.  And FDR was only too glad to help-he slipped the dildo up Americas ass lubricated with the blood of servicemen ).


China is at most a Coal Empire.  Yes, they are now importing more oil than the US, but they built an industrial country with coal.  The oil input is in a large part for the private automobile infrastructure they are foolishly building after emulating America.  Or, perhaps not so foolishly if it doesn’t subsume public transportation.  Perhaps the middle class and wealthy are a disposable commodity to the ChiCom rulers.  They are useful now, as the carrot to boost productivity ( poverty being the stick ).  If they all crash and burn in a severe Depression, so be it ( the thinking could go ).  Perhaps Capitalism is merely a current strategy that can easily be jettisoned at need.  Bully for them-they might be commies but at least they aren’t the Butt Boys of the Bankers.


Like we are.  But, we made our Faustian bargain, didn’t we?  We sold our soul to the Devil for an empire ( started with the blood of Southerners and immigrants, seasoned with a few expired Spaniards and a whole lot of Philippine natives,  Americans were soon fed into the profit grinder ).  The bankers allowed our oil to be turned into colonies, allowed our colonies to deliver more oil and as the black gold disappears the bankers strip mine the infrastructure built with the treasure.  The Chinese by comparison merely used their coal to build an industrial complex to serve the Oil Empire.


China won’t fail because the US stops buying their crap.  The Chinese will fail because they have used up their energy reserves to build the wealth pump.  Their colonies are unsustainable without the oil the colonies provide, but just like us, the oil colonies were exploited decades and wars ago.  Do you seriously believe that Iraq or Syrian or Iranian oil is still abundant?  Why?  The average lifespan of an oil field NOT pumped too rapidly is a mere forty years for serious production.  These places were fought over in WWI!!  And, just BTW, Saudi Arabia became pumping in earnest over fifty years ago.  And they damaged total available reserves by over pumping many times.


China is, at most, rice self sufficient.  Almost all other food must be imported.  Which is done by burning coal and oil to manufacture goods to sell, getting the wealth to buy the land and or/food.  Which is guarded, as with all other trade goods shipped over the ocean, by a declining, defunded, denuded US Navy.  Its African and South American food factories are not sustainable long term, as their Navy is most likely unable to continue on its own long distances.  Vietnam and similar nearby countries, on the other hand, are soon to be China’s bitch.  As long as they can continue to receive enough fuel for its armed forces.


The basic issue remains, however.  They, and we, are importing food.  They are literally and we are through the oil that grows all the food.  And overpopulation meeting less imported food always ends badly.

END ( today's related link )
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*** Unless you are in extreme poverty, spend a buck a month here, by the above donation methods or buy a book. If you don't do Kindle, send me a buck and I'll e-mail it to you in a PDF file.  If you donated, you may request books no charge.   My e-mail is:  My address is: James M Dakin, 181 W Bullion Rd #12, Elko NV 89801-4184
*** Pay your author-no one works for free.  I’m nice enough to publish for barely above Mere Book Money, so do your part.***   Land In Elko*  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio*   my web site is *** Wal-Mart wheat***Amazon Author Page
* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there