I used to sympathize
with Hippies. You know, laid back, smoking the ganj, not bothering
anyone. It fit into my Libertarian mindset of my innocent youth.
Knowing a lot more now, I realize those long hair dirty humpers were
just the commies Brown Shirts and the “squares” waving the flags
in the '60's really should have shot all of them and let God sort
them out. Not that it would have done any good, since we lost the
culture war before Vietnam even happened ( and a lot of us didn't
even realize it, then or now ).
I almost think the Deep
State was unleashed upon the land by a vengeful and full of righteous
fury Federal Reserve Bank when JFK tried to usurp their power. Look,
they said, shoot this mother humper so full of lead that magic
bullets are falling off him all the way to the hospital and your
group can be in charge of the ground operations while we handle
finances. And the Deep State, the blue blood east coast Yale
bastards from the Intelligence communities ( our version of the KGB,
in tone and temperament ), were happy to oblige.
I don't think it WAS
the military industrial complex ( another reason I think not is that
they never would have allowed the Kevin Costner movie out-isn't
Oliver Stone a commie, anyway? ) that killed Kennedy, but rather the
US-KGB. The military is full of class conscience douche bags, seeing
nothing wrong with using cattle fodder against the colonists, but at
least they are patriotic. Those Intelligence boys are just elitist
globalists. They thought America should be in charge of the globe,
but once that failed they were more than happy to sell out the
country. The military, if in charge, would not have done that.
Right after Kennedy was
killed ( don't get me wrong, he was a typical politician and garners
zero admiration from me other than he was a ballsy dude-he was
certainly NOT the gallant Sir Lancelot the myths portray ), the
silver money was discontinued ( the law JFK passed was taking dollar
creation out of the Feds hands and using silver to back Treasury
currency rather than Federal Reserve Notes ). Vietnam started in
earnest ( keep the young bucks overseas to prevent home growth civil
unrest ). Women's Lib and The Pill grew hand in hand to begin the
Gender War.
LBJ boosted the
Geriatric Independence movement started with Social Security with
free medical care for seniors ( to cripple extended families ), let
the Blacks off their leash to begin home grown terrorism, and
Chappaquiddick Kennedy began the importation of OtherColors. For
five or six years, there was a concentrated effort to utterly destroy
the WASP culture. And it was all over but the crying, about that
fast. Once the fait accompli culture destruction, the gold standard
was abandoned in favor of the Black Gold Saudi Standard and the
economy collapsed.
Which nicely occupied
those WASPS who might have objected too strenuously and violently
reacted ( to be clear, WASP is probably a poor description, as
Catholics had been assimilated for a century by then, after the
Irish, Poles and Italians were imported. Still, better than “White
Culture”, to avoid the Wrong Think Police ). If you no longer have
a job to drive to in a car without gasoline, you tend to fight with
the ghetto Blacks trying to mug you instead of the politicians who
caused all the trouble. It was a masterful Social Engineering coup.
It was also about the
last of the national social engineering, because there was the
planned implosion and disintegration and the elite could really no
longer control the Frankenstein they created, except through
financial manipulation ( but, no longer social manipulation ). But
the seeds they planted, by subverting higher learning and training a
communist cadre ( again, the patriots and WASP's were over in
Vietnam-those wanting to belong to the new world order got college
deferments. You don't think that was by accident, do you? ), carry
through to today.
And, again taking a
linguistic shortcut, it wasn't even really communism for its own sake
but rather globalism for the sake of the bankers. Only the bankers
pull any levers today. But why? Because that is all they CAN do.
Allow me to take a very short ( by my standards ) detour into energy
and Peak Oil ( then I'll return to economics and politics-I promise
). Social Engineering as we know its modern practice ( it has always
been done but differently ) got its start with the convergence of
easy money, oil age economics, mass communications and Madison Avenue
It is a product of
petroleum energy and that industry. The First World War was the
beginning of the paradigm and by the late '60's, early 70's, it was
over, starving from lack of surplus oil. Many Oil Age programs died
then. The Space Age, the American middle class protected by Unions,
the old way of conducting war born in the Civil War ( mass material,
mass men, mass casualties ). And Social Engineering. Without oil
surplus, we had to shift towards lower energy institutions. Like, for
instance, financializing the economy ( consumerism is merely running
the economy on debt ) rather than Industrializing it.
Globalization, which is
just financializing the GLOBAL economy, disguised as communism to
gain the followers needed for implementation, was the system put into
place just before the oil ran out ( enough oil to run the old system.
As our supply shrinks, we keep downgrading the system ). It started
not as a banker profit vehicle but as a way to dismantle the old
America the bankers had battled for control over. In 1963, the US
was still the global ( non-communist parts ) hegemony. The bankers
instituted a Divide And Conquer when they lost control of the old
power structure, then needed to purge it.
A decade later, when
our oil production peak destroyed the economy, THEN the internal
communism turned to globalism ( outsourcing industry and banker
manipulation ). And the whole time, the communists who are really
just Statists, kept stirring up more trouble and helping to
dismantle the last of the old system of nationalism/American
Colonialism into the beast of Banksterism we have today. The
Communist International was a GREAT cover for a global Rothschild's
banking operation. Hell, I even wonder if the Jew Rothschild's don't
use all their fellow Jews as scapegoats to blame this globalism on
rather than the One Power Banker.
Why not? We still
manage to blame the old powers the corporations and the Military
Industrial Complex for all our ills. They make perfect covers for
the Rothschild's, royal to no one but family and only worshiping
Mammon ( all of the puppets of the Rothschild's, such as Hilary,
worship Satan, but the Banker Boys hold to a higher power of deity ).
So don't blame THE Jews. Blame ONE family of Jews. Don't blame
Satanists. Blame the Mammonists. Much more to say, tomorrow.
( .Y. )
( today's related Amazon link click here )
note: today's KU pick. Take this with a grain of salt as he has an ax to grind, but if only a fraction is true you should be very afraid as a Deplorable that this type of Terrorist Combatant will be set loose against you soon HERE
note: Sweet! My nipples are a-tingle, seriously. Tubi ( I get it on my TV through Roku ) has a movie I haven't seen for decades, "Memesis". It is cyberpunk, but more in a martial vein than a geeky computer one. I watched that beautiful bastards several times on VHS. If that doesn't do it for you there are plenty of very good PA movies. The Day, A Boy And His Dog, Tooth And Nail, The Last Man On Earth. Even Cherry 2000 and Tank Girl, for more lighthearted fare. Memesis is HERE
note: free for today books. Zombies, naturally HERE
note: today's KU pick. Take this with a grain of salt as he has an ax to grind, but if only a fraction is true you should be very afraid as a Deplorable that this type of Terrorist Combatant will be set loose against you soon HERE
note: Sweet! My nipples are a-tingle, seriously. Tubi ( I get it on my TV through Roku ) has a movie I haven't seen for decades, "Memesis". It is cyberpunk, but more in a martial vein than a geeky computer one. I watched that beautiful bastards several times on VHS. If that doesn't do it for you there are plenty of very good PA movies. The Day, A Boy And His Dog, Tooth And Nail, The Last Man On Earth. Even Cherry 2000 and Tank Girl, for more lighthearted fare. Memesis is HERE
note: free for today books. Zombies, naturally HERE
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* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there
Just to upset the donkey cart a state:
ReplyDelete"The First World War was the beginning of the paradigm and by the late '60's, early 70's, it was over, starving from lack of surplus"
The primary driver of 'economic collapse' in early '70s was the OPEC oil embargo following '73 Yom Kippur War. Oil went from $3 bbl to $10 bbl. Prices TRIPLED !!! What happened was economic chaos.
The dry up of oil supply was a POLITICAL decision. It wasn't due to lack of in ground crude.
OPEC utilized their only weapon,oil, in pursuit of national objectives.
US had kinda informally decided in late '50s-early '60s to allow Saudi to supply oil to US/Europe under theory of use up foreign sources first and hold ours in reserve. These discussions of relying on Saudi oil floated around Eisenhower White House and various Cabinet offices. It was a military/political calculation to use up Saudi oil (while currying favor in M.E.). We just got caught relying on a fickle supplier. Dice roll came up snake eyes.
Unfortunately, after our debacle in S.E.Asian War Games & Watergate the public had little appetite (& Congress even less) in 1973 to fly into Saudi and seize Ghawar oil fields. Just that Soviets would probably push into Germany in response (or at least we thought so.....)
Are you saying the '73 war, subsequent embargo & prices tripling was planned to cover up Peak Oil?
Too much coincidence Jim. The premise is too pat.
Sorry if I wasn't clearer. All I was saying was that the effective practice of Social Engineering was one of the casualties of the peak of US production in 1971. No cover up was used. It was plain to see each year after. OPEC struck AFTER our Peak because we were weakened. In our economy lack of energy growth is all that is needed to start the economic collapse. Saudi oil started at the end of WWII with FDR's secret deal, that was nothing new. What was new was we were now dependent on the Saudi's to keep our economy from faltering. Not because of not enough oil, because of a lack of the GROWTH of the oil supply. Only energy runs the economy and in our debt based economy MORE energy is needed to pay interest on the debt.
ReplyDeleteGoodrich and SUMMER 1945
I read the preview, and it is chilling. It reminds me of the Kennedy brothers and their THE SOUTH WAS RIGHT.
What is the Goodrich 'ax to grind'?
Perhaps I agree too much with the premise to see a bigger picture?
Here's most of a newsletter on it:
DeleteIt IS depressing, but you do need to take it with a grain of salt. He gives the game away early that this is a propaganda piece with the “Jews created communism” comment he sort of slips in trying to be sneaky.
I distrust any New World Order thought, be they Masons, Jews, Little Green Men From Mars. I mean, obviously it is our Benevolent Sino Overlords who rightfully rule us ( kidding! ). No one group rules the world-that is just sloppy logic. But, still, discounting MOST of what is concluded in the book... ( I get the sense that he is just like a Liberal Indigenous Persons Apologist, trying to portray Indians as innocent tree huggers. No, Spanky, Indians were just as brutal and as capable of atrocities as we ).
Indians had been slaughtering each other and stealing each others land long before we showed up. We just got lucky they were completely hosed from smallpox, so we got a nice foothold on the place while they 90% died off. Then we practiced our early “Maxim Advantage” strategy on their doubly unlucky asses. Anyway, the book is clearly way too apologetic about “the poor innocent downtrodden Slants and Krauts”. They are portrayed as innocent deer caught in the headlights. Which is to a degree true. They were merely the new Southerners to the Yankees. But he goes too far excusing them.
Since he does that, I find it hard to believe that nearly all Americans raped the enemy men and firing squaded the women who surrendered. I find it hard to believe almost all Americans killed all Japanese trying to surrender. I appreciate the voice debunking the standard War For Democracy we still teach and believe. I KNOW the wars were started and extended by the bankers for profit. I just hate when the debunker goes total propagandist, imitating the Allies lies. Anyone, Bueller? A smidge of objectivity here? MOST of his narrative. And you are still left with a very scary picture.
If ten percent of his reported stories of rape and suicide-before-rape are true ( he documents his sources, and you read such notables as Lindbergh and John Steinbeck cast doubt on the official narrative, but he does present it all too sensationally to believe his tone is correct ), you can understand a bit more about why Okinawa residents to this day treat rapes as more than excuses to kick out Marines. You understand more of the fight to the death necessity of Japanese soldiers if Americans never gave them a chance to surrender.
If American WWII troops were less virtuous than the captive media of the day were reporting, they would be acting about on par with BlueBelly scumbags in the South, or anti insurgents in the Philippines. If today we are bribing Mexican males to fight in the US Army in exchange for citizenship, and employing communists ( SJW ) in the same organization, we did the same in the War Of Northern Aggression ( poor Catholic Irishmen and fleeing communist Germans were thick on the ground in combat fighting for Lincoln ).
Should we doubt that the same caliber of troops were present in WWII? Rooosevelt was an obvious communist and I'm sure it was made evident his Officer Corp was to be loyal to him personally, and the conscripts were poor boys with little more than the choice of fighting or starving ( a good number of draftees were malnourished ). Perhaps it wasn't too hard to control them in their FDR Regiments. And FDR goaded the Axis powers into war ( even if he didn't know about Pearl Harbor-which he did-he was indirectly attacking the Axis powers previously ), being a greedy vengeful little toad of a man.
But all that doesn't concern me as much as this. The next war, with the Yankee Way Of War, with atrocities aplenty against soldiers and civilians, does not bode well for Deplorablers. Chew on that a bit.
“If that doesn't do it for you there are plenty of very good PA movies.”
ReplyDeleteI too have been getting back into the PA movies, since recently watching Battletruck, which I shared with you here recently. I’m concentrating mostly on the 80’s films, since they bring back fond memories for me. Just came across this one, and watched it the other evening.
World Gone Wild (1987). This one features Bruce Dern, Catherine Mary Stewart (Say what you will, but she was really something back in the 80’s :D ) Adam Ant, and Michael Paré. Bruce Dern has some cool lines, but that stick and hubcap decapitation stunt was over the top, and a real eye roller. Another lesson in the perils of pacifism is learned within the first few minutes of this movie. Also, way too much ammo once again. And a religious cult post collapse, really? Adam Ant actually made a great brutal villain, much the same as the evil dude in Battletruck, and Bruce Dern made this one watchable (Well, that, and there was also an in her prime Catherine Mary Stewart, already mentioned above). Not worth paying to watch Jim, but since I found it for free, it is.
World gone wild 1987 (Dutch subs) VHS
Next up, Warlords (1988). This one features David Carradine (A pre-swinging from a rope in a Bangkok hotel room closet, with a vibrator buried up his ass, David Carradine, to be specific :D ). I actually couldn’t find this anywhere for free. I couldn’t even find it as a rental at Amazon prime, though you might come across a used DVD somewhere. I did come across a few video clips, and it looked pretty good from what I could tell, but I couldn’t recommend it from that alone, so it would be a roll of the dice.
It looks like the whops apparently got in on the action as well, and produced a few of these mad max clones (It’s okay. Italians aren’t a protected class :D ) I didn’t actually check any of these out yet, but I gotta say, not being a fan of the spaghetti westerns, I’m a little reluctant to give them a try.
It is hard to run across a Wop PA that is actually watchable. It is excusable, since Italian TV sucked back then and most of the population went to the movies on average twice a week. So, really, you were getting TV quality at the movies. They had to be made cheap and fast.