Thursday, June 30, 2016

usa #1 part 2 of 3

USA #1 part 2

Frankly, I’m not even sure why I’m writing this series of articles on bugging in to your own country.  Outside of a few ex-military spec-ops who go mercenary, and those foolish enough to believe Social Security will outlive them as they live out some tropical fantasy where Little Brown People wait on them hand and foot ( as if they didn’t already have robot slaves doing the same thing here )( and don’t believe for a second SS is solvent.  We just had Obammy’s UnAffordable Health Care Act jammed up our asses mainly because it was money in the bankers pockets but also as a bonus it was a way to keep Medicare [ or Medicaid, whichever, who cares?] from going bankrupt so quickly.  SS is in just as bad of shape ), only rich humps can even afford to think about moving out of our local craphole into another foreign craphole.  Here we go AGAIN!, the standard Yuppie Scum Guru advice to make a bazillion dollars and buy yourself happiness and security after the Apocalypse. 


My biggest complaint about standard Rich Humpers Only Need Apply To Survive advice isn’t the gross commercialism or hucksterism, it isn’t the classism or even semi-racism, nor the scary ass religious fervor these people are going to bring along with the shock troops armed with pitchforks and torches.  It is, simply, that the financially well off are only a very tiny minority of survivalists.  The advice is moronic for the majority.  Most of you, simply, are gazing in a dream state at Rawles ( only singled out as he is the current flavor of the month-it had looked as if Creekmore was being groomed by Paladin Press but something most have transpired there to kill that dream ) and the GoldBugs and the Idaho Imitators and the Militia Masturbators and the Pussy Preppers and everyone else recycling the same tired advice that has been around since the first nuclear weapon was acquired by the Soviets and then the First Arab Oil Embargo modernized it with slight tweaking ( it became about more than just nukes, then-people woke to the fact our economy was fragile and a few hearty businessmen like Howard Ruff beat everyone to the bandwagon ).


Notice how almost every single article out there, every book and sad Kindle, has an underlying message of spending oodles and gobs of money?  Good gravy, I go to an article titled “the best budget AR-15” at All Outdoors and all through to the end it talks about the best AR by all measurements EXCEPT budget.  You would think there would be a massive demand out there for frugal advice, but of course there isn’t.  The best con in the world is when the rubes never figure out the scam.  So keep dreaming about being rich, instead of recognizing it as the carrot that keeps your ass enslaved and busy at far above your pay grade.  Schmucks ( including myself, who slaves away at this publication, at about a dollar an hour at a hobby masquerading as altruism ).


Moving on ( after I’ve already got myself worked up into a lather ) to the third aspect of advising against leaving this sad and pathetic piece of real estate we still laughingly call a Republic or a Democracy, tribalism.  Notice the full blown assault against tribalism ( balancing precariously against saying anything bad about them if their skin takes on a darker hue-being politically correct nowadays is indeed a challenge ) in the media?  Women are oppressed, they are stoned for unmasking their ugly faces, etc.  Never mentioned is the fact that most of these gals prefer the society they have, just like in the US a vocal minority pushing the agenda.  But forget about that-you can see the same silliness just looking into the nearest college campus.  The point is NOT about our oppressed sisters in foreign lands.  I mean, really, who gives a crap?  They are fuzzy foreigners.  The hidden agenda, it seems to me, is to bad mouth tribalism.  Regardless of religion or geological area.  It is central government nation state cheerleading.  Just like when Third Generation Warfare dresses up tribalism as a military innovation.  No, it is about the death of centralization due to resource contraction.  Tribalism, with all its pesky issues, is the wave of our future.  In a resource shrinking environment, decentralization rules.  Tribalism is decentralized government.


Leaving this country displaces you from your tribe.  It is hard enough in this country to sort out your enemies from your friends.  Just staying here is dangerous enough as your tribe will remain besieged from all sides, yet when you leave that small comfort zone to go to a foreign land you get ZERO tribal support ( leaving aside certain exceptions such as marrying a foreigner with a “buy in” to that family ).  From very little to none.  How is that an improvement?  If nation states stayed in business, which they can’t, being a foreigner isn’t altogether a bad thing.  In times of devolution it is simply ignorant.  Money can buy you happiness, but only as long as it is worth something.  Once it isn’t it just became a false security blanket.

More tomorrow


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*Contact Information*  Links To Other Blogs *  Land In Elko*  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio*   my web site is
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* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

usa #1 part 1 of 3

USA #1

The US is number one in a lot of ways.  First in per capita incarcerations.  First in high corporate taxation ( in case you were wondering why everyone headquarters in other countries ).  First, or very close by now,  in bank shelters- surprisingly.  This of course benefits our Bankster masters in Goldman Saks and the Federal Reserve Bank members.  Reno, Nevada even figures prominently in there somewhere-formerly wetting its beak by offering no inventory tax warehousing.  Alas, following a proud Nevada tradition of screwing up everything that drew money into the area, our politicians are busy jacking up so many taxes that “corporation friendly” is going to join the slogan graveyard soon, joining such notables as “wedding capital” and “divorce capital”, “gambling capital”, probably “mining works for Nevada” and “free range cattle”.  Even when the douche bag California Wanna-Be lawyer scum parasites get done screwing us ( I wasn’t opposed to nuclear waste down in Las Vegas, figuring it would improve the state gene pool, but that was the only Screw You plan they DIDN’T implement ) it still is a great place to live.  Hopefully our supposed Republican governor will socialize the place so much three quarters of the population will move to Texas and we can get back to rural conservatism after the Yuppie Scum vacate to greener pastures to plunder.


But, back to the US in general.  It is still the number one location to bug-out to.  Look at the rest of the world.  It is a complete crap hole.  So is the US.  There is NO good place to run to ( and please note, I’m not saying immigrants should come here-what jobs are there for you?  Stay home, you humps!  Best location to bug out to, as in US citizens would be crazy to leave for another country ).  First off, you are jumping from the pan into the fire.  Secondly, all this hubbub about becoming an expat is directed at the rich.  It doesn’t apply to us common folk ( I’m sorry-did I offend you?  Do you consider yourself a special snowflake that is due to win it big by following the American Dream and making a fortune by offering a better mousetrap?  You are fifty years too late, dumbass.  You are just as common as we are, and probably as poor.  You want to dream, do it on your own time, not mine ).  Thirdly, there are ZERO tribes for you elsewhere.  And forth, the US has the best places to escape to, not because it is the biggest country or has the most wilderness but because it has the least practice controlling its populace.  Let’s cover these one at a time.


Do you really think it is a good idea to leave this country for another?  Let’s assume you even can ( financially, career wise, target country welcoming, etc. ).  How are you improving things, except financially ( a common theme is the wailing and gnashing of teeth over taxes you must pay, all the while you being a saint upon earth providing jobs.  The fever pitch of the rich bewailing ANY taxes has a Randian quality to it-and I love Ayn Rand for her talent and tenacity but paint her with a VERY wide Moron Brush otherwise.  Hello, Rich Humps, taxes pay to keep troops between you and vicious outsiders who could give two craps about your application to the Papists for Sainthood.  They’ll just take your crap and kill you [ do NOT confuse the ultimate function of any military with mistaking our current militaries role as imperial storm troopers ] )?  Sure, your taxes go down.  Big deal.  You open yourself up to all other conditions worsening as compared to the US.  Did you not get the memo when it was reported that at the height of conflict during the cocaine cartel wars that you could get a murder contract in Bogotá for as low as $20?   Did you miss how opening up all the Cold War strategic reserves allowed the globe to be flooded with AK-47’s, one of those fully automatic assault rifles going for as low as $100 in Albania when over here in the Land Of The Brave you needed over a grand to buy a semi-auto AR-15 because of our control laws?  Didn’t anyone tell you to avoid Mexican prisons ( pretty sad when other countries top our Crap Quota with our prison AIDS and Prison Racial Wars )?  Miss how during the global drought a few years back plenty of countries were seeing up to 75% grain crop failures? 


As bad as things are here, and they ARE bad, far worse than the mainstream media tell you and even a lot worse than what the Yuppie Scum Survivalists tell you ( as they imply voting still matters, how Peak Everything is far, far into the future and how you will have a job until your retreat is paid for ), it is far worse in most other places.  Not because their politicians are bigger crooks than ours or their currency is more fragile than ours or because their energy supply is more vulnerable.  Everyone has already seen a replay of the Roaring Twenties and a Great Depression already starting ( more on this in a separate article, of course ) but this time they don’t have an Oil Age just starting.  They don’t have the resources to start and sustain an Industrial Age World War to get them out of their predicament, either ( leaving aside the question of nuclear weapons ).  Without resources, there will not be a country opening its arms to the oppressed Jews, this time around.  You think refugees anywhere, anyone, will be any more welcome than Muslims in Europe right now?  And just because you got in before the barn door was closed doesn’t mean you are any safer. 


You can of course convince yourself the US will quietly fade into the night as it enfeebles itself by destroying its culture and cohesion, leaving the rest of the world to prosper.  I don’t believe that is the case.  I think the imperial treasury is looting its colonies, even if it has already turned onto their own citizens as the flow of wealth from overseas slowed, and once the structure rots it will take the rest of the globe with it.  Not because I have a jingoistic American delusion.  Because the western banking system is what keeps the entire globes population fed from centralized farms with long distance transportation and with  most of the eaters clustered in urban hives.  Absent that, the tinder is ignited.  The imperial citizens have the best chance of being the last to collapse ( even if their collapse will be much deadlier ).  That is why you stay here, to have a little more time to prep.  More tomorrow.


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* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

three tier arsenal 2 of 2


I thought I’d pretty much covered everything there was to cover insofar as guns.  How brain chemistry-which you cannot control-secreted from stress-yo! People are shooting at you and you might die-is going to promote the Spray And Pray tactics of semi auto and you will waste most of your ammunition.  How suppressive fire is a military tactic you cannot duplicate due to logistics.  How without an industrial infrastructure you cannot produce ammunition.  All of which is pretty darn hard to argue with.  Only with training can you overcome lack of fire control and most of us can’t afford to both stockpile ammo AND train with it to the required degree.  And it would take sheds full of pallets of ammunition to get you very far at all into the Apocalypse using current military weapons and tactics.  Which, again, folks with WAY more money than me can’t afford.  It isn’t just poor people that are financially constrained.  The “solution” to that is to slowly but surely stockpile, and to do that Peak Oil has been postponed indefinitely ( along with population pressure and resource decline and empire collapse ).


And the way folks argue with it, also, is to call for the Three Tier Arsenal.  Acknowledging the logistics, they call for a limited role for semi’s, just for the die-off phase.  But, why?  Why do you need all that ammunition and firepower?  If you are part of a group, slower fire isn’t a problem.  You use volley fire to duplicate smaller numbers having semi’s.  Just as was done with bows and just as was done with black powder muskets.  If you are not part of a group, can’t you hide well enough to avoid most conflict?  How is a semi even necessary, if you aren’t holed up in suburbia waiting for a hundred zombies at a time to attack you?  How would Biker Hordes even know where you were?  Because you were in a large luxurious home with wood smoke bellowing to keep the temperature in Old People Comfort zones, power tools screaming as your fat asses couldn’t manually construct anything?  WHY do you think you need the first tier, is my primary question.  People far less educated than ourselves have followed the primary objective of following the tactics a weapon required, rather than follow today’s tendency to pick their favorite tactic and loudly insisting on acquiring the weapons for it. 


WHY, it must be answered, do you feel it is a great idea to put yourself in harms way when it is your life on the line?  George Washington, first Ginormous Asswhore Of The New Republic ( which was a coup d etat by the rich elite, trashing a confederacy for a more powerful federal government, several generation prior to the War Of Northern Aggression ), had no problem insisting his volunteers serve out more than their agreed terms, against their will ( “stop loss” without the legal justification ), without pay as their families went hungry, AND had to fight in ranks in the open with muskets.  He hated the backwoodsmen who used rifles and fought Indian style, attempting in every way to thwart them.  Now, are you going to sit there and try to tell me that these rednecks were at a disadvantage with Three Times Longer To Reload, more accurate rifles?  Of course not.  Because they didn’t expose themselves at short ranges as a matter of course.  Which is what you want to do with semi-auto carbines?  How can advocates of semi’s even have served in the military?  Either they were officers, content to send their men to their deaths, REMF’s ( Real Echelon Mother Freakers ) who haven’t a clue or civilians with a clenched sphincter and taunt nipples over anything military, without a clue.  Any who were the sharp tip of the spear and still think semi’s are a good idea is brainwashed ( or addicted to adrenalin )-all well and good for that individual but NOT for those willing to listen to them ( and, no, Francis, lighten up, I’m not trying to diss any who fought-they have my mad respect ). 


Respecting one’s fortitude and bravery does not automatically follow with unquestioning acceptance.  The military does things for a reason, and keeping the individual alive is NOT on its agenda.  Blindly following military protocol is retarded.  Blindly following anyone is moronic.  Think for yourself, no matter how much it hurts.  My position, which could be wrong for you, is that you don’t need semi’s if you avoid conflict intelligently, bolt actions provide all you need ( including a bayonet! ) and with minimal outlay and planning should last you far into the future-which should alleviate any third tier.  I have my Tier Three as a rimfire arsenal rather than archery or black powder, yet wonder if I’ll ever even use it.  Hell, I’m nervous enough about my chances of survival using Tier Two weapons, if only because each conflict exponentially reduces your odds of survival.  Again, it isn’t about gold or guns.  It is about food, more food and then slightly more food after that.  Just enough weapons to keep that food, and more ammo than you think you’ll ever need.  Stop trying to play GI Joe with all these firearms. 


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*Contact Information*  Links To Other Blogs *  Land In Elko*  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio*   my web site is
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* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there

Monday, June 27, 2016

three tier arsenal 1 of 2


You might want to visit:

They seem to be slightly above the regular lower denominator that prepper sites have in common ( besides crass commercialism and pandering ).  The articles are short, long on advertisements and graphics almost as if to prove that in the race to the bottom e-sites can out-USA Today their print rivals, but at least each article usual gives up a bit of wisdom and is elevated above mere filler content.  I discovered them through a link at Rawles, covering the article on how the recent South American social disintegration proves food is much more in demand than you would have imagined ( as in, not exactly a First World Industrial economy but rather fitting the stereotype of peasants farming everywhere outside the city ).  Gold, and all other Prepper Fantasy barter items, no, not so much.  The author poo-pahed gold, as he should have.  I’ve been telling you the stuff is worthless except for multi-generational wealth transfer, and if my guess is right, none of my readers have enough wealth left over to transfer.  That is a rich puke problem ( Blacks make fun of White People Problems, and it is true that even the poor Whites mostly are one or two steps above on the socioeconomic ladder, but even when you are much better off than ghetto dwellers you are still exploited and outclassed by Rich Pukes ).


Since the article made sense, I started reading some more posts on the site, and they are adequate enough to follow until they inevitably stop posting and I get irritated and drop them from my regular reading list.  But here is my main point.  They had an article dissing on the one gun arsenal, or even the three gun arsenal, and advocated the Three Tier Arsenal.  I’d never heard such a thing until a minion had brought it up some time ago, and it makes a certain amount of valid points, but reading this latest article really turned me off of the concept.  Mainly because he didn’t really explore in depth why you needed all three, merely decrying not being armed enough.  Well, that is a bit of a copout in my opinion.  It is like saying, “don’t you value your life enough to buy a quality firearm?”.  On the face of it that is a valid question, and really the only thing keeping any of us, no matter how poorly paid, from going higher quality is lack of discipline.   But let’s explore a bit further, and I won’t even play the Poor Card, just to keep this fair. 


Everyone, even those in a household bringing in $60k a year ( anymore, a tremendous feat, as over half of Americans earn less than half that amount ) must Buy Affordably.  None of us can spend unlimited amounts on prepping.  The five acre farm in the boonies is an invalid unrealistic fantasy peddled by the Yuppie Scum Survivalist Guru’s.  Just being able to arm up and stock the pantry are Herculean feats even at the $60k level ( not because that isn’t a tremendous amount of money because it is, but because of the inevitable financial commitments made prior to prepping-you know, like raising kids further away from the Ghettos and having a more expensive more reliable vehicle to commute ).   NOT buying the Three Tier isn’t so much a lack of discipline or inclination as much as it is realistic budgeting.  Just as buying gold is retarded unless you already have lots and lots of food, buying too many firearms is even worse.  At least if you had gold, prior to the collapse you could buy more food.  With too many firearms, if things are going downhill quickly I can’t imagine guns are as good of a barter item as you believe ( gold might not have any allure to the hungry but there will always be the undesirables willing to trade for it ).


Here is my reasoning.  Gold, even if outlawed, holds its value.  Guns, if/when they are outlawed, will lose a lot of their trade in value for the simple fact that there are a lot more guns out there than gold.  You will be in a buyers market.  It is far better to just over buy on food NOW and under buy on guns ( while over buying on ammunition ).  Again, this is prior to the collapse.  There might be panics when your guns get a premium, I don’t doubt that.  But over the long haul, I see guns as an over abundant commodity.  Once the ammo starts disappearing ( as for instance, if a ban is put into place, still speaking pre-collapse ) guns lose even more of their value.  Sell your excess NOW, buy the hell out of food and when that is at a comfortable level, more ammo for the few guns you have left.


The Three Tier gun arsenal ( semi-autos for the die-off, bolts for afterwards, black powder and such for post-ammunition ) is probably a good idea ( probably-even if we could argue that the need for a semi means you are too friggin close for comfort.  Or we could argue that if you need close in protection a pump action shotgun is both one third the price of a carbine, its ammo is cheaper and more widely available.  Or we could argue that if you hide well enough you don’t need massive firepower-that what you are being sold is a less probable scenario ).  But can you argue it is a feasible option for most of us at this point?  This Suckers Going Down!-thank you President Shrub.  It sure as hell is.  The economy is circling the drain.  Just because we are still in motion doesn’t mean you personally will escape plunging down the pipe.  You could, I grant you.  Nothing is certain.  Anything is possible.  But what is probable is that very, very soon you will be without a job or a home if you are in debt.  You need to act like that is going to happen, not keep running down to the gun store as if employment and commercialism and consumerism and debt will keep on keeping on.  


Everything is a gamble.  Even having plenty of semi-auto’s is.  You just might get so cocky and sure of yourself since you have The Biggest And Baddest Rambo Killing Machine that you take retarded chances.  Continued tomorrow.


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*Contact Information*  Links To Other Blogs *  Land In Elko*  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio*   my web site is
*Link To All My Published Books
* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there

Friday, June 24, 2016

can't we get along?


Even when you try to avoid the mainstream press altogether, the unrelenting propaganda “shines” through ( shiny like the glint of sunlight off an oily dog turd ).  Good Christ, the flags around town went to half mast after the Great Faggot Massacre ( I have very little against homosexuals.  As the saying goes, some of my best friends were pillow biters and carpet lickers.  Seriously, when sex isn’t an issue, you can actually get along with some gals.  But it chaps my ass that AIDS carriers get celebrated for their sexual deviancy.  And it makes my ass bleed [ no homo pun intended ] when Muslims get a free pass to kill westerners so asswhores can pimp for more gun control ).  My disgust is so rampant I can’t even pretend to be Politically Correct.  I don’t pretend to shed a tear when others not of my immediate family are killed.  Sexually normal or not, and no matter what political orientation.  We ALL die.  Jesus wept, people act like it’s their favorite dog that went tits up instead of a bunch of strangers.  If they can’t handle 50 out of 320 million, imagine their surprise when the actual die-off occurs.


Everybody wants to tell me to love Muslims and Blacks and fags and every other group that hates me.  What am I, a girl?  Now, no offense to the fairer sex, you all are a stabilizing and civilizing influence on us guys, and in a lot of ways you are superior ( just as we are in certain ways, so don’t let your heads swell ), but just like all of us you have a huge blind spot.  Just as guys look at the world through one prism-“should I kill it or hump it?”- women look at the world through “appearance is everything”.  That is why a house must look good.  How much it cost, not so much of a concern.  What you have to do to pay the mortgage, just a detail that isn’t so important.  They can’t help it.  Sexiness and beauty attract a mate ( just as males provide and protect out of the same desire-and I must say that although females got the short end of the stick as far as the price their bodies must pay to procreate, in life in general, absent obscene oil wealth, it sucks far worse to be a male with all we must do to appease the Little Brain ). 


So, when appearance is everything ( I used to have a female boss that freaked out on dirt and clutter in a work area divorced from the public.  I actual believe she equated mess with germs and filth and made herself physically ill when everything wasn’t OCD  perfect ), and ever since Women’s Lib was encouraged by our Elite to divide and conquer and cut labor costs, the drive towards Political Correctness is a reflection on the feminization of western society.  Appearance is all.  We are expected to actually care about minorities rather than hate them.  If it LOOKS peaceful and tranquil and harmonious, then it must be true.  Guys, manly men and not the latte sipping metro-sexuals castrated and henpecked by the inevitable female boss and pant wearing wife, hate for a very good reason.  Tribe is security, and hating other tribes and lusting after killing them is a warriors job ( you really think it is an accident FemiNazi’s take over every bastion of masculinity remaining?  ) bent on protecting his tribe. 


You can’t kill without hating.  Oh, you can, given enough camouflage of the facts, enough sanitation.  A drone operator  is just playing a video game, after all.  But to be far more effective, hate is the helpful lubricant.  Outlawing hate is the first step in weakening your tribe, and in a lot of cases it can also be the last one.  To make a few more cents in profit, our rulers have completely shredded the social fabric of our society ( ruin the three generation household, ruin the nuclear family, etc. ) but worse than that they have set us up for failure economically, spiritually, militarily and more.  The barbarian tribes of the Muslims ( whether or not aided and abetted by our laughingstock of a President-that is pretty much immaterial as we were already over, done and double flushed before that insipid prick came along.  Those that argue otherwise still actually believe voting matters and we can get a better figurehead leader.  I’ll be nice and just proclaim, “rubbish” ) are looking at a pretty good target of opportunity as we have handily weakened ourselves by feminizing and outlawing tribal behavior ( please note, I’m NOT buying into the patently BullSpit about Muslim terrorism as handed out by our FedGov.  I’m not even sure we aren’t looking at another False Flag Attack with Orlando.  I’m looking at the bigger picture of our Clash Of Civilizations.  Would you like to look at our immediate future?  Look at Europe.  The politicians, all Politically Correct and quite a few of them females as dictated by law forcing quota hiring for parliament, have invited and paid young Muslim males to swarm/invade their countries.  Then act surprised when these tribesmen ignore the Rules Of Feminism ).


Americans are rather well armed.  I can’t see a repeat of Europe here where males are impotent and unable to stop wholesale rape and extralegal enforcement of Muslim law.  But who will be the ones fighting back?  The haters.  I think we still have enough left.  Not that I’m advocating vigilantism.  I’m merely forecasting the obvious.  If the power behind the politicians want to stop the bloodbath they have created they might want to rethink pushing Political Correctness to the bitter end of its twisted “logic” like Europe has done ( of course, I might be missing something here, such as a behind the scenes American Elite manipulation of its bought and paid for European politicians where we have engineered the current crisis to economically destabilize the continent.  I’m not sure what that would gain us, but we do love our régime changes, so you never know ).  What my point is here is that the first step you need to take to embrace the future reality of a dysfunctional civilization in decline is to Embrace Hate.  Don’t let them make you feel guilty.  Sure, it is all a valid and pretty argument.  Don’t hate someone just for their skin color.  Don’t hate homos since they were born that way.  Don’t hate other religions, since we all worship the same God but from different churches.  And certainly, you can give the appearance of following those dictates.  But in your heart, you know it is not only okay but required to Hate All Outsiders Of Your Tribe.  Because believe me, THEY all hate you.  The PC’ers don’t even pretend to hide their hatred for White Males.  The Blacks are allowed to attack all Whites ( if you are keeping yourself and your defenseless children in harms way living close to a ghetto, shame on you ).  What do you want, an engraved invitation.  Other People Suck, And Want To Harm You.  Get your head and heart straight.


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*Contact Information*  Links To Other Blogs *  Land In Elko*  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio*   my web site is
*Link To All My Published Books
* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there


Thursday, June 23, 2016

ptb snafu poda 4 of 4


Okay, we’ve gone under the assumption that a cabal of smart enough and ruthless enough Elite members have directed the inevitable collapse towards favoring them ( goose the velocity so that there remains surplus energy ), whether or not the probability of such an event is feasible.  We are “war gamming” here, not making predictions or prophecies.  How might events unfold?  For you and me, the Little People, nothing changes initially.  The Die-Off must proceed in order to eliminate surplus population ( while it is true that every empire since agriculture was perfected has played a birth surplus game to have a strategic advantage, we run into a unique situation at present in that the entire globe is cannibalizing itself rather than the traditional “area A against area B, winner secures the necessary surplus”.  The war over oil was already fought and won, and surplus energy is indeed helping some areas over others, but histories one off wealth surplus is drastically shrinking.  Nuking country A doesn’t get any extra resources for country B.  Not enough.  One needs to cut down on ones own population as well as the others.  This is the only time population has so drastically exceeded the carrying capacity, and on a global scale-history isn’t the best guide here ).


Your choice of relocation is close to the same, with a few caveats.   You don’t want to be in an area that the rulers are eyeballing.  Because, and beware, solar economy and industrial economy resources are NOT the same.  Whereas in a primitive economy as long as you avoid a few choice targets-fertile soil and watered areas, salt mines, key transportation locations-you are going to be pretty safe from his Lordships moving in to subject you to his rule but in an industrial economy the targets shift.  For instance, post-oil, Louisiana back woods provide a lot of primitive survival opportunities.  Not for nothing did French hillbillies inhabit that very location for generations.  But if they are too close to a oil refinery?  Goodnight.  You might pose no threat to the rulers power, but you could damage his petroleum plant and must be eradicated.  An otherwise unneeded area up atop an Appalachian mountain, bare of mineral prospects, water sources, rich soil, otherwise left peacefully to its inhabitants, might be the best place for a rail line.  Out they go. 


Take my area for instance, northeast Nevada.  Yes, it has a short butt-ton of gold.  But in just the last five years the energy needed to process it has doubled ( give or take-that is the global average ) with yield dropping.  It isn’t just a question of the cost of diesel needed for the giant machinery used to extract the VERY diffuse ore, or its availability, but also of financing and parts availability and other factors.  Rapidly, far quicker than the projected twenty odd years, the ore is going to prove uneconomical to extract, regardless of the amount remaining.  The remaining oil isn’t an endless gusher-it still must to triaged.  Will the high wastage energy use this industry expects have a viable future?  In the end, it is an open question, but obviously I’ve bet on a complete shutdown.  I of course could be wrong, in which case my post-petroleum oasis becomes a cruel trap.  These are the calculations you need to perform.  Can your area be used by the post-oil elites?


Even if you find your area unexpectedly occupied by Petroleum Users, all is not lost.  It isn’t like you can’t move, for instance.  The whole country just lost a bunch of people.  But even if you do stay and fight, you aren’t automatically assured of losing ( despite my earlier comment about spear chuckers being decimated by train transported troops with Maxim guns ).  Yes, you must be talented and lucky to survive.  And yes, sometimes tech will prevail regardless.  But there are differences between how and 150 years ago.  Such as, population is decreasing, not increasing.  The energy supply is contracting, not expanding.  Machines will be breaking down as Chinese parts will no longer be shipped, rather than there being an increase in machinery.  If you stay out of the reach of those hypothetical machine guns ( or literal, although I’m wondering how wasteful our new kings will be after they realize the bottlenecks in logistics they are facing now ), you don’t have to worry about reliving a White invasion of the AmeriIndians territory.  I think a better analogy would be the Ottoman Empire attempting to subdue the Arab held regions ( think “Lawrence Of Arabia“ ) and not doing so great of a job of it due to the long supply lines and other issues which negated their military and transportation supposed superiority.  Or think about the Russian Empire.  They also had long supply lines, and about the same superiority in arms and transport, and they prevailed over the horsemen hordes.  Not because of higher tech, but because the Asians fought to the Russians strengths rather than weaknesses ( a nice example of hubris there, yes? ).  Never fight the way that helps your enemy. 


Avoidance is best.  Exploiting the enemies weakness is next best, if you can’t avoid them.  For instance, rather than fighting better equipped men, fight his need for fuel oil.  You don’t need any, you are mobile infantry guerrillas.  He is tied to his rail and road transport.  Immobilize his transport, as it is both his advantage AND his weakest link.  If you aren’t in the cities ( a captive slave market, even if you survive ) and aren’t in the way strategically, any future petroleum empire most likely poses less of a threat to you than you think.  Look at the Finns kicking the Soviets asses, even when it was just skiing troops against tanks.  Or the Vietnamese using bicycles against jets and helicopters.  It is more how smart you are than how well equipped ( hint, hint, AR-15 and MRE toters ).


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*Contact Information*  Links To Other Blogs *  Land In Elko*  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio*   my web site is
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* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there


Wednesday, June 22, 2016

ptb snafu poda 3 of 4

note: if I don't answer your comments for a little while, please don't take it personally.  I've been having real issues with "hang-fires", every time I click on something, everything completely freezes up.  Thanks for not hating.
Now, I realize that I’m veering dangerously into sci-fi/fantasy territory here.  As soon as you say “elites benefiting from collapse” you get a chorus of catcalls such as “they design a disease to kill us all”, or “gun control is the way to One World Government and Blue Helmet Rule and the Mark Of The Beast”.  Please try to calm yourselves and let’s try to think rationally.  Remember, most of our elite are just as much of a dumb-ass as we are.  A few are ruthless.  Bill Gates was always just an ugly insecure little dweeb turning to computers to cope with hate and rejection.  Any intelligence he possessed was turned to that venue.  One day he saw an entrepreneurial possibility and pounced on it, then never created much of substance again, letting his Attack Lawyers fend off probably legitimate grievances as he enforced his monopoly.  For all intents and purposes he was a One Hit Wonder that tripped over a turd and came up smelling like roses.  You really think he is capable of Ruling The World?  Do NOT confuse focus and ruthlessness with wisdom or intelligence or ability.


The elites are not going to cause a collapse, past a certain point.  They can identify a weak spot and exploit the hell out of it.  The response to 2008 could be construed as Mass Idiocy ( playing with derivatives was tried and failed miserably in the county of Long Beach California in the mid ‘90’s and in the later years of the same decade with Russian financial [ by US Nobel prize winners-the schmucks ] instruments ) or even a deliberate act.  Why not get rich while simultaneously critically weakening the economy?  It would only take a few players to steer the greedy on target.  My vote is Goldman Saks, but I have little proof beyond their Teflon performance to date.  If you knew that Peak Oil was really A Thing, and you saw that war failed as a financial bail-out, so obviously the Gig Was Up, why not engineer a financial near collapse?  Again, all you are doing is making it obviously easy for all the ruthless morons to act greedy.  How hard is that?  It doesn’t take a conspiracy past the top dogs.  There is one scenario I can give rational credence to.  But a designer disease?  Oh, sure, it has been done.  AIDS being the obvious one ( it erupted far to close to simultaneous to be natural ), Ebola perhaps another-although I’m not convinced of that one.  I’m also highly suspicious of the Barnyard Flu that hit Mexico City right as Obammy visited ( factions of the PTB fighting for control?  I’d bet Hilary was behind it, as was Obamy’s owners behind whatever hit Hilary during that period where it looked like she had terminal cancer-perhaps the UFO aliens anal probed her and cured it ).


But a Super Black Plague or whatever, to kill most of the globes population?  I don’t buy into that.  When a conspiracy takes too many people and is too difficult, as in needing a Miracle Weapon ( such as Marvin The Martians planet busting ray-gun/cannon ), it doesn’t fit the needed plausibility factor.  But, to return to a possible economic collapse-by-design, just weakening the planets economies, using resource contractions naturally occurring problems as a boost, isn’t just diabolical, it is easily done.  It takes no Super Awesome Cold Fusion Powered Weapon.  It takes no quantum leap gene splicing.  It doesn’t take a Dr. No secret island to coordinate a complex dance from.  You weaken the heck out of the economy, making a fortune in the process you use to purchase strategic assets, and then just sit back and wait for the implosion that occurs without your help.  The die-off is ridden out in style ( the idiots buying the half million dollar former missile silo apartments are not going to be among the surviving ruling elites-you need to apply a bit more imagination and resources to the issue.  Which, hey, waiting for the collapse becomes a neat hobby ).  Then, step in and start using the surviving people as pawns and patsies and minions. 


Since, at present, almost all economic activities and resource controlling organizations are highly centralized, it isn’t going to be too hard to control the remaining petroleum.  I can’t say how long such an endeavor will last, but merely controlling a few areas should keep things rolling long enough.  It wouldn’t take too many armored units to secure a free fire zone around the viable corn growing areas and the rail linking them to the Louisiana oil pumping and processing centers ( even rail transported infantry and drones could secure the area-don‘t underestimate the ability of humans to justify anything.  A few extra luxuries and your troops will gladly massacre insurgents or rioters-look how bloodthirsty some LEO‘s can be for an extra ten grand a year plus having the privilege of being one of the few armed ones ).  Ship down corn, ship up oil.  The tractors keep running and the oil flows.  Once you eliminate all housing heat or cooling, all car commuting, needing to feed hundreds of millions of mouth breathers, our domestic oil production will feed a lot of serfs and transport a lot of military, for a very long time.  You have stretched out the arch of Peak Oil by quite a bit.  More tomorrow.


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*Contact Information*  Links To Other Blogs *  Land In Elko*  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio*   my web site is
*Link To All My Published Books
* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

ptb snafu poda 2 of 4

note: "We Are Doomed" arrived in the mail yesterday-and I heartily thank the minion who sent it.  I'll be starting it today, it looks that good.
No matter how bad things get in a die-off complete collapse, at least you are assured that with proper planning, superior strategy and the uncompromising metal outlook of a barbarian warrior king you can place the odds of prevailing in your favor.  Yet, that assumes several things, the most important being a complete infrastructure collapse ( other things assumed are lesser scenarios such as NOT having a big enough asteroid hitting us so we stand a chance, or a near enough star NOT going super-nova or something similar that leaves humans zero chance of survival independent of how well they prepared ).  Without said collapse, we can’t exactly survive as autonomous actors.  In other words, if enough of a centralized industrialized Oil Age infrastructure survives and is controlled by The Powers That Be, individual survivors stand little chance of living outside slavery.  Spear wielding tribes have ZERO ability to survive train traveling soldiers armed with Maxim guns ( and before you start thinking rather highly of yourself, armed with an AR-15 with FLIR scope, your homework tonight is to research how well the Ameri-Indians did even armed with centerfire repeaters ).


Surviving a total collapse is easy enough, all things being equal.  Once you survive the initial Die-Off ( not the easiest thing in the world but certainly not outside the range of abilities of the average Joe NOT burdened with too much civilized luxurious dead weights ), it is about even odds, you against outsiders, germs and Mother Nature.  This is what I have been focusing on for thirty years.  HOW do people act, so as to avoid them.  HOW can you replace the modern grid.  WHAT are the best tools.  HOW do you minimize risks.  But the voice in the back of my head screaming at me constantly ( now that the waterfall collapse has picked up speed and is almost at the rapids-three decades ago purely hypothetical and today clear as glass ) is asking what the heck am I supposed to do if a total collapse doesn’t transpire as I’ve envisioned?  I was wrong about Y2K and about Peak Oil, and only a fool bets that the third time is the charm.  Okay, granted, being wrong was good because it stepped up my preps by certifiably measurable amounts.  In the first I went from a One Year Food And Ammo prepper ( the Mormon Model ) to a Systematic Collapse survivalist.  In the latter I finally got rid of rent and debt and grid dependency, developed a deep stockpile of the important bare necessities and finally got back to a lower population area.  And I wasn’t even wrong about the end of the computers or oil, but about my timing.  So I certainly don’t doubt myself in a certain sense, but rather leave myself open to unrealized possibilities.


One of which is, while Peak Oil is real, and there certainly is no such thing as a One World Conspiracy, what is to say there isn’t an American Elite conspiracy?  They pretty much have been ruling most of the world, for nearly twenty years, through economic means.  What if-and I by no means absolutely support this theory but am merely worrying about the possibility of its existence- they are planning on running our civilization into the ground but have contingencies to keep ruling afterwards?  The two choices are that we either kill them all and good riddance or they escape to another country.  Yet, to be realistic, both assumptions can be viewed as problematic.  The first has the faint whiff of the powerless revenge fantasy and the second assumes there is any place to escape to.  Are our Elites so retarded they don’t assume our civilization doesn’t implode like all others throughout history ( the only difference this time is that the entire globe is trashed rather than one geological area )?  I was of the thought that our banking rulers were so focused on making money they hadn’t a clue about anything else, such as demographics and resources and biology, and I still think I’m right.  And after all, the bankers today were born with the money monopoly privilege handed to them on a silver platter. They are spoiled, lazy, hyper-trained in one specialized field, and that is about it.  Yet, I wasn’t taking into account the other members of the Elite.  Yes, the bankers control most things.  At the top, where money moves mountains.  But everything below is subordinated to other experts, the government drones and the corporates and criminals.  And while, yes, most of them are retarded, quite a few are ruthless and intelligent.  Can we expect them to die like all the other Elites?


During the Die-Off, quite a few resources and infrastructure points are going to be, or attempted to be, protected.  The Major in charge of the National Guard troops, or the state governor, might be incompetent ( well, most likely ARE ) and unfit to lead, but somebody in that chain of command will do quite well.  And when that someone desperately reaches out to another someone for help, you have two of the former ruling class helping each other survive.  And as night follows day, they are the new rulers ( say for instance that a grain silo cluster on a rail hub is protected by troops, who act to protect the nearby oil refinery and centralized farmland, all three folks in charge in effect protecting their monopoly in total and helping each other during AND after said chaos ).  And that doesn’t even account for prior planning, which I’m sure the more devious and talented are quite capable of doing on some level, informal or otherwise.  You think golf games, with refreshing adult beverages served, aren’t where all the important decisions are made?  After one martini too many, wouldn’t it be natural and easy to have a conversation about how worried you all were about the state of the world and what you could do to cope?  More tomorrow.

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*Contact Information*  Links To Other Blogs *  Land In Elko*  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio*   my web site is
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