Tuesday, June 9, 2020

breaching the wall

Thank you, Pastor Joe, for this. “The barbarians are not AT the wall. They have already breached it” ( or words to that effect ). He wasn't speaking of barbarians as I would, as is my surely paranoid hateful want, but ( I think ) the evil forces of communism and their puppets. More in the 1950's sense of anyone not traditional American. Pastor Joe was a military officer, and they don't last twenty years ( neither do the NCO's, which have lost a lot of my respect in general for the same reason thus ) unless they drink gallons of Kool-Aid of Political Correctness. He doesn't see race.
To be fair, he strikes me as a gentlemen, so I don't live in the same world he does. I'm just a jerk, so affronted by the world we live in I hate nearly everybody, no matter how innocent. He is poured from a gentler mold. Anyway, I didn't remember too much else about his video other than that opening line ( and, his caution that for now, you could dump your real estate to a Greater Sucker, but that won't last long ), so anything following are my own thoughts. I don't want you tarring him with the same brush as myself.
We all know the US fell long ago. The 80's were our last free decade, but the Universities had been stormed and occupied twenty years prior. The 80's saw a fledgling PC culture try to worm its way in but never succeeded until Clinton ( just as the venomous anti-White culture wasn't official policy until Obammy moved his sperm leaking ass into the White House. It is one thing for an oil industry Intelligence Operatives son to be (s)elected for office, quite another to make the office a complete laughing stock by installing a Muslim Kenyan drug dealing Marxist homosexual ).
And by communists, I don't mean in the traditional McCarthy Bolshevik under every bed witch hunt for Soviet agents ( Netflix just released a movie which beat you over the head with the free speech argument, disapproving of the whole affair, using the name recognition of Breaking Bad's Bryan Cranston as a propaganda tool. Really, a rather well done film. The message is not only dangerous, however, it is also unintentionally rather hilarious, given today's widespread censorship by the Left ). Commies as in anyone who is an internationalist ( globalism is pro-banker, dumb ass ), politically correct, anti-Bill Of Rights ( ANY infringement of the Amendments negates them, and hence puts you in the Anti camp ).
But Jim, what about all the communists who were assassinated-JFK, and MLK, and the leftist crusaders framed ( by the Oh So Professional FBI ) and jailed for life. I don't think of this conflict as left against right. I think of it as Red Shield against the country. The Right wasn't trying to crush the Left in the 60's and 70's. The Military Industrial Complex wasn't fighting for its life ( Cold War spending carries on to this day over in the sandbox ). Factions were played against each other to profit the few. The right was creating martyrs and causes to rally around, all the while the population was fooled into thinking the right was trying to protect them.
Just like today, as mental midgets proclaim Trump plays four dimensional chess. I'm sorry, no one can act THAT stupid all of the time. And stop listening to him. Instead, watch him. See what he actually does. The left never had a better friend than Orange Man and all those who support him uncritically. You are still in the left/right paradigm. There is no such divisions. It is all the Bankers Party, the Imperial Party, NOT the Republicans and Democrats. The right has done as much to flood the country with OtherColors and move jobs overseas as the left has. Neither is your friend.
The communists, the PC'ers, play the same role now as they did sixty years ago, someone to blame to pacify the Normies, engineered to do the dirty work without the blame. The people behind the throne are all the Green Party. The color of money, not environmentalism. Their job is to loot the store. You are focusing on Tyrone stealing a pair of sweat shop Nikes, as Nike and similar whores like Amazon and Netflix scream that Black Lives Matter, to distract you from Goldman Saks and JP Morgan getting trillions from the Treasury and Federal Reserve. And JP Morgan and Goldman are distractions to Red Shield looting the whole country.
Even Rothschild's could be another front to who knows, be they global drug cartels or industrialists or even more shadowy banks. Doctor Evil? Hell, for all we know, for Green Reptilian Overlords ( didn't the UFO guy just get demonitized from YouTube, Hmmmm? ). But Red Shield will do for now as a focus of our ire. Just understand, the barbarians have not breached the walls on their own accord. That occupying army employing unaware stooges naively believing they won't be eaten by the revolution are just foot troops. They ONLY take the form of the left because that scares the people more effectively.
Don't mistake me, the elites could give two wet craps if the US is run by jack booted thugs giving fascist salutes, or Internationalist commie thugs proclaiming universal equality. They only want their wealth pump to function properly. Fascism is a TERRIBLE wealth pump. It still allows a profit to go to the managerial class. Isn't that what we have? Is it? Those idiots are paid in their own stocks, which can be paper wealth or traded for those Greenbacks now backed by...anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Yeah, backed by about nothing, anymore.
And THAT, my fine feathered minions, is what I'm focusing on. The sudden break of the backing of the US Dollar, which meant that there was suddenly nothing left to loot, which left the stooges in place. The barbarians inside the gates WERE, past tense, the elite looters. But lacking real wealth left to steal, they have decamped in the dark of night and left behind the patsies of the left. We think the left is to blame, but they were just the colonial administrators. Who are now in charge of the rubble left behind. And nothing left to loot means there is no one to save us as the once useful slaves we were. Continued tomorrow
( .Y. )
( today's Amazon link HERE )
note: if you subscribed to my free e-mail newsletter, and aren't getting it, I keep getting "un-deliverable" messages from these two servers.  Stactray and Enholm.  
note: on the recent issues with my Internet connection.  At first I thought it could have been our Wi-Fi box.  But after the company did its remote magic and we got new resets and passwords and the like, it still keeps dropping the signal.  Not as bad as it was, or as long, but still enough to tell me the company itself, Frontier ( going through bankruptcy-which I believe a minion pointed out ), is foregoing maintenance as revenue enhancement, or the Internet itself is the culprit.  Still unknown.  Perhaps it is the same with grocery stores, the small towns are being triaged out.  I'm dusting off the old plans with the CD-ROM monthly newsletter by snail mail.  I think.  I'll keep you all posted.
Please support Bison by buying through the Amazon links here ( or from http://bisonprepper.com/2.html or www.bisonbulk.blogspot.com ). Or PayPal www.paypal.me/jimd303 
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* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there


  1. I like Pastor Joe too, but doubt we could exist in close proximity for very long. Philosophically we agree, but not on ideology.

    Frontier has always been sorry, when I lived in Elko, the library service would go down for days at least once a month. I used them a couple of other places and they weren't much better.

  2. For NCO’s, you need people like that drill Sargent in Full Metal Jacket. Though chanting about the perils of the chill factor of Inuit vagina, in today’s military, would get one booted right quick :D Therein lies the joke. The type of people that you need to get the job done, have just about all been driven out of today’s military. Or at least they will be soon enough. Our lean, mean, fighting machines, must first undergo sensitivity training :D (If it weren’t so laughable, you’d cry)

    The Coronavirus will reduce the PC brigades, once the full effect has come to pass. But it’s going to be ugly, and you’d better be far away from the masses, when that time comes. The riots that you’re currently seeing in the streets, is just a taste of what’s to come.

    Speaking of Bryan Cranston. He was one of the many celebrities that vowed to leave the US if Trump got elected. Unfortunately, they all broke their promises :D

  3. Dynamite blog today. Thank you.


    There was a dude making the rounds in circa 2013 that
    spoke at length about these 2 entities. He kept apologizing
    about the "dry" and technical aspects of these entities.
    I listened to 1/2 dozen of them, and gradually got it...
    at least the gist. This data was also in 'The Big Short' by
    Michael Lewis. Yesterday there as an interview on SGT
    with a dude explaining the $100 trillion stolen, scammed
    out of the USA system. Being a Catherine Austen Fitts
    reader, she had us losing 50 trillion some time back. This
    is our reality people. The latter dude said it could be
    300 trillion. Remember, one bank, serves the global banking
    We have been looted, or if one prefers, hollowed out.
    Another take on it which is not a video. Again.


    SGT interview: This provides good information with examples.


    I do appreciate your hair Jim.

    1. It's been over 1000 tril for some time now. As far as I'm concerned it doesn't matter. It could be a tril tril. shrug It ain't my problem.

  4. The planet is a closed loop. All looting gets moved around but it is trackable, as is the persons involved. There may arise a global network of anon enforcers who go all spooky like advanced generational warfare against those suspects, and the money. If a knights templar type of organizations were interconnected globally
    for support and intelligence, then this behind the scenes criminality and sundry evil carnal offenses can be policed up. The elites won't be elite for long if a executive outcomes action is ordered. Hiding in a villa somewhere out of the way can also be breached, easily, and be done by lunch break. Have bags packed and stand by for your phone call. Stay frosty.

  5. Lord Bison, I feel your pain vis a vis Frontier. When I moved to my town 15 years ago, Verizon was the ONLY telecom company available and we were with them for about 12 years. About 3 years ago they sold off that part of their business to Frontier and its been a disaster ever since. The service is poor at best, but their Customer Service is so, so much worse. Dealing with Frontier via phone is right up there with calling the DMV or the IRS. Unfortunately Frontier bought not only the landline/internet biz from Verizon, but also the monopoly. If I want to ditch them and keep internet service my only other option is Comcast Cable. I'll go back to printed books, encyclopedias and vinyl records before I give Comcast a single penny. Talk about a company steeped in evil...

    1. Yeah, this is only my third time online today, each lasting about five minutes. I'm pulling my perfect hair out.

    2. Is satelite internet an option? Don't know cost comparisons or system speeds but it may be advantageous so as to not be cord bound to a local or regional hard wired and or wifi signals net provider or monopoly consortium racket. It will surely go dark in spicy engagements, so contingencies.

      You could be just singularly jammed up and are being screwed with maliciously as a deplorable profiled customer. Either macro level by masters of the universe overlord level, or just the local soyboy nerd at the systems servers farm. More examples that demonstrates our vulnerabilities as things creepily collapse further. Stay megabyte speedy >and< frosty.

    3. I'm seriously about to go dark, and go back to Snail Mail periodical for my readers pleasure. Well, probably not 99% of you. Stay tuned, details to be posted

    4. In the 13 years prior to last year we had a Hughes satelite and the service was from bad to OK. I have nothing good to say about it. But, if you are way off grid or nothing else is available, Hughes is your uncle. We were paying about $80/mth and the equipment cost about $600, and required upgrades about every 3 years.

    5. Have you looked into local companies that have a dish on your property aimed at a mountain top antenna? They either work(depending on your location) or not. The local outfit here (in Cali) is only slightly higher than Comcast. Does not work everywhere in the area, but if you have a company offering the service, you might want to try it.

    6. The only competitor uses wireless on leased equipment. They are comparable to Frontier. They also ooze a used car salesman vibe. So price AND service is the same :)

  6. The rumors are that Frontier Communications is trying to do as little as possible in terms of maintenance.

    A few months ago a Frontier representative on the phone told me that in my rural area they are no longer adding any new internet accounts. So that if I cancelled my current internet account and then later wanted internet again with them, I probably would not be able to get it.

    Of course, there is always satellite internet but it is more expensive.

    1. NOL got the scoop at work-everybody with Frontier is having the same problems.

    2. a)
      A wise man told me one sign TheMalignantOverlords are abandoning an area:
      *** They cut back on maintenance and customer-servicing... getting ready to 'locust' at their next landing spot.

      Would a monthly newsletter by post delay readers acting on timely information?
      This blog is only a few days after events.
      I think this gives readers a better chance at winning.
      BisonPrepper is my second e-stop after ,Rawles.
      Then Kim Du Toit at SplendidIsolation, 'visually stunning' Jan at DiogenesMiddleFinger, that Wilder character at WilderWealthyWise, and Robert at WiredRight.
      In there someplace is the latest incarnation of WesternRifleShooters.
      The magnificently-chested EarlOfTaint.
      DayByDay, and ol' Remus at WoodPileReport.
      And Kenny at Knuckledraggin.
      Monthly, captain Ray Jason offers his SeaGypsyPhilosopher observations.

      I occasionally watch Uneducated Economist, and Laura and her tractor at LauraFarms.
      Always good for a chuckle is full-time boondocker Phil aka 'DirtClodd' at DownToMob.

      I complete my evening by reading the comments on each.
      Would a monthly viewing serve my needs?
      Hard to say.

    3. A monthly view is only fifteen years back in habits and culture. All I can say in my defense is that we survived the threat of a nuclear war with the monthly magazine American Survival Guide. :)

  7. Pastor Joe is a fake religious scam artist.

    1. OK, who's this pastor joe character?

    2. He had a You-Tube channel ( still does? ) and now Patreon. Retired special forces officer. I like him, an affable fellow who really makes you think at times.

    3. GS: also known as Viking Preparedness.

    4. Thanks-I had a brain fart on the channel title ( and I just canceled all Patreon so I couldn't check )

  8. The looting is going on right now - riots in hundreds of places and the stock market goes up 100 points????

    1. What's the problem? It didn't go up thousands :)
