Wednesday, June 10, 2020

breaching the wall 2

Let us say you are an empire. Your job is to occupy the world and get rich doing it. But empires are a very capital intensive business. You must invest a lot of treasure into getting treasure, and a lot of treasure into maintaining the treasure stealing infrastructure. Just look at Rome and its expense of occupying Britain, mainly for its tin mines. Look at the US with its very expensive navy, protecting sea lanes so that cargo ships burning tons of oil can ship consumer items of an extremely dubious value to keep its worker drones in the US happy, just to have a stable administrative area to coordinate and supply all those navel vessels.
Think about the number of Admirals and Seaman whose only function is to pacify the very few ships and crews who protect those sea lanes. You are building and staffing fleets serving little purpose other than to give all the officers a gladiator arena to fight over the really needed positions. I read how one transcontinental flight burned more calories than all the slaves building the pyramids consumed. Now, think about all the military air transport that takes place, to which the civilian planes are secondary. Think about how many pyramid slaves were used to fly over one Private in the Army, so he could go get slaughtered in a jungle ( as hundreds of other aviation units buzzed about ).
NOW, take all those billions to trillions of energy slaves, and think about what they are used for. To provide the Red Shield family with enough gold to transfer all their real wealth to future generations, in safe havens controlled by a government bought and paid for by the family. After THAT cost, a few million square foot mansions are chicken feed, as are the classic masters painting on the walls ( for quick liquidity should they need to Bug Out to other locations ). All the financial activity in the world is used mostly to keep the system working, with a little profit left for the controllers. That system maintenance plus elite paycheck MUST be made with real wealth, not fake paper certificates.
Gold is not wealth, per se. Gold is a certificate of trade. Real wealth is energy. Trade can be used for the products of energy, such as food and fuel. Gold is merely the universal mechanism for energy trade. Oil, now, that is energy that can produce ANY other form of energy, or trade certificate. Oil itself, beyond heat on a cold day or transportation fuel, isn't as important as what it can create. Drugs, trade metal, precious metal mining ( VERY energy intensive ), plastics for food preservation, fertilizer and transportation of that food. Armies to protect our elite.
Semi automatic shoulder arms are nothing if not the robotization of armies, one man now replacing rank and file formations mass vollying black powder muzzleloaders. Colonies were founded to secure organic nitrates for gunpowder, whereas now colonies are for the oil/carbon fuels which produce the smokeless powder which use much more nitrates. These firearms and armies are nothing more than enforcers of the peace to produce the wealth for the elite. You militiamen providing your own arms and ammunition to protect property which is part of the infrastructure, you are providing FREE security against looters of the elites property. How do you like that?
It isn't enough that you have the excess energy needed to profit yourself as an elite. That is the cream skimmed off the top. You must also have enough energy to run all of your infrastructure, like those armies. Like the Make Work jobs to pacify the masses who surround your fragile infrastructure ( made all the more fragile because profits fell with energy availability and you were forced to ring more “efficiencies” out of the system ) which supply those armies and producers of your favorite things like gold. Just look at ONE gold mining region, where I live. You have about thirty thousand ( in the general region ) potential saboteurs. And they AIN'T cheap to pacify.
You keep the cost of living high, the city limits small to push up housing costs, to keep even more leeches from showing up. Just one little town everyone headquarters at has a $20 million operating budget. Most workers start at $35k a year ( and this is WITH severe cost cutting taking place, under the most convenient “Corona Virus ). Your operating cost go up at least ten percent a year. You move a ton of rocks to get a fraction of an ounce of gold. Now THAT is infrastructure cost.
Multiply THAT by millions of moving parts that must be maintained. Which are failing now, AFTER three months of inactivity locking down the economy. The economy isn't failing because of lock-downs, the economy failed last year and the lock downs are damage control. Triage. Yeah, seriously. Get rid of that monkey molesting turd of a house in the pathway of the marauding masses NOW, before the already very overvalued real estate market tanks. No area of the country will be safe, but some areas will fail, HARD, a lot quicker than others. If you are waiting for the perfectly safe location, it is six feet under. Unless you have gold fillings, of course.
WHY did the economy fail? The PetroDollar failed, boys and girls. Suddenly no banker wanted to trade any debt instrument. They wanted cash. But the system IS debt, it isn't money printing per se. But debt failed, because nobody got take on any more. Worse, they couldn't pay the OLD debt. The global economy had slowed down too far. The debt paradigm includes the PetroDollar, American debt for free oil. That failed. It is as simple as that. World trade suffered from the twin problem of energy contraction and consumption contraction, compounded by debt issues. No one wanted Dollars anymore as trade shrunk.
Or, more factually, the GROWTH of PetroDollars shrank to the point the system started falling apart. It isn't like there is NO demand, just not enough. Not enough excess energy existed for the system maintenance, and all other sectors failed because of that. We are looking at growth failure causing system failure. As the system cannot maintain itself, the wealth pump fails. Remember, you need system maintenance before you get profit. Even letting maintenance deliberately fail, as has been the case with airline fleets and product innovation or inventory and Internet equipment, you STILL run into zero profit at a certain point.
At the point of no profit, the elite move out, allowing the remaining maintenance to catastrophically fail as the lackeys in charge have no idea how to actually RUN the system ( as opposed to shuffling papers and stuffing a suit for public admiration ). Continued tomorrow
( .Y. )
( today's Amazon link HERE )
note: sorry, guys.  I usually can't even respond to your comments, I get kicked off so fast with the still massive failing of Frontier company Internet.  
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* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there


  1. Bison, maybe one of your minions with a more reliable internet can post the comments that people submit. Anyone who reads you on a regular basis would know which comments need to be deleted.

    Then you can comment on the comments when your internet is working. The blog goes on!

    1. The direction we are going, in my opinion, is No Internet except business or Big Buck spenders. And even they will see failure

    2. What about dialup internet? If your main interest is your blog, it could be worth it.

      Has anyone tried it recently?

    3. Guess who offers local dial-up Internet? Frontier. $30 a month. Half of broadbands price, but still the same terrible company. Tempting, but I'll stick with Low-est Tech

  2. Today’s link: Wilderness Survival

    Over the years, I’ve read a lot of these survival publications. Over time, you’ll find that many of them are just a rehash of previous ideas, but every now and then you do come across something new and interesting. I’m not sure what it is about military survival manuals (Meaning the versions written by the military, to be distributed to the troops) but they make for some awful boring and dry reading. So try and stick with the civilian publications for the most part. But you just can’t read them, you have to get out there and try out these techniques, firsthand. Try making a fire with a bow and drill, primitive shelters, or figure 4 or dead-fall traps.

    Why would you ever want to do this? Well, you never know what kind of curve ball the post apocalyptic lifestyle might throw at you, and you might find yourself driven off of your retreat, and unexpectedly living the nomadic lifestyle. The case can also be made for caching here.

    Whatever you do, never attempt the Christopher McCandless crash course in survivalism. At best, you might perish from malnutrition. At worst, you could end up as an abstract Objet d'art (Since I wasted a perfectly good Euell Gibbons joke the other day, I’m not taking any chances this time, and will provide a visual representation :D

  3. Case in point:
    Today's linked book WILDERNESS SURVIVAL is 'out of stock'.

    I am vastly amused.

  4. Oh No, say it ain't so. You clearly outlined the circle of doom so I guess we'll go back to the 18th century,and likely the antifa party and black lives will too. I'm aware they aren't
    our biggest problem but just for now, one of the worst.

    I just started to do a bit of twitter following. I wanted
    to see what its like and how it works. I do enjoy most aspects of and he posted/reposted? a video
    (omitting the end) of a woman being jumped on to death.
    Horrible and nauseating. Why are our police not arresting
    these murderers? Fog of war, I get that. Some slip away.
    Nonetheless, are we to experience total lack of ROL?

  5. Rule of law no longer exists in the USA.

  6. This is too hilarious not to share -

    1. Very good...the homeless people took all of the food from the leftist communists who have created their own "autonomous" region in a part of Seattle. Now they are begging for food!

      Dumb and dumber.

  7. With regards to your internet problem Jim, does the NOL have a smartphone? You can always Tether/WIFI hotspot, with one of those. I live in the country, and we have a dish, of the variety mentioned by the other minion. Meaning that it beams an outside signal from a hilltop (Versus an actual satellite, such as Hughesnet). It goes down often enough, but when it does, my cell service almost always still works. The only thing that takes the cell towers out, is a big power outage. You are limited as far as bandwidth goes (Unless of course, you want to pay extra) with this option, so you wouldn’t want to watch videos very often. But for internet use, it works great.

    Another option (and probably the better one) is to pick up a used 4G tablet off of Ebay. You can read and reply to comments, directly from it. But you have to buy quality, such as Samsung or Apple. Personally, I’d avoid Apple, since I don’t like dealing with itunes. But truth be told, no device that I have ever owned since, ever worked as well as my second generation iphone.

    1. Right-I had considered such. Truth be told, I don't want to dig deeper into Tech Teaching. I want to be LESS reliant-and there are many reasons for abandoning BAU. I honestly think the End Is Nigh for Interwebs. At least as far as Every House Wired.

  8. The country of Ghana is offering refuge status to any Black Americans. I am scared about America's future shortage of neurosurgeons.

  9. Without growth, the system grinds to a halt.

    1. I think that ship sailed, yes? Inflation isn't much in the way of growth.

    2. John , the only growth in this country is fat asses.
      I agree with Bison , we be circling the drain. On a positive note, those fat asses are soon to be on an extreme diet...

    3. What, no chicken nuggets on the collective farm?

    4. There will be here, of homegrown variety.

  10. New site for Western Rifle Shooters:

    1. I got a list of western movies from that link...?

      WRSA is on gab

    2. Try again Suzanna, it's new.
