Wednesday, December 22, 2021

December Article



The government loves to frighten its citizens. Prior to the economy and hence the culture taking a big dump near sixty years ago, the government was actually a smallish affair ( although, granted, fighting the Cold War to keep industrial defense humming along-which was, ultimately, about as long term successful as our currently failed Consumer Economy ). They acted as final arbitrator enforcing cultural mores, which didn't require an untold amount of laws or regulations.


But once the cultural fabric caught on fire during the peace protests and ghetto riots, the government had to step up its hate campaign past suppressing communists ( which, hindsight and all, they never should have stopped doing ), until eventually everything was regulated and outlawed and the citizens needed to cower in fright in order for the gov to have SOME control ( although not as much as they think ). SWAT teams delivering court summons, red flag laws and Domestic Violence threats, Waco and Ruby Ridge, all were used to try to scare compliance into the public.


I won't even touch the racial or PC efforts, which are even worse than the few Jack Booted Thug moments that tax the forces of Kitten Stompers beyond their limited abilities. However, government attacks, like a traffic accident, as frightening as either prospect is, are low occurrence events. In other words, the odds are good, no matter how frightening the prospects, you most likely never come closer than slowing down passing the accident and being a lookie-lou. Obviously, you always practice Accident Avoidance. You don't make a fuss trying to incite violence against the government, and you drive defensively with a seat belt.


Surely you are old enough to remember when you didn't have to wear a seat belt. But even if you didn't wear one around town, because the traffic was so light, and was NOT full of illegal immigrants without insurance ( enjoy paying $125 a month car insurance? Thank immigration ), you STILL most likely buckled up driving on the Interstate. It was just taking extra precautions. Then of course we were all judged Perpetual Infants unable to make our own choices and the government enjoyed moving violation ticket revenue too much, to pay for the SWAT team, and seat belt use became mandatory.


My point here is that we don't need the law to tell us how to stay safe, but they do it anyway. It is part of putting the fear of God & Government into everyone. If the average law abiding citizen never had to deal with the police, because communities mostly dealt with their own problems ( how long ago was it that any pedophile priest, wife beater or creepey stalker was Vigilante Justice'ed? In most of our lifetimes, I'd wager ), then how can you spread fear? Answer, make the odds of being stopped for a traffic violation so high that every drive was stressful and anxious.


After that, you start to hear boogie men at night ( 3 a.m. raids ) and imagine the worst ( concentration camps, cell phone spying, weather manipulation ). And as a bonus, THEN you start having unrealistic expectations. If you believe in HARP, contrails, smart phone triangulation and the like, then how far fetched is Fracking Forever, Equal EROI For Alternate Energy, UFO's or Voting Matters? Your perceptions have been altered and you are now partially brainwashed. And I'm agreeing with you, the worst things you fear from the government ARE true, plus you have no idea how much worse it actually is ( Epstein Didn't Kill Himself ).


But you must retain perspective. At most, FLEA's are a fraction of one percent of the population, and like the infantry having far more logistics tails than actual pointy spear handlers, the FLEA's are mostly office workers and paper shufflers. There are almost no troops on the ground. Your odds of being harassed ONLY increase if you have been specifically targeted, and the odds of that happening are very low. Actually, you cannot tell me that each year there are any where close to thirty thousand cop killings and FLEA raids. But there ARE 30k traffic fatalities a year. Your odds are worse from driving than from Jack Booted Thugs.


Not to say the local cops won't make the odds worse, but I'm speaking of the Dreaded, Feared Federal Government Tyrannical Troops. And if you have moved to a small town like you already should have, and don't act the fool, the cops won't harass you there. Big city, more militant the cops. Easy equation. See how well the campaign of fear and intimidation has worked? You worry about the wrong threats. And you know who you DON'T worry about, but should? Your neighbors. Why aren't you afraid?


You think the federal government will fly in troops from two thousand miles away, because you copied a DVD of homosexual bondage love, or dropped a N-Bomb in an e-mail ( actually, not practicing Black Worship just MIGHT put you on the feds radar ), and yet you chose to live a hundred yards from a neighbor because, what? He is a nice guy so he would never think of shooting you when his children went hungry? At the end of the day, neighbors will be an immediate guaranteed threat and most likely the federal government will leave you well alone, busy guarding Congress Critters from Disadvantaged Youth*.


( *The day after I wrote the above-I took a day off as I had oodles of correspondence to catch up on-the news reports Marshals and the like are going to be protecting our Dear Leaders from the Orange Man Threat, a few days after the Capitol Hill riots )


How can you defend yourself against neighbors? Because there are NOT easy answers. Both “I'll shoot them all” and “Christian Charity” are simplistic deeply flawed strategies. I'll be honest, I'm strictly in the Shoot Them All Let God Sort Them Out camp. I simply cannot afford to feed both the Coneheads AND any neighbors. I'll barely make it out alive sharing my food with family, who I don't want, but need if I'll have any hope of surviving. We've discussed this. Unless you go Hermitage ( which is NOT the worst idea, but you must have the personality for it ), where being alone is an advantage, you need some tribe. And a terrible prepper you can trust is far better than a well trained and well stocked person you don't know well enough to trust.


And no, the answer is NOT to stock more food. Past a certain point, you are just paying for someone else's food. Have enough and it gets serious force applied to its misappropriation. And before you embarrass yourself and say “stock a years supply for each neighbor, only $150 each”, it isn't that simple. It is $150 each PERSON, not each neighbor, and you can bet a jelly filled donut that each neighbor will have butt tons of family they have show up or invite, and if you don't stock for them, each one of them, you become the target of a palace coup.


I BEG you, I implore you, I beseech you, for the love of all that is good and holy, listen to history and anthropology. The way tribe survives is to steal food or kill for food, and I do NOT mean that they steal food once hungry, or only kill in self defense. I mean, they WILL attack you for your supplies in anticipation of future need. Or kill you if they think you'll perhaps be a FUTURE threat. As on the tribal level, so on the smaller group level. Which are just embryonic tribes. You have, more than likely, not enough trust with neighbors. You'll never be a tribe. If they are already tribe, if you could trust them to have your back, to loan you money sure to never be repaid, to help you bury a body, great. Then they no longer are neighbors, but rather tribe. But JUST neighbors? Another kettle of fish.


And, it won't JUST be $150 a neighbor, because even if you have few neighbors, and no family will join them, what do you think is going to happen once that one year mark has been reached? Assuming the garden had issues, or any other numbers of issues made replacement food inadequate, what will your neighbor do then? NOT go hungry, if you have food, that's what. So you must store way more than a year per neighbor per person. But then, that just scratches the surface, doesn't it? Because what is the point of feeding neighbors if they don't help protect you? So now you must arm them, have enough ammunition for them.


Have cold weather gear for them, toilet paper, health supplies, and on ad nauseum. If they are going to be your new tribe, that you at least trust enough to supply them while you can form enough true trust that will bond you into a tribe, well then, they are worth supplying. But just staying neighbors? They will betray you. If you give them all their gear, they will waste it, lose it, barter it or take off with it. If you withhold all their gear, giving it out as if you were the supply officer, they will attack you for it.


Let us dispel one myth, brought up to me by a minion. If the neighbors want to take your food, they will also settle with destroying your food. It isn't JUST a case of “if I cannot have it, neither can you”. It goes much deeper than that. It is a matter of conviction. If you have the conviction to die defending someone, the enemy just might decide you are not worth dying for. If you have the conviction to steal another mans goods ( food, territory, wife ), be willing to fight him to the death, he might just surrender them without a fight. You must gamble your death, to win. But you MUST mean it, and display that conviction.


That is what neighbors might do, a form of that. That want your food. They are willing to do whatever it takes to get that. Even if it means having to burn you out, and consequently destroying the very thing they want. See how that works? You cannot defend your family if you are dead, but if you fight like you will even if that happens, you win. If you fight for what you want to steal, even if you don't end up with that ( another for instance-willing to massacre all the castle peasants even though you want them as slaves ), your CONVICTION is what is going to give you a huge advantage.


Now, conviction on your part is NOT an adequate strategy per se, if you think that alone will deter attacks. You must have the means to back up conviction. You might be really eager to kill all that oppose you, but if the neighbors can burn you out, or hit you with a sniper if you ever go out to get more firewood, or take out your solar panel that powers your well, then your conviction means diddly jack crap. And don't forget, you must have enough ammunition to “fight, not feed”.


Who has that level of ammunition? I had the perfect retirement retreat in east Texas, from a standpoint of gardening and fishing and minimal shelter. Close to town, but more of a village, and all for a few hundred bucks for the lot. But only about a hundred miles from the Dallas Fort Worth mega-urban-hive. How would I ever have had enough ammunition? And that was BEFORE Only Black Lives Matter made these considerations even more important.


Time for some tough love here, minions. Frankly, most of you are probably sad and pathetic on your ammunition supply. Do you have five thousand rounds for your bolt action rifle? Do you even have that much for your semi-automatic rifles ( and do you have back-ups to those rifles? ). How many guns do you have buried? How much ammo is cached? After the grocery store shortages almost a year ago, I sure hope most of you bought the crap out of storage food, no matter how pathetic. Even just white flour, because calories matter.


( Have you seen all that much more than a dozen-and that seems to be the maximum-five pound bags of flour at Wal-Mart at any one time this last year? The generic, I don't care how much of the $3 a small bag name brand they have. I've rarely seen more than two 25 lb sacks at a time. Of course, the pathetic media would have us believe-and I kid you not, I actually read this-that since we were all locked down and bored, we all decided to bake, and that was why we had shortages of flour. Do you understand the official state propaganda is covering up real food shortages? )


Do you even understand what the function of the media is? They are merely a branch of the government, and their only job is to Psychological Warfare the public. You REALLY think the media is a communist front for the Democrats? The business of America is Banker Business, and who would be the last industry to welcome a communist dictatorship? Yeah, the bankers. Communism is nothing more than racism and sexism and ageism, all Divide And Conquer strategies. You think I'm a racist, the amount of cavorting I do over the threat of Blacks in the coming civil war?


I would drop to my knees and suck Black ass, hug a Black and make him a lifelong friend, even learn how to rap about killing Whitey, if I could ally with Blacks and together we could overthrow the federal reserve bank and abolish banker rule. I'm only “racist” as far as I need to be to protect myself, and I know who the true enemy is even as I must protect against other threats. But, moving on. The media might pretend to hate Trump and Republicans, but who they really hate are citizens and threats to their profits.


The media is controlled by a few rich humpers, and they would in no way, shape or form EVER approve of a communist system. You old humpers fear communism, and so are controlled by the fear of our Great Republic turning communist. The young punks grew up worshiping communism and are controlled by the prospect of getting their Utopia. Both sides are played and the winners are the Imperial Party Dear Leaders ( with their butt buddies rolling in their billions in profits ).


Who else besides the bankers and government would benefit from the citizens being controlled and docile? The 1%'ers. And who owns the communist media? The 1%'ers. I have little doubt that the Useful Idiots such as media BobbleHeads and new CongressCritters fresh from bar-tending school, drunk dementia patients like Nancy Polosi and millions of other morons, all actually believe they are advancing a true communist system. Just like millions believed that Trump was more than a RINO Red Shield puppet.


True Believers make much better shock troops. But both Blue Staters and MAGA Morons are mere Brown Shirts, useful for street clashes and conveniently discarded at the appropriate time-and no, I actually don't mean to insult you. But if you don't target your true enemy, you are cannon fodder. Hey, I used to believe Libertarian Party candidates would usher in freedom ( the stupid twats are pimping for illegal immigration, now ). I don't believe I was stupid, I was just lied to and used. Just like you were with Trump. Hate him, not me.


Now, answer me this. If the media lies to you about everything, and want you dead ( if you are White, they want you dead, if you are Black, they want you to kill Whites, and if you die in the process, well, good job there, bucko ), why wouldn't they be lying about Every Gott Damn Thing? About Gore Warming, about the condition of the supply of food? About the condition of the economy? About the death rate of Corona? About the safety of vaccines? About politics?


Oh, what was that? Let me repeat. They Lie About The Condition Of The Food Supply! What are you going to do, research the government supplied numbers to get a different answer? The economy is failing. Corona is the coup de grace. The food supply, the oil supply and the supply of everything is failing. You cannot expect to remain alive, under a condition in which you are consuming a failing resource. YOU AIN'T THAT SPECIAL, dear snowflake. I ain't that special, and I have the exclusive love of Baby Jesus AND perfect hair.


Okay, NOW do you feel bad you don't have enough extra food? If I were you, I'd feel REALLY bad. But that is just me. And just to get it out of the way, remember me saying I won't buy any more food? I can maybe, sorta, kinda afford far more food. Triple what I have, if I spend a good portion of my savings. I say, “I can't afford it”, but what I mean is I'm anticipating a longer period of government rule when I must buy groceries, and my remaining lifespan would be shorter once on JUST stockpiled food.


So buying more storage food, I'm betting on the wrong horse. We must stock for during the collapse, not just afterwards. But say I went ahead and bought the crap out of storage food ( unlike your area of operations, wheat kernels remain in stock here in the area all you Yuppie Scum Survivalists love to hate, the desert [ and for all of you who will accept the desert, it must be the low desert because your fragile bones need to be at a constant super high temperature ], so now I have wheat AND a defensive moat and all you have is kudzu and water moccasins and no wheat ). What would be the purpose?


When I was in forth grade, I got to be the most popular kid in school. I had found five dollars, and we had a pharmacy on the other side of the fence of the elementary school. They sold every imaginable candy bar at a mere nickel each. Given this unexpected windfall, I did what any kid would do and bought the biggest of the bars, which were taffy. One hundred bars of taffy. I don't remember what my plan was, possibly have a stash in my desk, but they didn't last past the first recess. I was sharing my fortune with the few kids I liked and in less than two seconds I was surrounded, maggots on meat. I almost had to give them all away, or be crushed. And there were my ( less than ) fifteen minutes of fame.


Do you think your food storage among the neighbors will fare any different? The more food you store for the neighbors, the quicker you will have Instant Friends, and the more of them. Then, after they have used you like a $5 whore on payday, will leave you broken and bleeding in the gutter, awash in venereal diseases and regret. So, you are either abused by the neighbors, or word gets around to ANOTHER group who will invade/attack, because while a small families food supply might not be worth dying for, a neighborhoods food supply is well worth the risk.


Do you understand that you will be MORE abused, used, targeted and attacked the MORE food you have? Do you think rich guys ever find true love? Sure, that's the Hallmark Movie Of The Week myth, and about as realistic as laser guns from Star Wars ( or as realistic as Political Correctness in Star Trek ). Bitches just want your money, and neighbors just want your supplies. And they won't play nice to get it, even if they'll pretend at first. Here is your take-away. It is okay to hurt your loving friendly neighbors, because that is what they plan on for you.


And neighbors don't need to overwhelm you in a firefight. Your oodles and gobs of AR-15's ( I refuse to play semantics. CAR-15, NBAR, M2, whatthehellever. To me, they are all just AR's, or M-16's. Don't be a Grammar Nazi with your gun porn ) and super deluxe tactical training ain't dingus against a Molotov cocktail ( don't you love how suddenly there was “proof” of those at the Capitol Hill “riots”? If you trust the “Justice” system, you are a flaming moron, and that is an insult to retards ).


If the neighbors want you dead, it won't be difficult. You can never have enough to safely bribe them, and you'll never have enough bullets, or the manpower to employ them. Even your fireproof house is not going to work, if any half bright boy among the neighbors suddenly remembers what a catapult is. Sure, your stucco home has expensive steel window shudders. Is the roof reinforced enough to defeat primitive projectiles? Are all your walls covered by angles of fire? Can sappers dig under a wall? Money doesn't make a castle, if it was just an overpriced suburban peacock feather nest to begin with.


Bribery and defense won't work, and are too obvious in their weakness. But what about treachery? You only need enough food to fool your neighbors, as you plot to assassinate them. Yes, even the old people and children. And if you value your testicles while you sleep, even the pretty buxom babe neighbors. And if you are some nasty commie bleeding heart, you can always just capture rather than kill, and sell into slavery ( although fraught with its own dangers, as would be your enslaving them yourself, to start your own kingdom ).


I'm not some bitter old man, hiding out in my ancient mothers basement, cursing the world and making secret lists of my enemies to be eliminated ( okay, I'm bitter and I hide out at home-but that is Corona's fault. And I make Lamp Post Lists, but those are industries and occupations, not individuals. So that's okay! ). I don't want an apocalypse. I was more enthused about one when younger, when I would have had the testosterone to both gleefully slay my enemies and bed his lamenting women. But now both are just going to be hard work. But an apocalypse is coming.


You need to beware that Hard Things are part and parcel of an apocalypse. To be a weepy New Testament soy boy, dispensing Christian Love & Acceptance is not only a great way to get yourself killed, which no one will care about, you'll also get your family killed, one of which might be worth saving. You need to kill EVERYBODY that is not of your tribe. Any survivors will either eat your tribes food, or die very slowly and painfully-so you've done them no favors keeping them alive. It is merely culling the herd, to match the available grazing.


I'm not saying, go out of your way to kill. I'm suggesting that in your area of operations, there WILL be those you must kill. Don't shy away from that, no matter how unpleasant. Their death increases your family's and your tribes survival odds. Your neighbors are both in your area of operations and they WILL kill you, eventually. I'm not trying to desperately grasp at any excuse for a cold blooded murder spree. I'm telling you that the population will decline to resource availability, and that process has never been bloodless or without violence.


You don't get to pick if the collapse is violent or not, all you get to pick is if you want to make it easier for someone else to die or if you want it to be you and yours. A pretty simple question. Yes, I know, there are plenty of idiots who will search out a third option and waste time and then join the funeral pyre. Don't be an idiot. Your neighbors didn't help you ( again, remember, these are people living near you that will NOT be part of your tribe. Those that will be are exempted. And what do we say about tribe? They are the ones the nice rules apply to. Everyone else-EVERYONE, to include priests, babies, little old ladies-they get Mongol Horde rules applied to them ), they didn't help themselves. Kill or be killed.


But, you do it smart. Hug, hug, love, love, you are a special snowflake, hug, please allow me to take food out of my child's mouth to feed your worthless cancer ridden fat ass, your Blue voting ass, your greedy avarice ass. Your Mother Earth polluting ass, as you almost run me over on my bicycle with your SUV. Why, yes, let me reward you for voting for higher property taxes so you didn't lose any equity in your gum and glue hunk of sheetrock crap home. Here is the substance you require. Please, eat up.


Now, I wouldn't advise poison. Too easy to detect, and perhaps not simultaneously effective. You need other misfortunes to befall them, in a manner that doesn't point back on you. Perhaps you lead them into an ambush. Or, a fire breaks out at night and you respond along with the others to help fight it ( although you might get caught, seen, or your bitch whore wife turns on you, as she has had her eyes on the next door neighbor she would prefer to Play House with ). Perhaps you have a brother or good friend joining up with you, but they detour to act as an invading force.


Perhaps YOU want to leave the unfaithful hag of a wife, and get your secret affair girlfriend to accuse a neighbor of rape ( one doesn't imagine a rape kit or DNA match will be available, and you two can get kinky and rough, as “evidence” ), having a quick trial and hang him, with others help. You might even need to expel the rapists wife as she complains and accuses you of foul play. Perhaps poison would be applied to your wife, then you accuse another neighbor of being unfaithful and killing her to shut up her confession.


Kidnap some neighbors kids, for “food ransom”, and when the neighbor goes out to pay, you acting as back-up or potential ambusher bushwhack him and bury the food for later retrieval. I know, that exposes you to accusation yourself. You'd have to be careful. The same as if a neighbor going to pick berries gets ambushed-have a solid alibi. What if you get up in the middle of the night, sneak outside the perimeter and shoot one of the guards, then set fire to one place, shoot up a cabin, etc. You'll be able to slip inside your place quickly, then emerge as part of the defense force.


You could try the old “we must lock up all the guns in one central safe location”, although I'm not sure how well that would fly-better if your neighbors are liberals and don't have their own anyway. Then, go Gay Nightclub on them. I know, none are perfect. I'm just spitballing here. I'm almost wondering if a better tactic would be to attack them quickly, at first, before anyone joins forces. Perhaps you attack them ( along with the wife and friend ) at that meeting to decide on defense. I don't know. I don't have the details, just the direction. Good luck.

( .Y. )


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Malthus' Nightscape Is Nigh

Frugal Survivalism As If Prepping Is Time Sensitive


James M Dakin

181 West Bullion Road, Unit 12

Elko, Nevada 89801-4184


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Tuesday, November 23, 2021

November Article




Here is another reprint from my monthly magazine I want you to subscribe to. Published last winter. At the end of the article, I’ll post subscription information. Sorry, I kind of need to eat to have the energy to keep writing, and your subscriptions are my only income ( the befouled bastards at Amazon canceled by affiliate program, which was how you got a free blog for nearly fifteen years ). Either way, enjoy the following.



The infamous 100th meridian is where life ends in an agricultural economy, the rain too poor to the west to rely on year in and year out. The line is easy to see, as the Texas border shoots up directly on that line west of Amarillo, going up to hit the panhandle of Oklahoma. That is not to say you are safe right up to that line. San Antonio is east of the 100th and is no lush paradise. The line is more a Point Of No Return. The War Of Northern Aggression points of contention ( when the South tried

to move north from east Texas ) were more on the eastern borders of Kansas, more around the 96th meridian.


Life is precarious for farmers up to the 100th, and impossible long term past it to the west. Primitive farmers, obviously. As if watermelon should have ever been grown in Arizona. With irrigation, the earth can support even seven billion, although the plight of those extra mouths now makes obvious the lies of an even greater population in any future not written by science fiction copy writers selling a utopia of some sort. They actually had those in the 1920's, selling Los Angeles real estate. Of course, back then L.A. had oodles of oil and far less population, and it still turned out badly. I fail to see any reason to support any optimism for moving there now.


Or thinking that irrigation has a profitable future in most places in the US. A 300 foot well that needs to be sunk further is NOT testimony to mans technological progress, but rather an exercise in delusion. Living west of the 100th will soon be far more of an apparent issue than most believe now ( don't worry, Rawlesian converts, as long as you are getting Rocky Mountain snow melt you should be okay. The less-Yuppie of you settling on the margins of that cults area? Where you need irrigation? Hosed ).


Now, we've talked of West Versus East as a prepper, previously. I don't view the West as a great solution, because the vast majority of land is empty because there are only a few water sources and the population clusters there. I'm here because these are my people, culturally ( THE most important consideration at the end of the day ), I love the desert-the cold ones, where fewer live- and because I think herding is as viable as farming as a strategy and perhaps even superior. And to me, lack of water is a strategic advantage. But I'm not a farmer, am I?


The East is NOT as bad as made out, from those with their own agenda, and while not an easy row to hoe, at the end of the day if you cannot count on the rain, you will NEVER be a successful farmer, without oil inputs. I would avoid the Washington DC to Boston ( or even just NYC-do a little population density research ) Death Corridor, but other than that most of the East is far less of a non-starter for the apocalypse than popular literature suggests. Yes, there are issues. There are issues EVERYWHERE. No one spot on this entire globe is free of survivalist issues.


Canada would be great for someone who thrives in the cold, from a meat animal and isolation standpoint. It is also full of rabid socialists who never met a gun ban or tax hike or immigrant group they didn't want to snuggle up to and French kiss ( sorry, northern neighbor dudes-no offense. Hell, some US states are far worse than you, and it isn't your fault God only acknowledges our natural rights in America. Well, half of there, anyway ). Alaska might have been great at one time, for the same reasons as Canada, but is mostly over populated ( so is Nevada, but our cold is a bit more reasonable ), probably because of that oil tax profit share. That is now endangered, but the useless eaters are already living there.


I could list every country in the world and tell you why you are an idiot for living there. Face facts, there are no more good prepper places left. We must ALL compromise. But enough of that. It is time to start looking at East v West w/Peak Oil in mind. I know, it is forbidden that I talk of Peak Oil. Peak Oil gets as much enthusiasm here as my fiction writing does ( no word back yet on last issues attempt ), mostly because despite my hair some of you have yet to grasp my true magnificence and if you accept Peak Oil in its entirety and its immediacy you would freak out, do the Funky Chicken and crap an internal organ.


Well, we certainly cannot have THAT, now can we? Mercy sake alive. So, I sneak Peak Oil into other subjects and I'm no longer subject to 50% subscription renewal rate failures. In theory. Right now, I can hear your eager anticipation, will Jim tell me I'm a stud for living in the East? Will I be vindicated? The short answer is of course, yes, which was kinda sorta the same answer as before, just more so. Living in the West is fine, don't get me wrong. It is fine for a VERY select few survivalists. It most certainly is NOT the answer for the bulk of people.


Water is not THE only answer, because as history has shown, there is always a group of people who can live without farming. But we also know people can live in the Arctic, and that is NOT the answer for anyone else. The only way to live in the desert is as a nomad herder, and it is only feasible otherwise if you have a river carrying regenerative silt in the middle of that desert. If you need ANY other input from afar, you have no business farming. Period.


And this is where the West become problematic. It isn't just the water, because drip irrigation and other tricks, but the lack of water ( and to whatever degree the soil long term ) making for a lack of outside inputs. The soil must constantly be regenerated. In the East, you will find a LOT of soil that has been damaged far in the past, and hence still damaged today from oil inputs. But if you have neighboring land NOT being farmed, you can get organic plants to compost for your farm soil. In other words, it isn't enough to have water for your crops. You must have water to grow the plants that are used as fertilizer for your crop soil.


Rotation ONLY slows degradation to the point it isn't dangerously noticeable. Nitrogen fixers, crop, fallow, is a good enough system as far as it goes, but it is still robbing the soil. You don't have to be a scientist to under the law of entropy. You must feed MORE into the soil than you take out. Don't forget, the microbes and bugs, insects and etcetera, all need to be fed as they are improving your soil. You aren't JUST feeding in the nutrients the plant gets that you eat, you are providing energy for all of the plants infrastructure. Civilizations fall on depleted soil. So can your grocery supply.


If you want to understand violence, you only need to look at how many times ANY group, farming or herding, man or animal, over populates, draws down past replacement levels the soil, then dies off, and add in how many units would have been eating WITHOUT the deaths from fighting. Violence is necessary to keep species healthy. Just look at the increase in partial vegetarianism from China losing most of its swine, plus a bit of that in the US from shortages ( although mainly seen as Fake Meat from processed meals ), and we are STILL seeing food issues at our population levels. Violence WILL be the end answer.


Anyway, just know that for any group to survive long term, you need far more than a farm. You need other land only harvested for its biomass. You can have that in the East, but not in the West unless you are talking about extreme depopulation first. Even free range cows out here don't work, not long term, because of the marginal soil and water simply never being enough to replace the range use. Manure does not replenish outside a managed system, and even then you need outside inputs.


I can guaran-damn-tee you that anywhere in the West outside a few areas, and those few are easily disrupted with any regular use, soil inputs come from very far away. Each “independent” homestead needs oil to go to a centralized location to pick up inputs that come from even further away. Even with the natural gas fertilizer and hundreds of miles away hydroelectric generated electricity to pump local water, even with carbon fuels, the most energy dense form of fuel ever, STILL the soil is NOT being replenished.


Fertilizer added to dead soil is just a hydroponics system. To get healthy plants you need organic, alive soil. If we were still eating healthy food grown in healthy soil, you can bet we wouldn't be dropping like flies from Corona and every geriatric disease out there ( and even as it is, we STILL have a pretty darn low death rate. The human body can survive some time eating literal garbage ). Yes, we can eat crap food drawn from crap soil. We've been doing it for centuries here. You'll STILL be able to survive a short time out West with no added soil inputs. JUST stockpiling bags of fertilizer could keep you fed in the driest areas.


But isn't focusing JUST on short term survival a Gott Damn Fools Game? Don't we mock the jerk with a backpack full of three days of food and a fishing hook on a foot of line for ignoring his long term food supply? Isn't that why you know you need to grow your own food? Okay, so if that is the case, why should you ignore the long term viability of your soil? Because in all but a very few cases, your soil is ALREADY nasty crap. You are starting from less than zero. How easy would it be for a plague of pests to eat all your crop, because it was fake food in ill health to begin with?


If we entered the apocalypse with healthy soil, we could mistreat it, draw down its nutrients, use less inputs than needed, and still eat for some time. But we are entering the collapse with crap soil, used and abused for a minimum of a century. In some cases, for almost FOUR centuries. I'm NOT claiming preppers must be Hippie soil hugging Green weenie Gaia worshipers, feeding the soil before themselves. I expect soil abuse, because in a survival situation that is what you do to avoid starvation. What I am saying is that the soil we have may not have any more draw down to it.


Let me repeat that. The soil we have has no more extra resources to give, and rather than reduced output you might just get none. MIGHT. I'm not saying All Ye Abandon Hope. I'm saying, you MUST start rebuilding that soil immediately, or you might just not make it past a couple/three harvests. Because you won't have oil inputs. That is the Peak Oil part, where not only are inputs out of stock, if available the transportation for them is lacking. Which means you are suddenly local. And East, local just might be a heck of a lot easier, even with increased population. There is a LOT more unused land containing biomass that you can gather with human labor, transport with human labor and get that four century dead soil right back up to snuff.


Then you can take all your enemies body parts, not for cannibalizing, but to feed the plants that will become your compost to rebuild your soil. I don't speak with any authority on that, but I would imagine that process to be pretty safe. You are using one plant removed PLUS the heat of composting to avoid any pathogens. In the West, not only do the bodies not decompose ( they mummify if the soil is dry enough, and so add nothing to the soil. With bodies and human waste in the desert, best to desiccate on the surface first before burying ), you are dealing with worthless soil anyway.


In the West, you have no extra biomass. That is it. That is as simple as can be. And where there is extra, you have a very long distance to go to get it. Meaning you probably use far more calories than it can deliver going to go get it. The West had indigenous populations, but on the same scale as the Arctic inhabitants. Living on the edge of existence because they had been forced out of far better land by stronger tribes. Which, while we are at it, were NOT great care takers of the land either, despite what Dances With Wolves might have taught you.


Don't believe me? What did they use for fuel out on the tree-less prairie? Buffalo chips. Now, what replenished the soil, if that was the case? They were STILL drawing down the fertility of the soil, even if it would have taken some time to notice. All people, through all times, any where and any when, eventually draw down the soil. If it takes a century for an undisturbed patch of soil to rebuild, do you think maybe a human farming that, or an animal eating MORE in times of lean would perhaps use up that soil just a tiny bit quicker?


Species ALL over populate and die off, that is their control mechanism. Humans, with violence, actually INCREASE our survival odds by regulating the end demand of depleting resources. Otherwise we would be akin to a herd of deer stripping a land area of vegetation when the group got too large ( which is why we hunt, to keep the survivors healthier, right? ). I am NOT telling you to be in balance with nature, to only take the surplus.


I'm saying that you WILL once again overpopulate. And you can either get ready for that by taking better care of the soil, to increase the health of the plants adding to your survivability, or you can plan on the Violence or the Population equation to counter the consequences of worse soil. You can use violence to take from better soil elsewhere, or you can go the infanticide or geriatricide route. These are your options, because right now, you SHOULD be viewing the negative consequences of relying on oil to mask our bad soil.


You are a retard if you think Corona will ever end. It cannot end, because it is the camouflage for violence counterbalancing our depleting oil no longer replacing our depleted soil. Right now, the triage is slight and barely noticeable. We started out Opium Killing the seniors, right about after the Baby Boomers started retiring. Now we are Corona Killing them. And if you think Governor Grandma Killer is a bug and not a feature, you have no clue what we are in for. Of COURSE the government is Baby Stepping the genocide. But triage it is. Of COURSE they are Baby Stepping the race war. But triage it is. Of COURSE they are Baby Stepping the total end of imports, by merely ending the useless plastic trinket supply, but that WILL soon include all energy and food imports. A triage.


Banana shortage due to a hurricane? I thought hurricane season was over a few months ago? When you see shortage after shortage after shortage, do you not see anything but shortages in your future? You shouldn't. Institutional system shortages, a form of benign violence ( like the over a year and a half old drug supply shortage, killing by neglect ), is the START of violence direct to flash flood depopulation. A triage. If you need any more detail than that, just stay in the suburbs next to the ghetto. A revolver should have enough ammo to put the whole family out of their misery before they are burned alive inside.


Get your head out of your flag draped ass. Hubris kills. Not to say, head East, young man. This is only to say, despite more enemies to kill, the East is most of our long term better bet. But you are where you are. Make the best of it. Realistically assess your area, and make hard choices. I make no secret of the fact I might be successful as a herder, if the breeders survive, but even then, I'll also have to be a raider. That is the geological imperative. If you are East, you'll have to depopulate your area of operation.


In the West, you'll need to genocide. The area does NOT support those already there, the resources too fragile to accommodate any others. In the East, you just need to persuade them to move on. In the West, because water is too far apart without oil transportation, if you let anyone live they have no choice but to double back and attack you. In the East, even with more people, they are not forced to go far to survive, so you will have less conflict even so ( except that coastal corridor ). And no, all the Yankees will NOT move south to survive. Cutting wood for winter is safer than attacking those living in the South.

( .Y. )

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Malthus' Nightscape Is Nigh

Frugal Survivalism As If Prepping Is Time Sensitive


James M Dakin

181 West Bullion Road, Unit 12

Elko, Nevada 89801-4184


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Friday, October 22, 2021

October Article


October Article


A reprint from issue number ten of my magazine ( subscription information at the end of this article ) from last Spring.



Today we talk about if women should be allowed to fight come the apocalypse. And yes, I phrased it that way to get you gals all fired up ( “I'm a strong independent woman!” ). Sue me, I'm easily amused slipping into the sacred cow stockade at night and spooking the bovines. And yes, I actually have a very good reason besides that to bring up the subject. It will take tactics and apply them to tribal structure and the necessity of redesigning culture to the historic norm, as a survival mechanism.


I've been looking forward for some time to writing this, as it is a challenge digging into this deeper than normal, and I also love starting each new issue off with a metaphorical bang. Plus, I woke up in the middle of last night to urinate and my brain suddenly started charting this article in intricate detail and I couldn't get back to sleep. I went to the dining room where we have a pretty strong night light ( so as to help in the kitchen and living room ) and wrote a bunch of quick notes, just so I could tell my brain to stop trying to remember its sudden brilliance and go back to sleep. And its been the only thing on my mind this morning.


First, of course, as if any sane person of sound mind would think differently, I must veer off into the weeds and discuss a seemingly unrelated topic which is actually pertinent. Which are popular culture movies. It has been said that movies reflect the culture of the time in which they were made. I only agree with this partially. Of COURSE a movie reflects its era, because unless you are tripping balls on LSD, everything that goes into the film is obviously going to reflect your current reality and perceptions. All your actors will, mostly, have current fashions, current slang, idioms, your views of normalcy and etcetera.


I think movies are more a reflection of current concerns, a celluloid version of a dream. Dreams are great, to deflect stress and model out concerns, as the human brain hates uncertainty above almost everything else. Dreams bring order and answer to worries and anxieties, and I think movies have a parallel function. Just like a song is a marker the brain uses to reflect upon an era, so too do movies reflect a solution to a conflict the brain needs resolved for survival/safe functioning. If you are brutally frank with yourself, you cherish, love, memorize and dwell on a LOT of music and movies that are by themselves not all that great.


The music/movie isn't the reason for the warm and fuzzy memories, it is just indicative of something else. With movies, I believe they are our Aesop's fable of the modern Oil Age. Movies are our problem solvers, just like our dreams. And I would think that, as well, movies are of a highly personal nature. You could rave about a movie, quote it, and all I really remember is, “sucky movie”. But it isn't about the quality of the film. It is about your individual brain. There was a stoner movie around fifteen years ago, maybe twenty, that a lot of folks raved about. I thought the acting was terrible and the script more laughable than the jokes ( was that the one with McConnahay doing his “all right, all right, all right”? ).


But most folks would say the same thing about the stoner movies I enjoyed ( well, the stand up routines more than the movies ) as a kid, Cheech & Chong. So, please bear with me as I bring up those movies that imprinted far more than normal with me. It is going to be a personalized selection, but you should be able to relate as I bring them up to make my point. With books, I don't think there is so much time or culture specificity. I think it would be hard to argue that the one best non-fiction book for collapse, ever, would be Catton's “Overshoot”. Even in apocalypse fiction, it is hard to beat the sixty something year old “No Blade Of Grass”.


But movies are subjective. Even if you can generalize some eras. I think most 90's on up movies are more corporate culture than anything else. The 70's and 80's mostly a Rage Against The Machine ( or, Betrayal Of The Machine ). And prior to that, I'd broadly categorize as “conflict FOR tribe”. By Corporate Culture I mean to a large degree Political Correctness, but you can't just label that “communism” and move on. I think it is more closely tied to One World US Led Government, which is globalism, on the economic side and Corporate/Imperial Apologist on the cultural or political side.


Betrayal” would be my best guess label in general for the movies of the 1970's and Eighties. Of course not all movies can be labeled the same, so I'm just looking at a “flavor” if you will. An overarching theme that can be VERY subtle or Hit You Over The Head obvious. You can be looking at the betrayal from the Oil Age itself in The Road Warrior. Betrayal of ones loyalty or morality in The Godfather. Betrayal by those you are fighting under or fighting for in Apocalypse Now.


Were “Animal House” or “Stripes” or similar a tale of rebels or non-conformists, or a tale of the system itself forsaking its participants? Yes, I know, a bit of Freshman college student midnight philosophizing, but I actually DO have a point to all this. If we can look at the general message of the tale, know where it was inspired from culturally, we can see the type of messaging that is either useful or harmful. We can judge its usefulness as belonging solidly in the past, or applicable to the future. I would say that collectively, most films of these fables deal with the collapse of the old age. And that is useful. We can discount misplaced loyalty. But we must also discount the new era message that was on top of the desired fable.


One of my favorite little movies was “Taps” with Timothy Hutton and George C Scott. Viewing it at a young age, as with most movies, you are entertained by the superficial aspect of the action or comedy or whatever. Taps was a drama/suspense/action film, the kind we had a lot of prior to straight special effects driven action. Before it was Year Round, the Summer Blockbusters from the Lucas/Spielberg era on were mostly just action. But the rest of the year, budgetary realities called for a lot more talking than explosions.


You got a LOT of really good movies that really stuck with you, multi-layered and multi-faceted that invited repeat views to unwrap that onion. “Taps” had a lot of layers. On its face its premise was unrealistic, but that made it both exciting for its uniqueness and acceptable because of its fable. You had a passing of an era, the end of Nation State Tribe, and the fight against that. An unwillingness to let it go without a fight. These two decades of movies, almost a generations worth, was both lamentation and hostility to the end of our nation. After that, it was just messaging to accept the new order.


Then there was “The Terminator”. Obviously ONLY the first one as all others were both Political Correctness and Summer Blockbuster Action Only. I've always viewed it as post-apocalypse because of its doom and gloom flavor ( and for the same reason, why “Beyond Thunderdome” was NOT a post-apocalypse movie ). And I was begrudgingly acceptable of its near Feminist message. Just like Cameron's other perfect film, Aliens, the Strong Female Lead was strongly female. She wasn't secondary to the male lead as much as a partner that was biologically true. She was Cub Mother Protective. She was half of the team. Only after that did females turn to Xena Princess Warrior Lesbian Super Hero, the goal to replace males.


The message should have been, Pro Motherhood. That women have a predominant role in the family, where males are more Outward focused, protectors on the offensive and providers. The message was perverted into Females Don't Need Males. And NEVER explored is the role of firearms and other carbon fuel mechanization allowing this “miracle”. You don't see bitches disadvantaged WITHOUT a gun. On the other end of the spectrum, you see TOO MUCH gun causing miracles. Returning to “Taps”, focus on one of the best scenes of the movie, at least as far as gratuitous violence.


Tom Cruise, acting as he always would forever more as a short little egomaniac over compensating for his stature, was on the M-60 at the window overlooking the forces aligned against the cadets, burning off a belt of ammunition and pausing to look at his observer, “it's beautiful, man!” ( no, I haven't watched the movie for decades, but I'm pretty such I got that one right. As I said, some movies really stick with you. Perhaps because of my perception the military was a betrayal of expectations? Yes, I over analyze myself as well, in case you didn't pick up on that ).


Well, yes, truthfully it was a very beautiful thing. But I don't think most of us took the view after watching it that fully automatic fire was not the greatest idea. I think most of us just stopped at “firepower rocks”. Or, perhaps, the answer to most problems is a sufficiently delivered amount of firepower? We can all relate. Most answers to most problems ARE just killing the problem. Basic male programming. Unfortunately, it doesn't pass muster with Guerrilla Warfare solutions, does it? We've all been running around arming up and buying more ammo, rather than retiring to a hermitage which is a metric butt ton more logical and effective but which none of us do, including myself.


Similarly, arming up females is NOT the easy answer either. You'll note, I hope, that females were not combat armed for centuries AFTER gunpowder became dominant. Now, why wouldn't that be the case? If muscle weapons precluded female combat, from lack of body strength AND endurance of a Quick Energy Dump nature ( for the majority of females. The minority does NOT make your case of physical equality ), yet gunpowder weapons allowed it, why were there centuries of traditional Female Exclusion on the battlefield?


No, Karen, it was NOT because we are suddenly smarter or more progressive in our thinking. Most Moderns are friggin retarded using logic. Just look at the gender segregated sports being integrated under Equality Of Invented Genders if you are in any doubt. Females themselves declined to make a profession of arms long after they were allowed to vote, although long before some of them idiotically voted to disarm themselves and make themselves victims, they had enough sense to use firearms for defense.


Defense with weapons was never anything new. That is not the question. The confusion lies in participating in actual combat. Just because a rapist or attacker after killing the husband MIGHT be armed against does not make a woman a combat participant. Now, tactically, you can argue whether a female should even arm herself or not. Yes, the weapon equalizes the genders. But what happens when she is defeated? THAT is the problem.


If a female fights, a firearm gives her as much of a chance of prevailing as it would a male. But a male will be killed regardless ( granted, there is the economic issue of slavery, but let's focus on straight combat and then prisoners for immediate assimilation ). A female, of breeding age, usually will be spared, all things being equal. If she is armed WITHOUT a combat firearm, and can offer only token resistance, easily overpowered, she will not be killed. But whereas a defensive firearm is acceptable, a combat gun is not. I believe that lays with the proviso that rape avoidance is acceptable, that she is STILL a non-combatant.


Remember why rape was so bad, from societies viewpoint. It brought into question the problem of identifying the father. When divorce was traditionally outlawed, for the protection of both the wife and children going without support and protection, it would be an economic disadvantage to raise a child NOT of your genes. Yes, step-parents were a very normal thing, but you paid an economic price for secondary optimal offspring. The less affluent, hence less Food Secure, bid on stepchildren. The stronger genetic stock bid on their own genes being passed on.


So a woman was expected to try to prevent herself from being raped ( it might seem ridiculous to accuse a women of “asking for it, by the way you were dressed”, but that fell under the old conviction that rape avoidance and if necessary male supervision/protection was normal ). A personal defensive weapon was allowed and even expected. HOWEVER! Once she Armed Up, went Tammy Tactical, she went from defense to offense and she stepped out of the allowed firearm usage. Obviously, a tiny .32 derringer was great for popping a cap into a rapists ballsack. The first idiot in the door after killing a settler was dumb enough to invite a dagger or a pistol shot if he tried to force himself on the wife.


His fellow combatants both laughed at his lack of intelligence and approved of such an equalizer, as females were obviously physically weaker. A true warrior would be able to disarm said female, and give her credit for trying to defend herself. But if she were in the cabin, with a rifle or shotgun, helping to defend the family by engaging in long distance shooting, well then, she was now a combatant and treated as such, NOT just a defender of her virtue and her family. Do you see the distinction? Even armed with a long arm, if she stayed in the cabin and only fired at intruders already inside, she went back to defending only.


Old Time combatants were most likely very un-Politically Correct. They treated women better, by virtue of them being women. You might hate the reason for that, because they were valuable breeders, but the fact remains. By STAYING breeders, and NOT combatants, they gained a survival advantage. Survival was NOT guaranteed by being unarmed offensively, but it sure as heck increased the odds. So, it wasn't the issue of females having guns or not, it was an issue of what they did with those guns.


Now, of course, I have to acknowledge my tendency to plan for AFTER the collapse. I tend to view proper behavior through the lens of what is going to work long term, after the die-off. But you are probably asking, well, what about DURING the die-off? Isn't it kind of important that All Hands Are On Deck, combat ready wise? If there is usually a common thread throughout modern ( post-JFK assassination, just for a defining demarcation. I understand we had a strong resistance at least at first with giving up the tradition gender roles, so Strong Single Mothers while a tsunami, was at least a decade long switch ) post-apocalypse fiction, it is Linda Hamilton.


Or perhaps, the Road Warrior gals in the compound, Big Hair and crossbows. I'm not sure which came first. But everyone equates the Terminator with the female warrior stereotypical character. And she did a kick-ass job and its a shame she had a bit of a dead cat bounce in her career. But, even though it is unjustified-see previous comment on the character-Sara Conner did unfortunately set in motion all the PC Bitches. Sara might even have been inspired by Patty Hearst, but it took popular fiction to start the trend of Bad Bitches With Bullets.


If the character only had limited influence in the early 80's ( beyond pimply teenager fantasy material ) from Terminator, she REALLY dropped the bombshell in the sequel where she pretty much replaced a Marine Squadron in firepower and machismo. From then on, bitches with Poodle Shooters were cemented in our culture as sexy to guys and inspirational to women. I even wonder, as the 80's had different influences, how much T2 inspired the vastly inflated interest in the M16. Did Linda sell more AR's than Clinton? :)


It seems, at least in said modern era, that new trends take just one generation to become normal ( the paycheck attached to that probably helps, right, Captain Obvious? ). Divorce took one generation to become all the rage the cool kids were doing. Immigration became New Normal in about the same time frame. And suddenly, within one generation, it became okay to be a female princess warrior. I of course weep, but I want you to understand that this is JUST a unsustainable trend that was recently introduced and it is NOT normal, rational, biology based behavior.


Females evolved to switch allegiance to the superior warrior, for her protection and her children's, and that did not mean fighting back against a change in management. Do you know what I really, REALLY hate with 99% of all the survivalist guru advice out there? Come on! This should be an easy one. All the pussy footing around denying reality. I cannot think of one who doesn't suck on the Hopium glass dingus, if for no other reason than to increase his bottom line profits. Sure, they are honest. They don't lie. But nobody gets paid if they don't hold the same mindset of their audience, that of Guarded Optimism for the future.


I hold out GREAT hope for the future, that we revert to traditional historical cultural norms, and get rid of all the surplus population, that we return to tribal organization and that we eliminate all the polluted genetic material from our species. I know, I've been accused of Social Darwinism before. I'm not saying they are wrong. I'm just disavowing myself from any comparisons with the Nazi's. But you have to admit, surely, that the existence of Soy Boys, Gender Reassigning PC Pukes, Cat Ladies, and devoting hundreds of thousands of dollars into keeping Shriner's Kids alive is NOT the best allotment of resources. Not because I lack compassion for those kids ( I have ZERO for the others listed, and wish them a swift death-which is all the compassion I can generate ) but because I know resources ARE shrinking.


All these other ass faces think resources are infinite and our economy is an infinite growth model. And have even one of them read “Overshoot”? Or did they all just read Howard Ruff for his business plan for shearing the rubes? I've hinted before at denying women and children firearms, just as an ammunition saving practice. Now, how do I look on that stance among $2 shotgun shells and $1 9mm? Do you Honest Injun think that we will return to Ammo Normal prior to Corona Collapse?


I'll veer off on one detail, to make my point, and then return. The CDC just magically “discovered” that an elementary school in Atlanta has teachers passing on Corona to students. Yeah, just when the hue and cry to open up schools got the loudest. Look, I'm not smart. This thing is easy. Look at a news report. Now, ask yourself, who gets paid? That is all there is to spotting Fake News. Every government body benefits from keeping schools closed ( at the same property tax levels, of course ). And yet, didn't the CDC opine for open schools this last year? Corona Will NEVER, Ever Never Die. No return to normal for you.


So, that is number one for the reasons during a die-off to NOT arm your females. If your family is all your tribe, and you need your wife to Arm Up, you need to change your plan, but more on that later. For now, just consider my oft repeated warning against spraying and praying. Again we return to “Taps”. “It's Beautiful, Man!” is not a very good treatise on tactics. Why am I always repeating myself? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. Am I insane? The last time I looked, all you mother humpers were the insane ones and I was a one eyed king in the valley of the blind. So, I'll just keep repeating myself, hoping the sticker shock of $1.68 a round 38 Special forces you to listen.


ALL other armed forces in WWII used bolt action rifles. They might have saved a buck or two not modernizing, but they had the resources. They were replacing all aircraft, all tanks, most ships and etcetera. Why would long arms strain the even limited budget? Do you know why Germany invented the assault rifle ( besides being exponentially better at warfare than everyone else combined )? Because the carbines were cheaper to assemble. NOT cheaper to save money, cheaper to churn out millions more compared to bolt actions.


They could churn out the extra ammunition for the carbines which were horrendous in accuracy ( I was wrong previously on that issue, thinking ammunition supply dictated rifle choice. It is true, but not in the scarcity way I envisioned ). They needed way more firearms and stamped verses milled was the way to go. That had always been the case, but the gunpowder/steel was modernized to allow a step up from pistol caliber only to better intermediate power carbines. Because prior, you had the weight and engineering issue ( say, the BAR ) to allow traditional ammunition to step up in power.


Semi-auto was important. You can't argue with the experience on the Eastern Front. But first and foremost, you needed MORE long arms to be employed. Ammunition expenditure COULD have been by bolt action, because the extensive training was marksmanship, NOT mass firepower. They just didn't have the manpower left, and semi-auto multiplied the trained marksman's ammo use to replace limited manpower. They certainly DID NOT pray and spray. That was an American tactic that did NOTHING to lower the body count, but it saved on training because Cannon Fodder was the primary means to win our war. Plus, it was Defense Industry profitable.


Remember how WWII was nothing more than a resource binge to save our industrial economy? Well, that “tradition” has pretty much been in decline the last decade. We are running out of Industry Quantities of ammunition. Wrap your thick skull around that. The New Normal is LESS ammunition. If you had Cased Up as I implored you the few years before Corona, you were only able to do so, and probably at BELOW cost, because there were no other buyers. NOT because so much was made.


I'll just stop there. Odds are good you do NOT have enough ammo, so just consider halving your expenditure on the battlefield. More volume doesn't mean more hits. Not unless you have a Maxim water cooled tripod mounted heavy machinegun and an ammunition factory right next door. Semi-auto only helps if you are a marksman. All others just waste ammo. Like your wife. Who should be running your household, NOT your patrols or defense. Now, if the bitch be infertile, you MIGHT make a case that she can be cannon fodder.


So, let's tackle that, shall we? Why, oh dear lord Baby Jesus, WHY, why would you think you can return to a traditional culture by postponing a return to traditional culture? Kindly riddle me this, Bat Boob. Traditional culture performs in a certain way not because ancient dudes were ignorant, unenlightened or insufficiently progressive. The culture was the way it was because it worked, for tens of thousands of years. If being a pillow biting taking it up the ass faggot was a practice that helped the species survive, we would have been doing that regularly.


Rather, like rats in an experiment, homosexuality is only seen regularly under periods of over crowding and resource scarcity. If wanting to identify as a female rewarded a society, there would have been less warriors and more pseudo bitches contributing nothing to society since they could neither breed or fight. THAT surely was a winning strategy! If females were meant to risk themselves and not breed or not take care of their families, and if that had been a survival strategy, it would have been a traditional cultural norm.


The Oil Age is a One Off, once in a species infinity limited single serving event. It allows robots to both replace warriors and to supplement child rearing. It is artificial food allowing surplus population. This is NEVER normal. So in an abnormal Age you get abnormal behavior like 99% non-contribution of the population, no need to breed, the ability to anally insert diseases and have them cured, bitches able to fight. Without oil, and for humps sake we ARE moving towards No Oil, you cannot subsidize non-survival behavior.


You are told, you must grow food now, to practice, because it takes trial and error. You are told, you must practice your firearm skills. You are told, practice lowering your dependence on the electric grid. But, somehow, it is okay to ignore anthropology? To ignore NORMAL culture rather than the abnormal we now have? I do NOT want to hear any of you whiny bitches talking about Male Privilege. The traditional role of the male is to die defending tribe and family. That is OUR honor, and we gladly accept the sacrifice. Now, you females, you must sacrifice yourself to child rearing. That is YOUR burden. NOT to play at Sara Conner fantasy combat.


Biologically, we are hard wired to perform our traditional gender based roles, and to derive pleasure and contentment from it. The worst thing a male can do is go Soy Boy Pussy, and the worst thing a female can do is deny themselves a family. Yet both genders were forced into those abnormal behaviors and both are miserable because of it. And you want to POSTPONE a return to real culture, because why? Because females not in combat halve your defense force? Who Humping Cares?!?! You are endangering your replacement units, and if your tribe survives by cannon fodder'ing females, the tribe doesn't survive anyway.


Has the last century taught us nothing? At the very least, can't we agree that short term emotionally satisfying actions lead to terrible long term consequences? That should be the very least we have learned from this “great” experiment with progressiveness. Your daily actions MUST incorporate long term survival trends. Breeders do not belong on the battlefield, for the very simple long term replacement they represent. How hard is it to understand that sperm is cheap but eggs are dear? One guy can service the whole village of breeders. Not enough breeders and the larger sperm supply is wasted. It takes several seconds to ejaculate and nine months to gestate.


You kill ten men and the women stay pregnant. You kill one female and you cannot replace her womb. Why does the bitch have a weapon in her hand making her a target? Now, under primitive medical conditions, a female can safely ( all things being equal ) procreate from about age 15 to 30. Up to ten offspring. She won't live too far past first grandchild age at that rate, dangerously depleting her bodies stored nutrients. But it can be done. A male has about the same lifespan as far as fighting ability. Do the math.


That is five fighters and five mothers producing fifty children in a smidge over one generation. You can kill five males and still get twenty-five females as well as five times the fighter replacement rate, from that ONE female you didn't kill in battle, in thirty years time. Of course, death in childbirth and etcetera, and it doesn't work out that well, but it shows the math. Which is only hard past addition and that is ALL you need to understand. This ain't calculus or some crap. It is taking off your shoes and counting digits simple.


But, Jim, you cannot get ANY offspring if the males die and the females are defenseless. No, you can't get offspring from your tribes males, but you can get them from the males that killed your tribes males. THAT, my fine feathered minions, is called species survival, NOT individual survival. Look, we all want to be the universes extra special snowflake meant to be framed and admired. But none of us are. Not Cathy Cat Lady, not Mr. Sports Ball, not El Presidente For Life. We are just meat sacks here to do the species bidding.


What you want and desire means dingus all. If you choose to ignore your base programming, hard won after a couple hundred thousand years ( but Jim! Mankind sprung forth whole formed as farming peasants. Okay, perhaps. Evolution or design by deity, the programming is still the pinnacle of perfection ), you WILL be replaced by those who were not so pig headed stupid. You will, very simply, die. Your polluted genetic material will cease to stain a cervix. Lucky is needed WITH smart. Stupid never gets the chance to see lucky, not in a resource scarce environment.


If you fail to flip the switch to smarter cultural programming, you will cease to exist in the long run ( even with carefully preserved Oil Age Artifacts, because culture is the ultimate tool, NOT any Industrial Age tool you care to name ). Not caring about the long run, means you hate your grandchildren. It is about as simple as that. You can layer all the lipstick you want on that pig, she's still a pig. Excuses and “Ought A Be's” are trying to turn a pig into your prom date. You either reprogram or you perish.


You can do the math all day long on the EROI of firearms verses manual muscle powered weapons, but it doesn't matter. Chemical energy replaced muscle energy for conflicts. But while its easy to stockpile chemical energy, it ain't anywhere close to as easy to store the metric butt tons of all the other energy needed to enable our cultural change we “enjoyed” the last hundred years. Females only were able to match male muscle power through electronic or gasoline powered machinery. Absent those two Equalizers, having chemical energy firearms means little to nothing.


If you cannot raise excess calories with oil, you cannot kill off your breeding stock in battle and replace your offspring with imported Little Brown Babies. Do you have any clue what decentralization through energy contraction leading to a Dark Ages means? It means you get to do it all on your own, a future anarchists will NOT be very happy about. So your breeders become JUST breeders, or you won't replace casualties. Meaning your tribe cannot feed or defend itself and your tribe is extinct, beyond the minor genetic contribution the cream of your surviving females will make to the new tribe.


Now, if the die-off is rapid, because it has to be, because your surplus food is not available to your surplus population, that means you don't have time to hump around. You do NOT have the luxury of time, or of mistakes. To me, that means your females need to be females again. Immediately. And that entails not just popping out kids but of raising them. If you are not able to birth them, you sure can raise them and provide home economics for both them and the fighters. Infertile doesn't mean useless. It can simply mean a decentralized production system, logistics support for the fighters. He is on patrol or guard most of the time. He still needs meals, clothing and footwear, and etcetera.


No one is going to be idle, as far as basic tasks. Our Oil Age materials WILL allow more luxury and idleness, as not everything must be Cottage Industried right away, but the males will still largely use most of their time expanding the defensive perimeter and females most of the time providing their logistics ( be that food and clothing or the biological replacement unit ). Old bitches will still provide home duties, and old dudes still will be able to train the young males and provide immediate defense inside the wire.


Yes, things will be far from ideal at the very beginning. A lot of homesteads will be living off stores, with far less people than what a self sustaining village needs. You will all be both living off stores and pulling double or triple duties. And at first if you have all old females, even with orphans the temptation will be to incorporate the surplus females into your defense force ( because while young soldiers with guns will mostly defeat old guys with guns, anyone with a gun is still something of a formidable force ). But you are still ignoring the culture and focusing on the tactical.


Only the idiots today think talk trumps action. That is because you can only talk when action is impossible, because you ignored biology. ACTION is what is teaching the next generation. ACTION is what cements the tribe together, NOT talk. You cannot have grandma fighting the tribes battle, while at the same time telling young girls they can only be breeders and homemakers. The young girls might want to grow up to be fighters. THAT endangers the tribes future. See the above math . Because most people ARE dumber than dirt and can only be programmed, not taught.


I don't mean to sound like an elite excusing mistreating the poor. Most rich or powerful people are also idiots, because they act out of greed at the expense of social stability. They are ANTI-tribal. Which translates to species endangerment because their tribe cannot survive on its own, being mere parasites. But most people are dumb asses. Which is why traditional culture is superior. The bloodshed has already been spilled in proof of concept. All they must do is blindly follow their training as children and they will have increased survival chances.


Under traditional cultural training, you MUST brainwash these dumb asses into unquestioning compliance. So training is everything. And training is SHOWING. It is not telling one thing and doing another. Even smart people are better off NOT questioning almost anything. They get too smart for their own good that way. And they trick themselves into believing self interest is the same as tribal interest. Do you think otherwise smart people would actually think, say, race determined intelligence?


No, but programmed people who were otherwise intelligent, freely abused different races under that theory, which strengthened their tribe who was colonizing the other race. Make sense? Of course it does. Racism is a survival mechanism in many different ways. Meaning ALL races who survived are full of racists. Racism is not just a White Thing. Those who tell you so want to colonize you. Ignore that at your own risk. But, the point is, tribal behavior is irrational behavior, and needs programming, NOT teaching. The smartest naked ape in the room does better under programming than pure logic, species survival wise.


Flip the switch on programming, and get those gals back in the kitchen chained to the stove with babies hanging from their teats, and get guys back in the field as targets, NOT hiding behind a woman's skirt. Biology doesn't have to be fun, just followed.

( .Y. )


End Article

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