Thursday, September 23, 2021

Bleed In Training

September Article-Bleed In Training



The retired Army officer who wrote “On Killing” has largely been recognized as somewhat of a fraud, or at least with some bizarre programming disguised as education. Well, I KNEW this, and have put off reading that book for the longest time. It is little more than a dust catcher. But I accidentally started reading his other book. To my regret. I didn't make the connection between On Combat and On Killing, when I bought the second book.


For the last five years, I've been buying and stockpiling books, not reading them. All my reading was on the Internet, making up for many lost years. Then, I added YouTube to that. I've had to learn how NOT to read from a screen. Part of the problem was that I bought a lot of very good books, in huge numbers, prior to moving back in town. Peak Oil, anthropology, economics and others, buying every best rated book on a subject until whatever I read was simply repeating itself. Derivative works. By the time I got into town, the good books were largely gone and I was left with mediocre ones to buy.


I had reached the point of diminishing returns. So most of the “new” books I go to read are simply not very good. I have to force myself. I'm not generating articles from Internet reading, or minion comments, and hence only have my books for inspiration. Don't get me wrong, this is very much a White People Problem. Even struggling to come up with article ideas, I'm STILL retired ten years early. We should all have it so rough. But as a lover of the written word, mediocre books are still painful to encounter.


And this dude, he is a certifiable moron. He presents other peoples ideas well. When it comes time for him to step up to the bat, however, he hits all foul balls. What an unoriginal thinker, a spouter of propaganda, an imperial and politically correct apologist. His contention in On Killing that males are reluctant to kill was ludicrous enough, but he just doubles down on the idiocy in On Combat. His pet theories on video game violence are particularly difficult to encounter.


But, again, he at least does give you a solid 30% decent ideas. Not his own conclusions, but of others in the field of the physical and mental aspects of combat. You just have to be able to ignore all his BS. I can only handle a chapter once a week or so. Nothing earth shattering, if you've read up on the subject on the Internet. But I did like his reminder on Bleeding In Training. He covers all the groovy new training techniques such as paint filled bullets ( not paint ball guns ) and such, but his useful tip was that other types of training are still useful. Because they were Stress Inoculation.


His example were two Rangers seeing combat in Vietnam, and one joking that this was easy, after Ranger School ( in other words, they were still better rested and better fed, in combat, than what they had suffered through in school. They were inoculated against a lesser stress through a greater one ). The training itself didn't increase their chances of survival, per se, but just training to suck up the stress, THAT was the prize. We've all experienced this in life. After Boot Camp, military life was easy. After the military, civilian jobs were a breeze. After football training, most “hard” chores were no sweat.


And this is key, for us, because there is no actual training for the apocalypse. Not living in Bosnia, or Argentina, even, because no one was living through the end of supply, or the end of quasi-civilized rules of engagement. In a war, you have medical help and you have international oversight to somewhat, to some degree, hold down the number of excesses in behavior. In the apocalypse, there is ZERO hope. No hope of medical supplies saving you, no hope of a reigning in on sociopath levels of behavior. No hope of outside intervention or supply. War is NOT the apocalypse.


Living through a war DOES inoculate you to later panic or unhealthy levels of stress, however. Military training does almost nothing to prepare you for combat, but does teach you to handle that stress that would otherwise be crippling. In other words, training for stress hardens you up, so you can survive whatever life throws at you. After losing my kids, living off grid in primitive conditions was a walk in the park, for me. After living on almost no money, for a long time, and I easily view a very small income as nothing to worry about.


So, you must harden yourself. THAT is the training you need to survive the apocalypse. Rucking a heavy pack for hours trains you for NOTHING, because only a moron packs more than ten percent of his body weight ( above normal shoes and clothing ). But it does train you to suck up pain and discomfort. Running for an hour or more doesn't train you to be a better runner. If you can run that fifty minutes needed to get to an endorphin jolt, it is just trading future joint damage for an immediate cheap high. But it does train your brain to push physical limits.


Actually, it is quite amazing how well your body reacts to combat. Not just the chemicals needed to Fight Or Flight. Actual physical reactions such as an auto switch turning off your hearing to drown out your ( YOUR, but unfortunately not the THIER of close comrades ) gunshots, tunnel vision for better aim, time distortion for better reactions, etc. Your body is, naturally, a warrior. You just need to help it along with the training. Your body is also a natural runner, from our evolved skill in the ability to sweat to dissipate our heat as we are able to run down ANY game. Trust your body. It is designed for this crap. But help it along.


We are natural runners, just not on concrete. That is the fly in the soup. Otherwise, hours long training to run would be ideal. Just as we cannot train for combat. Mostly because of the nation state and the Agricultural Age we live in. Warriors used to train through childhood to stalk and kill. Now, we train to labor under unnatural conditions. You could even argue school is NOT for the education, obviously, but also, not really about the propaganda. More so than anything, it teaches us to live and work unnaturally.


Training kids in obviously false paradigms trains them to ignore ones own natural inclinations. Train against biology, really. No matter how much the commies teach butt pirating, carpet munching or child murder as natural, MOST normal people won't take a dingus up the ass or get an abortion. The propaganda wasn't direct like that. It did, however, normalize the teaching/training of other unnatural activities. Like getting carpal tunnel or irradiated eyeballs or ruining normal health with graveyard shifts.


But I shan't diverge into a rant against our befouled corporate overlords, themselves mere slaves to the bankers. Time enough for that in the next hundred articles, or more. Back to indirect training. Hunter and gatherer boys didn't directly train for combat. They trained for hardship and endurance and camaraderie. Hardship through remaining outside the comforts of village life, endurance by stretching that out in time. Stress inoculation. And learning to rely on ones fellows to both help you take life and protect you. Hunting dangerous animals both removed a competitor apex predator and bonded/trained the band as a combat team.


None of that was DIRECT combat training. It was indirect training. Now, you are old. I am old. Ross Perot would be older than God or dirt, if he wasn't already dead. You lost the chance to train as a warrior in your childhood, born far too early. You lost the chance to live the life of a warrior, because no matter how close some might come, such as cops, the activity is still muted and queered by the necessity of training soldiers rather than warriors, in our current society. The best you can do is to stress inoculate.


Going through the military, having periods of extreme poverty, these help greatly. But if it has been too long in the happening, I postulate that the helpful effects have worn away. You need booster shots. Just five years living in town, I would have a period of readjustment going back off grid. I TRY to give myself stress boosters, but just forcing myself to do unpleasant things such as exercise or eating healthy ( nothing healthy tastes good ) I don't believe to be enough. Just sticking to a routine to maximize health isn't really Stress Inoculation.


Perhaps the regular stress of flaying about trying to find article topics keeps me from relaxing too much, but I don't know. I think I'm too close, inside looking in. I know I haven't relaxed in retirement, just achieved more contentment. Perhaps the continued threat/stress of an unfurling collapse helps me somewhat. I do know the harder I am on myself, the more stress I overcome, the easier it will be to accept and roll with the apocalypse. If you Cowboy Up now, it won't be as difficult to do so when the globe goes dark and the Warriors Come Out To Play.


You MUST stay in shape. That is Rule One of the Zombie Apocalypse, Cardio. You can't jog at your age, but you can still walk. Walk for your fitness, and to toughen up in the extreme weather. Don't worry about carrying weight. You can't shoot nor scoot, so it is guerrilla warfare or nothing. Stay in shape, eat better, and try to stay off Dumbass Doctor pill prescriptions as possible. And start living harder than you would like. Embrace The Suck.


Living off grid on junk land teaches you very little. Instead of paying utility bills, you just buy utilities up front. Living off grid is still just shopping, really. That isn't the value of the activity. It is toughening up through giving up luxuries that is the valuable training. Find your own ways, age appropriate ways, of stress inoculation. Push yourself physically. Bicycle instead of car in bad weather, as training. Lowering the heat to discomfort levels. Visiting in-laws you despise. Get out of that rut commuting to work, forcing yourself to seek alternate routes ( just not through the ghetto, not nowadays ).


Deprive yourself, an example making your own coffee instead of drinking out. Force yourself to give up alcohol for a week ( or cut back on smokes, or sweets, for X period of time ). Keep dealing with stress. It can be small. Inoculations are NOT full strength, if they are just booster shots. Ideally, the initial inoculation is harder than projected future stresses. Then the boosters need not be too bad. But even if life's crapstorms are no where near Civilization Collapse Event levels, hopefully that initial stress did teach you confidence in overcoming bad things happening to your beautiful self.


I used to be The World's Worst Handyman. I had zero mechanical abilities. I could take the worlds strongest nail and drive it in more sideways than downward. Only being forced to work through the stress of ignorance could I start to learn how to accomplish anything. After a time, I could at least try new repair tasks with unfamiliar materials with some hope of success. Experience is an exponential reward. Combat is the exact same way. You know it will suck at first, but if you train the brain, it will be far less of an intense stress.


Stress inoculation, AND, an idea of what to expect. Forget Hollywood. The calm ability to react correctly will ONLY come with experience. At first, you will be a hot mess. Crapping yourself is probably going to be assured. Afterwards, the adrenaline surge will do strange things to you, from shakes to sudden naps. Expect it and it isn't so bad. Just trust your body. Everything it is doing to you has a purpose to help you survive. Another way to prepare, besides understanding physical reactions, is to mentally prep yourself.


The trope “man is reluctant to kill his own kind” is complete horse crap. We were designed to kill our own kind, as far as a species. It can be no other way, because we have no predators effective enough to thin our ranks as our food supply would dictate. Now, if you say, “man is reluctant to kill anyone in his own tribe”, then you would be correct. Just as the idiots misinterpreted “thou shall not kill” from the more correct “thou shall not murder”, people assume you should treat all humans as your tribe. And that is SO friggin wrong. The author of On Killing is nothing more than a Kool-Aid drinking Politically Correct class conscience tool of the elite banker scum. Die, you whore, David Grossman, and may the gold you received from indoctrinating a generation in Marxist swill be melted down and poured down your throat, after a copy of your books are shoved up your ass and soaked in kerosene then lit.


Oops! Did I get a little carried away? Meh. Who cares. The great thing about hyperinflation is that retired military officer idiots are no longer paid the big bucks out of my taxes, but just off the printing presses, so at least he is not further insulting me with salt in the wounds of my book purchases. And I do believe both copies were used, so the hump didn't get any loyalties from me. But seriously, NEVER buy any of his books. Just Internet search “physiology of combat”. The Internet doesn't actually punish authors.


Nor does the library. A good enough book, I'll peruse in the library then buy my own copy. Information on the Web that interests me, I'll purchase the books because you must have source copies. Both to get more source material and to have a non-electronic source. E-paper is great to trial run, or for disposable reading such as newspapers or periodicals ( which usually only superficially cover subjects ). But my point is, worthless authors such as Grossman NEED to be replaced by free material. And great authors will see the Internet simply as advertising.


Whole religious cults ( definition of a religion-they killed enough people to instill wide acceptance. Definition of a cult-failed religion. Yes, the LDS is still a cult. Once they kill off all gentiles in Deseret, then they will become a religion. I wish them luck, as long as they stay out of northern Nevada ) have been founded on the poor translation of “thou shall not kill”. No, you cannot MURDER. The difference is that not all killing is murder, but all murder is killing. In other words, Obtuse Ollie, you can kill plenty of folks, as approved by god and the king, but you cannot murder anyone ( on the No Kill List ). I would think even a retard like a liberal could understand that.


And if killing is okay with God, why would man be programmed to naturally despise killing? Logically, that makes no sense. God looks down at his chosen people, likes what he sees, gets wood over bosomy babes and studly warriors, and tells them to go smite the heathens. Because, Lord knows, there are a metric butt ton of heathens out there that need smiting. Why would he handicap that by making man hate killing? He wouldn't, now would he? And looking at it from an atheist viewpoint, why would man evolve ( yes, I know, evolution was part of God's plan, according to many smart people. I'm keeping the argument simple ) unable to efficiently protect his people?


Hesitation in combat due to morality is deadly. You MUST have your head right to go a killing. Why else does the military dehumanize those needing killing? Kill a commie for mommy, indeed! Hell, I STILL want to go kill commies, and I like to think I was only partially brainwashed by the military. Do you think I would be bothered if those commies are Americans? No. I only fear being caught and martyred. Which is why I'm willing to wait for the apocalypse, even if that means I might miss most deserving targets.


Politically Correct asswipes are the ones pushing for Universal Brotherhood. They want you to think of rampaging Muzzies or Ebola laden Deep Africa Imports as one of your brethren. They tell you it is racist to want to keep your job. They tell you to leave your child in the capable hands of drag queens for story hour. What the hell do kids know, except what you tell them? Never trust commies to teach your spawn. If it means mommy who thinks she wants to be independent and a career women has to stay home to raise kids, well, hump her dreams. She bred 'em, she can support 'em, just like we males must do.


All those PC pukes with their double standards can kiss my unwashed leaking ass. If you are a commie ( hint, they do not like the original Ten Amendments, as written rather than as changed, so it isn't rocket science ID'ing them ), you deserve to be killed. I WANT to kill you. I will have no hesitation. As long as I am authorized, meaning it is no longer against the law of a country that no longer exists, I will gladly shoot your ass. YOU are indeed Bullet Worthy. If I steal the wealth and I can afford it, I will buy you after you have been turned into slaves, just so I can make you suffer greatly before death.


And, yes, I'm aware, anyone who disagrees with my hatred for commies will use this as an excuse to demonize me and call me a psychopath. Hey, I actually can exhibit SOCIAL behavior. I'm only antisocial with other tribes. That is xenophobic, not psychopathic. I am only deranged if you deny tribalism. And if you deny tribalism, you are by definition a communist and NOT of my tribe, hence proving tribalism. So, ipso facto, I cannot be a psycho. Take that, Marxist vermin.


See how easy it is to embrace killing? Oh, I know, you'll say I cannot prove my assertion without actually acting on it. But why would I be repulsed by killing, yet at the same time fantasize about it on a regular basis? And “fantasizing” is not even proper. I merely wargame in my mind who I am going to kill, gladly, with pleasure and aforethought, once it is LEGALLY permissible, so that once the balloon goes up, my mind has zero doubts. No doubt, no hesitation. No hesitation, I am tuning brain to body to become more combat effective.


( P.S.-you understand, this is ONE wargame, not all of them. In many, I need to kill those I'd rather not, but must, just from necessity. For instance, as much as I admire those Tip Of The Spear guys such as LEO's, if they move to protect an enemy tribe, say once the force becomes the mayors bodyguards after he becomes king, and they are trying to starve me, they need to be killed. You can admire an enemy warrior. He still needs to be killed. There are many I'd rather not kill, such as defensive only groups. But they endanger my food supply by needing it themselves, meaning it is kill or be killed by starvation )


Is it enough to be defensive? HELL NO! Let me add emphasis so as to dispel any confusion. As the great Mogumbo has taught us, using caps and MULTIPLE explanation points means you must take what you read far more seriously. HELL. NO!!!!!!! By making up your mind now to only protect yourself, you are setting yourself up for failure. What idiot decides to ONLY shoot back in an ambush, when it is far safer and more effective to go hunt that enemy down in their festering lairs and eliminate them as a threat?


By trying to take some high moral ground, you allow yourself to be shot at first? How is that going to help your tribe and your family? Your wife depends on you for defending her, as do your children, and you are going to even the odds for your attacker? Do you WANT to lose your minion club card? Because THAT is how you lose your minion club card. That attitude right there. Playing the victim. You must be perceived in your own mind as being a victim before you shoot back. Manly men, who Baby Jesus AND bodacious bosomy babes approve mightily of, take the fight to the enemy, and suck up doing the Hard things. Part of training, to achieve excellence, to increase your odds of surviving to live to fight another day to protect your people.

( .Y. )


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