Friday, November 30, 2018

asylum rulers

The inmates are running the asylum.  You cannot explain all levels of western civilization any other way.  It has gone beyond blind hubris or a mad scramble for a shrinking pie and is simply just a lunatic asylum.  Granted, all these undesirable attributes still occur.  There actual exist dreamy dumb asses convinced our military is invincible or that Fracking Fuel will last for a century.  They cannot conceive of a nation without its past greatness, even as they live it.  And it is true that everywhere you look crane operators with wreaking balls are dismantling everything for profit.  But we’ve surpassed even that.
Isn’t there a rock song about Lying Eyes?  I’m sure it was used in another context, but perhaps not.  We are in a time where the level of dishonesty we convince ourselves of is past the point of comprehension.  See about Fracking Oil.  Who still believes in Free Energy Devices anymore?  But we are to believe an extraction technique unprofitable at a point where the retail price bankrupts the economy, with a history of three YEAR depletion rather than the three DECADES of conventional oil, with a net energy return of nearly zero, is our hope for the future?
Sure, why not, right?  If we believe the stock market, then the fracking oil is free ( here is a Fun Filled Fact I never encountered with all the hype surrounding the RetailPocalypse “news” by supposedly smarter than myself writers.  Retail malls were built with reckless disregard for profit or oversaturation from day one-even back in the 60’s-because of tax incentives.  Correct me if I’m wrong, but was Amazon around back then? ).  We can just print money, goose the derivatives market and there are no consequences.  No one seems to remember all the equity lost in homes in 2009.
How many trillions was that?  Well, no matter.  More jobs for us now that those former homeowners are living in cardboard boxes and chugging Oxy.  A drug epidemic having how much to do with reality intruding on folks Happy Unicorn existence, I wonder.  We are so delusional and desperately chasing fantasy, even the tiniest sliver of reality shatters that glass bubble ( made in China, imperfectly tempered ).  And aren’t we all doing the same thing?  As soon as Evil Communists ejaculate moronic thoughts, we rush out to buy another case of 5.56 to drown out the voice.
We grew up amongst a bunch of pale ass honkey mo’fo’s, and ignore the absolute decimation of our numbers and our replacement by OtherColor immigrants.  Sure, we see it and bitch about it, but we don’t THINK about what that means.  Every people everywhere throughout everywhen were all conquered and pushed out, in a less than peaceful manner, and I wonder how many of them kept hoping the wave would stop just short of their village in their lifetime.  Screw your kids, right?  As long as I die before it changes, my daughter can birth little half breed babies for our Sino Overlords.
I think most of my readers are even older than I, so we all remember 1980 like it was yesterday.  WASP’s were still not a minority.  But in just 15 years of unrestricted immigration and Bitches Rights, we had almost reached Peak Casper.  Since then, places like the Atlanta ( in the news in the last election as a Black politician promised to nuke the mountain where a Confederate image resided.  Wait, perhaps not a nuke.  That was for gun owners ) metro area went from 90% White to 10%, California went from minority Latino to minority White, and etcetera. 
And yet, those lying eyes.  You can’t even get survivalists out of the major metro areas.  How optimistic are you allowed to be, and still believe the world is ending?  Only an eternal sunshine optimists would believe the invaders would bypass his hideyhole and leave him be, as they conquer his area.  Let us make this simple.  An invader moves in.  Genocide occurs.  Only those running faster than their friends escapes the bear.  The best looking females are kept for breeding and everyone else dies. Either right there and then, that winter or as overworked slaves.
We are so brainwashed about Evil Hitler ( who our bankers funded ) that we learn his scientists calculated the exact amount of calories needed a day to keep them alive X amount of time and knew exactly how much food they needed to pay for their imprisonment, and we actually think only evil Hitler ever did that.  Bull!  Every slave owner and trader ever, for all of history, did exactly that.  They knew how to calculate a positive energy return.  Oh, and in case your head is REALLY up your ass, everyone had slaves.  Always.
We cannot conceive of how to live without oil, even if it has only been 150 years verses 6,000 ( AgEmpire ) of living completely without.  We think money will always be worth something, and is still worthwhile to risk our lives for.  Hell, some preppers think crypto-currencies are worth a wet fart in a rain storm.  We make fun of anti-biology Grrl Power bitches, and then stockpile meat flavored soysalt pellets at $30 a can and practice CQB tactics with a total arsenal of two thousand rounds of ammunition.
I’m not throwing any rocks in my glass house.  I’m living in town, for goodness sakes, and I’m probably more paranoid than 97% of my readers.  I don’t lie to myself, I know it is stupid but just don’t care.  But then I guess I cannot call myself a survivalist, can I?  Why are you still reading?  My living in a town of 15k is no smarter than you living in one of 150k, or 1.5 million.  It takes about three to five people to hump you up, regardless of the number of semi-auto’s you own, if they have smart wolf pack tactics. 
It probably doesn’t even have much to do with being more pessimistic or not.  It is probably more the environment of No Consequences we all grew up in.  Now that consequences are appearing, we go out of our way ignoring them with all our might.  Some are worse at it than others, like Bruce Jenner.  Some are better, such as those in hermitages.  But we all grew up in energy saturation, and ALL of us have been insulated from reality, almost completely.  When poverty is defined as not owning a car, you don’t know reality.  The insanity now is just the barest crack of reality ALMOST showing itself in the light of day.
You don’t even know how much worse it can get, and will.  Hump it, I’m going to go read some escapist fiction.
( .Y. )
( today's related link here )
note: free books.  Collapse comedy here .  PA here .  Zombie here .
note: JW, you wonderful bastard, thanks for the PayPal donation!
Please support Bison by buying through the Amazon ad graphics at the top of the page ( or from ). Or PayPal 

*** Unless you are in extreme poverty, spend a buck a month here, by the above donation methods ( I get 4% of the Amazon sale, so you need to buy $25 worth for me to get my $1 ) or mail me some cash/check/money order or buy a book ( web site for free books, Amazon to pay just as a donation vehicle ).
*** My e-mail is:  My address is: James M Dakin, 181 W Bullion Rd #12, Elko NV 89801-4184 ***E-Mail me if you want your name added to the weekly e-newsletter subscriber list.
*** Pay your author-no one works for free.  I’m nice enough to publish for barely above Mere Book Money, so do your part.*** junk land under a grand *  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio*   my web site is *** Wal-Mart wheat***Amazon Author Page
* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there

Thursday, November 29, 2018

redoubt religion 2 of 2

We shall discuss the Rocky Mountain Redoubt.  Which isn’t really that at all ( but which is popularly known as such ), as the last time I checked eastern Oregon was a bit removed from that mountain chain.  I’m pretty sure this would never have gotten off the ground if the seed kernel in the form of the Tri-State Area from the 80’s pulp fiction Cold War series hadn’t already been planted.  And I’m sure eastern Oregon and eastern Washington was simply added to appease the less than millionaire wannabe members.  And Nevada was excluded on religious grounds.
Nevada was never a shining beacon of freedom.  Statehood was granted to enrich a few as a price for Lincoln to add to the treasury.  It was a great cowboy state for a time, until California migrated there en masse.  And the only reason it was more Libertarian was because at one time it was decided by the elite that this was a great way to guarantee tourism ( hookers, but unfortunately not blow ).  And no, Spanky, Vegas has not been a mob town for a very long time.  The mega-corporations didn’t care for that competition.
And because Nevada is, in relation to most other states, more morally free, the theocracy hates it.  The Yuppie Scum of northern Idaho are in some ways far more dangerous than simple California migrants with more real estate money than brains.  They are religious zealots with the money to relocate.  They sell the concept of the Redoubt as a location that will be safer during the coming economic collapse, but underlying that they are religious fanatics.  Not that there is anything wrong with that!  As long as it is YOUR religion.  The rest of us?  I don’t believe we would care for it all that much.
If you moved to Utah, do you have any idea what you are getting yourself into?  Right now, they cannot keep gentiles or subsidized Muzzies or even Papist Mexicans out of the area.  But if you believe that the general trend is towards decentralization due to resource decline as I do, you know for a fact that the states will gain power as the feds lose it.  Again, this is merely a GENERAL trend.  That won’t move in a straight line.  But it will be more steps forward than back.  Look at California.
Cali USED to be the bellwether state that the rest followed, and in some ways it still is ( just not as strong as it used to be setting trends.  Correlated strongly with it turning Turd World, I’m sure ).  I imagine the strongest trends it starts are now related to the Democratic strongholds rather than the nation as a whole.  But one that seems broadly applicable is its nose thumbing at Fed dictates it doesn’t care for.  Such as anything not 100% Politically Correct.  Other states, as we travel down the slope of decentralization, will also be more brazen ignoring federal law.
Some states more than others have always tried to skirt around federal law.  Such as when Montana lowered the speed limit so as not to lose federal highway funds, but for all intents and purposes doesn’t enforce the law there.  Unlike rectal licking Nevada, unduly influenced by the California Colony of Las Vegas to always lean Federal to the point we elect either Dem’s or RINO’s.  But playing footsies with federal dictates and ignoring them altogether are two separate things indeed.  Cali is already basically saying Hump You, Uncle Orange, we will do exactly as we please.
In the past those would be fighting words and the state would have been made an example of.  It isn’t because the democrats want more communism, either.  The feds are NOT run by dem’s or Re-pubes, but by The Imperial Party.  Granted, the policies California pass are all approved by the Imperial Party.  But by NOT challenging Cali when it blatantly ignores federal law, the feds are either signally it wants to go Full Commie in which case not all states will follow, or it is signaling  it is impotent.  Either way, states will start to want to act more independent.
Because here is the thing.  A LOT of areas only kowtow because they are bribed.  You can have a state that is 95% white religious conservatives and because their vote doesn’t matter, the state they are in will vote pro-illegal OtherColor immigration, pro gay marriage and etcetera.  But what happens when the money spigot starts to go dry?  The states that know what is good for them start respecting the residents wishes ( because as all the jobs depart and welfare dries up, violence against the machine is assured ).  And either the ballot or the cartridge box WILL change the laws there.
I’m no fan of federal law, but I respect its pacifying effect on bat crap crazy asswhores that would prefer to kill me.  Right now, you can move to a Behind Enemy Lines location and MOSTLY be left alone.  You can no longer attack gays for moving into the Bible Belt.  You cannot fling feces at LibTards agitating to open the borders to Muzzies so they can kill your daughters.  Granted, this is heavily leaning to favor the Left, and has been for fifty years, but NOT because “commies under every bed”.
Because the whole time it has been Divide And Conquer.  But it isn’t communism.  Communism would be anti-corporation and anti- global free trade, wouldn’t it ( China is not communist, it is nationalist )?  But the point here is that despite some exceptions such as Black “get out of jail free” cards to play The Knockout Game, to push the divide strategy that unfortunately favors liberals, MOSTLY libtards are also forced to live next door to those they hate such as gun owners.  Sure, everyone moves to their like kind in enclaves ( such as a Blue city surrounded by Red Country ), but IN GENERAL we are forced to play nice.
But I think even THAT is also social engineering.  By favoring Left policies, the right is becoming more enflamed and agitated and ready to fight.  I believe that is the exact intent.  The elite WANT a guerrilla war.  Not because “one world government” ( GOD!!!! I DESPISE that intellectually lazy cop-out ).  Because that is the best way to radically decrease resources to the highest number of people.  Either by design or just taking advantage of organic trends, the elite hold a few strategic areas and can ignore everywhere else.
Why do you think agriculture is centralized in depopulated areas?  Much easier control.  But let us not get sidetracked there.  Focus on your non-blue state.  When the feds voluntarily depart and withdraw resources ( only involving themselves as much militarily as necessary ), who do you think will fill the power vacuum?  Not rational politicians.  No, the extreme radicals always come to power, as only extremists have the motivation to smite gods enemies.  Utah will go Full Retard LDS.  Idaho will go Old Testament Cult.  The Ozarks will go White Nationalist.  And etcetera.  Food for thought.
( .Y. )
( today's related link here )
Please support Bison by buying through the Amazon ad graphics at the top of the page ( or from ). Or PayPal 

*** Unless you are in extreme poverty, spend a buck a month here, by the above donation methods ( I get 4% of the Amazon sale, so you need to buy $25 worth for me to get my $1 ) or mail me some cash/check/money order or buy a book ( web site for free books, Amazon to pay just as a donation vehicle ).
*** My e-mail is:  My address is: James M Dakin, 181 W Bullion Rd #12, Elko NV 89801-4184 ***E-Mail me if you want your name added to the weekly e-newsletter subscriber list.
*** Pay your author-no one works for free.  I’m nice enough to publish for barely above Mere Book Money, so do your part.*** junk land under a grand *  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio*   my web site is *** Wal-Mart wheat***Amazon Author Page
* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

guest article ( article 2 of 2 today )

GUEST ARTICLE ( article 2 of 2 today )
Ho Ho Ho Survival

G'day fellow Minions. Got a Bison approved (ha, I'm assuming it's Bison approved - don't lag on me to the boss) prep.

Christmas Lights!

Stay with me on this. Last year I bought a small string of lights that were powered by two AA batteries. They were designed to be put in various places like around picture frames, hanging off the gun rack, that sort of thing. The one I bought didn't flash, it wasn't solar powered, it just gave a steady ice blue glow with a basic on off switch.

How much light did it put off? Enough to light up a room. Not so much you could read, but enough you can see everything.

How long did it last? You know what? I got sick of trying to work it out it lasted so dang long. We're talking days.

There are other solar powered christmas lights. These can be used to provide light in area's so bad guys can't lurk. I use a set around my car port. Now here's something to look for in your lights. Last function memory. The lights around my car port revert back to flashing. Annoying. The new ones use the last function so they'll stay solid.

Another point. The lights appear to be decreasing in quality (length, # of lights).

Last point - don't wait to long to buy them. I had the idea of buying them at bargain prices just after christmas. No dice. They ran down their stock and once christmas hit they were gone.

Here's a link to what I have. I'll be buying more this year. They take up bugger all room to put away for the apocolypse ->

*note Dingo Bucks don't translate to well to US Dollaroos. But 3 dingobucks is pretty good

/end transmission

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

nomadism 2 of 2

Yesterday we covered how it is no longer all that cheap to live on the road, mostly due to the parasite class monetizing that freedom.  And that was with me soft peddling the whole Peak Oil aspect ( AND the PetroDollar collapse AND the soon to fail financing for fracking ).  Looking at RV nomadism from a self sufficient aspect, you are setting yourself up for failure by the increased complexity of your fuel and mechanic needs.  Staying on junk land requires little to nothing above Stone Age Tech. An RV requires the cooperation of Saudi Arabia.
So, in theory, you being a survivalist and all, why in the name of Sweet Jesus would you want to make yourself this vulnerable ( okay, granted, caches and a place to park once out of fuel IF you could avoid the tax collectors armed agents, this is viable.  Relying on today’s vulnerable infrastructure, however, is not )?  And the answer is, why, the Jay Oh Bee.  The Locust book thinks we are going to have an exact replay of the Great Depression and if you are mobile you can follow the jobs.  That is why I hated that book.
Is that RV sea worthy?  Because all the jobs are going overseas.  As long as the planet relies on petroleum for everything, and it has to because we cannot eat without it at this point, there will be Oil For Jobs.  Everything will be robotized.  Yes, even service jobs.  And, no, Spanky, creative content is NOT protected.  They might not use robots to write or film, but they also know how to use numbers against the individual.  Offer self employment options and watch all the lemmings rush down the cliff towards Chinese Peasant Pay levels of compensation.
You used to be able to earn a living on E-Bay?  Well, now you get to compete with a Chinese company that is two cousins on a couch with an Internet connection and a plastics factory next door ( their Uncle Cho runs it, so they get a Family Discount negating the need for buying in bulk ).  In the race towards razor thin profit margins, can you compete?  With Amazon Kindle, everyone is an author.  Their costs approach a one time $50 to buy a used desktop computer from the thrift store ( although it is nice you can get a free Internet upload site at the public library ).
With YouTube, nobody can be an amateur anymore.  If you don’t have professional quality clips, no one watches you.  And as it is, even a great product doesn’t necessarily make you anything other than pocket change ( if you use it as a platform to advertise another profit center, that should work okay.  But it doesn’t negate the millions to one competition you face ).  Indirectly, this is robots taking your job, as a computer allows millions to compete with you, for far less customers than ever before.
If you work harder than everyone else, with less costs than anyone else, you can succeed at a micro-business level.  But following jobs that pay less all the time, by employing a strategy that costs more all the time, when less and less jobs are out there, that is a recipe for eventual disaster.  Please remember and never forget,  we will NOT see a human replacement for machines.  Not until AFTER the die-off.  BEFORE that time, humans can NEVER outperform petroleum.  Never.  The global infrastructure has been built for them, not you.  You cannot scale up to compete.  You can scale DOWN.
You can organically grow your food to feed yourself more efficiently than machines, but you cannot do that for a lot of people.  Just you.  You MIGHT be able to craft transportation more efficiently, but even that is facing competition ( needing to grow your own leather for shoes, verses plastic shoes ).  And that is about all you can do efficiently.  Everything else has you outclassed by using petroleum.  It is a game you cannot win, not on their level by their rules.  So you MUST plan around everything being automated, robotized and obsoleted.
Chasing jobs that don’t exist is a losing strategy.  Decentralizing is where you need to focus on.  Needing LESS, not more, of the Mammon Heroin they push for great profits.  Now, sure, you can combine these two.  RV around until the jobs disappear, and then park it for good on your junk land once you have no choice.  Just beware of the infrastructure you MUST create in order to survive the ordeal.  You must have the skill and financing to always stay mobile.  You don’t have to be in an RV, it could be RV-like.  A van, or converted whatever.
This also gives you some breathing room. Say, you own a van now.  You simply transition to living out of that for the time being as you are working, then buy junk land and prepping supplies with the rent you no longer have to pay.  This costs pretty much nothing.  But it sure as hell isn’t RV living either.  It is much more primitive.  When most folks speak of RV Nomadism, they mean a comfortable house on wheels.  It might be narrower than even a mobile home, but it is still house-like.  That is what costs so much, duplicating that luxury.
This is simply the Luxury Tax, the extra money you get screwed out of because “being uncomfortable” is such a horrible idea that the mind simply boggles ( “Oh, My, God!, Becky.  How did people live here before air conditioning?” ).  That is what RV Living boils down to. People desperately trying to live in luxury on a budget.  It cannot happen, when Financialization Meets Job Destruction.  All the trends are against you.  Drive to the summer watermelon picking job?  Mexico is doing our produce now.  If any fields survive, they will get repurposed.
If I was a California farmer, I wouldn’t pay extra for labor if Mexico was undercutting me.  I’d mangle all the produce mechanically and use it to raise pigs or cows, rather than try to sell the carefully hand picked produce for too low of a price.  Corn doesn’t make you money, whiskey does.  The same will be applied to produce.  Trends.  Follow the trends, not how things used to be.  Oil trend is up in price and down in availability.  Job trends are fewer paying less.  You never play to the opponents strengths, and trends are an opponent, make no mistake.
( .Y. )
( today's related link here )
note: free book.  Sorry, no PA fiction today.  But here is a American History book that looks really interesting and doesn't just puke public reeducation camp drivel here .
Please support Bison by buying through the Amazon ad graphics at the top of the page ( or from ). Or PayPal 

*** Unless you are in extreme poverty, spend a buck a month here, by the above donation methods ( I get 4% of the Amazon sale, so you need to buy $25 worth for me to get my $1 ) or mail me some cash/check/money order or buy a book ( web site for free books, Amazon to pay just as a donation vehicle ).
*** My e-mail is:  My address is: James M Dakin, 181 W Bullion Rd #12, Elko NV 89801-4184 ***E-Mail me if you want your name added to the weekly e-newsletter subscriber list.
*** Pay your author-no one works for free.  I’m nice enough to publish for barely above Mere Book Money, so do your part.*** junk land under a grand *  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio*   my web site is *** Wal-Mart wheat***Amazon Author Page
* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there

Monday, November 26, 2018

nomadism 1 of 2

The leader in Yuppie Scum Survivalism just pointed out a YouTube series on being a RV nomad.  And of course we have discussed several books on the same, here ( if only in the comments ), such as Locusts On The Horizon and the newer one where the poor pitiful Seniors were freezing in their RV’s as they were abused and neglected by Evil Jeff at Amazon ( shut up you old humpers, and hurry up and send me my book! ).  Hell, I’d LOVE to get paid as much as they do, lazy bastards.  I’ve had worse jobs at ¾ of the pay.
So, here you have an advocate of RV nomad living, preaching that all your ills will fall away in a sprinkling of unicorn dust.  One guy telling you it is the best way of avoiding going hungry in the economic depression, and a third wanting us to feel sorry for RV Seniors.  Okay, I’m sorry, because I know and love some seniors, but dumb ass is as dumb ass does.  If your crap ain’t wired tight after sixty years, and you screwed up your retirement, I simply cannot feel bad for you.
Sure, crap happens.  You suddenly get sick with cancer, and the medical industry tries to cure you with sodomy.  But that just means you planned with zero redundancy, doesn’t it?  Like bad crap would never ever again happen.  Fairy tales are more realistic than that plan.  Okay, fine, houses aren’t made of candy.  But there sure are witches out there ready to eat you.  Usually the problem isn’t that you lost all your money, it is that you refused to lower your standard of living.  If your fall back plan was being an RV nomad, you didn’t learn a damn thing in all your years.
That would be like my back-up plan for losing the house from unpaid increased property taxes, after I lost my Enron retirement, would be to rent an apartment.  What in the Holy Hell?  Stop trying to save a little, and start trying to save everything.  The plan shouldn’t be to pay less rent, it should be to pay NO rent.  This is the basic problem with being a nomad.  What was once a near zero cost alternate living arrangement was finiancialized by the rich and greedy.  This strategy has already been coopted and is no longer viable.
After Hurricane Katrina, when FEMA bought up a butt ton of RV’s, and then after the 2008 financial meltdown when the RV industry consolidated, RV quality fell through the floor as the prices went through the roof.  I wouldn’t buy an RV made in this century, period.  You might as well burn your money as it will grant you a superior return on investment.  But then the problem becomes that you cannot rent in most RV parks as they see Seniors as having the big bucks and will only allow RV’s to be ten years old.  This keeps out poor people.
I used to spend one quarter of my monthly take home on minimum wage on RV rent.  Now it is closer to half.  IF they will graciously allow you to park there ( here is an exception, an RV park in Arizona that is a mere $500 a year ).  Of course, you don’t HAVE to live in a park.  A lot of Wal-Marts still allow RV parking ( there seems to be a correlation between the Wally being in a snob hill Yuppie Scum town, and the city banning parking there ). 
Or you can just keep moving around and stealth camp almost anywhere.  But that still presents you with the main problem with being a nomad.  Mechanical failure and monthly fixed cost.  And yes, I understand that in theory living on a junk land lot and needing a vehicle to commute in theory exposes you to a lot of the same costs.  If you didn’t plan around that car cost.  Which is what you should be doing anyway, but I shan’t yammer on about Peak Oil, the Petrodollar or Financing Failing For Fracking Fuel.  Just know that all those are valid inputs in your plans.
But just going by a financial concern, in general it is going to be much more costly to be a nomad than a land lubber.  If your commute car breaks on your junk land, you can bike or walk, bum rides, rent a car or get a moped.  Or take some vacation time, because I KNOW for a fact you would never go without a months worth of supplies at all times to reduce the need to commute.  If your mobile home breaks down, you might be forced to hurry up and move it.
The whole key to CHEAP nomad living is mobility.  Lose that mobility and you will endanger your wallet and even risk problems with Johnny Law.  On junk land, you just have more options that are usually cheaper.  And, as just implied, being a nomad means you cannot stockpile.  That itself endangers you.  Nomad living is NOT for preppers ( unless you really do a good job on caches, which would actually be a pretty good strategy then, bringing its own set of advantages to counter-act the disadvantages. Now that I mention it, that might make a good book ).
What, outside your loveless marriage, is the biggest stress you have every month?  I would suggest it is the bills due at the end of the month.  Living at a fixed location brings you about 5% of that stress, if that, if you do things right.  Being mobile, you can NEVER eliminate all bills, even as a learned mechanic, and hence you will never do away with all the stress.  And while that stress MIGHT in theory be worth it as you trade peace of mind for a paycheck, in this situation you aren’t even guaranteed that.  It is hand to mouth all the time.
Yes, you USED to be able to drop out and live in a VW van, just needing gas money and that was all.  Near free registration, no insurance required, easily maintained, quality construction and usually no police harassment ( sure, that was a variable-but it always has been such as with vagrancy laws.  The difference is that now, as LEO’s go paramilitary, encounters can be much more deadly.  Plus, prisons didn’t have HIV Injection back then ).  Now, little of that still applies.  That lifestyle is no longer liberating but enslaving.  Continued tomorrow.
( .Y. )
( today's related link here )
Please support Bison by buying through the Amazon ad graphics at the top of the page ( or from ). Or PayPal 

*** Unless you are in extreme poverty, spend a buck a month here, by the above donation methods ( I get 4% of the Amazon sale, so you need to buy $25 worth for me to get my $1 ) or mail me some cash/check/money order or buy a book ( web site for free books, Amazon to pay just as a donation vehicle ).
*** My e-mail is:  My address is: James M Dakin, 181 W Bullion Rd #12, Elko NV 89801-4184 ***E-Mail me if you want your name added to the weekly e-newsletter subscriber list.
*** Pay your author-no one works for free.  I’m nice enough to publish for barely above Mere Book Money, so do your part.*** junk land under a grand *  Lord Bison* my bio & biblio*   my web site is *** Wal-Mart wheat***Amazon Author Page
* By the by, all my writing is copyrighted. For the obtuse out there

Sunday, November 25, 2018

ghost gun 4 of 4

Let us call the US population of White Males 30%.  Assume almost all White females are operating under enemy colors. The Hispanics are going to make up close to that 30%, and the Blacks the rest.  Whites used to be closer to 80%, not at all long ago, and controlled all the assets ( they might not have owned them, but in effect controlled them through laws, taxes, Unions, etc ).  That was the first half of the last century ( starting at 1913’s central bank fiasco ).  It was a constant battle for control the whole time.
The elites got a lot of blows in, true.  WWI, Prohibition, drug laws and gun control.  But they really screwed the pooch during WWII, the global oil and colonial war.  Afterwards, they had no choice but to give in to democracy.  That lasted almost twenty years, during which the military and intelligence deep state built back control, and then they unleashed the Kraken in the 60’s.  Their ( in hindsight ) opening salvo was killing Kennedy for daring to suggest transferring money creation power away from the Fed.  Killing off the young generation of patriots over in Vietnam, with the hippies used to neuter them at home culturally.
The hippies ushered in all the commie crap, from Bitches Lib to immigration, and the hippies were controlled by the newer draconian drug penalties.  The elites were back in power, and the asset stripping began ( all this was successful due to economic forces outside their control.  When oil becomes scarce was a great time to dismantle the Industrial Economy ).  The 70’s said goodbye to the economy the workers mostly controlled and benefited from.  The 80’s saw the financialization of the economy by bribing all the workers with credit.
The 90’s introduced Political Correctness, which blessed the financial transfer of power over to females, mandated ignoring Black creeping power, and the Hispanic Reconquista.  Cheap Siberian oil was the lubricant for the dildo.  In that short period of time, White Males went from 80% control to 30%.  Now, being a minority, what is going to happen?  You are going to get screwed and then violently removed.  The screwing part is already ingrained in the infrastructure now.  We are just waiting for the purge ( this wasn’t a movie for Whites to enjoy, it was introducing a meme to OtherColors ).
Gun Control is NOT just about Democrats over Republicans.  As I’ve pointed out 854 times, they are both flip sides of the same coin, American Imperial Party.  They BOTH want to get their cut of the copper wire stripping, before the smarter In The Know members of that Big Boy Club go down to live in a foreign country, as the US consumes itself in a Bosnia+Rwanda. And that is IF gun control is implemented.  Sure, it COULD happen.  I discount nothing.  But if you were as rich as you could get and there was no more reason to hang around, would you care?
Blacks and Hispanics are used to control and distract Whites.  If you were in power, either planning to skip the country after the host was drained of blood, or not, because there is always a little more blood in the stone, would you want the Blacks or Hispanics to usurp the old role of White Proletariat control?  Of COURSE not!  Wouldn’t it make sense to allow the Whites, with all the guns, to go fight the Blacks and Browns?  Wipe each other out, one with guns and the other with the numbers ( thank you, Jim Morrison, you sexy bastard.  Yeah, if I was gay I’d totally do Jim ).
And why, pray tell, do I assume Whites would fight the OtherColors rather than ‘Da Man?  With Blacks, you have no choice.  They will be loosed upon the Whites, given the winky wink nod, nod just as they are today in South Africa.  And as well armed as Whites are, the Blacks have official sanction, infrastructure support to act as guerrillas which the Whites lack AND they have been training for this and are combat effective.  Your FLIR scope is no match-sorry.
As for Hispanics, they have close tribal cohesion ( unlike the Whites, scattered, or the Blacks with a LOT of infighting ), and it isn’t like they are going back to Mexico or even worse places.  They might be reluctant fighters, but they will protect their families against the perceived White cleansing and the natural hostility to everyone from the Blacks ( if the Browns see the Blacks unleashed, they will assume they are a target.  And when the Whites see the Browns arming up and fighting Blacks, they will assume the next or immediate target are themselves ).
Do you see here how the actual small numbers of FLEA’s and LEO’s and military is an advantage to the elite here?  They won’t be the target from Whites.  The Whites will be busy fighting OtherColors, the far bigger and immediate threat.  All the feds have to do is threaten gun control.  Pass a law, but not enforce it.  The Whites will immediately rebel.  They HAVE to.  If they are disarmed they know they are Mau Mau’ed at worse or completely disenfranchised at best.  If Whites don’t fight at this point-and most of them won’t-they know the next step is being Armenians to the Turks.
At this point, you do NOT want to be behind enemy lines, for no other reason than the numbers being able to overwhelm you.  Remember, the enemy is women, Casper SoyBoy and OtherColor controlled areas.  The economy is a zombie.  That sucker IS going down.  If the dollar is soon to be worthless, WHY are you still living behind enemy lines to secure more of them?  Why are you still living in another tribe’s village right before the Rwandan massacre?  Is it because you think we can peacefully devolve out of empire? 
Why do you think this? If overpopulation plus famine equal war, why again are we going to peacefully retire from the empire game?  You cannot arm up assuming that AFTER the die-off will be violent and at the same time assume that prior and during the die-off things will be peaceful.  Race wars are just part of our die-off scenario.  The country was set up for that many moons ago.  First the elites started the Hispanic Fast-Breeder Program, and then Obammy was (s)elected and gave Blacks a get out of jail free card to start the embryotic race conflict.
It be on like Donkey Kong.  When the starting gun is sounded, you either grab your registered guns to go a’hunten, or you stay at home hoping you die peacefully in your bed before the mobs reach your door.  You don’t need a ghost gun either way.
( .Y. )
( today's related link here )
note: the movie "The Domestics" just got released on DVD at RedBox.  This is a VERY fun Post-Apoc movie.  Not a comedy, fun as in they don't take themselves seriously and you can enjoy a decent budget and well done movie.  It has its issues-do NOT watch to dissect tactics.  The couple had zero security sense the whole way through.  Of COURSE it has a smidge of PC.  The gal with the Mauser ( I swear I saw her on TWD ) and especially the wife at the end go Princess Warrior Saves The Day.  But overall, just a good time to watch.  When was the last time you could say that about most movies, let alone a PA one?
note: free book.  Zombies here .  
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